We All Need to Stop Doing "Stupid" Stuff!
Masking blatant discrimination, against blacks, gays, women, and any other member of society, regardless of race, color, creed, age, sexual orientation, weight, stop doing it! This is god-damn it, not cool, smart, acceptable, credible, under whatever label you want to put it under, baking cakes, and taking photos . . . once you open your business doors, and commercially take advantage of the laws protecting businesses, have customers, or use the roads, government police, schools, transportation, and any other advantage of doing business in America . . . you can't fucking discriminate against anyone, who wants to use your services, and disguising it in the name of RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, is almost revolting to me, seeing that JESUS, would have none of that, always the total model of respect, acceptance, love, tolerance, forgiveness . . . other than for the Pharisees and Sadducee's, the Sanhedrin, or the pious religious, or allegedly religious leaders of the time! He likened them, to whited sepulchres, on the outside, and full of dead man's bones on the inside! And where do you think, your frat rat, dumb ass kids are getting their racist and sexist references to lynchings, hot chicks, without pulses? From their stupid ass parents, most, religious hypocrites! Sorry, I know that it is Sunday, but I am still fucked up from being poisoned, three times, in the last few weeks, coughing up what feels like slivered glass shards, turning to orange crystals, when spit into cold water! Your prejudice, goes down no better, nor comes out better!
Senator, Ted Cruse, is announcing his presidential candidacy Monday, and played the divide the baby, weighing in on the issues, stating that he would never personally discriminate against anyone, but he does think that people who have strong religious objections, to serving gays, under religious freedom, should not be forced by the government to serve people, who's lifestyles they object to. There is one way, that I think, people who are so, objectionable to Jack and John, getting married, even though, I personally, encourage, a Jesus style Christianity, putting that aside, as not part of their real religiosity, can choose, to operate only, within their religious circle, in kind of back alley, secret, operation, catering only to people who are a member of their own religion and church . . . may be an argument for that? But the normal commercial enterprise, NO! You can't get away with that under any label of discrimination!
Mormons, back in the early days of the Mormon church, while in Nauvoo, Illinois, decided to do just that, do business, only with Mormons, and they decided to block vote too . . . guess what that got them? An extermination order from the governor! They had the Constitution back then too! They, Mormons, still do the same thing, but they made sure they infiltrated all levels of the government, from the CIA to the FBI, or anyone who could enforce other laws against them, like Ms. Lynch--stop that confirmation, and built up a 70% majority, so even people like Eric Holder, could count the numbers, one woman's civil rights, against all the intelligence community, oh, hell NO! Do, you think for one second, I haven't contacted, U.S. Attorney, Paul Kohler or FBI agent, Seth Foote, about the extreme prejudice, hate crimes to attempted homicide threats, ID theft, hell yeah, and they both know me personally . . . nothing, no help . . . we don't see any crimes here? They seem to be suffering from the same blindness or favoritism, as Ferguson Mayor, James Knowles! These people don't belong in these positions, it is the fucking, god-damn LAW! What don't you get about this? Jeb Bush? Ted? Marc? Mitt?
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