Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Arnold Schwarzenegger--In the Raw Deal Movie Takes Revenge Against Old Enemies, Like I Would Do

Schwarzenegger starts out the movie, as a local sheriff, who was trashed for beating up a child-molester, he caught, and lost his job over it, by a U.S. attorney, who works closely with the FBI and other federal agencies.  At the start of the movie, an FBI agent's son gets killed, while guarding an informant for the government, when the mob, gets the scoop of where they are hiding the witness, and they show up to the cabin and blow away about 7 FBI agents and the witness.  The senior FBI agent, hires Arnold to go after the guys who killed his son, paying him out of his own money, seeking revenge outside the system against the mob bosses in Chicago.  And we all know how the story ends, Schwarzenegger, infiltrates the mob, not only takes out the 7 as revenge for his old boss, but about 20 more during the movie . . . and eventually, his is restored to his former position, gets the prosecutors, who was really dirty (hint, hint), gets back with his wife who hates small town life, and finds out she is pregnant . . . only in Hollywood!

The only revenge I get, is to write about what happens to me, hoping that there is actually just one clean cop, FBI, CIA, U.S. Attorney, or someone who has been reading all this that I have been writing from the inception, when I started to practice law again in 2009; however, to get the full story, you have to go back to my previous life, before the poisoning, and it is a very similar situation to the GOV, and there were dirty insiders, teaming with and protecting the mob, and it included both cops and prosecutors . . . you will see this in the move, during the bomb squad raid, rather than rescue, and Arnold was taken out of the game, because he was one of the rare good guys . . . I am sure that will not win points with my new employer and the department!  Oh, well, it is not over, until it is over . . . I am offering a garland branch of goodwill here, so take it or leave it.  I think I would be a benefit to any department!  And, I really have been doing law enforcement work, while not against the typical bad guys, but the bad guys like in the movie.

Anyway, a fun thought, and the applications is in the mail . . . we shall see?  Oh, I almost forgot to mention why I even considered a job in law enforcement, if you watch the old movie, there is a scene in the police department, and the camera focuses on a sign that says: You should consider a career in law enforcement, or something along those lines.  As the camera beamed on the sign, I thought, as I usually do, is that a sign, divine manifestation, a gift from providence, because I have been trying to figure out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.  Then the camera focused on it a second time, REALLY?  But that was not the end of the inspiration, because, I thought, now exactly how would I go about working in the law enforcement field?  So, as usual, I read the newspaper, here in Spokane, and low and behold there was an ad for a crime specialist in evidence!  WOW, can you believe that, so I filled out an application and mailed it!

Compliance--Horrific Crimes--70 in 30 Cities in U.S.

Yesterday, while I was doing my political Internet surfing, looking and laughing at old presidential videos, from the 2012 elections, and relishing in President Obama's re-election, I ran, accidentally, into a non-political, well, I guess not, but a video that caught my attention . . . talk about crimes!  The caption on the video was Compliance, which is what I fear happened with friends, family, clients, roommates, judges, cops, etc., they complied with alleged authorities, claiming to be something they were not, and I was a victim of crimes.  You can search under the movie compliance, or check this stuff out on wikipedia, if you are not familiar with this site, you should be, and nice starting point for any research project, or even case for that matter, but there was a movie, that came out in 2012, that took many of the facts from true cases around the country, and complied them into a movie that gives a startling view of the power apparent, authority figures have!

Facts From the Movie, Compliance

In this movie, a cop calls a fast food restaurant, and tells the assistant manager, that a lady witnessed one of the girls at the cash register, steal money out of the register, and he describes one of the young teen age employees, and tells the assistant manager that he can't come to the restaurant right now, but this employee can avoid going to jail, if she will take her in the back room and question her, search her for the money, and wait until he gets there.  So, in compliance with the officer, she takes the girl in the back room and searches her pockets, her shoes, and pants, but doesn't find any money, the girl maintains here innocence.  The assistant manager, calls the alleged cop back and tells him that she can't find any money.

He then tells here to strip search the girl, and the manager, rather than questioning the authority figure, tells the crying girl to take off her clothes that they need to search her naked.  Now, mind you that she also brings in a male witness, so she doesn't get in trouble, and she has her own back.  The girl, is very hesitant, and says she won't do it, but at the threat of jail, she also, complies, with the assistant manager, even with the guy in the room.  The cop is called at each point of the search and investigation, with him telling the manager what a great job she is doing.  She always, says, just doing my job.  He tells her that she is so good at it, that she ought to consider being a cop herself.  The restaurant gets busy, and she calls the officer, who hasn't showed up yet, to tell him that she needs to leave and get to her work.  And so does the other employee.

The caller cop, then tells her to get someone she trusts, and have him watch the now, naked girl, who only has an apron to cover her.  The assistant managers boyfriend or fiance shows up just then, and she pulls him in the back room and tells him what is going on, and that he needs to watch her until the cops get there.  But, she takes the apron as evidence leaving the girl, stark naked, and afraid.  The fiance, continues to go for the money, and tells here to do jumping jacks, to see if she has put the money inside of her.  She refuses to do that, and he comes over and spanks her, until she agrees to do what she has to do, and what she is told to do.  In one of the similar cases, the guy actually does a cavity search, putting his hand up her vagina to check for the money.  Eventually, the guy tells her to sit on his lap, and somehow, that turned into him forcing her to give him a blow job.

In the mean time, the first employee who is in the backroom, is worried that they are doing something terribly wrong, so he calls the manager, whom he finds out has been home sick all day, and has never talked to the cop!  He then calls the cops, who got get the girl, and take her to the police station . . . charges are made, and they find out that some business man from Florida, is actually the one making the phone calls, and giving the orders!  And what is even more disgusting, is he is acquitted on all charges!  Civil suits follow, McDonald's, the real restaurant is sued for large sums of money, not only by the girl, but the assistant manager, who claims they, while having No Strip Searches in the Training Manual, didn't warn her of previous cases of this type of thing happening.  The guy who did go to jail, for 5 years, was the fiance, for the sexual assault!  Stop complying with bull shit orders, that shock the senses!  Regardless of who gives them, if they don't feel right, they probably are not right, training manual or nothing!

Always Use the Reasonable Man Standard!

If what is being asked of you, is totally off the wall, illegal, wrong, stupid, out of the ordinary, just bizarre, never, never, never, comply, no matter who is asking you to do it, cop, judge, president, boss, parent, family members, friends . . . protect yourself, you have no immunity, unless your actions are clearly protected in an employee manual, policy or well established laws!  There have been many studies conducted by social scientists about compliance, relationships with authority figures, and what people will do. Think of Nazi Germany, killing 6 million Jews . . . how does this happen . . . just doing my job!

In this one study, they had a woman in a room, with people on the other side of a two way mirror, holding buttons, that if pushed would shock the woman in the other room, and the shocks were obviously hurting her.  When the subjects were told to push the button, they did, without question, even after seeing it hurt her. Now, she was just faking being hurt, but the people with the buttons didn't know that she wasn't being hurt. And even when she begged for them to stop, and way crying and saying that she was being hurt, they continued to push the button as the alleged conductor of the experiment told them to do so!

In another study, those conducting the experiment, found that in 75% of the cases, the subject would follow the authority figure without ever stopping to ask them why, or what they were doing this for, just did what they were told.  People who viewed the movie, were even shocked at their reactions to the movie, and thinking about whether they would do it, strip search her or not . . . an many of them said, they would be afraid not to do it!  Screeeeeaaaammmmm!  You cannot be just stupid sheeple!  Humans are given a brain, a large and fully developed one, and what separates us from the animal world is our ability to think, reason, challenge, use critical thinking, so . . . .?  Why would you just comply?

I Would Wear A Ring Through My Nose if the Prophet Told Me To

While I was at Weber State University in Ogden, and a questioning, thinking, critical thinker, who didn't do anything I was told unless it passed the smell test, used to have a conversation with a fellow English major, communications minor, both of us Honored Humanities Students, and Top English Majors, he being .044% points above me, now both of us attorneys, so not dummies by any stretch of the imagination, but with one exception for him, his blind obedience to the Mormon Church!  I had already smartened up by this time.  But as we would debate various religious topics and issues, or hypothetical situations, I would always, always, always, use my brain, think, reason, challenge, and do what I eventually thought I should or should not do. He, on the other hand, would continually state, that he would wear a ring through his nose if the prophet told him to!  Are you fucking kidding me!?! 

Just recently, in the last 6 months, I had three dreams with this attorney friend in it, strange, insightful, and telling dreams, of what I would consider deep dark secrets, of this man, and what some of his earliest challenges in life were . . . and while I was in Vegas, I thought of dropping and seeing him . . . but here was one thing that would stop me, and that is his total and blind allegiance to the Mormon Church, if fact, I even write emails, asking him, if he was still a MO, short for Mormon.  One night, while pondering whether or not I should visit him after more than 20 years, I was so bothered by that perfect compliance, that even if we saw each other again, and there was an emotional connection, love interest, for sure, but that stance, to me was a deal breaker!  Now, I have seen him with a goatee mustache, a light one, that gave me hope that, perhaps he had changed a bit, matured a bit, I was 8 years older than he was, so, maybe with time . . . but, I just can't tolerate, stupid . . . not that he, himself is stupid, but no human being is infallible, perfect, all knowing . . . that is why we turn to God and God alone, he warns us to not put our trust in the arm of flesh!

My Oldest Son, Used to Have a T-Shirt that Said: THINK, THINK, THINK

The poor girl in the movie, and in real life, did go on to college, had years of therapy and treatment . . . all of this could have been avoided, if one person, even at the risk of the cops, a job, a manager, would have stopped to think!  When we just comply with authority figures, we risk losing ourselves, hurting others, with the blind leading the blind.  I remember my mother, wisely saying, when I wanted to do something she didn't think was wise and in my best interest or a bit risky . . . if your friends all jump off a roof, are you going to?  Well, no.

No Authority Figure Should Be Able to Separate You From Your Senses . . . THINK!

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