Thursday, September 4, 2014


Winners Write History--When Are We Going to Stop Killing Our Prophets?

As I walked from the Hope House, up on, I don't even know what street the shelter is actually on, I will say, 1st Street here in Spokane, at about 7:30 a.m., I dig being booted out the door, well actually, I am an early riser--you know, that old adage, early to bed, early to rise, makes a girl, health, wealthy and wise--worked in the passed, but that will play into my story, so that is really late for me, but as I walked down to the River Front Park, to haul my ass, down the stairs, of the now Vista Corporation, Washington Water Power Plant Park . . . way cool, way city, architectural achievement, and a great hike for someone with a butt to die for, but, planning on narrowing the spread, and climbing the stairs for the rest of my duration in this fun city, I happened to notice a brown or tan, Crown Victoria, detective's car, geared up, so only a somewhat savvy cop watcher like me might notice, cruise past me, not once, but twice, within about a block of the mall, so well noted, that would not be what a person going to work, would do . . . although, I was walking in the direction, at least near the Spokane Police Department, or in the proximity, but the slowing down, the side ward glances, and another drive by, would indicate that I am being watched, and not by your average beat cop, who did a horrendous double take the other day after the Pig Out in the Park . . . pig has been a derogatory term, often used for cops, by people like the 70's Black Panthers, rappers, and other cop haters; however, with me, it has a special meaning, because, all of my doubles have been supported by the cops, whether they, the cops, actually know they are dealing with doubles or not, they have been promoted, protected and premiered by cops, as if they were myself, and there are many cops, who have been in compliance with their superiors, even though they know the truth of my identity and the truth of the fraud, at least by now, but I can guarantee that sises, friends, and attorneys, have been trained to be, pigs and that is said, as degrading as I can say it . . . by the very people, who should be investigating the fraud, with myself, having written about it from day one, of coming back to my senses after being poisoned, as attested to my by 3 former cops, now retired, to the top cop in the state of Utah, with 2 former AGs, both know me, who are under indictment for corruption--wonder why, the attorney general, who both know me personally, one worked with me, asked me to run his campaign, met with me prior to my recent lawsuits against the state, securities divisions, and county cops, and their associates, in none other than the civil and criminal justice systems, not to mention investigators in the AGs office, FBI, CIA, and U.S. attorneys, and their local and state players in both systems!  So, hell yes, hopefully the Pig(s) is OUT!

Sorry, nothing like a 600 word sentence, but I bet it is grammatically correct!  So, back to my morning.  I decided against hiking the stairs, because it was a bit cold, wet, gray, and I know, that this afternoon, will be much nicer, so I went to the mall, to watch a few videos, that will be suggested by the YouTube Gods, being powered by my own writings, and the previous nights likes . . . and as luck would have it, there is a ton of stuff on the JFK assassination . . . I wrote a short, blurb, the day I left, Missoula, MT.  So, all morning, I watched video after video of very insightful information, only fueling my fire for exposing to as many people as possible, what actually happened, and get them in the mindset to question authority, especially, if the EVIDENCE, doesn't support their version of things, or the EVIDENCE leads you somewhere you don't want to go . . . like in assassinations, 9/11, and with me personally!

In Crime Investigations, Both Science & Justice Demand You Have the Best Theory, Supported by the Evidence, You Have Better Answers!

This morning several Kennedy assassination books, titles, programs caught my eye, but two in particularly, made an impact, in the amount of evidence they are presenting.  The first one I watched was a book called, Blood, Money & Power: JFK Killed by Johnson, written by his personal attorney, Johnson's that is, Barr McClellan, but the issue, I have with that book, and McClellan's theory, is that it is not expansive enough, and catches the dealings of the man, he knew, but the dirty players in the assassination were so much broader, deeper, darker, and start, actually back with Samuel Bush, the grand-daddy of HW, and father of Prescott Bush, who funded, Hitler, and Nazi Germany!  The really telling video, was entitled, JFK II--The Bush Connection (2003), followed by Four Generations of Bush Treason . . .

Both Jack and Bobby, the Kennedy brothers, were smart beyond their years, cut the issue on terms of corruption vs. anti-corruption, no matter who got in their way.  The prime movers in the assassination, having motives, opportunities, powers, influences, secret societies, orders, that transcended American borders and interests, with loyalties, reaching back decades, generations, centuries, and even back to ancient orders, with specific goals, missions, allegiances, and alliances.  Three months after President Kennedy was elected, with President Johnson, being the defacto president, even before that, the CIA, with a secret CIA army, launched a war, against Cuba, in the Cuban Missile Crisis, alleging, claiming that Russia had nuclear missile sites, just 90 miles off the coast of Florida.  And against President Kennedy's orders, sent a CIA plane over Cuba, over air space that was a war zone to stay out of, almost putting the world on the brink of war!

President John F. Kennedy, fired the CIA director, and ordered J. Edgar Hoover, the then director of the FBI, to find out where the CIA's secret training camps were, and shut them down!  Lee Harvey Oswald, was on the FBI payroll at the time of Kennedy's death, and an informant for Hoover, and the FBI, he also had connections with the CIA, and they knew he was the rat, telling Hoover where the training camps were. Hoover had dirt on everyone, including HW Bush, who J. Edgar in a memo, said that George, had been in the CIA, in 1963 . . . with Bush denying it.  But, how do you explain, Bush in 1972, I believe, being appointed CIA director, with absolutely no experience.  Prescott Bush, was the power behind, Nixon, who was well acquainted with Hunt, as CIA assassin, also a personal friend of Johnson, and dragged to the White House by Bush, under Nixon, along with Gov. McConnell, who was in the car with Kennedy when he was shot, and was key to the cover-up, saying that Kennedy slumped forward, rather than what the evidence and the Zappoter film showed, with Kennedy being thrown backward, rather than forward, making it impossible for the lone gunman theory.

Kennedy Wanted Peace, Not a Build Up of the Military Complex

Kennedy recognized the accomplishments of Russia, in space, industry, science, etc., he wanted the world to focus on a world of peace, not a world of war.  He fully believed in the mission of the UN, in its purest form, with all nations getting together, to work out their differences, put away nuclear missiles, and weapons of mass destruction, genocide, and annihilation of the world . . . but that is not what the Bushes, Yale's, Skull & Bones, the Dulles's, the Rockefellers, the Herrimans and others wanted, the world bankers in London, who funded both sides of wars.  Samuel Bush, was a member of the United States War Board, along with Remington Arms, founder, Dillion, Pryor and others, who got us into WWI, with the huge loss of American lives, but with their respective families making fortunes, in 1918, worth $200 million, which in today's money conversions, would amount to roughly $3.3 trillion!  That is a lot of power, influence, ability to control, judges, senators, business, war, and built up the military complex!

They, basically had a death wish for America, if not the world.  The CIA, the Bushes, all knew, if they got Russia close enough to American borders, the people would be for the war, protecting us against foreign invasion . . . Kennedy stopped them, in their tracks, with Bush, owning Zapata Oil, right in the middle between Florida and Cuba, naming a secret CIA ship, illegally giving arms to anti-Castro militants, going under the radar of the President, but carrying out the goals and missions of nuclear armaments and continuing to follow CIA leaders, with this secret CIA army, even after Kennedy fired the director, with loyalties still to the former aims of getting us into a war with Russia, at who's benefit, what cost, to whom, and with what outcome? Remember, many in the Yale, Skull & Bones, were loyal to the Brits, never wanted independence!  Check out George W. Bush, and the Patriot Act, the militarization of the cops, going to war with Iraq and Afghanistan!  

And we still have Jed Bush to worry about!  Get a gripe, everything these families did, are doing, is contrary to American values, against the U.S. Constitution, and will bring this country to its knees, like Bush almost did, in bailing out Wall Street, the criminals behind the whole mortgage bankruptcy, with a goal, of taking away private property rights, one of the hallmarks of the distinction between capitalism, socialism, communism, and tyranny!  Check out Ferguson, Missouri, and see how peaceful protesters are being treated . . . what they are being called, Animals!  Not law abiding citizens, expressing their issues with the government of their town, their state, and the nation, pointing out policy flaws in law enforcement, shooting innocent victims, claiming they are nothing but thugs, disregarding all due process, equal protection and other constitutional rights, that we even afford to murderers!  Cops are not to be, judge, jury and executioners!  Standing armies on our streets, started under Bush and carried forward with Obama, are not what AMERICA IS ABOUT!

So, How Do I, JoAnn, Constitutional Law Attorney Fit In This Bigger Picture?

Given the goals, the mission, the money, power, blood . . . you cannot, have the U.S. Constitution, standing in the way!  We need the Patriot Act, we need to rid the country of the protections of rights, inalienable, and inseparable from the people, to pull this bull shit off!  Unchecked police powers, can't be burdened with the fucking ball and chain the Constitution puts, and keeps on law enforcement!  We can't have protracted military complexes involved in endless wars, if appropriations must go through a war weary America, with their representatives in Congress.  The Constitution, only gives Congress the power to fund wars, for 2 years!  PERIOD!  So, what have we done, we have engagements, undeclared wars, but wars we have . . . and to President Obama's credit, he pulled us out of Iraq, and we will be out of Afghanistan by 2014.  However, the world is a hot bed of conflict right now!  Why, because, we have a President, who is doing all he can, as did Kennedy to keep us out of every battle around the globe . . . and power, engineered, and created by who?

Normally, terrorists, love to take credit for their actions, so it is inconsistent with terrorists, or even Pro-Russian insurgents, to not take credit for the air plane shot over the Ukraine, or the first shot disrupting Isreal and Palestine, and who in the fuck is Isis or Isil . . . a bunch of spoiled kids, bored with like, world bankers kids, savvy in social media . . . come on, and begging us into war with the State of Islam . . . when Islamic religious leaders are disassociating with them, and calling Isis the biggest threat to Islam!  And allegedly these idiots, in black rags, riding on tanks, cutting off heads, have $2 billion backing them . . . who buys their tanks, their guns, their outfits, matching and dumb ass?  Who is behind, Boko Harem?  Look at the history of the Bushes, the world bankers, funding wars, wars, and more wars, even rumors of wars!

We Met the Enemy, And the Enemy Was Us . . . U.S., Our Own!

Go back to the opening three words of my title, or the words I stole from McClellan's book, but are too ordinary for him to claim copyright, but that nonetheless, tell us what this is all about, but are very much the goals of those behind, the conspiracy against me, also, not to put myself in the same arena and even in the same ball park as President Kennedy, but as I looked at that intricate maze of players involved in the assassination, and the reasons, the connections, the dots, the heights of power, come on Mormon, Mitt Romney was running for president . . . and if you will recall, he wanted to spend $2 trillion on building up America's MILITARY COMPLEX!  Same game, different faces . . . or is it?

With 70% or higher, of the CIA, FBI, and now, the NSA, at least in the Lehi/Alpine office, being Mormon . . . had their been a Mormon President . . . some would say, that just as in Kennedy's day, the CIA was loyal to the director that Kennedy fired, due to the Bay of Pigs . . . symbolic . . . incident, and continued to follow him, rather than the President, some would say, that the real director of the CIA, who was behind Benghazi, is Mitt Romney, and he might be looking for another run at the presidency, with President Obama out of the way!  Think about this folks. 

My brother-in-law, Kevin Schmidt, wife Sue, was a Mormon bishop, in Mass., it is that close to me.  With the vision of the power, the Bushes were able to get, through a large sum of wealth, and as a model, with my father, Richard G. Southwick, not only having a similar hatred for the U.S. Constitution, seeing no need, except to protect criminals, a piece of paper if you will . . . had a picture of George and Laura Bush, on his wall, in his office, long after he was out of office, in fact, maybe for the whole first term of President Obama . . . the mantra for the Skull & Bones, is murder, power and racism!  Remember, the Mormon Church, and only under duress, allowed blacks to hold the priesthood, as late as 1978, with many members taking their names off the records of the church, when there was a revelation that blacks could now hold the priesthood, meaning temple attendance and authoritative positions within the church, although, I declare, I haven't seen a black in the Quorum of Seventies, or the General Authorities, in the 12 Apostles!

Mormon Version of Blood, Money & Power

It is entirely necessary, for this side, the opposite of me, to have me, on their side, as a propaganda agent, to lead the masses astray . . . for 20 years, my name has been associated with the fight to protect the U.S. Constitution, taking down the Bush doctrines in the process, under asset forfeiture . . . the taking of private property, without due process of law, and equal protection!  And, that, my dear, is exactly why, I did what I did, that put me on the map, in law enforcement . . . and 27 states, followed asset forfeiture reforms, taking away cop incentives to steal your property, without allowing you constitutional protections!  That happened in 1997, just three years before, 9/11, with plans long in the workings for this type of legislation . . . President Clinton, refused to sign the fucking bill and act!  Thank God, we have a few Democrats in this country . . . the fucking Republican members of Congress . . . now you better fucking take credit for this, voted, on the detention without constitutional protections, like no charges, no crimes, no hearing, denial of all rights, just because the government doesn't like what you are saying . . . stayed law, because of the majority in the House of Representatives!

Utah is the reddest state . . . back in the day, Prophet Joseph Smith, had to walk down the streets of Navoou, Illinois, and assign member of the church, to be different political parties, because they were block voting!  And what in the hell do you think they are doing now!  Thank God, they are only 1% of the U.S. population, but, they are, through infiltration, 70% of our intelligence community, if not higher, and they are in every area of the military, the Pentagon . . . and all other agencies of the government . . . this is by far, over-representation!  Recruiters, would have a hard time denying young people who have spent 2 years in a foreign country, with the language skills, connections within the country, clean living, and compliant as hell . . . they are trained, that when the prophet speaks, the debate is over, and they carry that on to the government as well!  In other words, they are useful idiots!

Me & My Family, Have Been Indentured Slaves for 17 Years!

You see, many of the Skull & Bones, plus, many of these men, involved in the Kennedy assassination, were also, partial to the South, and slave ownership, so against the Civil War, and also, the Civil Rights Movement . . . that started in the 60's with Kennedy!  These assholes are every bit as much for slavery as they were in the early days of the country, southern plantation owners!  The most red of the reddest state, is the county of Washington County, with Dixie State College, now University, having to change their name or their mascot, from the Dixie State Rebels, with a statue in the mall of the college, that alludes to the old South, Dixie . . . with southern Utah, Mormon saints, growing cotton as a means of commerce and survival . . . connections?

The twin relics of barbarism are slavery and polygamy!  I hate polygamy with a passion, while every Mormon male, and many of the alleged, righteous, females, are very much in favor, and truly believe that it should be restored, brought back, and that is fulfillment of commandment or the restoration of all things.  I am an impediment to both polygamy and slavery!  Due to my efforts against both of these barbaric activities, that make me fucking sick to death, and have almost killed me, in the Mormon Mafia's sick fashion, have shackled and chained me, and my family, doing service without pay for 17 years, starting with offending the Bushies . . . men in black, members of the CIA, FBI, and NSA, using all means, methods, technology against me and mine, to further their global aspirations, using blood, money & power, to steal, kill and destroy, with a collusion and common goal with the Bush administration and family!

Throw in the mix of money: (1) my son's bands, Parallax, God's Revolver, and Maraloka . . . millions if not billions! (2) the Brock, Cheek, Vail cases of mine, all multi-million dollar cases; and (3) now my blog, at one cent per hit, with a constant number of recorded results, anywhere up to 155,000,000 or $150,000 per day, if not in the billions, if properly monitored, and most of it shoved into the dark web or deep Internet! Controlled by, none other than, the NSA . . . at the direction, protection and collusion with the CIA, FBI and others!  THEY FUCKING NEED ME, MY SON, AND HIS BAND . . . ANY OF THE COP DOUBLES WILL DO, SHELLEY, KAY, RACHEL, SUE, MARCIE, TIFFANY, KELLEY OR GOD ONLY KNOWS WHO ELSE!

Don't think for one, fucking second, that because I decide to kiss and make up with cops, by applying to work with them, means, that I am willing to forgive and forget, what has been done to me, stolen from me and my family, and continues on a continual basis, to be not only unconstitutional, illegal, unlawful, but fucking corrupt and criminal as hell . . . the Bushes, the Dulles's, the Southwicks, the Romneys, the Schmidts, etc., need to be brought to justice . . . these are all crimes, not only against me, but against YOU, AMERICA, and the world!

Stop the Blood, Money & Power--Bring JUSTICE!

P.S., in one of the videos, it was suggested, that if the people of Texas, had any idea what President Bush, senior had done, to President Kennedy, they would fry his ass in the electric chair!  And I would recommend they do that before he dies, and take his fucking son out with him!

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