I had a very interesting dream last night, of my now, brother-in-law, and former boyfriend, junior high chum, later, college boyfriend, who went on a mission, leaving me to get engaged to my Mormon missionary, who was on his way home, from his two year stint, in Holland. In our younger, years, when I eventually, lined, my old boyfriend up with my younger sister, family members and friends, were curious as to how, Mark and I, related, now, dealt with, our previous relationship . . . basically, we don't, we are both married, and that is it, but it was never quite that simple. So, last night, when I had a dream about, this man, former, friend and lover, Mormon style, so not sexually involved, but emotionally, and having been at literal war with not only Utah, the Mormon Church, its tangents, of members in the FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, DEA, local, state and federal, battery systems of cops, prosecutors and judges, plus, the state department and department of justice, etc., but with my family, of whom, Mark is an integral part, being married to my sister, for what, almost 35 years now, and having not seen any family members, other than my own children, I was shocked, to have not only a dream, with Mark in it, but, a somewhat, romantic thought, suppression, is necessary, in situations, as this, totally off limits, but obviously, not in dreams! LOL!
The dream was nothing racy, sexy, really, just, Mark and someone came over to see me, maybe, another one of our high school, chums, and it was around Christmas. Mark was just taking a look around, and he found a note that I had written about him? And I grabbed it out of his hand, and said, you were not suppose to see that! The rest of the dream, was just, chit chat, about this and that, but nothing, really about, us, or the family, I just remember Christmas lights, rather scant, and I was a bit embarrassed. Probably and indication of where I am currently, stripped of all earthly belongings . . . song on right now, I can dream about you, if I can't hold you tonight . . . that is the long and short of it, but I was puzzled, with now, particular meaning or interpretation that came to mind. But, yesterday, as I watched, the movie on the Mafia, and how completely, complicated, and dirty, messy and corrupt, not only this true crime story, was, but, so much like, my situation, with the FBI protecting mafia dons, as confidential informants, and from my work as a criminal defense attorney, dealing with a case, of a CI, the informant was oh, so much worse than the alleged, client, and defendant I was defending, that it was pathetic, that the cops sided with this fucker, set up my client, and then got pissed, when he tried to get rid of this guy, refused to let him work with him, but threatened him, with the CI running to the cops, for protection and then, a narcotics task force member, trying to entrap my client, literally, dropped, dope, on the work site, and then charged my client, Shane, with possession and threatening a CI, which could have been a felony!
I have always respected, Mark, boyfriend, college lover, and I think, what the dream, eventually, over the day came to mean, was, that, he is the one, person in the family, who, I would expect, to kind of take a neutral position, and refuse to participate, probably not allowing Marcie, my sister, his wife, to get very involved, in the family, identity theft, and protection of mob like activities, whether, Mormon sanctioned for Mitt, or involvement of the FBI and CIA, Mormon strongholds, the one family member, who has, made a . . . not only is the NSA turning off, my spell check, but now, there is a red wavy line, that I cannot get rid of, to annoy the fucking shit out of me . . . but, Mark, and his family, are not only well educated, but they have been wise investors, have built homes, office buildings and keep within, their Scotch, roots of being, frugal, while being very successful. Mark and Marcie have lived a great life, and have not wanted for anything, financially, and, so I feel that due to that fact, there is not the hunger, the greed, the temptation, that might come with other, not so successful family members, jealous and envious of the least materialistic in the family, me and my family. I just published this post, to ditch the red . . . they stole it, Shelley, Kay, hackers, and NSA access providers, to my father, uncle and whomever, to stop me from telling the truth, trying to make it look, like Shelley, or Sue or Rachel, other family members, very materialistic, are writing this . . . I am sitting under the surveillance cameras, at McDonald's, Broadway West, Missoula, Montana, 3:44 PM, Mountain Time! DON'T BE FOOLED! Computer troll games, NOT ME doing this, but them, to PROTECT, all the cop cunt bitches!
Anyway, back before, I was so rudely, interrupted and my blog, stolen, right in front of my face, which is easy to tell, because, generally when I publish or post, the title, goes directly to my list of already publish posts, or right back to a common page . . . when these fuckers, steal, it goes to a blank, new post, so I would think that it just erased, but, I am too good, to let that be, and have figured that if I just, click the arrow, to return, while they have taken the part already written, I can pull the screen back up and write more, that they can see, while I am typing, but I can slam their fucking asses, more! But, in this blog, if there were ever, someone in my family, whom, I would expect, to remain, uncompromised, it would be Mark, always, always, a good man, and someone who respects, true hard work, merit, and those who worked hard, like going through dental school, or law school, to be the one to get the credit, earnings and recognition for what they have done. While having to be part of the Southwick mob family, he does not have to be of the mob! Mark is a smart man, his sisters are very educated, smart, credentialed, lettered, and professional, something I think, he admired in me, and I know was hard for him, with Marcie, who is a great match for Mark, in lifestyle, but, not necessarily, in the educational sense, always wanting. Anyway, while I can't talk to you, Mark, I know, what position you are in, family wise, therefore, this dream, will suffice, not wanting to compromise you, or put you in a position of hurting your family . . . the support is noted, and very much appreciated! THANKS, LOVE YOU! SOB . . . you are a rare friend, family, member indeed! Kiss.
In the true crime, movie, My Fragile Heart, a daughter, goes home, to visit her mother, after, having a fight with her husband, so she comes back to where she was raised, to spend some time with her mother, and she hooks up with some old high school friends, who take up, right where they left off in high school, acting much, like they did in their younger years, along with some of their male friends, who also reunite, for a few weeks. The daughter, starts to go through, her mother's closets, seeing that her father's clothes have been left untouched, since his death and her mother, has just kind of slipped into a state, of living in and with her memories of her father, whom they both loved so much. At one point, as the daughter is going through, her father's stuff, she comes across, a black and white, haring bone, jacket, or checkered dress jacket, very out of style for this small British town, and she asks her mother, why, her mother kept this jacket, and the mother said, that, her husband was so happy to wear that jacket and always felt like Harry Bellefonti, old singer or movie star, in it. The daughter, decides to leave it hanging up for awhile longer, seeing that it has deep sentimentality for her mother. You, reader, knows, me, and like everything else in life, I see signs and symbols, and the black and white, to me, represent, justice, or cops, or things along those lines, having to do with the law, seeing that cop cars are black and white, and hopefully catch the REAL bad guys and gals! This will be key later . . .
While the young woman is visiting her mother, a young girl, in the town, is found raped and murdered, in this town, reminding everyone of, the murder, that took place 20 years, before, almost to the exact time of year. The group, that this young girl, hung out with, had several members in it, that were children of the old group of high school friends, who had been referred to as the fabulous seven, because they were all nice looking, outgoing, fun, and still had a presence in the town, so this new murder of a young girl, was just too close to what had happened back when all these 7 friends were teenagers, and the most beautiful girl of the crowd the one all the girls were jealous of, saying that she just lightened up the room, or if she got on the bus, all the blokes were looking at her, or if she wore a dress, all the girls wanted one just like it . . . she was the IT girl, and she ended up dead! One of the guys in the inner circle, was blamed for the crime and spent 10 years in prison for the crime, until, it came up on appeal, and there was absolutely nothing to connect him to the crime, no evidence, whatsoever, other than the fact that he was a bit strange and liked to watch girls, and he was, found I the meadows or fields earlier, the day she ended up dead. Now, there was a factory of men, that worked, near the field, and the old accused, now, older male, also worked, in the toilet making factory and everyone, jumped to the conclusion that, this same guy, not only did the first crime but, the new one too!
They say, that dogs in a pack, or wolves, or teens, even older people, when included and protected, by a gang or mob, will do things that alone they NEVER would even consider doing . . . that seems to be the case here. The cops, even the same ones who arrested, tried and convicted this man, before, even having a higher court, overturn the conviction, were the first to jump to conclusions and arrest this kind of strange and tainted man, having the previous crime, still hanging over his head, even though he had been out of prison for awhile, kept to himself, was the cops first suspect, as he was with co-workers, at the factory, who put dead rats, in his locker, beat the shit out of him, posted, pictures around town, warning people of this man. The cops, took him into custody, tested his DNA, with the semen found on the girl's skirt, and the DNA was not a match, so they had to let him go, but people still believed him to be guilty! That was, all but, this young woman, who was back in town, to visit her mother, she was pissed at the cops, that they did this to one of the fabulous 7, when they had no evidence whatsoever against the man, a friend from childhood! The cops were baffled and they turned to her, to help them, because she talked to the man, and he indicated that he knew who the murder was, back 20 years ago, but he would not tell her, who the killer was, but he did indicate that the man, wore, or he smelled, some cologne, a Blue something, and he dressed nicely.
The cops, worked with the factory owner, and he got the full participation of the workers, to give their DNA, to the cops; however, there was one guy, a friend, and a guy, married to one of this visiting woman's best friends, who also had a daughter, the age and a friend of the murdered girl, who along with the son of another friend, also in the original group of friends of the first dead girl, back 20 years ago, who didn't show up for his DNA tests, twice, but, this friend, and wife, of the man, mother of the daughter, one of the last ones to be with the girl before she was killed, in this new murder, along with a boy, who both, took off when they saw someone watching them, that day, in the bushes, leaving the girl, who was murdered, behind, because she had a fight with her father, who was having an affair with, the mother of the boy, who was also, one of the last ones, found, near the scene, but both kids, claimed that they didn't know a thing, found, bloody, white factory, scrubs, stuffed back behind the washing machine. She knew there were her husbands, but she put them back in the washer. So, there was evidence that her husband, might have been the murderer, and she went along with the crowd, in blaming this strange man, even though she knew, there was evidence she had that could have connected her husband to the crime scene.
The young woman, Sarah, visiting, is trashed, because, she protects, her old friend, the formerly accused, of the murder 20 years ago, from, the threats and intimidation of this mob, mentality, who still think this guy is guilty, no matter what any one says, or no matter what, the evidence point to or away from . . . the father of the dead girl, beats the man nearly to death with all the men cheering him on, On another occasion, they have a hang mob, of men, who are going after him again, and going to kill him, but, this woman, pretends to be taking a shower, in the woman factory workers, bathrooms, where she finds the old friend, hiding from the mob, and, they leave when, they find it is her in the showers, rather than the man, suspected, still, of being the killer, of this new girl, and still believing with or without evidence, he just got cut a lucky break on this one! Sarah, even goes to the former prosecutor, to get more evidence, that would clear, this friend from high school's name once and for all, but the prosecutors, like all of them, refuses to admit he made a mistake back 20 years ago, arresting and convicting the wrong man. He went on to tell her, that when there is a murder of this nature, all the town wants in someone to take the blame for the murder, and this man, looked like the most guilty! The standard of proof in America, is guilty BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT!
Sarah, goes and talks to her friend, who she has hiding in her mother's home, because, the mob of town's men, ransacked his apartment, trashing everything, and were still out to avenge for the blood of this girl, whom they are convinced that this guy, could have been the only one to have committed the murder, being the last one seen by the kids, who left their friend, in the meadows that day. The mother, doesn't like the man being there, and so, eventually, the two old friends talk, and she starts asking him, about the previous murder, he indicates that he knows, exactly who did it and who he took the fall for, but, the reason he is not going to tell her, who the man is, is because he doesn't want to break someone's heart. He also, admits to her, that, he is guilty of watching young girls, and that disgusts her, so much, that she is sure he did commit both murders! Her husband, who reminds me of Mark, just a good man, tries to console her and tell her, that, just because he looks at young girls, doesn't mean that he kills them! Eventually, this man, decides to leave the town, because he knows, that, regardless of whatever they can or cannot prove, he is going to be the one blamed, because of his time in prison and being accused of the previous murder, they just want to blame someone, so the cops look like they did their job!
The young girl, who was with the boy and the girl who got murdered, starts to crack and wants to tell her mother something, but her father, the man who refused to take the DNA test twice, keeps showing up, and making funny faces, or interrupts, and keeps, playing with the girl, to cover what she wants to say to her mother. Eventually, the mother, putting two and two, together, realizes that an innocent man, is getting blamed for a murder, that her husband did, and she takes the factory clothes with the blood, to the cops, and they find it to be the dead girl's blood on his scrubs! The cops immediately arrest the man, and even look at him, as possibly being the man, who killed the girl 20 years ago . . . even the father of the new dead girl, is blamed for killing her, because they had a fight, and the daughter, now dead, was going to reveal to her mother, that her father was having an affair, so he killed her. Wild accusations going everywhere. Friends, have suspected friends, for years. So, the husband, of the high school friend of, Sarah, who, has defended, the strange guy, pushing cops to look at others who really might have done the crime, even though, they didn't do that on the last murder!
Eventually, when the father and husband, of this high school chum, is arrested, the young girl, the daughter, who, to this point, has refused to talk, said that, the blood on the scrubs, was that of the young boy, last with the two friends, and that he killed her, came to her house for help, covered in her blood, killing her, because, the dead girl, was always, using him, sexually, and had been jacking him off and he didn't want to come, so, the semen on her shirt was his, but, he never killed her, that there was the strange man in the bushes, watching them. He just witnessed the murder, got blood on himself, so he went to the girl's house, and she gave him the scrubs of her father, to clean the blood off of himself. The cops, immediately on the testimonies of the two kids, chase the strange man, and arrest him for the murder, based ONLY on the witnesses of the two kids . . . the accused is sarcastic having been here, before, with the cops, and he just looks at them, and says, you are going to believe two kids, testimonies? Like here we go again, incompetent cops, just wanting to solve the crime and get the town's people off their backs! Sarah, the only friend this man has in the world, is pissed at the cops, once again, and she keeps trying to ask the friend, why he never revealed who the other killer was, and now this?
When Sarah, gets back from the cop shop, she finds her husband, at the old folks home, dancing with her mother, who is very happy, and enjoying the time and attention from her son-in-law, and she decides to not interrupt the two of them. When she gets home, she starts going through more of her mother's cupboards, getting rid of empty bottles, pill bottles, and old perfume, and in the very back, corner of the cupboard, she finds, the exact brand of cologne, that must have been her father's, she stops, and realizes that her friend, who would not reveal who the killer was, having witnessed it back 20 years earlier, decided, rather than to break his friend's heart, by telling cops that, this family man, so loved and respected, was the killer, Sarah, sees that her friend, had protected her and it was her heart that, he was afraid would break if her told her really killed her best friend back in the day . . . Sarah sits on the stairs, shocked and dismayed at what to do, when her husband her very happy mother, comes in, after dancing, knowing that, the news of her husband, even dead, being the originally killer, would break her heart, so she just took the cologne and leaves it in the cupboard, and leaves the black and white jacket, hanging in the closet, as if, the man, her mother loved, still would exist, until the day she died, with Sarah and her friend carrying the secret of the friend's murder to the grave.
Next the camera, pans to the father and husband of Sarah's best friend, one of the fabulous 7, and he is playing with his kids, and happy with his wife. So, everyone, benefited from the silence, Sarah, her friend, who must have suspected, but, was relieved when the kids, covered, her husband's ass, and they all just let the town scapegoat, the strange man, take the fall, the dirt, the secrets of the whole town, protecting the alleged, family men, saving hearts, kids, and others from the pain of knowing, that the men they loved, the pillars of society, were the guilty, and this man, who nobody really ever liked again, after the first conviction, except for Sarah, who, had fought and protected this man, knowing he was innocent, researching all the old newspaper clippings, and reading all the police reports, now, was willing, with her fragile heart, protecting herself and her mother, let all the dirty secrets, go, and live a slow death, letting her friend, pay the price, for all the guilty, AGAIN!
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