Butte is Butte . . . Informative Bus Ride
For wild times in the wild, wild west, Butte is the rival of the state . . . from St. Patrick's Day, to Evel Knievel Days--Sturgis comes to Butte, 10,000 Harley's or hogs strong, and finishing the summer with the renowned, Folkfest, if you are planning your spring, summer vacation, check out the activities going on in this part of the state. I swore, last year, that I would be in Butte, for St. Patrick's Day, and so far so good, I am here! I can't wait to see the Uptown Festivities. The bus driver, a tough Butte born and raised boy, looks meaner than mean still, in his 50's or 60's, informing that he knows how to fight, and Butte is known for tough kids . . . I have met a few, and I don't doubt that claim for one second! LOL! I tried clarifying the suspension of the prohibition against open containers for St. Patrick's Day, he said, Butte is Butte, we can sit right there, and he pointed to the bus bench on the side of the road, and we are fine, holding a beer. Oh, so you don't have to worry about that law, all year, not just on St. Patrick's Day; Butte is Butte! I asked him about open container laws when driving, he said, that is another issue, but while you are in town, you can carry a beer with you any day of the year! Funny, a truck just went down the street, that was called, Bunzel . . . Welcomes the World to Utah! How ironic, since, Utah has some of the strictest laws for beer consumption! LOL!
My daughter, Greta, wrote a great article, for Utah Adventure Journal, called Three Point Two, and article about the subculture in Utah, due to the oppressive drinking laws, water beer, non-beer sales on Sunday, and probably not on, Monday, either, after 6:00 p.m., closed for Mormon Family Home Evening! LOL! One of the bus drivers from, I think Missoula, and I were talking about the time this article of my daughter's came out . . . and he said, oh, my gosh, he and some of his friends, went to Moab, to go hiking and biking, beautiful country, but he said the state run liquor stores, didn't even open until 11:00 a.m. And he found that out after spending the night, searching for a grocery store, that would sell beer on Sunday night! LOL! I didn't even know what 3.2 referred to until my daughter informed me, but I can sympathize with guys and gals, who don't want to get drunk, like most Mormons are trying to stop them from, in that George Orwellian state, but they just wanted access, to have a cold one, after they got back from hiking or biking! You will not run into that problem here in Butte, home of the 156 liquor licenses, compared to the 26 to 50 licenses other cities in the state have obtained!
Sometimes a liquor license can either make or break a restaurant. One of my favorite diners, up in Dameron Valley, Utah, just outside of St. George, was the Red Dog Cafe! They had the best food, reasonable prices, and great homemade pies, made daily, and fresh. So, in essence, they had everything a diner needed to survive and thrive, but with one exception, they could not get a liquor license in Utah! The Utah legislature, would only give out so many per year, or renew, so many, and the Red Dog Cafe, didn't have the political clout to get her done, and the great diner closed its doors! So sad, a great short distance drive out of town, just to feel like you got away for the night, and fun atmosphere, but the lack of being able to sell beer with diner, because in Utah the beer cops will fine you for serving a beer, separate from your dinner! So, come to Butte, Butte is Butte! They are known for their party town, and for their hard drinking times!
Lovin'. Drink It Up. Responsible Drinking . . . Some of Those Painted Green Faces and Leprechauns, Mixing it UP, in the Butte Crowd, are Undercover Cops! Many Youngsters, Risk the $150 Fine for Underage Drinking, to Get a Swig of the Irish Brew to Go With the Bratz!
This is wisdom from the local bus driver . . . he said, a bunch of cops are brought in for the event, and they will generally, be arresting the teenage drinkers, who are not old enough to drink. So, parents if you don't want to be bothered getting a phone call from your kid, during the activities, encourage them to wait a few years! I know, I was a kid once too, and part of the adrenaline rush, was the thrill of outrunning the cops, guess, I never grew out of that one! LOL! The bus driver said, his kids, would be on the run, and give him a call, and give dad a pick up point, from behind some dumpster or alley! All part of growing up! In all seriousness, drink responsibly, stop before getting smashed and out of control, don't drive, buses will be running that day to transport people to and from parking lots, or I think they will be. Being from Utah, I have not been around drunks much, but I have since being here in Montana, and believe me, I can do without it. Nobody minds getting a bit tipsy, having a good time, and throwing back a few cools ones, but, avoid the obnoxious drunk.
I used to go dancing in Park City, Utah, a lot. And we would hook up with guys from out of state, like Chicago, stock traders, businessmen, who would meet all their fraternity bros, in Utah for a few days of skiing and catching up on life, women, and work. I was talking to one of the guys at dinner, before the dancing and drinking, and he admitted to me, that whenever he was the designated driver for the group of friends, he hated all of them drunk! Quite the admittance! Even your own friends hate you drunk, so think of your wife and kids! Be smart, everything in moderation . . . This time of year, when the weather is warming and the fun is starting, might be the perfect time of the year, to have a family, come to Jesus meeting on drinking, the pluses, the minuses, the safety issues, the DUI problems, and domestic violence and child abuse that is a natural outcrop of the drunken stupor. One of my friends, just this week, just had to see his beautiful wife, be sentenced to 5 years in prison for past DUIs! She had been clean sober for a few years, and was just short of getting off probation, when she made a poor decision, and threw caution to the wind, and decided to drive. Her husband, said, no, that he would not get in the car with her . . . he gave in, she got caught, and she is now gone for the next 5 years! He is turning into skin and bones, worried sick about her, and wishing that he had stuck to his guns, and never let her drive that night!
Just a word to the wise! Oh, one more drinking story, just came to mind . . . as an assistant attorney general, I was given the responsibility of trying all DUI cases in the state of Utah, that amounted to about 270 per year. But before I started that assignment, I was to go through training, at P.O.S.T., Peace Officer Standard and Training, yeah the same ones, the Montana legislature just said had to include constitutional and civil rights training for all cops in Montana, who attend the academy to be certified! But, the cops training our group, wanted us to see what a drunk looked like, and how they behaved, since many were Mormons and didn't have that background. They got a group of volunteers, and provided them with as much liquor as they wanted, and let them drink to their heart's content, before coming in to walk lines, and do field sobriety tests, and what not. But, while they were drinking, they filmed them, to show them what they looked like and acted like drunk . . . without exception, they all stopped drinking! They were disgusted at the way they were acting, spare your friends, family, neighbors, etc., the embarrassment of being with a drunk! NOT COOL!
Public Service Announcement for Future Constitutional Law Attorneys of America, Who Will Find Enemies! WARNING: Skull & Bones!
This is the second time, I, as a professional woman, have faced poisoning, due to job related, pressures, that are created with the others in your profession do not adhere to their oath of upholding, preserving, protecting and defending, the United States Constitution and like state constitutional provisions, and run head on with other loyalties, ideologies, and philosophies, that are not only opposed to your training and beliefs, but polar opposites, much like the Patriot Act, that started about the time of my first run in with being poisoned, after getting 9 federal agents and attorney's fired, while defending physicians' constitutional and statutory rights, when going through Medicaid/Medicare fraud unit investigations. I had not idea, that was part of my job, expectancy and duties, getting poisoned for doing what I had been trained to do! That unexpected little stint, cost me 8 years of my life!
This time, while being aware that many were getting pissed, and pressure was mounting, knowing that there were agents of death all around me, they came in the back door, through a weakness or need if you will, my desire to get in shape, and lose weight! There are a million ways to kill your lover! I just wanted you to be aware, not only of work relationships, but of family members . . . wives, husbands, lovers, neighbors, and anyone who might want you dead, for just about any reason. Some of these deaths go undetected forever, and many for years. The use of Racine or Arsenic, have been around forever . . . remember the old women, who were killing their spouses, and older gentlemen, in the play, Arsenic & Old Lace! I am glad that my sister, Shelley Southwick Anderson Yeman, whatever, the one who has tried to steal my identity for 15 years and still is, finally, decided to actually, use her biology degree . . . but to poison me? Really?
Shelley wants to be an attorney so bad, that she will stop at nothing to get rid of me and have full reign of my life! Shelley worked for a pharmaceutical company in Park City, Utah, while I was at the Utah Attorney Generals Office, and I am sure, that creating the death gift, still packaged and sealed, would be no problem. As anyone trying to lose weight, which is almost all of us, you are familiar with Dr. Oz, and his miracle, Green Coffee Bean diet! The little package of capsules in probably still at God's Love Mission, in Helena, in an old postal crate, white, containing a book and magazine that I was reading and going to write my blog about. If cops were doing their job, rather than trying to join the crowd and kill me, they would go over or call the cops in Helena and pick up the evidence, the white bottle of Green Tea Beans . . . or whatever they are, and take them to the state crime lab, probably right there in Helena, and have them tested! That would be dealing with true crime issues, rather than just wasting time, hating a blogger like me! The white postal box, is under a ladder, between the wall and the bed, in Room I, as I recall. And I am still sicker than a dog!
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