Now, no one could be happier, than me to see the economy improve, housing permits, new apartments, construction jobs, street improvement, and even if it is on my dime, but ONLY, if credit is given where credit it due, crime, mob, criminal enterprises and patterns of criminal activity, are out, totally! You don't need to cheat to win. We are in an election year, and I happen to be a fan of President Obama and Hillary Clinton, think, Bernie Sanders is a whiner, going right back to being a Independent, never truly a Democrat, just like Trump is not truly a Republican, and as Hillary said, yesterday, he is going to the Alt-Right, and if he is voted into office, this country will be turned over to racist, sexist, misogynist, bigoted, asshole, white, over 50 something males, who will make America Great Again, for white, stodgy, angry, men, PERIOD! Forget about the rest of you, so I dig seeing all the new growth, road improvements, and want that stuff, and don't mind, my money being distributed, to the masses, but not through the hands of organized crime, like it is, up standing as you think these former, friends, lovers, and sisters, are, THEY ARE JUST A BUNCH OF MALARKEY, HOOEY, AND HORSE SHIT! SERIOUSLY! Do not be fooled. You need to open your eyes, look deeper, or even notice what is going on right in plain sight, in front of your face, and you will be shocked, amazed, and stunned, where you community, a fine one at that, is heading! Once the noose is around your neck, and you are hanging from the tree, it it too late! For the most part, there is always, strings attached to gifts of money, grants, foundations, scholarships, you will do it our way, we get face time, we want conservative principles, and concepts, taught, get rid of the liberal arts, humanities, and we just want the hard sciences! The battle over the college budget, was most likely driven by people with this bent and thought, as, much, like the Koch, brothers, who went into like 850 universities and gave a shit load of money, but, only to control their curriculum's, therefore, controlling the minds of the students!
The Mormon controlled, NSA, or those given access, to change stuff, like the numbers and hits on my blog, on various sites, like,,,, and, all with hits from 12 million to 43 million, per less than a second, now flat-lined, at roughly, 500,000 hits, "anytime" making it all, seem so boring, and stayed, just like these fucks, who can't conceive of the number of hits, the new frontier, the money, the power, the voice of this blog, in all 193 languages of the earth, that could be hijacked as a tool, of propaganda, for the socialist, the alt-right, those, who want, tanks, jack booted, military thug cops, and complete and utter control over "WE THE PEOPLE" seeing us as little more than cattle, consumers, eaters, and breeders! These people are really, really fucked up, think their shit doesn't stink, think they are cooler than cool, smarter than smart, using all my material, to beef up their credentials, and resumes, money, and bank accounts, to substantiate their claims of power, money, etc.! But, yesterday, I wrote, as you will know, reader, about the movie and book, A River Runs Through It, which is about, Missoula, the Blackfoot and Clark Fork Rivers, these occasional locals, would want to be the ones to write this blog, not unlike all my blogs, because, they are all hits all the time, just like my sons' music!
So, they were bound and determined, not only to take credit for this, parent guide, with ideas and thoughts, but, they would be concerned about, unveiling the new, jumbo tron, or electronic scoreboard, purchased with my money, but with several alleged, surrogates, to stand in my shoes, to take credit . . . now the NSA is blocking me from my normal, starcraft, designs, with subtitles and such, so bare with me . . . they keep having these pesky, text boxes, pop up, so they have time to go in and change, self-identifying data, I write about, just wrote the word, WAR, GO GET A FUCKING LIFE LOSERS! GOD! but, they want to take credit for advertising local events, such as the GRIZ CELEBRATION at the football stadium, yesterday . . . but, they had to stop me from going, as they have every fucking event, I have advertised, because, they want to go, and don't want me to be there, so here is where the bought and paid for buses and cops come into play . . . we will see if I can put a subtitle in here?
The NSA, must not want, other law enforcement agencies to see, them fucking with me, now I can just write! So, all seemed calms, as I recall, yesterday morning, but I did go write my blog, at the Commons, up on campus, and it is beautiful, quiet, clean, and up in the trees, so you see, all this lush, restful, greenery, around you, and it is relaxing and inspiring, but I did notice, one dude, who appeared to be doing surveillance on me, as I crossed over the bridge with all the locks, on it, the bridge, that cars, can't drive across, that is lighted at night, yeah, that bridge, at probably, around 8:30 to 9:00 AM, but, for some reason, I noticed this dude, because the way he was holding his phone, it looked like a gun to me at first, so he came to my attention. When I got closer, I noticed, it was just a smart phone or something like it, and blew him off, but, after crossing the bridge, or as I was crossing with him, going the other way, I could feel someone breathing down my neck, and I turned and it was this dude with the gun, smart phone! What the fuck, a tail, already this morning, if not an assassin! So, that was all I noticed, before lunch.
Full-Blown, City Cop, At the Desk of the Community Hospital?
I like to eat lunch at the hospitals, they are healthy, yummy, real food, low calorie and low budget, which, I love to get a great meal for what I would pay for a burger, fries and drink, and it is healthy as crazy, Brussel sprouts, sautéed in butter, seasoned to perfections, crispy, yet tender, cooked all the way through, and pulled pork over a burrito? for $5.00, fuck yeah! But, every once in a while, I go to the Community Hospital, to write a blog, or just take a break, or get something to eat, or to just crash their Internet, and drink something, nice, quiet, clean, well maintained place. But, yesterday, I noticed a cop, standing at the information booth, full uniformed, U.S.A., patch on his sleeve, not your normal attire for a security guard, who is usually low profile, so as not to upset, patients and patrons of the hospitals, who are already dealing with trauma in their lives, so that seemed odd, to say the least, but, I just noted it, and he seemed entertained and into his conversation with the receptionist, and what do I know about the Community Hospital? Not much, but what is normal, and this was NOT normal! So, that was red flag, number one . . . I took bus 6 to the Hospital, with Ray driving, but, I decided, since I was going to the GRIZ CELEBRATION, I would take, bus 8 back, that is a direct route, to and from the college, and the hospital. So, I looked up the time the bus would arrive, like 3:46 PM, or something like that.
I am always, happy, when, I actually connect up, right, for some reason, I guess because, I have been conditioned as of late in my life, that nobody can be trusted, and so, I am shocked that, something so little as a bus, delights me, that I can rely on something, and sure enough, bus #8 pulls up, right on time, or so I thought? But, as I smiled, and got up to go to the bus, the number on the bus, turned from an 8, to a #9 bus, and I was like, what the fuck? But, it said that is was going downtown, so all roads, lead to Rome and all buses, lead to the terminal, and I had an hour and a half to burn, so, I would go downtown, first , then hit a bus, back to the stadium, in time for the GRIZ party. But, as I sat on the bus, the driver, went in the building, they are human too, they need to pee, get a drink, and he came out of the building with a drink in his hand, nothing big, but, just a wonder as to where he had been with the cop inside and all, so I decided, to jump off the bus, and wait for bus 8, since he told me, when I inquired, if the 8 was still coming, because, I never knew the 9, came to the Community Hospital, so, if the 8 going directly to the college was still coming, seeing that the 9 bus, was originally the 8 bus, I would just wait, since it would be there in seconds, literally. I got off and looked up the schedule and sure enough, 9 did come to the Hospital, so I didn't think, much more about it, until the next bus, fuck up, happened, connecting the dots!
Horse Painting, Montana Constitution Quotes, Like the Painting, the Larger Horse, In the Painting in the Law School Library, Represents the Constitutional Argument in Any Case, the Weaker Horse, Is Like A Statute or Law, But Not the Supreme Law of the Land, the Power House!
I repost my blog, without incident, and I am basking in the use of the Montana Constitution, and the quotes on the wall, hoping that in some small, way, my blog, or cases, of me, have helped inspire, those noteworthy and valuable additions to the law school student's knowledge and experience, having the school of law, give, focus and meaning to the state Constitution, that is so, precious and valuable, and POWERFUL! You have no idea, but I do, and that is why I push the state documents, that have sections, that are similar, to those in the United States Constitution, due process, equal protection, etc., but, the human dignity, addition, to the like 14th amendment section is great, and those people in the 1972 revision of the document, had, specific ideas in mind when they added those words! So, I was happy, and had, another half hour to kill, so I went out back, on my way, to the Adams Center, and then to the football field, sat in the cool grass, thinking I was somewhat out of the way, took off my shoes and socks and rubbed my stinky, hot, sweaty feet in the cool lush grass, something I don't think I have done since childhood, so, happy in a very base and pure sense!
After I filed, my $357 million securities case, that rocked the nations, SEC state and federal regulators, that all people are entitled to civil and constitutional rights, protections and privileges, I got a U.S. federal district judge, chief, justice, Tena Campbell, of the District of Utah, disqualified, from my case, as it climbed the ladder from state federal courts to the court of appeals, onto the U.S. Supreme Court, for, admitting on the stand, that she knew nothing of the HIGHEST LAW OF THE LAND IN UTAH, AS LONG AS IT DID NOT CONTRADICT OR VIOLATE THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND, THE U.S. CONSTITUTION, as she GUTTED, 29 violations of the Utah Securities Division, operating under color of law, along with 6 violations under the United States Constitution! KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, AND THESE STATE CONSTITUTIONS ARE NOT MOCK MODELS OF THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION, BUT ARE LADEN WITH PRECIOUS RIGHTS AND PROTECTIONS! At one point in the process, I went down to BYU, my law school, the Mormon Church law school, and met with a very scholarly professor, Thomas, who actually wrote the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure, and I told him, that the law school had to do a better job, at teaching and training on the CONSTITUTIONS! He looked at my law suit and checked to see of any of the 9 or so, named defendants, were former BYU law grads, and two were, and he was horrified! So, U of M, law school, good on YOU! start your babies out right, those first year law students! my daughter, may be one of yours, some time, teacher her the right principles and she will not depart from them!
I wrote in my morning blog, that the band, would be at the GRIZ CELEBRATION, but, that was just wishful thinking, love, college bands, high school bands, my same daughter, played, saxophone, when she was in junior high school, but not in high school, so when she played in the Navy Band for her Graduation from Navy Boot Camp, and I saw my little saxophonist, rockin' to her music, with the band, doing all she could to stand still, without dancing, to the fun, Navy fight song, I loved it! I heard the U of M, marching band, playing out on the practice fields so I was sure when they passed me, they were going to the music, building just down the road from the law school, to get their uniforms on, but, when I stopped one of them, to see if they were playing, they informed me that, they were not playing until the first game, September 3, 2016. Oh, that took away half of the reason, I wanted to go . . . oh, well, I love football too, that should be enough. But, as I sat there, I noticed, not just one guy, appear, from nowhere watching me, but, another, then another, like, seriously there is nothing back there, but me, and the back door to the KUFM, Kay U, Fuck Murder, but the last guy, game out and tried to pretend, that I didn't see him? Strange, but when I stared him down, he got very nervous and took off, so I knew something was up, and I went with caution. Another dude was just sitting I the back of a truck, doing nothing, but looked like he could be a football player?
I ALWAYS ERROR ON THE SIDE OF SAFETY, no matter what I have to miss, like the whole fucking summer, of festivals, but, the inside of a jail, or dirt, over my face, putting me six feet under, always encourages me to be safe! I look at even little stickers, on posts, as GOD INTEL, and there was this brown half post, with an orange sticker, with the shape of Montana, on it and the words, DO NOT ENTER! I paused and in light of all the shit, so far, and only gets worse, I better skip the game, and go back and eat dinner--SHIT! My whole summer has been fucked, I don't feel like I had one, but I am sure, that the OTHER JOANNS HAVE ENJOYED ALL EVENTS, in the PLAYFUL CITY! I sat on a rock, because there were, chalk writings on the asphalt, that said, GO SLOW, 4 KIDS . . . good, my kids, will eventually be on my side, they have been compromised by marrying the enemy! LOL! FBI Dating Game! I slowed a bit, but there was another sign, SLOW DOWN! I sat on a rock and stopped, following directions, and all the sudden this new, black and gold, charter bus, or private bus, the best MY MONEY COULD BUY, pulls up into the place near where you go into the stadium, is this the elite football fans, the ones to pull the curtains on the new JUMBOTRON? I watched, as seemingly older people streamed out of the fancy bus? Seemed a bit, high brow, for Montana, but what do I know, I have been living the DOWNTOWN, life with the HOMELESS, while my doubles have been living the HIGH LIFE ON MY DIME! was this purchased with my dime? I WOULD SAY SO!
Yesterday, while paying Missoula a compliment, and Montana, I also, ripped the city, so was this all payback? So, I head to the bus bench at the Motel 6, Van Buren and Broadway stop, and some chick is sitting there, with her smartphone, and looking at the bus, and tracking it with her app. I asked if a bus was coming soon? She said, I can't tell, because, bus number 5, is way down at the football stadium on campus? But, another bus 5, just went up the Rattlesnake Canyon route, and bus #4, is way behind, so? I was like, everything is symbolic, TWO BUS 5'S, one coming our way, and the other one on CAMPUS? Could it be more telling, did, the other bus, pretend to go, down to the college, like it was taking me, to the GRIZ CELEBRATION? because that is my only transportation, and they were transporting the dignitary, who rides the bus, writes the blog and paid for the JUMBO TRON? what the fuck?
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