Sunday, March 30, 2014


Break Front Cafe--Random Acts of Kindness

This morning, at about 6 a.m., I noticed that the popular coffee shop, in Missoula, Montana, on Higgins Street, a hang out for college students, professors, and business people, and a few of us, who frequent the place, whenever we are in town, was late opening, and once me and several early birds, were waiting to get in, notice the chairs, were not taken off the tables, and the normal routine was out of whack.  As I walked in a dropped my purse, with about 50 lbs. of stuff in it, and took the single chair off the table, I noticed a young man, going around the room, taking all the chairs off the tables, well the rear part of the cafe chairs.  So, I, how usually puts my own chair and the ones at my table up, decided to help take down the up to 200 heavy solid wood chairs off the tables.

I thought what a great example this young man was, and how cool, that he didn't lose his cool, yelling at the employees, for not having the coffee made, or that they were throwing off his day, or just being an asshole. He simply noticed that something was amiss that morning, nothing was said, the Sunday morning proceeded with a peaceful solitude, with good feelings, no big deal, but just a hand to staff to make sure others didn't come and find that something out of the ordinary was going down.  Some time latter, a young girl who worked at the coffee shop, came up to a regular, thinking he had been the one who had pitched in and helped get the place under control before many customers showed up.

No Claim for the Reward Coupon--Most Likely Free Coffee

The man denied making any effort to help, but I overheard her, express the fact that someone was either sick or didn't show up for work, and she had to come in and substitute, then was going to offer him a coupon of some sort.  I thought this random act of kindness should be acknowledged, so I spoke up and told the girl that the young guy behind me had put the chairs down.  I refrained from stating that I had helped, which is a first, remember as a scripture popped up in my mind, do not your alms before men, that they may see your good works, or you have your reward . . . the right hand should not know what the left had did . . . my motives were not as pure as his, I have been writing my blog here, and taking way more time than my paltry money covers, like a Diet Coke, or a piece of their amazing ham and cheese quiche, or their great pastries . . . that don't cover the hours I have spent here, without one world from a cool group of employees, who have no idea that I am trying to save the world, on a dime!

This is the Type of New World Order We Need, for a Better Beautiful New World--Not the 6000 Year Plan, Using America

The YouTube Gods recommended a video on the 6000 Years to a New World Order: Secret Societies and World Dominance, or something like that, about Masons, Knights Templar, Illuminati, Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission, Council of Foreign Relations and several new ones, that want to make money funding wars on both sides, building military complexes, because it is big business, turning the Eastern Block Nations against Western Block Nations--Ukraine siding with the West and Crimea going with Russia, taking us back to the Cold War!  America committing to the EU, or European Union, military assets being engaged.

A group of fucking world bankers are controlling this whole damn world, fuck 'em!  The video showed documentation of everything they claimed, just like the Vietnam War, Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, it is about money, oil, and building up the government contractors who are making a shit load, and are helped by the world bankers, Rothchilds, Bildebergers, Rockerfellers, and a group of alleged elite, who are nothing but money grubbers, and as a quote from my mother's health class, only the small are cruel!

Lies, manipulations, deceptions, control, to get a one world order, one political entity, one religious order, one economic order, etc.  Sure as hell not the route I want to take, or will take. That is why as a constitutional law attorney, I have been under such attack, the Constitution is in the way of the elites plan, they only want rights, protections, guns, freedom and liberty, for themselves, the few chosen few, who they choose!  I am for justice, protection, prosperity for all!

North American Union, or NAU, Denied, but Already Happening to take Away National Sovereignty, Threats of Chemical Warfare, I.D. Chips, and World Driver's Licenses Real!

I am not an expert by any means, nor have I done much research, but I can recognize evidence of this movement, when I see it, as was presented in the video I watched last night and this morning.  Historical, books, reports, news clippings, government documents, testimonies, witnesses, facts, statistics and examples, are very persuasive.  Twenty years ago, I dated a guy who tried to get me to see all of this, but I argued and fought, still do, that Americans will not let this happen, that I will go down with the ship, no white flags on this girl's ship, just can't go there!

Since that time, as an assistant attorney general, I was to represent the Utah Division of Motor Vehicles, and at the time, political groups were fighting the real I.D. and driver's licenses, thinking that all their information, from library books, to what they buy at the grocery stores, would be recorded on this license, leading eventually to being chipped, and in a religious term, taking on the sign of the beast, part of the 666 or sign of the beast in the Book of Revelations, that would be in your forehead!  Well, guess what, this was in about 1997, and as I was getting a tour of the DMV, they actually took me and showed me the machine for the real I.D. card, and actually told me that they had already either purchased or had been given the machine, but the Utah Legislature had not approved this I.D., yet!

Then as general counsel for the Utah Medical Association, in attendance at the American Medical Association in Chicago, I believe in the summer of 1999, they government, where preparing those who would be in the group considered, first responders in an emergency situation, like a pandemic, or epidemic battle with influenza or biological or chemical warfare!  I remember seeing what to that point I had only seen on movies, the gas masks, the protective jumpsuits, and scenes from various parts of the world, who had experienced similar or eventual events, and what it would take to manage the event!

Contrast That Ugly Scene With the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution--Mormon Scripture States that the Constitution for All Mankind!  The Preamble is Simply God's Gospel, as Exemplified by his Son Jesus Christ, in Law!

Scripture states, God is not respecter of persons, male, female, black, white, Jew, Gentile, and would say that takes in all the nations of the earth; his law calls for respect of differences, national sovereignty, national pride, love, charity, forgiveness, giving, taking care of the fatherless, the widow, honoring parents, not murdering, lying, stealing, coveting, worshipping false gods, etc.  All good stuff!  Now, America was the great experiment, the preamble talks about, a more perfect union, that goes for the world, we don't need to homogenize to get peace, after the control comes . . . but each nation respected, protected, general welfare, tranquility, common defense, prosperity for all, justice for all, etc. . . .

What the hell is wrong with national pride?  Where the hell would the Olympics be without national pride and competition?  Why doesn't everyone just chill out, leave other countries alone, help the world people have enough to eat, wear, provide for their children, respect other countries and their right to self government, many, 100 out of the 183 or so countries, have adopted some form of the U.S. Constitution.  If someone can come up with a better idea for all of us to get along, for hell sake, come forward and present it.  Me and 15 people, we called the Great Think Team of St. George, Utah, sent a plan to President Obama, on Afghanistan . . . he actually implemented much of it, that was in 2009--put up or shut up!  

World Bankers Need to Get Over Their Insecurities, Quit Trying to Control the World, We are Totally Sick of You, and Not Impressed!


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