Favorite Pass Time, After Writing My Blog, Is Watching True Crime Shows . . . Shocked At the Motives for Murder?
Yesterdays, titles, from FBI Files and 48 Hours . . . let me see if I can make sense of my hen scratching all over the Volunteers of America, Durango Community Shelter, Guest Handbook a good example of the concept and idea of love, caring, giving food, shelter, and support, but I wrote my notes, for lack of paper, all over the booklet, so, we will see if I can list the true crimes, murders, motives, and possible reasons for these, bloody and horrendous crimes, often against unsuspecting and, basically innocent people, many of whom, had no idea, that anyone would ever hurt them, and how slight the provocation was, in many instances, that led to the senseless murders of so many people. Here is a list of the episodes, and a brief description of the persons killed and the motives, shocking as they may seem, there are really monsters living among us . . . and what could have stopped all these terrible crimes, murders, mayhem, torture, dismemberment? Just taking one second, and thinking about what a loving person would do, what people are going to be devastated by the death of this loved one, and do unto others as you would have done to you! Here we go:
- 221 Family Secrets: this was about a young married couple, who just had their first baby. An old girlfriend had broken up with her boyfriend and came to see the husband, an old flame. The new wife, was patient and the husband, was nice, but distant. The couple, even let the old girlfriend come and stay with them, for a while, a few days, while she got her life together. But after the baby was born and right before Christmas, the old girlfriend called the husband again, and the wife, got on the phone, and said, that the woman, Patty Roara, (St. Patty's Day Poisonings? Katy Perry's Roar . . . bragging about the job that was almost accomplished in Butte?) needed to respect the fact that the two were married, and that they had a new baby now, and Christmas was coming . . . and basically, in no uncertain terms, put a stop as best she could to the girlfriend's rekindled interest in her old boyfriend, who was now married. Three days later, the girlfriend, broke in the home, she was familiar with, from the stay earlier, and cut the phone lines, and stopped JoAnn Catchenack, interesting name, given, my situation, that there is more than one way to kill a mother and her baby (Elliot--God's Revolver), forced her to put the child, 4 month old baby boy, in the car seat, then get in the driver's seat, with Patty, sitting behind her, directing her to drive to a remote field and woods, about 40 miles from where the couple lived, made her get out of the car, carry the baby, then basically executed the mother, and they thought, that the baby was strangled. The husband, at first didn't think much of the girlfriend, but the FBI started piecing together her alibi, that was a lie, and another old boyfriend, told the FBI, Roara, had a gun, and it turned out to be the gun that matched the one used in the crime, but it was a new hair folicle test, that matched the DNA of Roara . . . I mean, I am serious, talk about a lunatic's response to a very reasonable request from JoAnn, to leave her and her husband and baby alone! Luckily, the FBI had the passion to pursue the case, and the cops who found the mother and babies bodies, were heart sick and cared, driven, they finally caught the woman, but what the hell is that about?
- The Un-Perfect: David Ghant (heist of music, case and blog money, given in grants, to launder the money, to many, and about a billion dollar heist), was a low level, security guard at Loomis Fargo, a money depository for banks, who, along with a female, co-worker, decided to rob the repository, with tons of cash collected from banks all over the city--got away with $17 million, being understaffed, and with Ghant being one of the last guards, to close the vaults each night, and the one who had the keys. Kelly Campbell (I swear, either God, my Intel man, or the FBI is feeding me, wanting more information, the names are just so damn symbolic, I can't believe it--Kelly is the name of the attorney, who the enemies brought in to steal my cases, in Judge Ted Stuart's court, worth $56.7 million, and Judge Tena Campbell, is the name of the judge, I got disqualified, who had to write a letter of admittance to the 10th Circuit, and was taken off the bench as chief justice over the U.S. Federal District Court of Utah, $357 million case--huge heist), contacted a guy named, Steve Chambers ( Judge's chambers? Brett Stuart/Stewart, the nephew or a relative of Judge Ted Stewart . . . mother's maiden name, if Chamberlain, also involved in all Iron County, dad was born there, and mother taught school there) and his wife, Michelle Chambers ( many people with the name Michelle, use the shorter name of Shelley, and Shelley, worked with Amy, a court clerk, and fucked an IT person, to get my e-filing account, somehow transferred to her computer, while I was practicing in several states, and gone all the time, or it could have been the Egyptian guy, Homeland Security brought in, always fucking with my computer, and setting up surveillance in my basement, until I kicked him out, but one my computer, at 3770 Sugar Leo, St. George, Utah, I had all my contracts with clients, my briefs, my emails, and everything, and suddenly, I had to send my material and briefs to Shelley's computer, to get it e-filed? And then eventually, I couldn't even use my e-filing, set up a new one, not connected to the multi-million dollar cases, and I believe Shelley, went to court, as me . . . I was like the bean, under about 6 cups, and you are suppose to guess which cup, I am hid under, suffling doubles, and mixing and matching with ex-husbands, and boyfriends! Shelley actually went into court, with a wig, and represented herself as me, Lindsay, who was in jail with me, after the sheriffs took my truck, and about $20,000 worth of personal property, told me, she saw her . . . so, either Judge Michael G. Westfall, or Judge John Walton, allowed that bitch to take my place in court, as law enforcement and criminal justice system members, protected the fraud, and chased the real attorney, and the female they couldn't control . . . Frank, lying, with a divorce bending, and me saying that he had absolutely no claim to my children, decided, he was Allan Rex Bess' double, and Shelley was my replacement . . . but the simple plan got more and more complicated . . .) but, Steve, as was Brett, the mastermind behind the heist, and Michelle, was to bring them up to speed in the wealthy circles, and work depositing the money after it was stolen. They brought in several other guys, who made up the gang! Much as in the gang, I dealt with, there was an inner circle of friends and family, closed lips, and all formerly poor, with no means, as in this case of making the kind of money I did, with the exception of Kay Burningham, another attorney, but one going into debt, $10,000 per month in her law practice in torts, being licensed in Utah, California and maybe, Colorado, but she added the legal aspects, and also worked with Brock, Rice and my father, going after, the easy targets, me and my son! The incident took place in Charlotte, South Carolina . . . I used to refer to Shelley, and gang as "Charlotte's Web", a book I saw Shelley reading, back when we were young, but seeing her network of gang members, including her sons, daughter, and bringing in everyone of my former flames, lovers, and husbands, with her going after each one of them, after I left them all! But eventually the gang, got greedy, and refused to give Ghant money, and decided to kill him, down in the Cayman . . . Kay Man . . . Islands! Shelley studied off-shore banking, Brett and Kay eventually hooked up, last I knew, but he had previously been with Shelley, but she had to be my shadow, and go with any guy I went with, or shadow me to Montana, and getting with the other men. But, the FBI getting to David Ghant, who had been warned that the gang was coming to kill him, and he was relieved that the cops showed up to save his life! I think, eventually, 21 people were charged in the heist, and 20 pleaded out, one was found guilty, the sentences seemed minimal, but, whatever . . . but, I would say, the inner circle of my heist, is somewhat larger than that, but it is a group of friends and family members, none of which have the capabilities to make the kind of money my cases, blog, or my son's music could make . . . easy targets! Mormon Church connections, FBI, CIA, NSA, cops, local, state and federal, they just crossed the two sisters, made Shelley the respectable attorney, and made me the fuck up she is . . . from the start, everything I ever did, was done on a huge scale, from the domestic violence and sexual assault manual, to killing asset forfeiture, spreading from Utah to 27 states, to me taking out federal and attorneys, in Medical upcoding for Medicare/Medicaid billing, to the largest civil rights cases the nation had ever seen, to the fucking most popular blog in the history of the Internet . . . doing it big, is my signature! There is not one of them, brother-in-laws, included, that has the earning potential, I had . . . but if I can do it once, I can do it again, but I am pissed as hell, to have to start over, after recreating myself, at least 3 other times . . . but, this case, was so symbolic, it was crazy! These people are not stupid, but they do have criminal minds, and as in the title, the are, very, Un-Perfect! One of the things that came on the radar screen for the FBI, was Steve and Michelle, spending money all over the place, and neither one of them had regular jobs in the last two years before the heist . . . I think if the feds or whomever, is suppose to be checking this case, of mine, if there is anyone, they should look at the jobs, they had before they got my money. Just when leaving Grand Junction, a train of RVs, all pulling hopped up Jeeps, of all colors, drove into town, reminding me, of Easter a few years ago, a bit Southwick family holiday, and one they always get together on . . . but I was a similar train of RVs and Jeeps, heading out of St. George, Utah, and I had been up in Montana, and was not expected back in the state, and I saw, this train, leave the freeway, and turn around, going back to St. George, while looking like they were heading to the Jeep Safari in Moab, a family dream vacation, and one, that David Harris, Tiff and family had done years before . . . this same thing, happened, the train of RVs and Jeeps, turned around, and headed out of town, and I had just finished my blog posting! Whooops, jumping the gun again . . . the money has been hidden, laundered, and is invested in real estate, from St. George to Park City, and Logan . . . check the empty strip malls, all over, and I think, you can trace it back to the years that they stole Elliot's first CD, and marketed it around the world . . . when I suspected the circle of family and friends, were stealing the music, created a band with Isaac, Ryan Chambers and maybe Jessie, and other frauds, I pulled up, Brett Todd Stuart/Stewart's name, and found he had 4 pages of real estate listings, and Shelley got into real estate about that same time, and places like, Red Rock Center, in Park City, Utah, and other building hit Utah building and construction, like a storm, back in 2004 to 2006 . . . the years that God's Revolver started! Very interesting stuff, already knew, but the symbolism is uncanny! Oh, Hope Carlton and Page Tucker, he is Canadian, and the music was laundered through, 6 Avenue, Park Street, Glasgow, BC, Canada, with a music promoter, Canadian . . . right after I wrote, Skinning the Bunny . . . a van, with the name, Paragone, went down the street . . . Pair are Gone? I made a case for murder! I would check Hope's house in Loma, Colorado, and Page's house in Grand Junction . . . bet they left town after what I wrote! Check banks in Aspen, Colorado . . . Kay lived her, Boulder, Colorado, Brett and her are big time skiers, my money bought them quit the life . . . SWEET RIDE! Both were poor as church mice! If I had made the money, I would have upset the Southwick apple cart . . . making more, and money is a big deal to them, that either and both brother-in-laws, the standard, for the family materialism, and made them look, like chump change . . . couldn't handle me success, and the money would, from any Secrist, have been unbearable for the family! LOL!
- Fatal Choices: The woman in this episode, looked so much like, sister, Rachel, who had been an abused woman, and I would say, still is . . . and she had actually been a flight attendant for Delta Airlines, Rachel, worked for United Airlines, but the woman, who was liked by everyone, except the loser, attorney she married, who had abused her, and later killed her. But the interesting thing, that brought the situation, closer to home and me, was, that the murder took place in the city of Bainbridge! Hell, any symbolism there? Presidential candidate, Mormon, Mitt Romney, Bain Capital! And it was interesting, when she was found, she was clutching a t-shirt, with the symbol of President Obama's Change on it . . . too close to real! Rachel is allegedly me, but I don't look like that, and fatal choices, Jerry Owens, Brett Stewart/Stuart, and last, Frank, aka. Allan Rex Bess, all hate President Obama, and my father, had a picture of George W. Bush and Laura Bush, on his walls, at least for the first term of President Obama! My clients, Henry S. Brock and Jay Rice, in the securities case, for $357 million, wanted me to write in the complaint, that they promised to pay the Mormon Church, 10% of the damages from the case, at the time, I said, that will not help you, and there is a separation of church and state, the judge is only going to rule on the law, not tithing! With the potential of a Mormon president, and the gang, having visions of ruling the world, I should have known, but I filed back in 2010, two years before the race. Then Brock and Rice, wanted me to contribute to BYU . . . NO, then I told them I was setting up a constitutional law firm from hell, oh, you can set it up under Hank's brother's and his, non-profit? What, so no tithing to the church, no contributions to BYU, more of the same type of cases against the government, and I was voting for Obama . . . so they all just decided to up and steal the case! All the men, past, current and present, were all, very connected, integrated, and involved in the Mormon Church, with Mitt, and the Republican party, so go figure . . . fatal choices! Politics are a blood sport, when Mormons have a chance to rule the world, with a Mormon president, like Kay and Mitt, tried to impress on the UK, the day after the U.S. Federal Judge, Clark Waddoups, just up and dismissed the case, he couldn't help the government win, so they said the case was terminated, unfinished, and the fuckers, took the money and ran. March 27, 2012, BBC, UK, a Mormon President for the World . . . what are an author of anit-Mormon books, Kay Burningham, and a Mormon President doing together, promoting a documentary in the very symbolic, U Kay? There were several really symbolic names in the episode, Judge David Fury, that could go for any of the judges, that I have trashed for being totally unfaithful to the law, to ethics, and to their positions on the bench, to the point of criminal behavior, that of letting women, other than me, play attorney in their court rooms, or sign off on huge ass settlements, cutting me out of the settlement process, when they are MY FUCKING CASES! Two of the attorneys, names were, Steve Bell, one of my symbols for Shelley, can't remember just how that one came about, but Bell in my more complicated brain that the federal tax code, represented her! The other one, was David Joyce, my mother's sister's name is Joyce, indicating, that the attorney, was a sister, not the real relative or mother! The Sheriff's name was, Sandy McDermitt, interesting name choice, new sheriff in Missoula, is Sheriff McDermitt, the mayor's boy, and former, city cop, with under sheriff, Jason Clark, being clearly my choice . . . I was chased by the city cops, then just before I went to Butte, after the poisoning, I was chased by cops for 24 hours . . . Shelley calling the shots, she is connected into them, and they think she is ME! And that I am her! I also, think that there was dirty politics, involved, not only in the lawsuit, that McDermitt and his undersheriff, Jason Johnson won, for $60,000, from the sheriff's department, just before the sheriff's race, with McDermitt, using $40,000 of that for his campaign, that was announced right after the lawsuit was settled, being sealed, and behind closed doors, not hard for Shelley and gang, including cops, just criticized cops for the two cop shootings, and stopped application for militarized vehicle grant . . . Shelley's? Shelley was with Jerry, going to Sundance Film Festival, then, she seemed to know Brett, and so did Kay, prior to me marrying him, and she and Frank, InterPol, aka, Allan Rex Bess, the pair in a deadly attraction, as was Kay and Brett! Judy Daly, was the key witness in the case I defended the real Allan Rex Bess, and she teamed up with Shelley, and Judy lied and protected Shelley and Frank, when I surprised them and came home to Parowan, unexpectedly . . . Frank lied and said that Judy was his sister! Police Chief of Parowan, in a sting op, to get rid of Chief Griffith, who was a friend of mine, Kent Wade, was also, in the military, also, internal affairs, and key to protecting Frank, lying as if he was Allan, covering murder, twice, and was in on the staged death or suicide of Frank, and saying that Shelley was ME, brought in for the Delta Force Intelligence special op of taking me out . . . protecting the Utah National Guard, in my claims that 3 Iron County Sheriffs were also Nation Guard members and murdered, Tristan Lameroeaux's wife, Misty, and blamed Tristan! The real Allan was going to help me on the case, Frank, said he was guilty . . . 180 degree change! Frank is collecting Allan's VA benefits, and his Social Security . . . NO DEATH CERTIFICATE! Shelley is double collecting a week before me, on my Social Security, and Frank is stealing Allan's, and he also cleaned out Allan's families stock, banks, property and insurance, with Shelley's help! Dirty Dudes . . . they brought Frank in, double for Allan . . . 3 inches shorter, scrawny, 10 years older . . . police, sheriffs, Adult Probation and Parole, Jason Johnson, Utah, all knew the lie, and covered up the murder--kid murdered by Frank to take cops off the track of Allan's death, as did County Attorney, Scott Garrett . . . alleged suicide, county attorney determines the cause of death, suicide, but no ambulance, no cops, nothing, three phone calls made after alleged death, and not death certificate? All part of the special op and deals cut, to steal my money on the Cheek et. al. vs. Garrett et. al. case, with Kelly Ann Booth, horning in on my case for $56.7 million, with the Cheek's help, who got two homes, one for $350,000 and $400,000, plus a hefty monthly sum of $1900 per month for kids they adopted? There grand kids? And all Kelly did was get Scott Garret and Judge Miller, removed from the case, he was the ring leader of my case against Iron County, and all my clients, hated him, he was redlining their take downs, and he has been intimately involved in mine! Fuckers need to go down, death penalty, Utah firing squad will do! Just in time . . . oh, Kitty Lyle, was one of the players in this episode, symbolic of my term for the CIA, baby CIA, like the chicks they brought in to play me . . . Hope was probably CIA, cross deputize them all, or Judge Lyle Anderson, on the Hope M. Carlton-Levin, stellar 10 prong test I came up with, while Liar Anderson, I am sure, while fucking me, said that one of the baby CIA bitches was me, Shelley, Rachel, Kay, like I said, mix and match and try to find the real, JoAnn S. Secrist, under the cups, as they are shifting and switching male partners, and gals, being me, so you never see ME, who did it FUCKING ALL! Case of the Keystone Cops Gone BAD!
- Movie, Pain & Gain, based on Muscle & Mayhem: Mark Walhberg, plays main, muscle head, can't find where I wrote his name down, but a group of guys, who work and work out, at the Sun Gym, decide to kidnap wealthy people, kill them, and their all their money! Shelley was in preparation for this, for years, I remember seeing her books, an avid reader, on her shelf, off shore banking, serial killers, money laundering, and her favorite TV shows were, the Sopranos, Riches and true crime cases, like Cold Case Files and 48 Hours. She already had mafia connections, saving her sorry ass, turning in her ex-husband and mafia, man, Alan Wolfson, to save her own ass . . . not to be confused with ME, baby sister, and Utah Assistant Attorney General, and the author of the Brock et al v. Herbert et al, securities case, the brain child! My father, had been investigated 5 times by the Utah Division of Securities, and sequestered himself in his basement, during the same time, Shelley and her four children lived with my parents for 7 years. I believe, she saved him and herself, and threw me under the bus, to steal the case, settle the deal, once I won the case, with Attorney General Mark Shurtleff, telling me, his clients, hated me . . . hell, he was a defendant, that comes after trying to settle the case, over and over again, teamed with sister Shelley, going back to the deal maker, and fuck the sister who won the case, and refused to deal, once I had done all the work . . . but Shelley, spent her days, dreaming of wealth, but it was in the form of taking, my son's, or mine. I remember, after being diagnosed with the terminal brain disease, that I should have been dead, by 2002 if it had been the real thing, and Shelley finding an insurance check in one of my boxes, that I had not bothered to cash, for $3,000 and her starting, working on stealing my ID, since she had creditors, warrants, and was being chased by all kinds of people, she needed to switch ID, and what better way, that to poison sister, an attorney, and take over her riches, name, resume, and better still with the attorney general and cops, help, even got better, the feds got in the action, the family, and ex-husbands, whom I jilted, and were pissed off . . . so similar to this horrible true crime show, these guys dreamed of wealth, but getting it the old fashioned way, stealing it! Me and Elliot, were the easy targets, they had set me up with brain disease, got ex-husband and father fired from his job of 17 years, with a two year old, complaint about someone he supervised, with my mother saying if he had been active, Mormon, that never would have happened, as if personally making those decisions and they were! Music was cleared, both mother and father, were taken out of the game, at the same time! I just can't believe, that you fuckers, the FBI, CIA, NSA, can, know everything, every word I write and whatever about me, and you can't fucking go back to the Bountiful High School year books, and see, all the players, right in plain sight, years, ages, names, all of them! Stupid shits! So fucking easy . . . like I always say, if you are not part of the solution, YOU ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM!
- this is about a high school friend, who disappears. I don't need you to look at that, but, the only thing I have ever done on facebook, is set up a profile, no picture, and I forgot my password, right after that and was too busy to do anything with it. I also set up a linked in account, but again, no picture and forgot the password. That is about as complicated as I got, so, I know that Rachel, and her husband, Kay are big time facebookers; Kay has a website that she took off, or said it was under construction, the day after I discovered the dates of the termination of my securities case, out of the blue, after beating the already beat, government attorneys, and skunking the fucking judge too, on jurisdicitional issues he tried to argue for the government, who had already taken bribes, and thought the case was over, until they, Brock and fuckers, realized that I had filed a brief, January 18, 2012, while I was on my way to the United States Supreme Court, and also filed the request for a settlement conference in the Cheek case, still representing, Travis Braun . . . I attached a picture of my driver's license and bar card, with picture, because I knew they were trying to say Shelley was me, with insiders in the U.S. Federal Court, blocking me from any access to my e-filing account! When I was trying to get, picture ID, to get my Birth Certificate, recently, since, my mother, allegedly said she didn't have one of the 5 copies I deposited with her, and the request I made back in January of 2014, just half a month after I let my Utah Driver's License lapse, paying the $93.00 to California, never receiving the birth certificate, being intercepted, by John Bagby, whom I had the Vital Statistics send the BC too, took it and I am sure, gave it to Shelley and gang! Then allegedly, I was too mean, when I got calls, and couldn't contact people from the Vital Statistics or the attorneys, that said they were representing the agency, wrong, because I got a BC recently, coming straight from the state of California, so that phone call and email request was intercepted, by NSA, or them giving Shelley or Kay access to my email account, and them answering as if they were the agency, saying I had insufficient funds on my credit card, or Walmart money card, that they also paid, John to intercept! I had to get a new card on that too! You will find, Shelley's daughter, Alex, living in Texas, on facebook and maybe Shelley, but, follow the lead of these high school, chums, and you might find a shit load of information, Susan Schmidt is on facebook, as are her children, and Elliot is not one of her kids, and she is not me, and she is fucking bitch, stupid as hell, thinking she could ever pull off being me! Good God, help me, you fucks! So, fucking easy!
Private Needham's War!
- this was about a military vet, who came home from Iraq, and he got with a girlfriend, and an old girlfriend showed up, and the two girls got into it, and after the old flame left, Needham, went crazy and killed the current girlfriend . . . tragedy of the war, PSTS. But, the thing, I liked about this title, was the symbolic significance of the name . . . Kay Burningham, that is allegedly me, living on my resume, may, in fact, have been hired, based on lies, and my credentials, back in Washington, D.C. under the ruse of being me, and being feared and respected by cops of all levels, and the very guys who are suppose to protect people from identity theft, are protecting the lying bitch! Now the CIA, is over financial crimes and they allow, Kay to go into the U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, ordering the three panel of judges, to cancel oral arguments, when seizing my house, along with the computers I wrote the briefs on, destroying and stealing all evidence of contracts, briefs, 521 pages of evidence, family pictures, certificates from the 10th Circuit, pictures of myself, and all evidence of my children, the home, etc., and all $700 million worth of cases, against Department of Justice and Homeland Security, ICE, National Guard, Las Vegas Review Journal, state of Nevada and Utah, and a ton more, going out the door, leaving me, literally, with the shirt on my back . . . still went to Denver to argue the case, with no notice of the cancellation, figure, they took my computer, so how in the fuck, would I get a notice? Government attorneys never showed up, they got the word, or the deals had been cut, and I was the only one in the dark, but didn't take the bait and stay in Utah, having had my whole life stolen, right out from under me, I am too responsible for that . . . but, so the FBI order that cancellation when they learned I came anyway, trouble . . . but, so the agencies who are responsible for financial crimes and just interstate crimes, with would be in the jurisdiction of the FBI, because, I crossed state lines and was arguing in federal court! So the cover-up, became a fucking war, protecting Kay, or Burninngham . . . we NEED HAM! They, the involved agencies, that may even have her for a boss, protected the criminal, and were criminals themselves, and this became a private war, with the agencies, needing HAM or Burningham! Not only was Kay, ME, but she was Brett's wife, possibly a big shot, based on my resume and legend! And in reality, she was a C rate attorney, going into debt, $10,000 per month! Kay was a fucking, ambulance chaser, the scum of the legal world, but with potential to make money, Kay just couldn't do it! LOL! I even stepped into her shoes, and wrote a brief, on a motion, to the one case I saw Kay argue, and she was fired in the middle of the trial, and I won the motion! PAYBACK?
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