The Lazareth Effect--Don't Worry, He is Just Sleeping!
Yesterday, while I was breathlessly walking over from McDonald's to the bus stop across from the Butte Mall, and had a few minutes to catch my breath, and take a few minutes to gather some energy to get on the bus, I was looking over the movie listings, on the marque across the street. I noticed the movie, The Lazareth Effect, and thought, now, that is one symbolic movie title for me. If you will recall, you scriptorium's, that Mary and Martha were the sisters of Lazareth, and they believed him to be dead, and called Jesus to come and bring him back to life. The sisters were a bit taken back by his casual and delayed heeding of their distressed pleas for help and healing on their brother's behalf. They expressed their anxiety over his lackadaisical behavior and casual manner, in not taking them more serious that he had . . . he said, basically, relax, he is just asleep. I thought of the analogous comparison between Jesus' response to Lazareth's sleep-like condition, being caught somewhere, safe, between life and death, and my own, state, feeling very much, caught between the continuum of life and death.
In my blog, yesterday, I mentioned that I felt like a fire breathing dragon, given the toxic taste, fire, and burning, down deep in my upper chest area, up my neck, and exiting out my mouth. This morning, the creases in my neck, the age circles, like the ones on trees, where you can count their age by the circles, felt like crusted crepe paper, fried, or microwaved from the inside out! My skin, I compared to a lizard's skin, generally soft and subtle, is rough, and bumpy, again reminding me of a bad sunburn. There is a difference between a sunburn, from the sun's rays, and a burn that comes from under the skin, from somewhere inside of your body, like a chemical burn. The two are very different in nature, and different in source, but in the end, look and feel much like the other. I overheard Wendy, again today, second guessing me, and saying that I felt like I got poisoned and I must have had the flu, because she was up sick all night . . . obviously, she is blaming me for her sickness, LOL! It is kind of the witch trial syndrome, if I sat by you, last night, watching the movie, you must have gotten me sick, not to mention, that I haven't talked to her, been gone all day, regardless of the way I felt, and haven't hung out with her at all! Whatever!
When You Say, You Have Flu Like Symptoms . . . That Doesn't Mean That You Have the Flu! It Means the Symptoms Are Similar!
I told you about Castor Seeds, sometimes referred to as beans, that contain, Racine in them, and can be fatal. I looked up wiki on the plant, and these are the traits: nausea, diarrhea, tachycardia, burning sensation in mouth and throat, hypo tension seizures, abdominal pain, purging and bloody diarrhea, severe dehydration, drop in blood pressure, and decrease in fluid, and death can be expected to occur within 3 to 5 days. Now, if someone had not put two and two together, and just thought they felt sick, they would most likely attribute these symptoms to the flu . . . being very similar in nature, while different to some extent. I very definitely had a burning in my throat and mouth, dry mouth to the bone, chalky and with a toxic, sickening taste. I had abdominal pains, and felt the urge to purge . . . dry heaving, trying to get whatever was in me out, in fact, the symptoms reminded me of being pregnant, and having morning sickness, because of the noxious taste in my mouth.
The really strange thing, was actually, the burning sensation, that made it look, like I had been sun burned, but with spots of flesh, not touched by color, and leaving my skin, raised, bumpy, hard, crusty, and very different from my normal skin texture. Two nights in a row, the burning took place, and the redness, blotchy look, and bumps persisted. I felt like I had a fever in my neck, most of all. So, while I felt terrible, I had some symptoms that are never attributed to the flu! And, one might think, that if poisoned, the body would react, very much this way. You are taking foreign chemicals into your body, and that might produce the burning from within, and much like a microwave, started from deep inside and worked its way out, being compared more to the way a fever would act, without outside stimulus, but with the source, being the body itself, rather than some outside agent, as was the case here. Anyway, some strange shit going on, and simple minds are not worth trying to distinguish flu type symptoms, from more extensive symptoms . . . Wendy is influenced by whatever sources are either feeding her bull shit, and she won't believe anything anyway, or she is being paid for trying to discredit whatever I say . . . either way, she is not worth convincing and I don't care enough to try! Whether anyone believes me on this or on anything else is irrelevant to my life . . . I am who I am, I had what I had, and I have done what I have done, and I don't need a cheering section, or anyone else to validate what I say, especially, someone like WENDY!
Anyway, I don't mean to be a drama queen, and dwell on my health, but I did want people to realize that there are agents and chemicals, even naturally growing plants, that can hurt you and cause you pain and even death. Do, not be so naive, to think, that people can't find a motive to kill you, and one for much less than the ones who want me dead! Arsenic and Racine, have been around for a long time, and often go undetected in some one's body, oderless, tasteless, and can even fool a coroner and crime lab! Really, the only hands you can trust, are the ones at the end of your arms! God, warns us, do not put your trust in the arm of flesh! And why do you think that is? Because, they fucking can't be trusted. They are given to envy, jealousy, greed, pride, lust, avarice, anger, desires, hatred and all kinds of other things. I am sure the people who are doing this to me, family, in particular, think they are saving the world, from people like me! LOL! They like what I say, but my lifestyle . . . scream! They, like Wendy, are too simple minded to explain, that the world is full of paradoxes, complexities, oxymoron's, and duplicities!
Things just simply put, are just not black and white, generally!
Sectarian Believing People, See Divisions Between the Sons of Darkness and the Sons of Light . . . And Nothing In Between; The Haves and the Have Nots; It is Us, or it is Them! ISIS!
This month, in The Atlantic Magazine, March 2015, issue, there is a great article, on What Is It That ISIS Wants? It makes several suggestions, from returning to the power and glory of the Ottoman Empire, with the Caliphates, the religious leaders, controlling both issues of church and state . . . like Mormon Utah! They want you and I to believe as they do, and there is not room for deviations, our way or your head! But the thing that kills me, is that after all the beheading, the murders, the amputations, the burnings, and all is said and done, taxing Christians, etc., and going to war, a jihads war, or holy war, against the rest of us, they are going to turn to, none other than, JESUS CHRIST, their second most revered prophet or teacher, even redeemer, and he is going to save them? So, what in the hell is all this fuss about? We basically believe in the same redeemer, savior, and person who is going to save us from our sins, and you, ISIS have a shit load, you are going to be needing forgiveness from . . . my enemies included!
In the book, I have been referring to recently, On Compromises and Rotten Compromises, the political extreme right, have religious overtones to their self-righteous fervor, that is not unlike, these extremists, in ISIS, or in other Mid-Eastern societies, that believe it their duty to convert the world, to their way of thinking! They do not trust or believe that people can worship as they please and still be saved, forgiven and be righteous, while Christ did way with the law, the Sharia Law, the Law of Moses, the eye for an eye, cutting off the hand that steals, and deals more with the inner man, the personal perfection of the soul, through, forgiveness and his sacrifice for us!
Much like the similarities between, the flu and flu like symptoms, there are similarities here too, while different, similar to some extent. A religious cult like ISIS, who is even being shunned from Islam and their religious leaders, alike, the numbers don't matter! Whether 20,000 ISIS recruits, or 1% Mormons, that doesn't matter, if they see their calling to save the world! God will make up the difference and he will take if from there. They see it that they are Called to Duty, right or wrong, they are going to save all of us, slackers, those who think differently, and those who, like a liberal, are accused of having no moral base, and they see our belief systems at relative, not firm, and therefore, we don't believe in anything. This is what makes in so hard, these days, for Republicans to even get along with other alleged Republicans, and reach across the isle in their own party, let alone, reach way across the isle to those heathens, those heretics, who simply, have no moral foundation whatsoever, and that is why they can compromise, and reach across the isle! LOL!
In the book, I have been referring to recently, On Compromises and Rotten Compromises, the political extreme right, have religious overtones to their self-righteous fervor, that is not unlike, these extremists, in ISIS, or in other Mid-Eastern societies, that believe it their duty to convert the world, to their way of thinking! They do not trust or believe that people can worship as they please and still be saved, forgiven and be righteous, while Christ did way with the law, the Sharia Law, the Law of Moses, the eye for an eye, cutting off the hand that steals, and deals more with the inner man, the personal perfection of the soul, through, forgiveness and his sacrifice for us!
Much like the similarities between, the flu and flu like symptoms, there are similarities here too, while different, similar to some extent. A religious cult like ISIS, who is even being shunned from Islam and their religious leaders, alike, the numbers don't matter! Whether 20,000 ISIS recruits, or 1% Mormons, that doesn't matter, if they see their calling to save the world! God will make up the difference and he will take if from there. They see it that they are Called to Duty, right or wrong, they are going to save all of us, slackers, those who think differently, and those who, like a liberal, are accused of having no moral base, and they see our belief systems at relative, not firm, and therefore, we don't believe in anything. This is what makes in so hard, these days, for Republicans to even get along with other alleged Republicans, and reach across the isle in their own party, let alone, reach way across the isle to those heathens, those heretics, who simply, have no moral foundation whatsoever, and that is why they can compromise, and reach across the isle! LOL!
The Rudy Giuliani Fiasco . . . Obama Doesn't Love America; He Doesn't Love Me & You; And We Wonder If He Is Even Christian?
This is much what I am talking about . . . the so called, liberals, are seen as lacking that something that makes them like you and I, that steadfast moral standing, that flag waving patriotism, that we have, and that leads us to ask, if someone who is a moral relativist, is even a Christian? Can you see the division, the schemata, that is being formed, the you vs. us, mentality . . . we are not the same. I would suggest, that groups, like ISIS, the Tea Party, Mormons, and others who have this mentality, are much more alike, than their fellow countrymen and women, who think in the less extreme areas, and see us all as Americans, Christians, patriots, and on the same side. They just can't do this, because, they have that need to judge for us, that call to save us, and they are saved and we are fallen, regardless of what Christ can do, or what we have done, that would negate us from being considered a Christian, kind of like poisoning me, twice now!
We have seen cartoons, of the beheading, the amputations, the burnings, the slaughter of the innocent by ISIS, and this is God's command? If Mohamed and Joseph Smith, are on the right hand of God, that leaves Jesus Christ on the left hand, but hat is not what Christ tells the Mother of the Sons' of Zebedee, who when she requests that her sons be on the right hand of God, and Jesus answers and says, have than done all that I have done? Well, yes. Really? And he goes on to say, It is not mine to give, but my Father who hath sent me! I just find it so ironic, that the very people, who are the worst, claim to be the one's saving us? That they are called from God, to this holy mission, war, to bring us to our knees, until we believe like they do! AMAZING!
KEY: Moderation in All Things!
Social scientists, have, through studying, found that the more extreme, the less the I.Q., or level of intelligence . . . there is not room for discussion, for debate, for a middle ground, for compromise, for alternative lifestyles, and they, being the mouth pieces of God, allegedly, are the ones chosen to be the judge, jury and executioners of God's will and desires! Now, where that authority comes from? But, Christ did away with the restrictive laws of the Old Testament, and brought a New Testament . . . that he is very much a part of, even for ISIS, but first, you are to live like he did. I think one of the stories that most exemplifies this, is the woman, who comes to Jesus, and brings him perfumes, and washes his feet with her hair. Jesus' disciples, is shocked that he doesn't turn this woman away, a prostitute. And as Jesus does best, he uses an analogy . . . if a man, owes another man, 10,000 shekels, and his Lord or the man, he owes, forgives him of that amount of debt, does not the man he forgives, most, love Jesus or the Lord best, or better than the one, who is only forgiven 1,000 shekels? Now that is logic . . . of course, the person who is forgiven the most, will not only love the master the most, but will be the most grateful!
So, while the extremists, thinking they are the chosen, the called, the favored of the Lord, or of the right winged extremists, and consider themselves as having no sins, or no ways that need to be changed, and they are going to judge and fix the rest of us, are really the ones who appreciate what they are given, of have the least, seeing, no need for freedoms, for liberties, rights, or privileges! Let's take Hispanics, who are trying to get into this country for what it has to offer their children, by way of the American dream . . . do you not think, that those who have been under, corrupt regimes, do not most appreciate a semi or less corrupt, political system? Those who come to this country seeking political and religious asylum, the right to practice their religion or some other religion as they please, or to speak out about their political beliefs, don't you think they value these rights and freedoms more than you do yourself, having always had them?
The United States Constitution, is moderate, is a compromise, values and protects the minority, and is the instrument to bring about a more perfect union . . . it doesn't deal in the extremes, but in the common welfare, general defense, justice for all, prosperity for me and my posterity . . . etc. Are we not amiss, if we, ourselves, are in the extremes?
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