Young Man, At Least 16 Different Meds
Note: new game, don't allow spell check, redirect blog to other site, spell check and steal! Same article on Bad Con Law Chick--with light "Ass" to make you think you are on the right blog, theft, but there is no honor among thieves! Now that I ratted the NSA out to you on the spelling glitches of late, they allowed me to correct the errors, so . . . draw your own conclusions! Now they just blocked Doc Secrist's prescription--remember access, access, access, caught ya! Have to re-type title . . . fuckers!
I for the record, am against all meds, I think they fuck people up. That may come from my early years, coming from both a grandmother who was a nurse, and a mother who was a health teacher, both were totally into healthy cures for all problems--take a walk, jog, eat right, get regular sleep, drink water, stay off drugs, alcohol, I would add sex, but that has been found to be healthy for you, so continue to do that! I, for one, rarely take even one asperin in any given year. I have to have one raging headache to pollute my body with any type of man made substance.
I also was influenced by an early conversation with my mother-in-law, who recommended a particular insurance man to us, whom she had used for years, but who hand trembling hands, and a tick to his neck or head. Finally, I asked what was wrong with this good man, and she told me that the doctors had prescribed two different types of medication, years before, and it had caused Parkinson's Disease! That made an indelible impression on my young mind, especially at the point I was going to be mother.
Escaped to Las Vegas, To Avoid Being Forced To Take Drugs, After the Government Poisoned Me--Didn't Know It Yet
After I was diagnosed with PIX Disease, and was told there was no diagnosis, I would never work again, and I had two years to live, terminal brain disease . . . 8 years later, three former law enforcement officers and another 2, retired cops, now my private investigators, point blank told me I had been poisoned, no longer worried about getting fired from cop jobs. But, my dear family was in on the ruse, and wanted other Mormon Muffin sisters to get a chance to be a lawyer, take parts of my resume, claim my kick ass kids, and lock me away, so nobody could remember I ever existed--NEVER GONNA HAPPEN! You know the faithful Mormon types, not the renegade, rebel types like me, who really accomplish things!
My parents and several sisters, somehow got a meeting together with Social Services, after I didn't die within the alotted time, therefore, extreme measures needed to be taken, so a committee of doctors, a judge, several psychologists and what not, got together to force me to take drugs--fuck no, this is my body, and you, nor anybody is going to prescribe that shit to me. The judge, who knew me from my 5 statewide jobs, the two manuals I had written, and my teaching, lecturing, and writing, he was also aware of, said, after hearing my arguments, with my dumb ass attorney, sitting there impressed with the panel or was one of theirs, just sat there while I marshaled my own defense, Ms. Secrist is most likely the smartest person in this room, including me, and I have been a judge for 35 years!
Damn right judge, and I am sure after I appeared back in your courtroom after I beat the fuckers who poisoned me, tried to destroy me, steal all I had accomplished, and still are, you fucking know I was the smartest, am now, and will be, because I use fucking common sense! I had outlived the governments little scheme to get rid of me and put the tits and ass girls in, making them the star of my life movie! Which is fucking cool! I have outlived my death sentence for 14 years, and have taken a case to the United States Supreme Court, in less that two years, 5 years is the average, with about 20 attorneys, mine was single handed, without secretary, research assistant or paralegal!
Another Attempt, Sis, Trying to Steal Identity, Doc Tried to Prescribe 6 Different Meds Within 24 Hours
One thing I can say, is the conspiracy, collusion, and plan to get rid of me premanently, left me totally vulnerable, so anytime someone wants to fuck with you, they force you into a behavior health unit, at a local hospital--you know, she can't think with this brain disease. so another attempt to medicate me! A doctor came in, and prescribed me meds, I expressed my objection, but said I would investigate, so please give me the print out sheet of side affects. Possibly, death . . . no thanks!
After 5 other attempts at getting me on meds, and me reading the possible side affects, NO THANKS! The doctor finally came in, and we had a two hour discussion on drugs, medications, and I said if your goal is to get me to sit on a couch with slobber coming out of my mouth, you will reach your goal, but I am not going there . . . I told him that he didn't know what the hell those drugs alone will do, look at the page of more of possible side affects, up to and including death, all of them! And in combo, are you kidding?
I had psychology, also started a master's degree in family and human development, I know all the psycho babble, so I used in on this guy, there is no normal person, family, or group, we are all deranged, just in varying levels of what society thinks is normal. He agreed, I told him if Jesus Christ himself walked in this place, they would diagnosis him as some guy with grandious delusions, or something, and lock him up . . . he laughed and agreed. After a two hour discussion, he said it was the most enlightened discussion he had ever had, we parted friends, with a better understanding and sensativity to medications.
So, Back to the Kid With 16 Meds--What In the Hell Are You Expecting?
Every single mass murder committed, from Columbine, to Virginia Tech, to the Navy Base, the Arorah Movie Theater, to Sandy Hook, Elementary School, in Connecticut, were all on prescription drugs! That is the common denominator, guns don't have the power to do anything, only the people who hold them. So don't you think it is logical, to look at what we are doing to people? FUCKING THINK ABOUT IT!
My nephew, had a stand off with sheriffs, in Cache County, Utah, after threatening to kill his wife and three children--right after he got on Prozac! What the hell are you alleged professionals thinking? My son, Chris, supervises some 30 or so people, or works in an office of 60, and he said, mom, you are the exception, everyone is on meds! It is almost as if, the ones not on meds, are somehow, being socially deviant, non-compliant, and suspicious for not taking meds as a regular routine! WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?
Every Professional Who Prescribes Drugs Ought to Watch the Movie--Side Affects, With Jude Law, Psychiatrist--Great Movie, By the Way!
What in the hell, do you psychologists, doctors, and psychiatrists think you are doing? What is going on in this kids mind, if he can even find a rational thought in it? Come on, is this really that hard to see? 16 chemicals, rattling around in his brain, bumping up against each other, doing who knows what damage? I am sure that this kid may be easier to handle, but are we really willing to fuck his life up, to control him, or is he just being a normal boy?
Now, some previously thought wonder drug, to cure ADHD, or hyperactivity in kids, is now, causing males who used the drug to calm them down, to develop BREASTS! And of course, the land sharks are out, with the class lawsuits, now, drug after drug, is going through this, but what in the hell are we doing to the people? I don't give a rat's ass about the pharmisutical companies, they pushed doctors, the public, ad agencies, etc. to buy their crap, and they should pay!
Guns Don't Kill People, People Do, Medicated People Do!
The article did make several good points: (1) violent incidents can be avoided and have been avoided when people report or get involved, going to authorities when they notice friends, family, or co-workers, acting in a strange manner, talking suicide, buying guns, making plans; (2) a good diet can affect moods, and deter violent behavior, diets rich in everything we have been taught is good, vegetables, fruit, grains, meat, all the basic food groups, can change behavior; (3) violent behavior in kids can indicate a propensity to violence in an adult, that is one of the biggest indicators in domestic violence, something I could be considered an expert in--award winning manual for cops and prosecutors, national model, under Violence Against Women, from President Clinton, around 1996 or 97, now used by Department of Justice for human body trafficking--cutting off cat's tails, kicking dogs, etc., are behaviors to look for in kids; and (4) teaching non-violent communication skills, sensetivity training--better way to live; and (5) I would also add, befriend class mates who appear to have no friends--you may be the one, who prevents a violent attack!
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