Evidence--Out; DNA--Out; Patterns of Criminal Activity--Out
I hate to bitch, moan, vent, well, really, I like it, but it seems to do now good--no matter how much evidence, I just can't get the guys and gals responsible for taking down those participating in identity theft, communications fraud, conversion of intellectual and personal property, misrepresentation, malfeasance, misfeasance, civil rights violations, really, breaking and entering, robbery, redirected accounts, from federal e-filing accounts to blogging accounts, for large profits, not to mention, censoring, doctoring parts of blogs they don't like, or really taking the good stuff, selective theft, and on, and on, and so forth!
The common sense explanation, has to be through logical, inductive and deductive evidence, critical thinking, intellectual curiosity and analysis, is that both Google, the federal government, or any local law enforcement agencies that have, are and will be involved, are are all in on the criminal activities, which in legal terms is referred to a RICO, or racketeering type activities, most normally connected with mafia or organized crime--but as usual, if the government is involved, it some how, cleanses the activities, until, of course they are caught, exposed, or dethroned by younger agents, who want to make a name for themselves, at the expense of being taken down, themselves--NO GUTS, NO GLORY!
This Conspiracy Goes Wide & Deep--Common Association is the Mormon Church, Yes, the Perfect Front and Cover!
What do all the parties involved in this conspiracy, that none dare call a conspiracy is the association through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, WHAT, saints applied to these guys; I guess if the word Jesus is used in the name of the Church, or the prayer is closed in the Name of Jesus Christ, or the weekly sacrament meetings offer the sacrament of bread and water, in Jesus name, that qualifies the religion as Christian, instead of the club, secret organization, best kept secret, a church masquerading as a government agency with hidden agendas, that are only unique to the Mormon Church, but closely akin to those of the Biltabergers, Rothschild's, Rockefellerx, Illuminati, etc.
The Masons, the Illuminati, Knights of Templar organizations, didn't start here in America, but over in Europe, Italy, England, etc. However, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or the Mormons, are considered, the only major religion, that lays claim to being considered a purely American Church or a church with its origination, here in America. I am going to do best what I do, be the ugly attorney, playing the role of Devil's Advocate, for attacking not only a church, but the church of my birth, that of my parents, grandparents, and their parents, parents, who came here, to America, some even on the Mayflower, along with other pilgrims who migrated from the old world, where all these other secret orders started, but crossed the waters to America, but with similar ideas, goals and agendas, that might be the American agenda you and I have in mind, like the principles found in the U.S. Constitution--branches of government, Bill of Rights, states governed by their constitutions, that stick close to the federal constitutions for the model, but deviate to give guidelines on how city, county and state governments are suppose to work!
First Prophet, and Founder of the Mormon Church, Joseph Smith, Was a 33 Degree Mason
If you look closely on the symbols engraved on the sides and levels of the Mormon, Salt Lake Temple, you can see evidence of the Masonic influence, but maybe more than that, the sign of the compass, the square, sun, moon, and it has been awhile, but you have a secret society of initiates, who wear special clothing and take oaths of obedience, much like these other organizations. What if for a second, we entertained the thought, that there literally are two Americas, one under the vision of the founding fathers, the one you and I love, but the other, a John Locke, version of a new world order.
Let's imagine for a moment, that Joseph Smith, was called by the Masons, not God and Jesus Christ as claimed; however, people love stories, love heroes, legends, martyrs, and these other associations, had another agenda, but did what these guys do best, just deviate from the charted course by 1 degree, after 238 or so years, we are light years from the original intent of the founding fathers, the Constitution is a hindrance, blocks and challenges the ideals, methods, and powers of the OTHER AMERICA?
So as the young nation grows, expands, and fills in the details, there is the constant shadow government, riding tandem, with the real, intended, and inspired founding father's version, but infiltrating the very agencies and organizations that are suppose to be protecting, defending and promoting our version of America, but in deed, thought, action, are undermining everything that resembles America--and attacking, harassing and intimidating dissenters, much like China, Russia and other countries, that are un-American, considered enemies, and countries with opposing value systems.
Infilration of Mormons Into FBI, CIA, NSA, Media & the Presidency, Having a Masonic Agenda, Contrary to the Values of the American People
While I was sitting in the Ashburn Village, Mormon Ward parking lot, the one that serves the Mormons in Ashburn Village, Laceyville Terrace, where my darling, and super Mormon, daughter, Nicole Mayor and her family live, with her husband being a convert, one of high recruitment, as someone the CIA, on top of the Mormon Church would value due to his language skills, consisting of English, Arabic, Spanish, and I think German, so not only valuable as a Mormon to get missionary work into countries--he has pictures of himself and President Karsai of Afghanistan, allegedly as a government contractor that works with the feds, but is actually another private company, with a master's degree in counter-intelligence and terrorism, plus he is Cuban, with parents who migrated to America--looks about anything from Arabic, to Hispanic, Middle Eastern, or American--the bishop, either active or retired FBI approaches the family car after church, and tells George that they, FBI or maybe even CIA, is looking for an agent for Romania.
George, whom I have accused of being CIA, tells the bishop, that brother and sister, so and so, just had a child who got home from a Mormon mission, a two year stent in Romania, speaks fluently, and is looking for a job. Bishop says, great, and George gives the message to the parents, who are proud to have a child working in an alleged honorable, high ranking position in the government, the place for it, D.C., that is, and all is good. The FBI bishop, greases the wheels, and the young recruit is inducted into the CIA, within the CIA, or the FBI, within the FBI, and becomes part of the club, circumventing all federal hiring guidelines, fair employment practices, and a free, guaranteed job, but with strings attached, Mormon agenda strings, which are not problem, since God's Laws Are Considered Higher Than Man's Laws--Including and Especially, the U.S. Constitution, that calls for a SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!
Rectifying Mormon, Articles of Faith & Doctrine & Covenants, Section 98, 100?
As a very devout Mormon girl, I was taught not only in my home, but my church, that the U.S. Constitution would hang by a thread, and the Elders of Israel, or the Elders in the Mormon Church would save it . . . I was taught that the U.S. Constitution was an inspired document. I was also taught to put to memory, the Articles of Faith, Joseph Smith wrote, with the 14th Article, being to obey the leaders of the land, presidents, king, principalities and powers. As I got older, as a constitutional law attorney, reading the scriptures I had read many times in my life with different eyes, I found the actual scriptures, that I apply, much like I do the laws of the land, as the word, so to say.
Doctrine & Covenants, Section 98, clearly states, that the saints are to learn the Constitution, and stick by it, for protection, for anything more or less than the Constitution, is evil! The section goies on to talk about electing righteous leaders, and if we don't the people will suffer. Later, in either the 100th or 101st section of the D&C, verse 70, the Mormon scripture states that the U.S. Constitution is an inspired document--agreed upon by most people; however, as a constitutional law attorney, who has used the documents, and applied them in all cases and situations, I will witness, attest to, affirm, and vote with confidence, that there has not been an issue, cause, problems, that this great document can't address, either though the plain language, intent and history, used for statutory interpretation!
How Can These People Raised, Trained, and Sworn to Similar Oaths Be Enemies, not Allies?
The only explanation is, they are involved in another agenda, a Mormon/Masonic agenda, that is at odds with the U.S. Constitution! I am a high profile constitutional law attorney, that was taken out of commission for almost 10 years, but with a big name association, cases to back it, legislation, jobs, speeches, and so forth . . . so how do we get, what was first the allegiance, the rider, the engine, to get this second America, riding piggy back on the real vision, to actually split and go the direction we want?
This was none other than an orchestrated plan, carefully executed, highly promoted and protected, to steal an identity, that would be sure to draw and attract attention and allegiance from the PEOPLE, but substitute a sister, friends, or sisters, and whoever, who are loyal to the Mormon/Masonic agenda, which is contrary, while similar, but has a world wide, one world order to benefit Mormons, and homoginize America, take it down, both through Christianity and Constitution, to third world status, so they can promote the fraud, and get 10% of the world's tithes, and control 100% of the world, through association with bankers in London, at the world banking headquarters, and render America waisted, null and void, killing the American spirit!
They are using me, as a front name, to get power, money, influence, to only destroy, devour, and take over, substituting real American ideals and Christian ideals, with bull shit, fake, other agenda ideas, up to an including the fraud of Mitt Romney, pretending to be American, but really Mormon wolf in American sheep clothing--THANK GOD WE DIDN'T GET HIM AS PRESIDENT! I have however, heard that he is the shadow director of the CIA, now we see Brennan under attack by the Senate, for spying on the Senate Committee who is in charge of watching and controlling the CIA, so Brennan will step down, and low and behold, Mitt Romney, who has been in training, is appointed, as a means to heal Republican and Democrats after the last bitter election!
Buy, Marry, Bribe & Coerce My Children
I was poisoned after taking out 9 federal agents and investigators, while I was general counsel for the Utah Medical Association, as prestigious as all my statewide jobs, and professorships at three colleges, manuals of national fame and award, now a blog with more readers, or was more well read than the major newspaper columnists, for big city newspapers, like the New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Sun Times, LA Times, etc. I grow it, they mow it, but hey don't destroy is, they control, manipulate and bank on the writings, the money, and the power that I do for love, not the love of money--man can't have two masters, love God and money, he will either love the one, and turn from the other, or cleave to the one, and reject the other!
My blog is about education, sharing the values of the U.S. Constitution, and myself, unleashing grace, promoting Christian and Constitutional basics, ideals, and concepts. Once this blog went viral, going from 1.5 million the first week, to 5.5 million the second week, happened right where I am sitting now, at the Break Cafe, on Higgins Street, in Missoula, Montana, 9:46 a.m., no government doubles are here, than to 13.5 the third week, but as of October 9, 2013, the account was redirected, so a secret account was set up, later I reached 28 million, then 113 million, then the high of 155 million, then the take over happened, the name of the blog, while still showing both blogs with the same titles, but content I am not sure, whitewashed, edited, censored, and deleted objectionable words, comments about CIA, FBI, NSA, and Mormons, all gone, my original blog of bad ass con law chick, doesn't even come up when you Google it, used to come up the second you Google the word bad ass--now you have to know the whole name, but the fraud, is the one that immediately comes up! THEFT TOOK PLACE!
Part of the conspiracy is to get the allegiance of my children, who are equally, if not more gifted, smart, cool, savvy, and going to make a mark in the world today! I can celebrate 4 awesome kids--but, hell, no--they even want to indoctrinate, recruit, inculcate, and bring in my children, but first they marry them to undercover agents, so they have a choice between, mom and hubby or wifey, and kids . . . hard decision, one they know I would tell them to cleave to their spouses! So they at the prompting of Grandma and Grandpa, over 100 extended family members, and only one mother, who is awesome, but they have been lied to, deceived, and told that either Shelley, Rachel, Kay, Sue, Marcie, Tiffany, Kelley Ann Booth, would all be more suitable substitutes for mothers, for their cause!
The seeds of lies, deceit, manipulation to these smart, but young great kids, with a threat of losing their families, are inducted into a bull shit lie, that not only hurts them, their children, due to quantum physics and DNA, will work to their demise, because it is all based on lies! Everything they, the gang, the co-conspirators are doing, the in crowd, who stole all the work, the houses, the furniture, the resumes, the cases, the blogs, which were all awesomely created by their mother, but they are busy, didn't see much of it, or lied to my tons, of allegedly credible family, friends, and professionals, to pull them away and get them to support, what is really against their best interests!
The 13 Year, Immediate Success Plan--Not Born Yesterday!
I always wondered why my father, who seemed at odds with me, always wanted to keep memorabilia from my jobs, like letters from the Utah Medical Association, thanking me for all the work I did to protect the doctors in the state from Medicaid/Medicare alleged upcoding fraud allegations--planned on a substitute daughter, who would obey, lacked not only the mind, the education, the skills, and the fortitude to accomplish the many, numerous feats, tasks, and trophies, against the government, cops, attorneys, legislature, etc., but also a daughter who often challenged him, threatened him and not necessarily buying any program, the rest of the family could be controlled into believing--he was furious when I reactivated my law license, go figure, a daughter who was suppose to die, back, and you are pissed? Why? Reasons?
The day I told both Dallas, my oldest daughter's husband, one of the FBI dating game participants, to control, infiltrate, and undermine mommy bear, and my father, that Elliot Secrist, bass guitarist of God's Revolver & Maraloka Bands, both alive and well due to this blog, even with Isaac and Brett Todd Stewart, trying to cash in on the success, due to the blog, once caught, they, with the help of the CIA, FBI, NSA, Google, Grandpa, etc. just stole the blog the venue to rat out the lying, fraudulent thieves of earlier years, who were planning a second tour, thinking , nobody was watching the band after 4 years--think again, so they just stole the vehicle to fight the fraud! THIS BLOG, that is no longer under my name and missing about 140 million readers, lead away from the true source!
Ads, Money, Promotions, Are Not Part of My Blog--They Are the Ones Who Stole it, For Profit--Trace the Money and You Will Know the Motive--Power, Control, Stupid Agendas, Money, Influence, Prestige!
Think, think, think--I am the same, yesterday, today and forever, both on Christianity and the Constitution! They come like lions ready to devour, destroy and kill you! That goes for my children too!
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