Friday, September 5, 2014


American Cities Are Melting Pots

I was shocked the other day, reading some statistics, on either Spokane, in two their neighborhoods, or about Pasco, Washington . . . just reading, not noting much, other than getting some information about the make up of the City, when I ran across the statistics on the school districts, and there were two if I recall, that had Russian children, as the second most represented nationality, after English . . . are you kidding?  I guess that 90 miles between Russia and Sarah Palins, backyard, is getting smaller and smaller, and this is the area of the nation, that emigrants, might come to first, so it made sense.  Along with all the great things that come with a diverse population in a city, is the old politics they bring with them from their Mother Country.

I remember standing out at Olive Park, looking in at the skyline and cityscape of Chicago, and getting into a conversation with someone out at the Park, who opened my eyes, to just how complicated, the political and electoral process in large cities like Chicago are . . . he said, you, in Utah, you have Mormons, who are all Republicans, and a few Democrats; us, we have the Italian burro, the Chinese, Russian, Yugoslavian, Irish, Philippine, and on and on . . . he said there were like 13 different layers of political differences, separate and aside from just Republican and Democrat, Mormon and Non, Mormon!  That really is complicated, and as complicated as their politics, their streets are just as much so.  There used to be horror stories of New York, now it is Chicago, but in the last few years, from Giuliani, to Cuomo, the mayors have gotten a handle on the gang situation.  What worked, and what didn't . . . separate and aside from another gang ruling the streets, the cops, with police brutality, that I guess law suit are handling . . .  

American Cities, Microcosms of the World Stage 

Many have said, everything good, comes from the bottom up, so how is it that cities like Spokane, make things work, have relative peace on their streets, as far as I can see, have great events, without terrorist plots and bombing, and people seem to be blind to race . . . just this morning, I was walking at the new water plant park, amazingly beautiful, and the Indian, on a horse, holding a salmon in sacrifice to the Gods, celebrating life, food, and sustenance, made out of rusted iron, is off the charts, awesome, but there was an inter-racial couple, walking hand in hand, which brings me back to the first time I came to Spokane, was to surprise, a Black, sort of love interest at the time, he was in Stanton, VA, and coming to Spokane, I had other clients, and he needed some legal help, I came, and he didn't for about another month or two . . . jokes on me, but there are tons of inter-racial couples, and all is well, accepted, and just in the normal course of the day; however, some really cute woman at the shelter, when I asked her about her boyfriend of 6 years, who are getting an apartment together, and I asked if they were getting married, she, kind of whispered, my parents are really prejudice.

She had exposed me to her past life with two abusive white, husbands, that brought her to the place she was now . . . and I said, now if your parents know that you were abused, and your children taken, because your husbands, had money for attorneys, and you didn't, and this man treats you nice, why wouldn't they want you to be happy?  I dig what Ellen DeGeneres said . . . You should marry who you love!  She was referring to her own, gay relationship, later marriage, and that was in reference to a remark, of course, Sarah Palin, or some other Republican made, and after dating two very wonderful black men, dig them both, totally, I encouraged her to be brave and just do it!  It is that content of the character that counts, not the color of your skin, your nationality, but your soul, if you marry the soul, you will always love that person!  Last night, I watched the movie, Death Becomes Her, with Goldie Hawn and Meryle Streep, two friends that competed for looks and men, in the end, going after looks, they ended up with neither, while there smarter, neurosurgeon, shared love interest, Bruce Willis, went on to marry, have 6 children and grandchildren, and a great life, after he left them!

So, it is possible to overcome issues of racism, culture, custom, religion, and other difference, and focus on the joint goals of humans, to be loved, respected, treated equally, given your rights, and basically to live in peace, one with another.  We all bleed red, we all lover our children, and want a better world for them, so what in the hell is the problem?

Evidence that the Warrant, Used as an Excuse to Taser/Kill Dave was Bogus

  • Dave was first, a gentleman, totally unselfish and giving . . . people who prey on children are selfish
  • Dave told me that his wife denied him sex, because he would not have a child, divorce fodder
  • People who dig children tend to have their own to molest and abuse, or they gravitate to organizations that give the predator and perp access to children . . . Dave didn't like children, and like with Miles, the guy I came to Spokane to see, I strongly encouraged him to have a baby . . . he now is, and is totally digging going to the prenatal classes, has already named the baby, and is genuinely excited to have this child; Dave was having none of it, and he never will now
  • People are accuse of crimes everyday, but that doesn't mean there is any merit to anything--one time, while I was at the height of the Pick's Disease, I was reading a little girls shirt, while going to the bathroom, with permission from the elementary school, secretary near our house, with 64 oz. of Diet Coke in my bladder, and the principle stopped me, with my hands on the bar, leaving the school, which I frequently asked for permission, in this public building to use the restroom, not wanting to go home, and with the restrooms closed at the park, that surrounded the school, with the bus stop, I usually got off at, and convenience . . . but she put the school on lock down, and called the cops!  Are you kidding me, I believe, that sister, Shelley, at the beginning of the identity theft, was working with the cops, whom I had killed their legislation and I was hated beyond belief, had orchestrated this action against me, she said she wanted to put signs on all the telephone poles, stating that I was a danger to children . . . what!  I gave my children who were aged 5 to 13 to my husband, when we divorce, and they were great kids, but I got accepted to law school, so he was the more logical choice, so what in the hell would I ever want someone else's kid for?  Dave is an intellectual, much like myself, he is busy and self-contained, he sees no reason to have children, nor would he want his world having much to do with them!  I love people I can have an intelligent conversation with, that is why I like Dave . . . that is why Dave like me; he never once made reference to children, kids, oh, his sister's kids, who just wanted to use him to get one of his computers, and he referred to them as brats!  Sorry, not your profile of a pedophile!
  • But, if you want to discredit someone, do a character assassination on them . . . there is no better way, than to blame some child related crime, or allegations, on that person . . . to smear their reputation!  The cops, in my situation, would call Shelley, all the time, to report to her . . . why, they were in on the identity switch, and were aiding and abetting her in tarnishing me, burying me, so she could steal, my stellar career record, my name, my license, and even claim my children, money, money, money.  She had warrants out for her, she was ditching all the time, she had judgments out against her too, bill collectors, and a ton of reasons, she would like my spotless ID, and the cops, threw me in the Cache County Jail for 30 days, for going to the bathroom, with permission, and she and my parents said they were going to leave me their for life!  How does that fit in this whole conspiracy thing.  And when Shelley found out that one of her boyfriends, who liked me better, thought it was cruel, and bailed me out, she went fucking ape shit on him!
  • bad people do bad things to good people!  Shelley and her crew, were lying in wait for me, eager to make a criminal record, and get rid of me all together!  I believe, that Dave, knew full well, and was in a position to be believed, and was going to validate everything I had told him happened to me, he knew my character, and I knew his, at a soul, gut, very basic level . . . Dave was good to the core!

The Tasing Incident Reminded Me of Another Death by Taser

You can kill a person, simply by tasing a man in his balls, scrotum area . . . I heard this in connection with a similar incident that happened in Utah, several years ago, news anchor man, Keith McCord, I think, had a son, who was in his 30's, with his wife and child, and allegedly took off all his clothes, it was winter, and ran naked, like a mad man running down the street, just like Dave, he became combatant, so the cops, tased him, in the testicles, or scrotum, and either a doctor or nurse who was testifying or commenting on the case, that was quickly settled out of court, said that, if a man is tased in that area, and I don't know if this is the case, but, the electric shock will go straight up to his heart and kill him!

For all intents and purposes, you would never, never, ever, have guessed that Dave had anything wrong with him, either by looking at him, or talking to him, he was a  joy to be with, polite, a wonderful human being, in all respects.  The only possible situation I can see, is, he got a bit out of control, when he was drinking, but usually, he didn't drive drunk, and this was a traffic stop, for hell sake!  Not having a license, and he thought he was going to die, long before he did, in fact, he gave away all his stuff, car, etc., and had so many good-bye, cry the eyes out dinner with friends and family, that he simply went to Beaver Dam to die . . . Edward and I, kind of revived him, and got him to take a second look at life, relationships, when I told him about my prognosis of death, in 2000, death by 2002, no chance of ever working again, no cure, etc., and here I am, have gone to the Supreme Court, and love life . . . dancing helped, meeting a cute girl, he was interested in helped, and I told him, that none of us, can guarantee our partners, we will be around by tonight!

There are not guarantees in life that we won't get hit by a car, so live, enjoy, laugh, love, while you can, for tomorrow, you may die.  I expected Dave to be not only a buddy to hang out with in Beaver Dam, even a reason for staying in the heat for me, knowing full well, I always come back down, and I was even willing to go up to Beaver Dam and give him company, until he got a roommate, but never did I expect that he would be dead soon, nor in this way . . . what a tragedy, of monumental proportions, a beautiful, smart, articulate, man!  He will be sorely missed, loved, and remembered!  And God damn the people who put the cops up to this, and damn them for tasing him . . . we are innocent, until proven guilty in this country!  You are just trying to justify your lies, cover-up, and abuse of power, and your brutality! Dave, as was, the news anchor's son, as meek as a lamb!  This was a set up, a frame job, and a mob hit!  I think I only saw the tip of the ice berg with Dave, he knew too much, and I believe would have hurt my enemies and exposed them, if given a chance!  This was cold blooded murder and the cops were in on it!

JFK Jr., Another American Prince Murdered . . . Egyptian Pilot, Same Place, Same Manner, Plunged into the Ocean at Martha's Vineyard?

When evil gangs do something, often, they repeat their actions, almost taunting concerned parties, trying, as terrorists to make a statement.  I believe that JFK Jr. was a threat to the Bushes gang, with George W. Bush, nowhere to be found for about 3 days, around the time John, Carolyn and her sister, Laura, in a play, nosed dived, straight into the ocean, with no searches conducted, as usual, until 15 hours after the incident, with even, Senator Ted Kennedy calling to get help, with the Air Force, taking over the search and rescue efforts that were a joke, and wild goose chase, and with evidence, that John, was a very cautious pilot, overly cautious, always filed a flight plan, most likely had an instructor with him, finding the other pilot control chair missing from the wreckage, and the fuel pump on off.  Bush, didn't attend JFK Jr.'s funeral, like Clinton and other living presidents did . . . why?

I watched a video, of a the woman President Johnson was having an affair with at the time President Kennedy was shot, she clearly said, or heard Johnson say, in a group of men, with her leaving to get her hair done, for a dinner or something later on . . . That Irish, Son of a Bitch or SOB will never make a fool of me again . . . He called her and was the one to tell her that Kennedy had been shot, and Gov. McConnell was still alive.  He was connected to E.J. Hunt, a CIA assassin, who on his death bed confessed to his son, bragging that he had killed Kennedy!

I heard someone say, the other day, that the Bushes were American royalty!  Over my dead body . . . but you had the Kennedy family of Joe & Rose Kennedy, with the large family and many sons, Joe, John, Bobby and Ted . . . all expected to serve their country, and serve they did!  They were all Democrats, and did all in their power to help the poor, fight for social, racial, and equal justice.  The Bushes on the other hand, were born with a silver, if not golden spoon, in their mouths, with W. not having a real job until he was elected governor of Texas . . . might want to look at that Texas connection; Johnson, Bush, McConnell, the parade in Texas, that Kennedy was shot, the body being whisk off to the Navel Hospital, rather than jurisdictional handling in Texas, with local authorities on the scene, the desecration of the body, while Johnson was being sworn in . . . Kennedy was on warring gang turf!  Think about it!

The Kennedy Curse, or an Orchestrated Plot by the Bushes!

Joe, the oldest brother can be explained by war; John, gang violence, Bobby, gang violence, Ted, was in a plane wreck, that killed every one but him, and he barely lived, and his political career was ruined with Chappaquiddick, and John, doing a nose dive, with his wife, who he had just made up with, and who might have been pregnant, his sister-in-law, and going to the wedding of a cousin, Rory?  With his belongings washed up on Martha's Vineyard, up to the shores of his mother's home!  Was he that cruel, stupid, or was this a gang style killing, meant to hurt, Jackie Kennedy, who had groomed and protected her children, to serve the public . . . John, voted the sexiest man alive, and I will vote for that . . . who would have won any election, including one against the Bushes, Mother prepping her son to take daddy's place, acting would not do, John had to go to law school . . . with his mother dying of cancer, he stepped in a became a new man, confident, secure and ready to take up the Kennedy mantle, just as Ted was going into old age . . . come on!  THINK, THINK, THINK!

This was Beyond the Hatfield's & McCoys . . . it was the Bushes & the Kennedy's!  One Side Didn't Fight Fair, Nor Does My Family!

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