Seems Logical That Little Black Horse Where Are You Going With Your Dead Rider, Would Come Out of Montana, Known for Cowboys!
When people think of cowboys, they normally think of Montana and Texas, rarely will someone say Utah, home of the cowboys! Just doesn't happen, even though, there are a lot of cowboys and cowgirls from Utah, even the world champion, all around cowboy, I think his name was Cody White, from Enterprise Utah, just about 3 or 4 years ago, if that? So, if I were going to steal this brilliant epic western, I would market it out of Montana, saying that these cowboys were from here--I am sitting in Missoula, Montana!
Some guy walked by with a black sweatshirt, with a outline of the state of Montana, with roots, coming out of the state, at the same time that I am watching, Scratch Dealt Me a Dirty Hand, with one of the prime movers, standing right in the audience of a God's Revolver, the real God's Revolver, my ex-husband, who heard my son, bass guitarist, Elliot Secrist or the Red Jesus, play during a visit to Mt. Sterling, Utah, up around Logan, when my sons, Chris and Elliot, came up to visit me.
That visit took place in about 2006, if I am right, then I lived with sister Shelley, in Logan, mother of Isaac, the fake, Elliot, Shelley being the fake me, with the bandits forming at that time. After I left Brett, seen with the out of place mohawk, standing a head above everyone, rocking out to the music in Scratch, turns away, maybe in shame, guilt, envy, regret, jealousy, that the fakes, while promoted to the hilt, don't come close the real McCoy!
You can see the fans rocking, hugging, hands int he air, mimicking the pistol steel guitars, the dueling guitars, the bass guitar, pounding out the final part of the song, with Reid bend over with emotion, and Adam pounding he drums . . . the crowd is digging the hell out of the music, just like a crowd of thousands would in an arena. As I have traveled back and forth, or gone around Utah, I have had several people, say, Your Elliot Secrist's mom? Seriously, you are Elliot Secrist's mom . . . yeah, of God's Revolver? Like they had seen them in concert or something, shocked to meet El's mother . . . why?
Bret Attending El's Concert, 3 to 4 Years After I Left Him?
Just confirms my suspicions, that after hearing how great Elliot is, can play rock, metal, punk, southern rock, emo, jazz, classical--you name it, he can play it, probably why he got accepted into the Berkeley School of Music, in Boston . . . although practical enough to realize that tuition was expensive, and decided, like all rational people, that the University of Utah is good enough, and he is already better than most professors! That is his mother speaking!
Google, GoArticles, JoAnn S. Secrist, me, and you will see the article I wrote on God's Revolver at the top of the list of about 8 articles I wrote back in 2009, so self authenticating--the real guys, what you may have seen in concert, is a fraud . . . comparing diamonds, with fake diamonds or zarconium! GET THE REAL STUFF, STILL A TIMELY, A CLASSIC IS SOMETHING THAT HAS UNIVERSAL APPEAL THROUGHOUT THE AGES--WE CAN ALL RELATE TO COWBOYS AND COWGIRLS, WESTERN IDEALS, LOVER'S TRIANGLES, CRIME SO PASSION, ETC.
Perhaps the whisky slamming bad boys, that Utah, Mormons, family, etc. through were too bad an image to represent Utah, so they took the music, and claimed the fakes, were from Montana--just guessing the fucked up depraved minds of people stupid enough to pull this off! Fakes have never been able to stand next to the real, authentic, true, band, blog, case, attorney, guitar players, drummers, singers, writers, Trey . . . John and all of the band who contributed to a genius level western told in music!
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