Scream, How Fun, My Own Son's Band Being Recommended! I LOVE IT!
This morning, I got up and got my blog done early, so I could go to church with a friend, I had met last October in Missoula, Montana. We just got back, and he asked me if I wanted to have sex with him, I told him I had thought about it . . . and what exactly does that have to do with church, the sermon, or all the rice in China? I guess he didn't get the answer he wanted, so he got up and walked out of the coffee shop, he must not have read my blogs lately, on the theme of the penis factor, basically from the woman's perspective, then some precautions to keep that cock in control . . . I seriously don't think he believes that I am the one writing the blogs, he asked me to show him yesterday, LOL. Little does he know, the men in my life are specimens in a petri dish to me, rats in a laboratory, to be cut up, looked and dissected, and analyzed for the betterment of MANKIND!
Not necessarily to protect the innocent, have the names been left out, but because I have to see him tomorrow, and someone might actually put two and two together, and he will be pissed, but he is guilty, that is exactly what he got out of church--our chairs were so close, I had to put my arm around him, to accommodate the seating arrangements at the church, at 3535 West Broadway, in case any of you Sunday slackers want a religious experience today, but my boobs were rubbing against his arm the whole meeting, I promise, I couldn't help it! Then if he put his arm around me, my arms were kind of closer, and he could see cleavage, unintended, to say the least, due to the heavy breathing the other arrangement caused, well, I enjoyed it too, a little buzz during church never hurt anyone . . .
Not necessarily to protect the innocent, have the names been left out, but because I have to see him tomorrow, and someone might actually put two and two together, and he will be pissed, but he is guilty, that is exactly what he got out of church--our chairs were so close, I had to put my arm around him, to accommodate the seating arrangements at the church, at 3535 West Broadway, in case any of you Sunday slackers want a religious experience today, but my boobs were rubbing against his arm the whole meeting, I promise, I couldn't help it! Then if he put his arm around me, my arms were kind of closer, and he could see cleavage, unintended, to say the least, due to the heavy breathing the other arrangement caused, well, I enjoyed it too, a little buzz during church never hurt anyone . . .
Recommended God's Revolver--Song Number 6, Definitely Whisky Slamming, Half Naked Fools, But Way Good Music, and Along Came, This Long & Lonely Drive to Hell
It is so fun to watch the videos on YouTube! Thanks to ABG and SLUG Magazine, and whomever took these cottage concerts in some one's basement, way fun. During the time Elliot and crew, in both God's Revolver and Maraloka, were planting seeds, and writing their music, I was busy as an attorney, or struggling with a terminal brain injury, that masked a government poisoning, so i didn't get to see a lot of Elliot's music or the videos, until now. I used to drive the little musicians around, but these must have come after they all got their driver's licenses, because I missed most of this.
But, you, little wanna be rock stars, you can see that music just doesn't happen, that you start young, and you write, and play, and write, and practice, and start somewhere--kind of like the 10 year, overnight success, band . . . doesn't happen! Ask Beyonce' fans--started at 9 years old! And she has worked her ass off ever since . . . same with God's Revolver, earlier versions of the band, when Elliot has short hair, you can see the fun expression of shear joy, just playing in a band with his friends.
Song number 6, seemed to be after the videos of the young band, so the name wasn't even given yet, or it was Drown Your Fucking Sorrows, and the little rowdy Mormon boys from Provo, Utah, didn't dare write the name or hadn't decided on it. Several weeks ago, the YouTube guys, bumped a bunch of videos, in exchange for the hard core old time guys, like Pantera, Anthrax, Danzig, Black Brides, who were interviewed on the Revolver Golden God's Awards, about titles to songs, that should be banned?
As each of these guys interviewed dropped the fuck word every other word, it seemed to me, that none of them had ever used that word in a title, and seemed to be pointing a finger at God's Revolver titles, Iron Fuck and Drown Your Fucking Sorrows, if not the Long and Lonely Drive to Hell! What is up with that? So it is okay to use the F bomb, just like Pope Francis did recently, but it is not okay for God's Revolver and Maraloka to include the words in their titles? REALLY?
Thanks YouTube & Whomever Took the Videos of the Middle Years Between the Happy Short Haired Elliot & Crew, and the Later Years, When El's Hair Reached His Back, In the Later Videos, Highly Apparent in Maraloka!
If you trace the length of the hair, you will know the order of the young band's progression, and how many years it took to get where they are today, a really good chronological view of the reality of fame, fortune and glory, if you don't get you music stolen by Exigent & Sony Records Translation Lost, marketed, promoted, cheating the real band out of the fame, fortune and glory . . . but I am a firm believer, that GOD makes up for lost time . . . cheaters never win!
There are roughly three stages of God's Revolver and Maraloka's band members too, especially the drummer, who plays in the earlier videos, sitting in for Adam: (1) there is the wide eyed innocent stage, where brilliance isn't noticed or appreciated by the young band members, they are just getting high on the music and playing for their friends; (2) the videos that showed up today, raunchier, ranker, sharing the whiskey, rocking it big time, playing for friends, and then; (3) rockin' it out to the local crowds, after the music glory was ripped right out of their hands, after being named Hard Rock Band, 2008, with three worldwide music magazine interviews, going up in smoke and disappearing in a cloud of deceit . . . in about 2010 or 2011, with a second CD for Sony's, Translation Lost, also up and walking away?
I called Elliot the other day, and asked if he was following his music, and what was going on with God's Revolver and Maraloka? He just shrugged it off, and said that he was working on music in other bands! Now, why in the hell would he do that? What the fuck is going on? Was he bribed, threatened, worried about something--at one point, up until recently, I got up to 155 million hits, either writing about Jesus Christ or God's Revolver & Maraloka . . . that has all changed, theft of cases, music, money, fame, fortune, glory, blogs, hits, now what . . . will nothing be done to these assholes that seem above the law?
Sorry, This Started Out As a Happy Blog, A Celebration, So It Will Finish That Way--Be Grateful for the Preservation of These Great Band, and Thank God for Those Who Documented Their Existence!
Fuck the bastards and bitches, grandparents, aunts, uncles, Mormon Church, NSA, CIA, FBI, mafia, and whoever in the fuck is getting away with the thefts . . . God, fuck them all to Hell!
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