Deadly Women and Men, Who Hunt Humans!
I love watching the series Deadly Women, with former, FBI, profiler, Candace DeLong, who, not only tells and narrates the story, she analyses the people, looks at the persons, childhood, their relationships with parents, siblings, their criminal history, juvenile and school, histories, and then, uses her skills, that she has developed over the years, to identify, the why, who, who, what and where, this person came from, to commit such horrendous crimes, that shock the very conscience of society, with many being left, to wonder, how could this happen, how did we fall for this, and how could this have been prevented. But, in her episode, dealing with people who hunt other humans, like the one with the hippy couple, who created their own cult following of one, he for her and her for him, and went on a rampage, killing innocent, victims, like 23 year old, female, who the man became attracted to, and the woman, the controller and older of the two, ordered him to kill her, because she was a witch, also, killing another man, who picked up the hitch hikers, and she claimed the man, all three crowded into the front of a pickup, touched her leg, which meant, death, to the man, who dared, touch the cultish, queen of pot's leg, or shooting the owner of the pot farm they worked on, and even in being sentenced to life in prison, they bragged about hanging out with the Manson chicks.
Both these people were good looking, talented, smart, and could have been anything they wanted to be, but, together they were like a powder keg, he was the keg and she was the match, and they ended up in bizarre, crazy ass, world of their own, making! But, she mentions, this sense of entitlement, that whatever they wanted was theirs for the taking, or the killing, and nobody was going to get in the way of what these people wanted, or "felt" they were entitled to, when the facts were, the reality was, they didn't earn a damned fucking thing, and they were taking what other people had worked hard for, earned, and put sweat equity into, invested a lifetime, and this was not, for their taking, for their picking off the vine of the success of others! Along these lines, DeLong, talks about, a gang of kids, that was started or joined by a young, pretty girl of 14, who started filming the gangs activities, that led from pranks, to slap and kick, beating up victims, to snuff films, and murder! Candace talks about the gang mentality, that, alone, these people would never have done the horrendous and terrible things they did, but, together like a pack of wolves, they became, like blood thirsty animals! They egged each other one, acted tough for each other, got a thrill out of hurting their victims, making them afraid, loved watching them squirm, and then killing them in the end, when they were begging for life! In the last segment, of this same episode, a couple, gets picked up by a good Samaritan, who, in exchange for helping him move, lets them stay in their home overnight. In exchange for the kindness, when the man and his friend, bet back in the morning with donuts and coffee, the couple decides to kill them, no shooting them, but, taking a rope and choking them, which takes a long time . . . they kill the one man, who can't believe this is the repayment for his kindness, begging for his life, while the friend watched, then the couple stops to eat the donuts and coffee, then, does the same gruesome act to the friend!
Exposure to Wealth, at a Young Age, But Not Partaking of that Wealth, May Create this Sense of Entitlement
Once DeLong said this, it made me think of the ring leaders, of this band of pirates and bandits, who stole my sons' music, my life's work, and my daughters scholarship and military histories, and felt, just fine, to see the creators of the works of excellence, as their own, or reassigned them to other, more favored cousins, or sisters, or friends, who they could handle being given the success, knowing all the way along, they didn't need to be jealous, because this new substitute in the family never really did any of it, but we are just all going to agree that this person did it. But, I thought of Shelley and Brett, and their backgrounds, that may have, given them that sense of entitlement. Shelley, was the oldest, and therefore, for some odd reason, maybe because she was illegitimate and my father felt guilty, or for whatever reason, to train her to be a spy, or whatever, but, at a very young age, during a very successful, time in my father's life as a CPA, then later, as his own business owner, he pulled Shelley into the work and they have been partners, in crime ever since! My father, always had to have the most plush offices, on the highest floor of the office building, with all new decor, carpets, drapes, vases, furniture, and felt that it was very important, to make his clients, feel that he was a success, kind of, fake it until you make it, 80 material girl, mindset, and generally, he was making it on, other people's money, borrowed, mortgaged, and whatever it took to look the success, and Shelley was right there with him, by his side, the most impressionable one and his co-hart, way, into now.
I think, that, doing whatever it took, even if that meant, stealing sister's, identity, law practice, law license, children, or doing the same for her child, who was jealous of Elliot, and her child, that was envious of Chris, and their music, she saw, absolutely nothing wrong with outright theft of real, personal and intellectual property, she had come to see herself and feel that she deserved these things, the finer things, in life, regardless of where they came from! I was shocked, to find that I could be working all day, and night, taking care of the kids, her kids and Rachel's kids while getting back into the law, after an 9 years, stint with a terminal brain disease, allegedly, I believe, I was poisoned or I would be dead, but, none the less, I could be gone, all week, doing high profile legal stuff and Shelley could not care for her own child, nor get the kids to work around the house, and when she really got pissed, is once I said, Shelley, if you are not going to contribute money, you will have to contribute time, go out in the yard and pull the weeds! I have never seen anyone more angry, so put out, furious at me, but, it worked, weeds were flying 6 feet in the air, and arms, flinging shit and weeds, as if it was a machine, beet red face, and pissed as hell, that I, who was caring for and paying all the bills, never home, for at least 5 of her family members at any given time, feeding them, to some extend, and buying all the furniture, fixings and toiletries, would dare to ask her to get off her lazy ass and help around the house? Another time, I found the kids, with the doors open, the air condition on, and the fans going, full speed, so I went up and told them, no, in the mornings, cool this large house, with morning air, then, use the fans, early morning to late afternoon, then, turn on the air condition when it gets to be, 105 outside, like I never even turned on the zone I was working in, my office and the bedroom!
Shelley, came out of the upper room, like a bat out of hell, screaming, for me talking to the little princess and princes, she was training to feel as entitled to waste money, mine, with no contributions from her or Rachel, nor Chris, Rachel's husband, and me taking care of up to 10 people, never there, and her screaming at me? What the hell, I didn't argue with the SEA WITCH, I just told her, she would have to go down to Escalante Power and put the electrical bill in her name! She NEVER DID! But it seemed to be war after that, with both Rachel's and Shelley's, thanks for me doing everything from child psychology, and counseling, to protecting at least three kids from teen pregnancies, while practicing law, and decorating a house, while fighting, Chris and Brain his attorney, like I was the one divorcing him! Allowing, Shelley and Rachel, to sit on their asses, doing nothing! The thanks I got, was, stealing everything I had, and claiming they were ME! LOL! Now, unlike Shelley, Rachel, was born, in another, more prosperous time, in my parents, marriage, lived in a great home, up on the bench, but she worked for a lot of what she got, but, when Marcie married, Mark Nelson, my old boyfriend, I lined her up with, putting Marcie in the upper echelon of the Southwick family pecking order, Rachel got a taste of money, and also got exposed to rich and famous, in her work as a flight attendant. But, again, this sense of entitlement, came easy to both of them, and so paying me back with bull shit, came natural and was encouraged by a father and mother, who thought that, everything came too easy to me, in life; therefore, those who didn't earn anything, seemed to be more entitled to my work, my kids, my legal practice, my homes, and whatever than, I was! That GREEN MONSTER of JEALOUSY, makes bad people worse and good people go bad!
Brett and Kay, Both Came From Divorced Homes, They Both Felt a Sense of Being Entitled to Better, So, When They Could Get Their Hands on My Family Fortune, They Did and Didn't Hesitate, They Deserved it, and Were Fueled By Greed and Lust!
Brett is interesting, because he was exposed to wealth through, his grandparents, who were quite successful, had a catering business, I think, RSM or RMS Food Distributors, or something like that, so he saw wealth, was well breed, had family members who were well to do, but his parents got divorced, when he was two, and his mother was a party girl, father, tough and abusive, but, the Mormon church, took his sisters, under their wings, but Brett, said he was beat up by the bishops kid. But, Brett, was a favorite and coddled by his grandparents and the youngest of three with two older doting sisters. His parents owned property, and he picked up being nicely groomed and polished, probably from grandma and pa, who were tragically, killed in a auto, pedestrian, accident, when his grandparents were leaving the Eccles Theater in Logan, they were hit, walking across the street to their car. This devastated Brett, who mourned their deaths, for a long time, and possibly, cut into an inheritance, with much, going to his mother and her husband, leaving him out, or something. So, some sense of expectancy or entitlement, might have attached itself there somehow. So, much, like Kay, going through all the divorced parents stuff, when most kids, in that day and age, were not going through it, might have sparked the envy, the jealousy of family, prosperity and the things they thought they were entitled to. Kay, being, focused on the more intellectual pursuits being raised by her father and mother, working class, but educated, and an uncle well respected, later to be school board and a legislator, taught her, drama and debate, latter leading to a career in the law, so not a slouch, but, no a JoAnn either!
Opportunity Knocks, and the Psychopaths Collide, Entitled, Materialistic, Exposed to Wealth, Easy Prey, Easy Pickin's, Easy Virtue, Money, Resume, Cases, and Willing Bush Cops, to Add Fuel to the Fire of Envy!
P.S., got on the bus, and some chick got on, the bus with two kids, she had a cowgirl hat on, and a blingy eagle on her chest . . . no, Shelley is not the cowgirl, or this cowgirl, nor is she the American LEAGLE or Legal Eagle, or the brain . . . the Bushits, want you to think, that there is one brain, with two people springing from it . . . no, there is one brain, and that is me, and Shelley, does not get to ride free, anymore, just from stealing this blog, nor is she an attorney, nor a professor, nor even talked about the Constitution, until, they poisoned me and started training her to be the Mo Muffin, in fact, she is ME, but she cannot be wrong, I typed the first blog, at the Missoula County Library, and I am now doing an update, at the Break Cafe, and it is 6:45 PM, Mountain Time, I don't work in DC, don't have kids in Texas, and I am not Shelley, the career criminal, oldest of the Southwick 6 daughter, I am the second daughter, who took on, the traits of both, the first and second children, the over achiever of the eldest child and the wild rebellious child of the second in the birth order, characteristics! Shelley just stayed in her room and read books and ignored the family, I was my mother's right hand gal, and took care of all my little brothers and sisters. Shelley hated the family for about the first 58 years of her life! She is like an empty business shell, with no life, so she jumped at a chance to be me, and get a life, without me, she is NOTHING, and I would be the EVERYTHING that I already am, no, her brain is not connected into mine, but, the NSA, government, Mormon agents, Utah, Mo Ass Church, all decided, she was much easier to handle and when we were both pregnant, she kept her baby, I ABORTED MINE, being, ONE WEEK ON MY JOB AS, UTAH ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL! I just checked my SSI money, at Thomas Meagher Bar and Grill:
- Thomas Meagher Bar, 130 W Pine, Missoula, Montana
- Date: 08/01/2016, Time: 18:27:41
- Terminal: TN67684
- Transaction is not approved, Insufficient Funds--check has not dropped yet!
- Error Code: D0107
There I made it easy for the Lyin' FBI!
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