That's What People Do For My Name . . . That's What People Do For MONEY!
This is fascinating to me, that I am trying to watch a 48 Hours episode, that is entitled Follow the Money, and my computer is refusing to let me get to it, but keeps bringing up an episode called, The Secret of Snake River Rachel Anderson Murder, catching my eye, due to the names involved, always symbolic to me, Rachel is my little sister, who is also involved in the theft of the Brock et al v. Herbert et al, securities case, mentioned in the title, a look a like sister, only 3 to 4 inches bigger, fake boobs, out of the Barbie dress up and cut out books for little girls, fake teeth, huge ass feet, and a smaller butt; Anderson, is the first married name of older sister, Shelley, who is also one of the doubles, but also, one of the brain children behind this rouse, billion dollar take over, theft of music, cases, legislation, blogs, etc. So, I was curious to watch this episode; however, the episode, in sign and symbol of substituting the wrong person, into the title of the episode, was really about, the mystery death of Linda Curry, a beautiful, smart, active, woman, who married an alleged nuclear physicist, whom she met at her work at the plant, and married, who was charged with her murder, 16 years after her death, having poisoned her with nicotine intoxication, or poisoning, all the while holding her hand, taking care of her, loving her with one hand, and poisoning her in the next for her money! Right name for the money, wrong gals!
What was equally interesting, was the name of the hospital, where they found that Linda's IV in the Mission Hospital (symbolic of the Butte Rescue Mission) had been tampered with, and there was a strange color in her IV. And the woman, who looked into an traced the death, years later when a new prosecutors opened the cold case, a forensic pathologist, was a woman named, symbolically, Sabra Botch Jones, Jones being one of the symbolic names for me and my family, due to the home we purchased in Provo, Utah, before our divorce, with the owners of Jones Paint & Glass, pointing out, a great home around the block, without a for sale sign on it, and fixed up was a treasure and beauty, built by an architect, making it for his wife, and the home had been in the family, with 21 people, prior to us, who tried to buy the home, with us, just timing it right! I know, my brain, as one of the prime movers, in this scheme to take my good name, and everything else, making it Kay's, who then became me, so he was entitled to half of whatever I make! LOL! No dear, you get to share a prison cell with Kay! LOL! Both Kay and Brett have shit colored eyes, 3 of 4 of mine, have baby blues! Try that on for genetic fuck ups! Science? DNA . . . you two are not the parents, even if my kids claim, you are . . . sorry, easy to prove, UNLESS I AM DEAD! Getting desperate, you two dumb ass butt fuckers, good GOD, you would stoop to this? REALLY! Yeah, you fucking botched my poisoning twice, once with the Utah Medical Association and now!
The only thing good out you is ME! Wanna freely spend some of that money you have been hiding for years? LOL! Better come up with better plans! All the right connections, all the wrong brains . . . CRIMINAL MINDS! Only the FBI is involved! They are the ones who ordered the three judge panel, May 9, 2012, recognize the connection to the Mitt Romney election, and run for president, and told them, to cancel oral arguments, too bad, I saw the email, coming from someone other than the judges, to the judges, until the court clerks, saw it and saw me see it, and tore off the top part, indicating, that this order did not come from the court, but the feds! COPS LIE! Government attorneys, just failed to show up, they will claim, that they put a notice on my email, days earlier, hell no, do you seriously think, I am going to do the brilliant job, as stated by Henry S. Brock himself, couldn't say enough of how good the brief, I filed, back in February 2010 was . . . good enough for the United States Supreme Court to steal my 4th amendment arguments and case law, originally their cases, but my modern day application of the 4th amendment, and used it in the U.S. v. Jones . . . another use of my symbolic name, my case inspiration! Whatever, the price of fame, love your work, going to kill you!
I am sure that the Butte Rescue Mission, along with the other paid missions and shelters, lied about who was there also, and could have facilitated poison to the diner across the street from the bus depot . . . castor bean laced green tea beans, started in Missoula, at the Poverello, followed me to Helena, God's Love, where I started to take them and left them, near my bed, when I started to get sick, and set up! Amazing that these same missions, can be written up in my blog, and I would guess, got tons of donations, with me pumping and pushing, like the opening of the Poverello Center, December 13, 2014, with the crowds so thick, that people had to wait outside, and I am sure that was Rachel, who can't write an email, or couldn't, but I am sure along with her communications and English classes, trying to catch her up to me, sorry, will never, never, ever happen, which I am sure you are finding . . . lies do the rest, like I said, in my blog, about CFP, Certified Financial Planners, with the dis jockey passing as a planner . . . worried, what you did to me, using a fucking flight attendant dressed like an attorney, that anyone can replace you too, because they are stupid, and don't know the law, but a real attorney would see through that stupid bitch is two seconds flat, but with FBI, CIA, NSA and cop lying over and over . . . using Hitler's mantra, tell anyone a lie long enough and it becomes the truth!
We give way too much credibility to cops, and we should not, they are not worthy of it, and you should suspect anyone of being involved, especially, when they think they are underpaid for their jobs, and need incentives, like drug asset forfeiture money, or side kicks, like sucking off my son's music, with Shelley's fake ass fucking son, Isaac, pretending to be The Red Jesus, or Elliot . . . or using Ryan Chambers, the first theft of "Little Black Horse Where Are You Going With Your Dead Rider" CD . . . oh, I forgot, Brett has ownership! Really, Elliot did a poor man's copyright, and I know that for a fact, he told me, and also, the U.S. Constitution protects copyrights and other creative works, like my blog and his music, so good luck on that one too!
One Families Alleged Honor? LOL!
Mother and father, lied to get married in a Mormon temple, pregnant at the time and not worthy to enter, those alleged holy halls. They gave birth to Shelley, their bitch made out of wedlock, who lived up to her start, and had at least 4 bastards and bitches of her own! LOL! All from different fathers, and her only legitimate marriage, the dad, confessed he felt that even Jessie, allegedly dead from a drug overdose, probably hanging with Richard, my brother who faked his death, for polygamy too, those date rape drugs and the staged deaths, like Frank, my fourth, lying ass husband, who along with Shelley, murdered Allan Rex Bess, and cut his body up, burned it in the new furnace, and then took the ashes and cemented them into the walls, under the window, to the outside, that Frank, aka, dug up, when I brought him down to the house in Parowan from the cabin . . . really, these are your noble, honorable, honest, people, that you want to kill me for the family honor . . . or maybe to bring that bitch and bastard Kay and Brett in, I think Brett killed a kid, when he was 17, and got off, because he grandparents, had money, RSM Foods in Logan, really, crime runs deep in this crew, with me being the only one, who is honest and lives, what I believe, and earned every fucking cent, they are so freely bribing people with, and living it up, giving grants to everyone, so they are compromised on their sides, and most people take the money, rather than the honor!
My father bilked people out of all kinds of money, and trained Shelley first hand, his girl Friday, since she was in junior high! LOL! She worked with mafia, and my father used less than honorable tactics, to do whatever. One time, I had a guy, who has now been bribed to say that Rachel is me, Paul Ruybol, living in St. George, who was obsessed with me, and went to prison for forging the checks of an older lady, becasue he had to follow me, 24/7, but my father became aware of the problems before Paul went to prison in Gunnison . . . isn't it amazing that I know all the details of MY LIFE! But my father, the thug, asked me, if i wanted to have him take care of Paul, and I looked him, not understanding and asked, how can you take care of it? He said he would have Tongan or Samonan mafia, or the equivalent jump him and beat him up, threatening him to leave me alone.
I was shocked! NO, I can take care of this, eventually, Paul, forged the checks and was arrested, and taken to prison, allowing me 18 months, to rest and get through law school, up to graduation, where he threatened to put me in prison, for what? I was afraid that I would get shot walking across graduation ceremonies, considered wearing a bullet proof vest, but I played the smart game, and had learned, that the more I pushed him, Paul away, the harder he came on to me, so I told him to come up and see me, he relaxed and never came. I did use what I learned, as an assistant attorney general, later, writing the domestic violence and sexual assault manual, I got a national award from President Clinton, back in D.C., under the Violence Against Women's Act . . . however, I let, Kris Knowlton, go to the award ceremony and she was paid, or had to be, to say that I was Shelley, or one of the bitches that claims to be me and steals credit for all the work, I just took as part of my job, not one for fan fare . . . now I have to brag and take credit, getting everything stolen every day! Check, Gina Merrell, at Dixie State University, paid to fuck with me on the computers! A member of the Las Vegas Italian mafia families, now so connected into the Mormon church! A computer guru . . . she uncovered me from the tomb, then buried me, like I said, a story about Rachel Anderson, when in reality, the story is about Linda Curry or JoAnn S. Secrist, doing enough professionally, even missing 8 years, to make all of them famous, rather than just one woman, too much for the fucking jealous cops to deal with, since I continue to kick their asses, and they continue to fail to get me, for what?
Rachel got remarried in 4 fucking hours after her divorce, was final, without even waiting the 90 day waiting period, because Judge Shumate, hated me too, and was in on the new JoAnn, staging the set up for the steal of the Brock case that I filed the same day, Rachy pooh got married to Kay Moosman, December 18, 2009! Amazing that I have all these landmark dates, when my cases were first filed, then we filed an amended complaint, January 10, 2010, with New York Investment News, writing their article, on the case, entitled, No Big Love in Utah . . . was she a fortune teller, Martinez, the news reporter, who was mysteriously dismissed on follow up articles, because she spent so much time, talking to me, because Hank and Jay didn't know jack shit, and were jealous, of their attorney who was getting more attention than the two bumb asses who got their dicks in a wringer with the SEC regulators, in the state . . . but, they all made money, except me, Jay Rice did try, years later, after I started my blog to pay me some blood money . . . why? He cheated me out of legal fees always, and so did Hank! Blood money, alleviate their guilty consciences!
There are all your honorable ones? Really, I am watching this chick on CNN, who has hair like mine, and glasses, and they just posted the CNN special, Finding Jesus, that I watched and wrote about in MY blog, Rachel is a seminary drop-out, I did 5 years, when the Mormon church only asked for 4 years to graduate from seminary . . . and she is taking credit for what I write at any given time on spiritual issues? HONOR? I don't know, seriously, what my family thinks honor is? They have none! Rachel looks more like, MSNBC, Alex Wittz or Witts, long blonde hair, that no 53 years old woman has a right to wear, and look age perfect!
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