Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Lady is a Tramp

The first band that played, yesterday, of the hundred bands that performed over the 4 day event in Spokane, had two amazing singers, Frank Sinatra, and the Rat Pack had nothing on the guys singer, fun to watch dancing around on the stage, and the female singer, Ella Fitzgerald couldn't beat her voice, and she was way cuter . . . but she sang the song Lady is a Tramp, and the label of a tramp in the song is not what you think, she can't wait for dinner until 8:00 p.m., and the theater, you have to be on time, and California, is either too cold, or too crowded . . . and she loves the freedom and the wind blowing in her hair!  Did she know I was there?  I loved it!  That would pretty well describe me, minus the cops element, that more than encourages me to move on down the road, about ever week or so, or I guess I could give up my blog, but I couldn't make law enforcement and other enemies that happy, nor hurt the innocent readers, who just dig knowing what is going on playing in the fast lane of society, with corruption, injustice, secrecy, conspiracies, and what not.  So, I continue to write for my loyal readers, and possible fans, that find my life too bizarre to be true, yet somewhat funny, as do I . . . if it wasn't true, it might be funny all the time, for I am the female version of the Dukes of Hazard, kind of Daisy Duke like, but more so . . . with Boss Hoggs after me all the time 24/7!

The great thing about the way I am forced to live, or I guess I could opt out for life in a prison, detention camp, or death . . . not a viable option to me yet.  I am sure that after the event in Ferguson, Missouri, you are seeing the post-Patriot Act cops, in a different light than you have ever seen before, I, however, have know all of this for years, have been fighting this escalation in police powers, militarization, and unlimited powers, without constitutional boundaries, or protections, not only for foreigners, but anyone they fucking want to fuck with, like someone pointing out their follies and errors, constitutionally speaking, which are shockingly unconstitutional, by any standard, stretch, or imagination, as vivid as you know mine is!  Just as in the case of Edward Snowden, I was screaming about the interference with my phones, computers, emails, years before, someone actually brought it out in the open . . . the first thing my father said, was Oh, Jo was right, she told us that was happening a long time ago!

But, in spite of my challenges, I dig all the events and cool happenings, that I just happen to run into, as I hop from one city or state to another, and yesterday was one of those amazingly serendipitous days, where the weather, the park, the people, the music, the smell of foods from all nationalities, all culminate into a perfect day; I even met a great lady, a woman who was raised in Montana, born in Sand Point, Idaho, and raised her children and taught school, in Spokane.  She was able to tell me the history behind the bands, and fill in little details of Spokane folklore, stories, murders referred to in the songs of the Trailer Park Girls, a band composed of a local political satirist, two other guys and two female back up singer, great beats, to original music, with lyrics, revealing insider jokes, stories, and landmark historical crimes that shaped color and flavor of this great city . . . gypsies, raided by cops without a warrant, putting a curse on the city, with one brother pulling the coffin of his brother, now dead, up the back of the city hall!  LOL!  And this tenacious and caustic man, took credit for every poisonous event from fires, to floods, in the city for years, until he died in the dentist's chair of a heart attack . . . an you believe that?

Next was the Men in the Making . . . nothing but fun, music that is the throw back to the 60's, 70's, and 80's, song after song, with costumes and wigs, imitating various singers, from Sony and Cher to Johnny Cash . . . so much fun . . . singing along to ever word, with a walk down memory lane, on stinkin every song!  Thanks to all the city officials, the sponsors, those who have been in on the planning of this since its inception, back 35 years ago, could not have been more fun, unless, I had been their for the first three days, but I am always grateful for what I get . . . the glass is half full, rather than half-empty. It took about 400,000 to pull this event off, with 100 band, are you kidding, with several stages, going from morning to night, it takes all of us to make a great community . . . sponsors, know how to make the money, the creative know how to make the days fun and cool, the restaurants, cooks, face painters, and balloon tiers, every person, from information, to park cops . . . what a wonderful showcase of your city, just amazing.  And the River Front Park, is absolutely the perfect place, cool, trees, awesome flowers, water features, ponds, ducks, geese, the Clock Tower, amusement park, the Spokane Falls . . . I can't say more!  Way cool, way fun, and all free, except the food!

Most Un-Inhibited Men!  One Guy a Mix of Mick Jagger and Keith Richards!

One of the songs the Trailer Park Girls, sings, was about a guy trying to get in touch with his sensitive side, so he ate wheat grass, made fruit smoothies, and did yoga . . . I missed the rest of the song, but something must be working, only, I don't necessarily know if it was the sensitive side at work, or that combo was working, because, there was this, I swear, 80 year old guy, actually two, who were out ripping it up, tarring it up, dancing so fun, aggressive, and male, I loved it . . . a man after my own heart, this guys just couldn't stand it, when the music moved him, he would jump up in broad daylight and boogie, with legs and arms doing a great job to the music!  LOL!  And what was funny, was to watch the kids, especially, the boys, respond to this very male example of having a great time and dancing like a fool . . . they followed suit!  The older men gave them the green-light to get up and express themselves through joy in their bodies and movement!  Wow, so crazy fun! 

Usually at these type of festivals, street fairs, or daytime concerts, women will get out with a brave husband, or boyfriend, but the men are usually under duress, or they take their small kids out and dance, or a dad will take his insistent little girl, dancing usually seems to be female driven, to the point that many of your upscale dance clubs, women are just ditching the guys all together, and just going out with the girls, dancing with each other . . . pay back for generations of men, refusing to dance, at least in America!  But, yesterday, was so male driven, it shocked me, and I am a dancer, and have danced all over the country . . . Wow, the guys are actually strutting their dance stuff!  

Mr. Sparkle!

So, through the crowd, walked a relatively good looking, 40 something year old guy, dressed in a shirt that was made of the same stuff that New Years Eve balls that drop from the ceiling, or used to, shiny, flashy, with the sleeves torn off, and pants, only a rock star would wear; locals call him the Tambourine Man, I guess that bands, will let him get into the action, and play on the sidelines, because he is a regular.  The pants were black in the back, and striped in the front . . . very rock star looking, just like he was.  He would position himself, up near the black speakers, to show off his clothes, or use the black background to put his sparkly shirt in the best light for his show . . . sexy, suggestive, fun, cool, acting out various words and phrases in the songs!  So, male, but so not the usual male . . . fucking loved watching him.  Sometimes he would walk out in the audience, and down the isles, to some friend or attractive female, but this was a solo act!  LOL!

Power of a Male Role Model--So Instantaneous!

There were little boys, up on cement blocks, in the audience, out front, with grand-parents, dancing like crazy, so free, so wild, so alive . . . dancing to me is a celebration of the body, the miracle of the way it moves, gyrates, swerves, up and down, around and around, in and out . . . a total celebration of life, portrayed in the popular dance moves, fighting for that freedom, like in the movie, Foot Loose . . .  and fancy free!  There was a young boy and girl, sitting in front of me, with their grandparents, and the little girl was dancing way, all afternoon, she kept bugging her brother, who was older and just sitting there, and as the older men couldn't sit still anymore, and danced their fool heads off . . . the little boy, jumped up and started rocking out, with total abandon, arms punching the air, powerful acting of the words, like any Super Hero would do . . . his spirit was released and he couldn't be held down!

I just read a book at my cousin's house in Vegas, called something like Stand Up Man and Live!  This psychologist is trying to break men loose from their society created rolls, with no emotions, boring, staid, and dying every second of the day, stuck in cubicles, working in mines, factories, etc., and their natural born free spirit dying daily . . . dance on the weekends, get out their and shake it up!  I think it is good for the soul, and if Bubba can go it, you can!  That is a country music song, I have only heard about once, but it sounds, like the thin good looking guy, watches his overweight friend get out on the dance floor and shake it up, without a care in the world, let a lone a care for what the other people in the room think.

Something magical happens, when you just get out and have a good time . . . everyone else, gets permission from your freedom, smile, joy, celebration of your body, that allows them, usually with a better body, to get out and do the same.  Bands love it when I come dancing, because, I don't care if there is one person on the floor, or what I look like, I get out when the music moves me and dance like crazy, and it is funny the effect it has on guys, they go from looking for the T&A girls, and start getting fascinated with the big sexy, swinging hips, mesmerizing them and captivating their attention . . . and what is funny, is I find myself being joined by people half my age, in trains dancing behind me, people wanting me up on the podium dancing, the best looking girls, actually find safety dancing over by me, and many times, there can be much younger, cuter girls on the dance floor, and the guy has a choice of 5 dancing alone already, and they come up to me, why? Because I am have a fucking good time by myself, and they want what I have!  Empower Men, DANCE!

Hope House, Pre-Emptive Strike

This is about my 4th or 5th time I have come to Spokane, the first time because a client lived here, then the bus system in Kalispell was shut down, so, I used to have to come to Spokane to get to Missoula, Montana! I started to think that is was a plot to stop me from having a quick get away, get out of town, after they took my truck and then blew up my car!  It was crazy and suspicious how I had to get to the southern part of the state! Or to Utah for that matter, or Vegas, anywhere, and costly.  I usually had to take the Amtrak, to Spokane, then to whatever my southern destination was . . . thank heavens the Indians started up a route connecting Kalispell to the rest of the state!

My friends from here, decided to move their businesses from the Public Market to Pike's Market in Seattle, wanted me to move with them, I was the legal arm of this business adventure . . . I didn't but, did come here on several occasions, and also went to Seattle to visit.  But, one time, I came unannounced, and they were in route to Seattle, and another time coming back, but leaving me without their house to stay at, and no money, which is my normal course of events . . . government chases me until I have no money left on my Walmart Money Card, they have access, then I might be easier to get!  With all the nationwide effort, like I said, they must have framed me for something, or there is a bounty, or they need me out of the way, for their cover-up and to protect the cop government double, and there is a very Kay Burningham, like looking chick at the shelter . . . how can she be me, if I keep showing up all over the country, and she is not there!  Red Flag #1.  In fact, she looks so much like her, even I thought it might be her, hair, face, body, clothes, etc.

Overly Friendly Police Officer Police Officer Type

So, we all have to be at the shelter by 7:30 p.m. to get a bed for the night, and this chick, kind of tough, wearing chains and such, short hair, but rough and tumble type girl, you might see in a shelter, comes at the last minute, or I don't know if I even remember her outside, but inside.  Now, you usually have to check in, take a shower, before you get dinner, and if I remember, she was still in street dress attire, when I got to dinner, which was late, because I had to fill out another application, since it had been a year, almost to the day, from the last time I had been to the shelter, which I left, after feeling set up, so I am always on guard, but glad that I had to fill out a new application, because without ID, after getting it stolen in Vegas, I need all the authentication I can, like I was here when my Utah driver license was still active, so . . . I am me!  But, the lady checking me in, said, you were just here, August 14 . . . I said, no I wasn't, that was August 14, 2013 . . . oh, you are right.  So, I was clearly still on their computer rolls.

But, when you fill in this application, I am not like the normal visitor to the shelter, I have to circle a doctorate for my educational level, and they wonder about your income, I have been on Social Security Disability, at the insistence of my private insurer, that I was suppose to get for life, but it magically stopped at the two year mark when I was allegedly suppose to die!  Either this was only given to me, as part of the plan, or my father told me it stopped and he collected the $3,000 per month based on my income . . . but Social Security, is the only thing keeping me alive, they stop me one ever job, after every interview, or even after I have a job! And they fucking owe me until I am 10,000 years old, from stealing my contingency fees!  So, guilty, I don't feel . . . they put me in this situation, they keep me in this situation, and they chase me, until I run out of the meager money I do get, and they, the government are the ones, who told me not to get off, thank God, because they don't know what I had . . . or they feel guilty, and this is the least they can do, but so far below what I am used to, just not living like an attorney of my calibur should be!  Not by a long shot!

Officer Friendly Follows Me Out the Door Early, Where, What, When?

Okay, this chick, cop like gal, is helpful, tries to tell me the rules and such, but she gets into some altercation or verbal exchange with this other gal, staged?  Maybe, but she said, I can't wait to get out of this place, what is the day, Tuesday?  No, it is  Monday, a Labor Day!  I asked her why she wanted it to be Tuesday, and she said, first, but corrected herself, but she said, my money comes . . . which I can fully understand, you usually, at least I do, is live like I am used for for about a week on the small amount of money, then live like dirt the rest of the month, or chased, so I can't enjoy a full month.  But, then she corrected herself, and said, I get to move upstairs tomorrow . . . there are apartments . . . or had she done her job, and she needed an out, which, just the money would not have done!

Big Red Flag!  Oh, and the in take chick, when she asked me how I got in this position, and I mentioned, that it was systemic abuse of power by cops, prosecutors, and judges, started to take notes, and asked me about my blog, because I told her what I did, and how that constantly keeps the cops pissed, especially sine the Ferguson shooting, with me clearly seeing it as murder, . . . I don't protect anyone, justice for all! But she started to take notes, on a separate piece of paper, after I said that.  

Back to yesterday morning, so this cop-like chick, chases me down, because I was out and about, before the rest of the crew, off doing what I do in Spokane, park, library, the falls, the mall, McDonalds, even though I don't have a dime in my pocket, they don't know me, so the please don't loiter, signs, haven't affected me, today, while I am typing this blog . . . but this lady, and she keeps emphasizing the fact that she is 50 years old, like I know, you can't be that old, because I look older than you do, claiming to be 59 years old . . . hey, I take care of my skin, so I can pull of up to 20 years younger!  They think I am lying about my age and being me, when I am just healthy, never smoked, don't drink, no drugs, and exercised until I got poisoned . . . and without a car, I have to hike around town, which is healthy, keep me young, on the run all the time too!

But, she catches up with me for just long enough to grill me on where I am going, what I am doing, and once she found out, she booked it on down the next street . . . cop, cop, cop!  And I stopped at the Dutch Brothers Coffee . . . two minute later, cop drives by, then several . . . Salon down the road, IDENTITY Salon!  If you tap into symbolism, it is deadly, right on!  After the concert, I was crossing the street to the mall, to hit the restrooms, and low and behold, the first officer I had seen, at least once I hit the park, other than park officers, whom didn't seem to notice me, watching the ducks, early.  But these two cops, did a big time second take!  I am cute, but, that wasn't a check you out look, but a shit, I shouldn't have stared, fuck that is her, okay, she is here, hell, cops have those secret service wire up talking systems, so it appeared to me, that someone alerted them that I was leaving my concert seat, after 8 hours of music, and going over to the mall . . . coming your way!

Check in Lady, Was There Last Fall . . . What Is Your Blog?

This woman is fun, but acted nervous all night, over-acting, if you will, dead give away, but as I sat down to check in, she asked me for the name of my blog, so I gave her the government's versions, since they make you know the whole name, bad ass con law chick blog, then you have to hit the icon!  On their version, all you have to do is, hit bad con . . . and it pulls up, even though I write, usually, on my site, knowing full well, they are identical, but there will be 57 million hits on the site I write under their name, and only 1 million on my site, same articles, same bio, same picture, they are making me their slave!  They take the hits and money . . . as usual!

So, several girls here that I am an attorney, shocked that an attorney is at the shelter, I sue cops, and they chase me from state to state, and this woman pipes up, the check in queen, and says, yeah, we are all chased by the cops, the CIA, and FBI, and I never mentioned any of those . . . like, she is just crazy!  Really, smart enough to figure out your game, chick!  And the feds, the local, state, federal cops of all levels, judges, and prosecutors . . . really, really, and you are going to dis me, and you can't even pull of a sting op, like you tried last time?  I just beat your sorry fucking asses, like I always do!  LOL!  

You see, they, the government rogues, us MY MONEY, to pay players to fuck me over . . . a big donation, and they are all over me!  Usually there is great rapport and a nice comradary when I come to a shelter, they understand, then it turns toxic after about a day or two . . . the money has rolled in, they take it, thinking the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people . . . they will lie, cheat and steal, to help the women they know better, that are more stuck than I am . . . guess they didn't factor in death, prison, detention, without charges, without a hearing, without a release date!  Fuck YOU!

Spokane Is A Cool Place, But in This Issue of the Inlander Magazine, the Cop Ombudsman Comments, And . . . But there is  Great Article, 3 People are Nominated for Awards, and All Agencies, Clubs, and Organizations in the City to Help People are Listed . . . AWESOME!

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