Congress Can't Infringe On Your 2nd Amendment Rights, But State Legislatures Can . . . Make Your $ Counts
If you want to follow the U.S. Constitution, Congress can't touch your 2nd amendment rights; in statutory interpretation, the first three amendments, start with Congress shall not . . . and there is no other class, groups, or people addressed for three amendments, then it changes to the rights of the PEOPLE. The 4th amendment, changes directions, to the rights of the people . . . and so forth . . . so, if the NRA wants to maximize their money, don't spend it on attorneys; however, a court ruling, with a smart judge can help, but that is not likely with a 210 page training manual, put out by the Patriot Act gang, taking the Constitution out of the Courtroom!
We have a representative form of government, with elected officials, members of the House and Senate of the states, to bring sovereignty to the state people of the various states, who may have differing views, depending on which part of the country you are from . . . New York or Montana, with different needs of protection, although, statistically, the safest states are the ones with the most liberal gun rights--see Washington, D.C. before the Heller decision, and after, homicides in the District, roughly went from 500 or getting the honors of the murder capitol of the world, dropping to something like 300 since the citizens were allowed to pack heat!
There was a great article in the Missoulan Newspaper, yesterday, April 6, 2014, on the NRA is going for more gun rights in San Diego, California . . . start with your legislatures, proven fact that most elected officials, at least 70%, just want to be either elected or re-elected, so put some pressure on where you can get the most mileage out of your efforts, you can kill two birds with one stone . . . get your targeted individuals their gun rights, but do ti for the rest of the state!
Armed Sheriff, SWAT Teams Walk Down Streets In California, Disarming Citizens--WHO'S RUNNING THIS COUNTRY ANYWAY?
I distinctly remember, after the Sandy Hook, elementary school shootings, in Connecticut, a year ago, cops walking four abreast down streets in California, gathering up citizens' guns . . . a stark image for the streets of AMERICA? Comments have come to me lately, about people from the previous, Ukrainian providence, or state, part of the country, or peninsula of Crimea, who just voted to return to the motherland of Russia, with tanks pointed in their faces, and Russian soldiers walking their streets, that had the citizens been armed, the Russian occupation and take over, would never have happened!
When you are defenseless, without arms, and facing armed military or cops, what the hell do you do, but cops in Montana, with the average home owner, having at least 27 guns per household, you have a different story, with the either largest or second largest per capita of military, coming from this state, cops, military or whatever forces, think twice before they start throwing powers around, that they fucking don't have, except under the fucking PATRIOT ACT! FASCISM! LAWLESS ABUSE OF POWER!
Yeah, who in the hell is at the head of this blatant unconstitutional act of domestic terrorism in California or elsewhere in the country? Ask yourself why the cops, who are already on a power trip, would want to disarm citizens--precisely for the reason the founding fathers put the second amendment in the Constitution in the first place, to protect you and me, and stop a tyrannical federal government, and necessary for a free state! They HATE OUR RIGHTS! Get it?
Key Element of the 2nd Amendment--BALANCE OF POWER!
Everything the Signers of the U.S. Constitution Did, What to Avoid What They Were Facing in England, Under the Tyranny of King George--My Symbolic Term for CIA, George Code Word!
From the three branches of government, (1) executive, (2) legislative, (3) judicial, at a federal level, to a federalist system, with a central federal government, but balanced by the states, with the 2nd amendment, guns and militias . . . to the Homestead Act of 1863 under President Lincoln, who was trying to counter the power of the southern slave owners, who had the advantage in the market, because of free slave labor, GIVING NORTHERNERS 160 ACRES OF LAND FREE!
Check out the wording of the 2nd amendment, A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. That only applies to Congress, not your state Legislatures, the body of elected officials, you fucking picked to represent your interests! When you elect unrighteous, unconstitutional, and unlawful leaders, what in the fucking hell do you expect? Senior Bush and Baby Bush? Come on, the fucking Patriot Act, any person, Senator Hatch, who claims to love this country and voted for the UnPatriot Act, should be hung for treason, you are enemies of the people, at war with the vision of the United States, and giving comfort to our enemies, either or both foreign and domestic! So FUCK YOU, HANG!
DO NOT THINK FOR A MINUTE, YOUR GOVERNMENT AND YOUR COPS ARE ON YOUR SIDE, ESPECIALLY IF THEY ARE TAKING AWAY YOUR GUNS, THERE IS A REASON FOR IT! Think about this? Use logic, common sense, rational deduction and induction in your thoughts, critical thinking, the powers that be, that may be free Masons, Illuminati, Club Rome, Trialteral Commission, Council of Foreign Relations, Mormons, CIA, FBI, NSA, world bankers who will fund both sides of the war, fast and furious, give weapons to other countries and disarm us?--They don't want you to have freedom, they want to spy, pry, disarm, lie, cover-up, propagandize, mislead . . . who is running this country, anyway? THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT!
Awake, stop dumbing down America, stop watching American Idol, Survivor, the Voice, while entertaining, you are slipping into numbness, stupidity, becoming dull and being corralled and tags on your ass as we speak, better now that too late, get the hell off your couches, go to city, county commission, legislative sessions, Congress, write your Senators and Congress and start taking control--you determine if your leaders get elected or not, use the only power you have, YOUR VOTE!
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