Tuesday, April 1, 2014


State to State Relationships

Note:  The Google Gods, really the CIA, totally blacked me out, while I was writing this blog, once I ratted them out to an undercover sort of potential CIA boyfriend, who I told to fuck off, because he refused to see, hear, or speak any evil against his former, contracted employer, they turned it back on . . . proof that I am telling the truth, which he knows, but will not acknowledge, but they still will not activate my spell check, again, normal, when they don't like what I am writing, so they can put in on my other blog, they concocted, Bad Con Law Chick, taking 6 times the hits as the original, bad ass con law chick blog, same titles, but might be censored, don't ever read my own work, just write like a banche and release it to the universe for your pleasure or pain--but spell check is off, so bare with me!

The Full Faith & Credit Clause of the United States Constitutions, states, Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. The interesting thing about constitutional and statutory construction, is that you have to pay attention to the grammatical markers, like commas, semi-colons, and periods, they mean something and indicate how the phrase is to be interpreted.  Some phrases are  dependent phrases and others are independent phrases or clauses.  This sentence is an independent clause or phrase, ending in a period, even though, the section itself, goes on to state, that the Congress MAY by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

Traditionally, the Full Faith & Credit Clause, is applied to contract law, that where ever the contract was signed, or the place of the contract, is to be the law applied should there be something that goes wrong with the deal that was agreed on--that applies to pre-nupitual agreements, or contracts between two people entering into a marriage agreement, usually couples who have been married before, or have substantial money and property, the terms of the marital agreement or property division, in the case of a divorce are laid out on paper, so both parties know exactly what the terms of the marriage are, and what conditions will trigger a divorce, or what will happen if there is a divorce.

Playboy Bunny & Jewish Rock Star Prenup

I had a case, the Levin v. Levin case, that had a pre-nupitural agreement, signed in California, the place of the marriage, and also to be the controlling law, in the case of divorce, which there was one, 16 years down the road.  My client was a former, Playboy Bunny Centerfold, July 1996, Ms. Hope Carlton Levin, married to Jewish Rock Star, One Hit Wonder, husband, and not his first rodeo, he had been married twice before, used and abuse, cheated and lied to two former wives, who made him rich, then he threw them under the bus for a younger versions, smart savvy woman, repeating the acts, all at the coaching of his Jewish attorneys.

Right after the marriage, alleged rock star, I never heard the song his band did, but . . . he was told by someone, to go to Utah, and they would protect him there . . . a Judge Lyle Anderson, did, big time, to the tune of giving him a $16 million break, by misreading the prenuptual agreement, and applying Utah law, rather than California, not to mention keeping control of the case, with 3 Colorado parties . . . no jurisdiction to hear the case!

Judge Anderson, not only misapplied the contract, used the wrong law, place of contract is the controlling law, but he gave her alimony, only to make her pay the attorneys' fees for both sides, up to half a million dollars in legal fees--it was at this point, Hope was referred to me, by a Las Vegas attorney . . . I wrote a Rule 60(b) motion, for fraud on the court, the husband has at least 5 or so private investigators, finally found one who would lie, know him and said that Hope was cohabitating with Page, boyfriend, so the judge took away her alimony too, now had $600,000 in legal bills to pay, on child support, and a yoga instructors salary, she had been offered the role on Bay Watch, before Pamela Anderson!

Tits & Ass Mormon, Judge & Sheriffs Teamed to Arrest Me!

I appealed the case, the judge, if you want to call him that, with the support of the fucking, Utah, Office of the Administration of the Courts, who didn't have the balls to tell alleged, Mr. Civil Procedure Committee, himself, that he was dead wrong, that once I appeal a case, he no longer has jurisdiction--the Utah Court of Appeals did, he can't schedule a hearing, dragging me into his courtroom--NO FUCKING JURISDICTION!  Dumb ass, UTAH!  Good GOD!

This 7th Judicial District Judge, teamed with 5th District and Iron County Sheriffs, under the direction of Delta Force Marines, held me in contempt of court for not showing to a hearing that us, not only outside the judge's--not worthy of a capital "J"--jurisdiction, but unconstitutional as hell, and I paid the his extortion of $500 or go to jail free, wasn't going to let this clown stop me, getting sworn in, January 23, 2012, to the United States Supreme Court Bar, in Washington, D.C.  As I traveled to D.C., I got news from my undercover, government double, murderer, husband, not the client I thought I married, that there was a $2600 cash only warrant out now . . . 

Warrantless Arrest & 9 Days of Solitary Confinement, 5 Days, No Calls, Nobody Knew Where I Was!  GOOD MORNING AMERICA!

I didn't believe it, was warned not to go into Utah, after getting back--needed to get my attorney mail, had clients check the statewide warrant system, no warrants, because this was extra-constitutional OR TOTALLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL, OUTSIDE THE REALM OF NORMALICY, not put on the statewide warrant, because it was a bull shit warrant, but being the responsible attorney, amidst total war, the Patriot Act Fuckers vs. the Constitutional Law Attorney, under the clear of warrants call, was surrounded by cops, demanded a warrant, that was actually a legal, constitutionally based warrant, they couldn't pull it up on the system, claimed they were just doing what the judge ordered--really, what was the $500 for?  I guess I didn't cry or flinch at the first alleged, contempt of court, so now, even less jurisdiction--power is given, not taken . . . and my contempt for court, was now $2600 extortion, which I didn't have on me, nor would I pay!

After being falsely arrested, strip searched for humiliation purposes, no warrant, taken by sheriff gun point, across the state, getting a warrant, bull shit made up one, a day and a half after my illegal, unconstitutional and blatantly, criminal arrest, then taken to jail for 9 days of solitary confinement, 23 hours lock-down, 1 hour out, with no contact, taken into a bull shit hearing, without any connection to the original charges, that I had turned in about 30 laws the sheriffs and the judge had violated from the Constitution on down to state, civil procedure rules, and criminal procedure rules!  We are not going to discuss that in this hearing this morning, all about the fucking blood sucking, jewish attorneys and judges, going for all my assets, about $20,000 worth, for not showing up to a hearing the judge lacked jurisdiction to do!

Sorry, A Bit Off Topic--Back to the Similarities of Gays & Guns, Under Full Faith & Credit

Yesterday, I met Cory, and openly gay man, here at the Breakfront Cafe, on Higgins Street, Missoula, Montana, we opened up a conversation, when he saw me doing my daily ritual of listening and watching all my son's music videos, on YouTube, he smiled, I thought he was a professor, since it is spring break in this college town, fun to see the University of Montana, faculty hanging out with the students, well, on separate but equal tables in the popular coffee shop, that I love!  

He joined me for a delightful, intellectual, highly knowledgeable conversations about the legal wranglings over the years on gay marriages, we discussed cases that stemmed from the first challenge to traditional marriage, the Hawaii case, to the UTAH governor, refusing to recognize the gay marriages, that have taken place, since the Judge, smart and constitutionally astute . . . saw the writing on the wall, after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Prop 8 was unconstitutional and upheld gay marriages in California! 

As, Rachel Maddow, MSNBC talk show host, and openly gay, would both say, UTAH!  New Mexico county recorder and other authorities, don't need a law suit to follow the highest court in the land's ruling, and without much to do, started not only marrying gay people, but recording their marriages on the country roles!  Wise, judicially economical, and right move!  Like it or not, we have the 14th amendment, with due process and equal protection clauses for suspect groups, to avoid discrimination--there are over 1000 federal tax breaks for married couples alone!

Cory Inspired This Blog, When He Asked, What Would Happen in Utah, if Their Citizens Who Refuse to Recognize Gay Marriages, Came to California, and Said, We Don't Recognize Your Marriages That Were Contracted In Utah!

As USUAL, THE U.S. CONSTITUTION, IN ALL ITS GLORY, CAN ANSWER ABOUT ANY LEGAL QUESTION, 238 OR SO YEARS AFTER IT WAS DRAFTED!  FUCKING LOVE IT! AMAZINGLY SMART DOCUMENT!  I promptly proceeded to pull out my pocket size copy of the best, most informative version, of The U.S. Constitution and Fascinating Facts About It . . . can get a free copy, visit, ConstitutionFacts.com or call 1-800-887-6661.

I without hesitation turned to what I thought was Article V, but was really Article IV, Section 1, and handed him my copy, to read about the Full Faith & Credit states have to give to each other.  He was impressed that I had it underlined, and read it with eyes wide open, mouth equally open, and digested what he read, excited and shocked.  I said, yeah, I don't know why attorneys on the side proposing gay marriiages haven't used this to argue, that marriages recognized in California, are given full faith and credit in Utah!

If the marriage is recognized in any other state, it is good in Utah!  Utah hates the Constitution, because they can't stand having a constitution that separates church and state, because Mormonism is the state sanctioned religion, given deference and privilege, regardless of what the Constitution says!  Now, this full faith and credit clause is going to piss them off too, because they see a selection of God's laws, above man's, even though first prophet, Joseph Smith's Articles of Faith, suggest that the alleged Saints, follow the laws of the land!  So much for listening to that old fashioned constitutionally trained prophet!

He Also Segwayed the Discussion, By Asking About Temple Marriages--Separation of Church & State, Should Take Care of That, But if Mormons Continue to Be a Guise or Front for a Political Organization, Then There Will Be, Forced Recognition of Gay Marriages, and In the TEMPLE!

The beauty of the First Amendment, that Congress shall make no establishment of religion . . . is that separation of church and state, cuts both ways, serves as a check and balance, as does everything in the Constitution, to protect the government from the churches, and the churches from the government.  However, the Mormon Church has been so active, with the Catholic Church fighting gay marriages in California, that they were sued by Californians Against Hate, for violating Fair Political Practices Acts, both federal and state!  

I am a personal witness to the secretive nature of the clandestine activities working to take down gay marriage in California.  My Mormon, home teacher, monthly visits, Brother Wilkinson, of the Morning Side Park Ward, but later, after collecting $250,000 overnight, after an order to do so, came from Elder Steve Snow, of the Mormon, Regional General Authorities, a personal friend and brother to the Bishop of that ward, who was raising, if I remember, $20,000,000, to go to political efforts to pass Proposition 8 that would nullify gay marriages in California!

You see, most Mormons, wear their Mormon hat at all times, and fuck their responsibilities and duties to their oath to protect, defend and obey, the U.S. Constitution; however, this attorney is not one . . . red flags were coming up all over the place, thoughts of reporting volunteer hours, reporting the $20 million dollar contribution out of UTAH!  The undue influence of both the Mormon and Catholic Church, with a force of volunteers, without minds, that will give, endlessly, effortlessly, and without thought, if the Church tells them to . . . when the prophet speaks, the debates over . . . likewise, when the government speaks, the debates over--Mormons make great FBI, CIA, and NSA agents!

Two Mormon attorneys, drafted the Bush Waterboarding Policies for Torture, undermining treaties and conventions to the contrary, for actions that can and can't be used against prisoners of war! Both Bush administrations were heavily laiden with Mormons!  Why?  If I were President, I would arrest the hierarchy of the Mormon Political Organization, tax the hell out of them, and seize the temples through asset forfeiture, just like the President did back when Utah was becoming a state, with the polygamy nightmare that is a thriving activity in Mormon run, Utah!  Forbidden by the Utah Constitution, unless approved by the PEOPLE and the United States!  

The almost all Mormon Utah Legislature, basically line by line, precept by precept, took that prohibition forever, against polygamy, entirely out or disguised it, and even have a future Constitution, to be found in the code on the Internet, taking out other disagreeable sections, like gutting the corporations section, going from 20 to 4 sections, in 1993!  And you wonder who was behind, CITIZENS UNITED?  Connect the dots, they have infiltrated every branch of government, all secret service or intelligence arms, and tried to get a Mormon President, who is allegedly the shadow director over the cover director, Brennan, don't fool yourselves, their power and influence in D.C. would shock the hell out of you!

Gun Legislation & Reciprocity--27 States Recognize Utah's Concealed Weapons Permit--Full Faith & Credit Anyone?

This is like a courtesy clause if you will, recognizing that laws in all states, may differ, that is the beauty of the Union of States, that all have soveriegnty, with various political and religious make up of their states.  So if you don't like one state, you can move to another.  They also serve as test tubes for the rest of the states, as Obamacare, was just a copy, basically, of what Massachessets, under Gov. Mitt Romney, a Republican did, but with the label of a Black Democrat as President, it is Satan incarnates law!  

Political comments aside, all good things, basically go from the bottom up, then as in the U.S. Constitution, the second sentence, that Congress MAY . . . implement acts, records, and judicial proceedings, kind of like Obamacare, and maybe incorporate gay marriages somewhere, make general acts, records and judicial proceedings, that seem to be working well in the test state and bring the benefit to all states, but up until that time . . . the states, shall give full faith and credit to the laws of the other states!

Application to Gun Laws--Nevada Has To Recognize Concealed Weapons Permits!

This whole issue of gun laws, came to me like all good legal questions, from either a friend or a client.  I had a client who was traveling through Nevada, she lives in Utah, St. George, but worked for a federal legislative organization, and was over an area, was single, traveled alone, and was working in scary areas of Las Vegas.  There was a car wreck for something she was a witness to, and as the officer came and talked to her, he noticed that her gun was sitting on the seat of her car.

If I remember, he sighted her for having her gun on the seat, and she stated that she had a concealed weapons permit, and had been trained as you have to be to get a permit, but wanted the gun handy, just in case she were to need it.  Somehow, maybe charge free, she got into a big discussion about reciprocity and recognizing other state's gun laws.  The second she mentioned the exchange with the officer, this little constitutionally trained and practiced mind, searched for or immediately landed on a concept, that I hadn't given much thought to since law school, that was prior to the Levin v. Levin case, full faith & credit!

Under the 2nd Amendment, Congress is to be Hands Off, But the Utah Constitution, Clearly States, That the Legislature Can Regulate Guns!  PERIOD!

So, in this courtesy clause of the U.S. Constitution, the states in working with each other in this Union of states, need to be able to recognize that each state legislature is the body who makes the laws, and the citizens of the various states, need to be able to freely travel from one state to the other without customs checks, like going into another country, therefore, the founding fathers, noted that by the full faith & credit clause, recognizing acts, records, and judicial proceedings!

Some states have liberal or conservative gun control laws, and after Sandy Hook, Conneticut, many states like New York, Chicago, etc., got their legislatures to pass strict gun control laws--and that is their peroggative, and if you don't like it, you can move to Montana, who has open or constitutional carry laws!  That is the amazing thing about these here, United States!  We must respect the laws of other states; so taking that forward to reciprosity of one states laws to another, the only ones who know which states do and don't accept other states laws on guns, is ludicrous, because, people shouldn't have to know the laws in all 50 states, as they travel across the country!

I know there are cops that are trained to educated people as to what states respect what laws, that is not necessary.  If you are licensed, or your state has liberal gun controls, that should be respected, even in New York.  We have to trust the laws and records of states.  It is hard enough to keep track of the laws within one state--apparently, you can open carry or have a concealed weapon, in the county, but once you get in the city, you can't have a concealed weapon . . . or that is what I got out of a conversation with a guy who makes guns.  So blame him is I am giving you false information, he was in the Marines, and works at McDoncal's on Idaho, in Kalispell, Montana, a very well versed man, and his wife came in during our discussion with a three year old, and this pistol packing mama, had open heat on her hip!

You Have 50 States To Choose Laws You Like, But Once You Find On, Laws, Acts, Records & Judicial Proceedings Should Be Respected, If You Travel or Choose to Move!


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