Fuck, after six, god damned years of cover-ups, death threats, harassing, chasing, intimidation, tracking, and bold faced lying, you would think, these fucks would stop? Hell, no, so I am sitting, at the Good Food Store, in Missoula, Montana, using my last $10.00 of my EBT or food stamp card, for a whopping, $16 per month, and I am sure, that this is what they were concerned about, so they showed up, to watch me, if not do a sting op, and if that didn't work, lie, about who was there and who was not there! VERIFY, JACK ASSES! My Montana ACCESS, card, ending in, the #4269, was used, to purchase a salad, and a Jamaican Stevia Soda, for roughly, $5.10, with a remaining, like $3.58 left. Now, this is a fact, and can easily be verified with the use of cop spy shit, so fucking do it lame asses. And I am sure, that there were surveillance cameras, in the store! I got there later in the early afternoon, not lunch, but somewhere around 2:00 PM. I sat down to eat my salad, and oh, and later, I got my favorite, a Emerald Forest Brownie, for exactly $2.00, easy to verify, leaving me about just slightly over a buck and some change to get a Diet Coke today!
So, all the sudden, with the store not busy, some dude, comes and sits, right across the row from me, now, these are free standing seats, that are like a small conversation area, with a small table, but not somewhere, someone with a computer would chose to sit, but, this guy did, although, I don't believe he had his computer out yet? But, I can read a Mormon shit head agent, anytime, I grew up with the fuckers, there is certain, look, feel, creepiness about them agent or just a Mo in general, that I don't like and that, especially, in light off all this perjury, identity theft, and conspiracy against me, to allow, whomever, under the CIA, Make a Wish Foundation, be Me, attorney, extraordinaire! So, I just sit, and stare at him, like, you have got to be kidding, that your ass, is still going after me? We are not more than, probably 10 to 15 feet apart, so, not hard to burn wholes through his ugly MO FBI ass! He got it, and to whomever, he was doing his secret, spy, signals to, either the camera, or another agent, he reached up and rubbed his knows = knows; then he, does a half circle under his eye, either, she sees, or sad, she sees, he is crying, and then, he goes right under his hairline, and, scratches, indicating to me, she is smart and so, scratch the gig! He, then, gets up and moves, over to the tables by the windows, where there was plenty of room to go, earlier!
Clown, number 2, comes in right after, wearing a ball cap, gray t-shirt, Levi's, and he sits down, to drink, some Combutcha or some health drink, and I start to stare him down, again, thinking, this must be agent B, the first was agent and plan, A, but that failed, so the backup plan, so, once again, I just stared, with the eyes, rolling, as if to say, I know you fucking game you dip shit! This ass wipe, gets pissed, and, actually, leaves his purchased bottle of healthy shit, and he takes the glass, that belongs to the café, and literally, storms outside! LOL! It is like they, the FBI, or CIA, in this new, Eunice or Unified Police Force, of lame asses, with no jurisdictional boundaries, much like the Eck, religion, Kay and Brett believe in . . . you are me, and I am you, and we are all one, shit! That makes no one responsible, and no one, to blame, and it is a chicken shit, way of doing business, or conducting life!
CATBRATZ . . . Kay is not me, Shelley is not me, Rachel is not me, Susan is not me, Tiffany is not me, Marcie is not me, Kelly Ann is not me, Hope is not me, Rebecca is not me, Annie is not me . . . no, I am not part of them, and they are sure as FUCKING HELL, NOT PART OF ME, I AM EMBARRASSED TO HAVE MY NAME OR LIFE CONNECTED TO LIARS, THIEVES AND MURDERS, IN ANY WAY! I DON'T ROLL THAT WAY! The final, FBI clown, followed me out of the Good Food Store, doing a trail, and he followed me, to the bus stop, but it was hot, so, I got in the shade and turned around, to catch him following me, longer, brown hair, red sport shirt, oversized, baggy pants, smoking, probably, not Mormon, or good cover, but so very obvious, they are following me . . . Oh, add, about $500,000 to my billion you owe me, for training your sorry stupid agents over the last, what 6 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO SURPRISES HERE . . . I JUST GOT RIPPED OFF BY THE NSA, WORKING WITH THE FBI OR CIA, ALL THE SUDDEN, THIS "CAFE" WAS AT THE BOTTOM OF MY SCREEN OR THIS LAST PARAGRAPH, and I tried to get rid of it, and all the sudden the whole fucking blog, disappeared! THE ART OF THE STEAL! No art, just computer tricks and games! Oh, before, I left the store, I was thinking about the clown agents, and my eyes, immediately went to the top of a counter, to a squeeze, plastic honey container . . . yeah, the plastic squeezes, are about right . . . you see, I rejected ALL the top cop, big boys, so their revenge, includes, going after, all the women, in my life, the ones, who you are sure to hate being with, even your rejected men, but, I don't care about the men, I care about the fucking cop cunts, using my RESUME, CREDENTIALS AND GOOD NAME! TAKING CREDIT FOR THIS BLOG, when they could NOT WRITE ONE OF THEM! after studying me for fucking 3 years, writing! Start your own blog, don't steal mine, to bolster your own, or claim mine, as your writing!
I have watched this movie before, or this segment, this was about one of the most, well run, FBI units, that had like a perfect score of no agents dying and it was the envy of the Bureau, because, they had done some amazing stuff, with good results; however, they sure characterized, the agents, even back in the day, Mormon, and their corny, Mo actions, nick names, cutesy shit in the office, at picnics and BBQ's, and when you see the bad guys in this, you can seriously see, why this event, trying to catch these bank robbers, was so devastating to the FBI, ending with 3 dead, several agents injured, and a very bad, stand off, with the bad asses having semi-automatic weapons, to the FBI, single shot revolvers! But, the telling and interesting part, is the fact that the episode starts out with one agent, chiding another agent on his weight and he mentions the weight requirements, to the dude in the office they call, by the nick name, Refrigerator, I guess because he was always eating, and putting food away, but, in the end, when all was said and done, the overweight dude, was the HERO, even after being shot, he rolled, and with one arm took out BOTH OF THE BAD GUYS, who had been injured, but were still reaping havoc on other agents, who were dropping like flies! This was one of the worst FBI disasters, of all time and to that point in history, there had only been 38 agents, killed in the line of duty, so to lose three, at the same time, was horrific!
The FBI used this mishap, as a training, of what not to do, when confronting, armed and dangerous criminals, way more bad ass than your, Mo ass, selves, and maybe they are still using it, but, Refrigerator, ended up being named, POLICE OFFICER OF THE YEAR, for his heroics, in continuing to go after the bad guys, long after he was shot and injured, eventually taking them both out! Now, one of the possible, most lame, ass, ideas, I have ever considered for what the fuckers, did to me, by allowing, entertaining, and conspiring to have bitches, who are thinner, but, normally not by much, was, well, we want, JoAnn to be in the FBI, but she doesn't pass the weight requirements, so in true, misogynist, fashion, totally discounting, my brains, my contributions to law enforcement and the law, totally ignoring, my credentials, resumes, wins against cops at the legislature and taking them out, on Medicaid/Medicare fraud units, along with teaching, writing award winning manuals, rather than, allowing me to work out, like I ALWAYS DID, before they POINSONED ME, back in 2000, because they could NOT CONTROL ME, so they TRIED TO KILL ME, but, I am talking recent history, it would have been far easier to let me just lose weight, like that has helped your alleged, SKINNY DUMB BITCHES MUCH, I can still beat their sorry asses, at EVERYTHING, FROM LOOKS, TO BLOGGING, TO THE LAW, TO EVEN COP WORK!
But, after kicking your asses for the last, 16 years, or at least the last 6, you would think, that, having given it your BEST, to beat me, you would, change your opinion, on weight? You all look like fucking clones anyway! I think you work would be more effective and better, with different looking body types, styles and yes, weights . . . we all know your game, your look, your image conscious bull shit, that just has not played out, in actuality for you! LOL! You know the definition of insanity . . . doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting to get a different result! As is the case with the Mr. 50'S candidate, the Trumpster, all the Roger Ailes, Dick Southwick, Frank, Interpol, FBI and CIA, not to mention the standard, Mo dumb ass, image does not a great person make, case in point! The FBI needs to up, its image, from the fag, Hoover, the CIA, that was formed, right after I was born in the 50's, needs to change that old, worn out, dame and broad, Humphry Bogart, School of Sex, and get with the real world of the 21st century, or at least into the 2000's, maybe even come up to 2016, and revamp your asinine, sexist attitudes, your discriminatory, methods of seeing value, and deal with truly SMART, TALENTED, and GIFTED WOMEN, rather than a PIECE OF ASS, AND HIRING EYE CANDY! GOOD GOD, WE EXPECT MORE! Looks are one of about 10 characteristics, that would make up a good agent of any member of the intelligence community, flesh out, the entire person, woman, man! YOU WILL BE MUCH, MORE SUCCESSFUL!
AP Story on Trump! Kettle Calling the Kettle Black!
Those who do not believe in our Constitution or who support bigotry and hatred, will not be admitted for immigration into our country. Trump said, "Only those who we expect to flourish in our country--and to embrace a tolerant American Society--should be issued a visa."
Again, you have to be kidding? You, the GOP, and even today, Chaffetz and Goodlatte, have continually, gone after women, Muslims, Hispanics or Latinos, Blacks, you name it . . . I think we need to apply this statement to the fucking whole Republican Party! People say that, Trump, is not representative of the established GOP? Who are you kidding? Not me, he is the epitomy of bigotry, sexism, racism, xenophobia, etc. So, we are going to have one standard for Republicans, and an entirely, higher standard for immigrants? Just look at the three pronged plan of Trumps, revealed, vetting for immigrants: (1) do they believe in religious freedom? The Constitution, makes it clear, that, people, citizens, emigrants, are free, to either practice religion, or be free from religion! Another section of the Constitution, Article I, dealing with Congress, they are to pass no laws, that require, test oaths, or religious tests, to either hold office or run for office . . . Idaho, very anti-Mormon, made it impossible for any Mormon, who had any connection with polygamy, in their family, immediate or extended or even their ancestors, could not run for office in Idaho! (2) their feelings on gays? So, if Trump is elected, he is only going to allow, migrants, who either are not gay, or who, are against gay rights, into the country? That is totally in violation of the 14th amendment, that NO state, can deny, rights and privileges, that other states grant, nor can, states, deny, due process and equal protection under the LAW! (3) if I remember, there was a question on gay marriages . . . so we are going to codify, Republican bigotry, hate, and discrimination, right into our vetting process and our new immigration laws and reform?
This week, V.P. Joe Biden, said that, Trump would have loved, Stalin! This is god damned AMERICA, you fuckers! Shit, like I said, under the definition, Trump stated above, you would have to take out half of the United States, the GOP, for having been called by their own, Young Republicans on Campuses, across AMERICA, stating that the GOP, after the Mitt Romney fiasco, called, the GOP: (1) bigoted, (2) racist, and (3) old fashioned! What oath of office did, Republicans, whether they are cops, judges, legislators, military members, take? Because, it sure as hell, doesn't resemble the Constitution of the United States of America! What, did Brett, Kay, Dick, Shelley, Rachel, Frank, take the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, and implement their concepts and principles? Who the fuck is Trump's advisors? Manifort, who has worked with the Russians? What Constitution are you reading? Shit, I think, the immigrants, who come to this country, begging for what America has to offer, by way of rights, religious freedom, in the PERFECT SENSE, liberties, privileges, and all that, is protected, including alternate lifestyles, gender gaps, minorities, that has made our nation GREAT, so what, exactly, are we proposing . . . a religious nation, ISIS OR ISIL IS RECRUTING, over a secular and tolerant nation? the founding fathers, laid their religions at the doors of the Constitutional Convention, knowing that religion is a divisive venture, and that was not the goal, it was for a more PERFECT UNION AND DOMESTIC TRANQUILITY!
Empty Headed "Vessel" Politicians, Like Palin, Bush, Trump, Can Be Filled With Any Shit, Because, They Don't Know Better, Don't Care to Learn, and That is Scary As Hell!
P.S., Mormon Mission Mattress . . . God Intel . . . Honey on the Counter at Good Food Store, Wrote That in My Blog; Confirmation, Honey on Counter at the Pov.! Sign or Symbol for Kay, Pretending to be the "American Honey" or ME! LOL! I just got to the Missoula County Library, and I Noticed Some, Long Haired, Dude, Sitting on the Lower Level, but It Looked Like He Had Mormon Jesus Jammies, Under His Shorts, As I Looked Closer, He Bowed His Head, So I Would Not See Who He IS! He Used to Work at the Poverello Center, and Pretended to be a Jesuit Volunteer, or Catholic Service Member, but I Always Thought He Was Mormon, and That Was an FBI Disguise . . . Looks Like I Was RIGHT, Again, Always! I Can Smell Them! Looks Like New Sting Op . . . Oh, When I Got Off the #2 Bus, to Go Eat Lunch at the Poverello Center, I Felt Someone Following Me, and When I Turned Around, Because He Came Out of Nowhere, I Caught a Man, With a Baby in a Chest Pack, Darting Across the Street, Trying Not To Be Noticed! Most Mo FBI Are Married Young, So Fits the Profile! Whatever? I Am NOT an AMATUER, but THEY ARE! I'm Suppose to Train Them . . . FREE, While They Live Off Me, As Do Their Top Cops and Cop Cunts!
P.S., Mormon Mission Mattress . . . God Intel . . . Honey on the Counter at Good Food Store, Wrote That in My Blog; Confirmation, Honey on Counter at the Pov.! Sign or Symbol for Kay, Pretending to be the "American Honey" or ME! LOL! I just got to the Missoula County Library, and I Noticed Some, Long Haired, Dude, Sitting on the Lower Level, but It Looked Like He Had Mormon Jesus Jammies, Under His Shorts, As I Looked Closer, He Bowed His Head, So I Would Not See Who He IS! He Used to Work at the Poverello Center, and Pretended to be a Jesuit Volunteer, or Catholic Service Member, but I Always Thought He Was Mormon, and That Was an FBI Disguise . . . Looks Like I Was RIGHT, Again, Always! I Can Smell Them! Looks Like New Sting Op . . . Oh, When I Got Off the #2 Bus, to Go Eat Lunch at the Poverello Center, I Felt Someone Following Me, and When I Turned Around, Because He Came Out of Nowhere, I Caught a Man, With a Baby in a Chest Pack, Darting Across the Street, Trying Not To Be Noticed! Most Mo FBI Are Married Young, So Fits the Profile! Whatever? I Am NOT an AMATUER, but THEY ARE! I'm Suppose to Train Them . . . FREE, While They Live Off Me, As Do Their Top Cops and Cop Cunts!
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