Tuesday, April 8, 2014


NSA Spying & Prying Eyes Just Yesterday on My Gmail Account!

On Saturday, a friend of mine invited me to a GOP training on canvasing, phone calling and writing editorials, I was asked by Shirley, last years, Head of the Montana Federation of Women, to do a Constitution Day Training, although, I believe it was September 27, 2013, rather than right on Constitution Day, September 17, 2014, on the 1st, 2nd, and 4th amendments.  At that meeting, I met the head of the Missoula Chapter of the Federation, VonDeen, had run into her again in the fall, at a Catholic BBQ at Caras Park, I crashed.  So this was a chance to get reacquainted with a bubbly, fun, energetic, community leader, just in case I landed in Missoula, I would already be connected to the whole community, knowing what I do about his woman.

I met many GOP leaders, including Dylan Klapmeier, the Engagement Team Leader, who is from Helena, and did the training, and in addition to the work, we had cookies, pop, pizza, chips, and others, beer--fun and dedicated volunteers, for a very important job.  I told Dylan that I would write an editorial, maybe not supporting one candidate over another, but at least try to write, what new direction I thought the Republicans ought to go in, seeing, a survey on college campus's found that young Republicans, see the party as outdated, bigoted, and racist . . . Mitt Romney was more like your grumpy father, and Obama came off as the cool uncle!

Warrantless Search & Seizure, Obstruction of my Freedom of Speech, Today Total Black Out Without Warning--Usually 15 Minutes for Dead Battery!

I am all about a two party system and can see the magic that can happen, when there is honest, open debate, with respected ideas, and perspectives, dialogue and discourse, for a hybrid of ideas--iron refines iron! My computer, just blacked out completely, when I was going to write about my gmail, getting yanked right out from under my eyes--NSA, NSA, NSA, ANYONE--THE NAMELSS, FACELESS, EMPLOYEES OF THE PRISM SYSTEM OF SPYING--about 2 paragraphs, just up and disappeared without me touching a key, because I was not done--not the first time, has been happening to me for as long at the program has been in existence--about 2007!

Email to Dylan, about half, up and disappeared, so I ratted out the thief, and started where I left off, got the email done, and sent it, but a note came up, not the first time, Ooops . . . your email didn't get sent.  So I tried again, and the same note came up--here we go again, what does a list of Montana accomplishments, like testifying at the Montana Legislature 4 times, working on the Confederated Salish--Kootenai Water Compact, instrumental in working with Flathead County Republican Women, in getting the compact tabled for two weeks, and later, I just happened to be at the Montana State Capitol, I believe April 20, 2013, to testify, not only in the comment session, but being asked by a female representative, so come up and speak during the question and answer period, and tell the House Judiciary, and Chairman, Kryton Kearns, why I thought the compact was unconstitutional, which was a key element in getting the compact tabled for another two years, saving the state, $55 million, if they are smart enough to stick with the U.S. Constitution, Treaty Clause, the Montana Constitution, Enabling Act and the section, making all ground, spring, surface, and other waters, within the state, the state of Montana's . . . have to do with terrorists, national security, border control or anything?

This Seems to Support My Theory--I Am Dead, Doubles Get Credit for My Intellectual Property--No Other Explanation--The Penis Factor

So, back to the Google Monopoly Game and Lego People Video, while cute, falls short of protecting their account holders, over YouTube, email, and Internet Searches--the warrant goes first to Google or other service providers, and after someone decides whether the warrant is vague, over broad, or going to the right source, the account holder might be notified!  While trying to make it look constitutional and within the 4th amendment, it is not . . .

The whole intent of the 4th amendment is to protect citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures--this just provides the feds with the opportunity to go on a pfishing expedition!  What classifications make the warrant, vague and over broad?  Is it that it asks for all your accounts, and the monitor, is going to narrow it, call the FBI agent to ask if they really want everything.  The video shows that if the agent says that is what he or she wants, that is what they get.  Really, the overseer is just directing the warrant to the right place to obtain the information.  And at what point is Google notifying the account holder, is there due process to object, prior to the feds getting the information?

Refresher Course for Google In-House Counsel on 4th Amendment

With a general sweep of everything . . . that is an unreasonable search and seizure!  The most glaring problem is the fact that the agent must, by oath and affirmation, after finding probable cause, describe with particularity, the items to be seized!  You don't get to just get an fucking Federal Surveillance Information Court Judge, who just rubber stamps the FBI warrant--but at least that is better than they have been doing, no warrant searches or letters requesting information!

Research showed that 98 percent of the time, the judge just did whatever the agents wanted . . . they are to list the persons to be searched and items to be seized!  Google, Yahoo, and other search engines, and service providers can't just jump through the hoop of the feds, and call it good.  You are liable under a 1983 civil rights suit, acting as an arm of the government, thus, also, liable--Citizens United, making corporations can cut both ways . . . plus you have the Digital Millennium Act, with fucking huge fines for violations made on the Internet.

In the last 7 years, Google has allowed the feds, to raid, erase, yank part of, or shut down my gmail accounts, I have never once received a notice, a copy of the warrant, or been provided with my 5th and 14th due process and equal protection rights!  I am a fucking constitutional law attorney for hell sakes . . . my whole professional career, every case, every trial, every speech, every piece of legislation, every blog, is preserving, protecting and defending the U.S. Constitution!  I have had at least 20 gmail accounts with up to 400 contacts on my list, disappear, tampered with, or shut down, either temporarily, or permanently.  Knock it off, you have no right, you have not warrant, I have received no due process.

I Don't See Any Escape Clause or Exception for Feds, Cops, Prosecutors, or FSIC--or the Rubber Stamp Judges

I hope this lawsuit for reading, spying, satisfying deviant sexual curiousity, or just staving off boredom, hijacking emails and Internet information, kicks some federal ass, for outright stealing my legal briefs, or footnotes, blacking our my computer--at least they are not frying or stealing my computers, like they have in the past--this is goddamn, AMERICA, YOU FUCKERS!  If federal agents are this bored, fire them!  They need something better to do!

Like I have said in blogs before, read Spying on America and Shadow Factory, whistle blower cases, that were the people who told America about this years ago; however, when I tried to get our local library to order Spying on America . . . I got strange phone calls from the library, maybe the first time I got on the "to watch list" or at least on their radar screens.  I know I am going to sound like a nut job, but helicopters, started being in the sky, almost everyday, in St. George, Utah.

A friend of mine, thought, I was just being paranoid, until she started monitoring her days with me and without me, and she said, I think you are right!  But that has been a long time ago, now they just sit on their asses, and watch everything I write on the Internet and write in emails, adding my associates to their list of to watch people or persons of interest!  GET A LIFE!  You are getting me pissed off enough, to become a homegrown terrorist, but that would be entrapment, you make it so miserable, that you trick me into a difficult situation, and then arrest me for YOU, driving me to it, or insanity, or which ever comes first . . . I'm betting on the terrorist . . . this has been going on for 7 years!

Request to Google--Put My Blog Back Right!

Google, thanks for trying, but someone needs to get an attorney, trained in the U.S. Constitution, not the UnPatriot Act!  You can fool some of the people, some of the time, but not this gal, any of the time!  Oh, and could you please redirect, the redirected account back to mine, and merge, the new one the government or you made up, making it impossible for people to find my original, leading me to the fact that you, too, are in on the heist, of my more than successful blog, with over 100 million hits, disappearing overnight, and then a split, and when you type, bad ass, my blog used to pop up . . . now, even with the whole blog site, you still have to hit the search button, but not for the fake site, well, blog, bad con law chick blog, that has the same blog articles, or it did  last I checked, but gets to steal 7 hits for every one I get!

I have written to your send feedback group, or flag listed at the bottom of my blog, twice, with not action, which makes you an arm of the government, subject to a civil rights case!  Please fix!

Let's Have a 4th Amendment Day of Peace!

Reporting to you from the Breakfront Cafe, Higgins Street, Missoula, Montana, 8:06 a.m.--do something good, and catch the thieves . . . there is not honor among them!

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