Now, in Utah, bad would include swearing, drinking beer above 3.2, being a Democrat, being an aggressive woman, Hillary, rather than a Molly Mormon, who gets a free pass, to fuck anyone, or to be a spiritual wife, of some old lug, if they are rich, but, drinking, smoking, swearing, far worse than, murder, from what I can tell, unless, you exercise your constitutional right to abort, an unborn baby, worse than killing, someone's mother, daughter, wife, grandmother, one drink is too much, and sleeping with the whole Mormon bishopric, is okay, because, she doesn't swear, drink or smoke, any of those very obvious sins, but indiscretions, committed behind closed doors, that you can't smell or hear, or being dishonest in your business dealings, as long as you are not caught, or pretending to be your attorney sister, as long as you are a card carrying member of the GOP, all A-OK! Well, that is if you are operating under the auspice of the Mormon bubble, whether that exists, isolated, marching to their own drummer, in Utah, Montana, or Washington, D.C. Well, that is not the way the rest of the normal, rational, secular, while believe, word operates--there is a gradation to sins, to crimes, to breaking the law, and what constitutes, acceptable business dealings, based on good practices in the profession, and who can be who, based on, the fact that your rights, end at the end of your fucking nose! Cicero, inspired the founding fathers, in the basics of, do not infringe on someone's person or property . . . the foundation of our legal, civil, constitutional, and Bill of Rights, going to the base of criminal, property, and civil law!
These are time tested, true, have withstood the tests of time, and not to be fucked with, by a bunch of Bush, looney tune cops, and their cop cunts, whether they like it or not, they are not big brother, big sister, more intelligent, insightful, cooler, more beautiful, with better bodies, than the rest of us, therefore, they deserve, to lie, cheat, fuck, wheel and deal, change the entire system, going back to the kings and queens of England, or the motherland, upsetting and dismantling, the very rock bed, principles, concepts, and values of this United States of America! I know my family, my sisters, their fucker, men, who are attempting this act of treason, upheaval of the United States, making it a third world country, through, economic devastation, destruction of the legal and constitutionally based system of checks and balances, division of powers, separation of church and state, blowing off, search and seizure, property, and due process laws, giving privilege to the rich, no matter how that wealth is acquired, obtained and by what means, motives and murder, that must happen to put this plan in place . . . we, the citizens of these UNITED STATES, give you a FUCK NO! and resounding, lack of approval, we do not a want a Mormon president for the world, nor the American cops being the police of the world, going back to the British monarch system of government, where kings, ruled over the land, and the rest of the people were surfs, servants, and ruled over, like at the time, the colonists, founding fathers, so boldly and bravely, declared, INDEPENDENCE FROM ENGLAND, then put their lives on the line, to protect that line, drawn so firmly in the sand!
YOU ARE FUCKING GOD DAMNED OUT OF LINE, two of the founding fathers for merely suggesting, even trading with Canada, our neighbors, were considered treasonous, and threatened with being hanged, or executed! We are not down with AMERICA FIRST, then doing as Mitt Romney did, with BAINE CAPTIAL, firing American workers, giving jobs to the Chinese, even raising the Chinese flag, over the factory in Ohio, where American workers were forced to train, the Chinese, to take over their factory work, or where Mitt, helped, long standing, very successful, ma and pa, businesses, fire and streamline their operations to save money, getting rid of long time employees, only to go bankrupt, trying to pay, the vulture capitalist, Mitt, his exorbitant, fees, for his services, or Donald J. Trump, paying lip service to American workers, while making his ties, suits, hats, in foreign countries, then trashing American cops, military, transportation, and style of government, being so fucked up, he doesn't know which way is up on immigration policies that he thinks, he actually, will have the power to either build the wall, or change the constitutional rights of children naturalized and born on American soil, making them, illegal, because their parents, who are waiting to become citizens, wanted a better life for their children, just like our ancestors did, from England . . . you see, my mother's aunt, did a ton of geneology, because the Mormon Church, encourages it and has invested vast resource is the project, and she put together a book, that, not only tied my family roots, back to the freedom fighters of the Revolution, but to the kings and queens of England, going back in blood lines to Adam and Eve, with the Bushes, being in the family tree, as well as Lord Nelson, the bravest military and naval, strategist of his time with a statue standing in Traffalga Square, in the UK, but they fail to mention, we come from the bastard line!
We don't want the Mormon CIA, by about 90% participating with the Mormons and the British, spies, to overthrow, through a silent military coupe, like in third world countries, or even in Turkey, that is suspect, because, my very MO, Republican, sister and her husband, Sue and Kevin Schmidt, better known to me, and referred to as the SHITS!, but they just got back, allegedly from a Mormon mission to Turkey, maybe the Ergden, or whatever the President's name is, was not playing footies with the Mormons, so they sided with the military coupe, and takeover, siding with the Mo CIA! that was even rumors, on the Young Turks! You see, in American, this clown ship of CIA and military leaders, who again, think, they can just take over the world, while they mesmerize men with big boobs, and the promise of multiple wives, a lure for the Muslims of the world too, dazzle you with their wealth, their language skills, and their network marketing capapcities, we will abdicate, all we have, our rights, our freedoms, our libertieis, to the CIA, the military and subjugate, our President, Congress, the United States Supreme Court, the Pentagon, FBI, because, they misbehaved, and challenged the CIA, and we are all just going along with this total, FUCKING BULL SHIT? Just what Mormon bubble, did you not pop, what rock did you crawl out from under? OH, MY SONS' JUSEED MONEY, to fund your sorry fucking lame asses? NO, nor are you using MY GOOD NAME, to fool and reign in the masses, to believe, that I am actually going along with this LOSER SHIT! SORRY, WELL NO, I AM NOT . . . THE PUNISHMENT FOR ESPIONAGE AND SEDITION FOR A SPY, GIVING COMFORT AND AIDING AN ENEMY, WHICH BRITIAN HAS BEEN BEFORE, IS TREASON, AND PUNISHABLE BY DEATH!
P.S., I just thought of this . . . back when I was an undergraduate, English major, communications minor, with a teaching certificate, or going for one, in one of my classes at Weber State College, turned University while I was there, we had an assignment, to tag a person, fellow student with a particular type of car, that described their personality. I always loved, Volvos, thought of myself as very classy, but, the student that interviewed me, tagged me, with the car, he or she, thought best fit my personality, a TRANSAM! I thought, that is a muscle car? How could that person, ever see that in my personality?
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