Saturday, March 28, 2015


 Durango, Hell, Yeah!  I'm All Over It!

I have had a few delays, in meeting James Kennedy in Durango, like getting poisoned a few times, some last parting shots at me, before leaving Montana, where I have loved, written about, and enjoyed for the last three years, but, last year, I felt that my time and mission, for whatever purpose was finished about year ago, but as critical issues, politics, and exploration would have it, apparently, I over stayed my stay!  LOL!  I am like a moth to fire, and just can't help myself, being educated as I am in the law, with huge, contextual framework of knowledge and experience, fearing none, I just can't help giving my opinion on about any area. I was the same way as a Utah assistant attorney general, just give me a microphone, and give me the subject, and I will research and even present to the experts, like when I had only 24 hours, to prepare a speech on white collar crimes, and present it at the Little America Hotel, in Salt Lake City, Utah, to over 400 state employees, who were all CPA's, or Certified Public Accountants, no problem, my boss, Jan Graham, the Attorney General, had 6 months to prepare, but she decided she didn't want to attend, and I think, as I was told, they, the AG's Office, hired me as her double, although I had blonde hair and she had salt and pepper, hair, I guess they did the Utah thing, and bait and switched out the speakers, until I started to get top billing over my boss for speaking engagements . . . she made short shift of me!  LOL!

But, as I was taking the bus, from Grand Junction to Durango, I was thinking, what the hell happened in Montana, no one was more loyal, my son, even thought, that I should be a tour guide for the state, pushing the beauty, the mountains, the people, the Constitution loving people, as far as I read it like they did . . . that was key!  And right as I was wondering, what happened, I got a sign, that said, they thought, sis was me, and then seconds later, a truck with the word, Keystone, to me indicating the Keystone XL Pipeline, was one of the reasons, I was targeted, and another truck went by with the name, something like, Brian Switzer, the name of the former, and pretty popular governor, before Governor Steve Bullock!  Interesting, Montanans believe in your first amendment rights, until, they see the issue different than you do, then off with the head.  Since I am a constitutional law attorney, and generally, fall, in my opinions, not with or against one party or another, but where I believe rational thought, and an deeper, than the normal person would do, analysis of the United States Constitution, state constitutions, regulatory rules, with agencies, making rules, state legislative statutes, or the minds and will of the people, as represented in their selections of representatives who battle the laws, policies, and positions of their constituents, and then vote according to party lines!  LOL!  Actually, this session, there has been more nonpartisan voting than usual, and the legislature has done some cool stuff, so I am not complaining.

I am wondering, however, what is going to happen to the controversial water compact, that to me, and a district judge is patently unconstitutional!  The legislators, need to keep in mind the big picture, and protect their water, which in their state constitution, is all theirs, ground water, spring water, surface water, etc. and a water right, only consists of water that is used for the use and benefit, of the water user, and if there is not use and benefit, there is not water right.  They are buying into the bull shit, that the Indians, are going to call in 10,000 water right shares . . . well if they can't show, quantified, water usage, for the use and benefit of the reservation, they don't have a water right!  This is another issue that I cross hairs with the powers that be, the Governor, and his legal counsel, Andy Huff, are okay with paying the tribes, $8 million per year, until they use up the $55,000,000, that is being requested for waterway reconstruction and infrastructure repairs.  So, I am at odds with the power structures in the state, and I guess poisoning me, is the solution!  This morning on bing, search engine, I had 24,500,000 results, in 65 seconds, my blog carries a punch, and people read it!  That is the problem, and a ton of Montanans and Utahans read the blog, because it is generally about issues that I know about or have been involved with.  

But, the Mo's, Mormon mafia is a live and well in Montana, and up at the legislature, my sister, Susan Schmit, is masquerading up in Montana, Helena, as me, because, like I said, from a song the other day, What People Won't Do For My Name . . . What They Won't Do For Money . . . Sue the history major, did an analysis, that Tony Osthemeier, gave me to review, and I about barfed without poison, all she had done, was give a play by play of the meetings, reports, and history of the battle over the water compact.  There was nothing legal about it . . . but, that is what you get, when you try to take a moderately liberal, and constitutional law attorney, who knows the Constitution and the levels of analysis you need to go to to get the fucking right answer, not what your client wants to hear, but actually what the Hellgate Treaty of 1855, combined with the plain language, intent and history of statutory interpretation, that Sue would know nothing about, other than from her, daughter, what she called the constitutional law girl, and girl, baby in the law, she is, just graduating from UNLV law school, just a few years ago, and taught civics lessons to high school students . . . 

I clawed my way, through all obstacles to get to a U.S. Supreme Court level, and if you don't think there is not a huge learning curve, between my first brief on my $357 million securities case, and the brief for the 10th Circuit, you are as fucked as the Mo's that think Sue can pass as me! You can get yourself in a shit load of trouble, and give away, Montana's legacy, rich with water, and power, just because some bitch is making the Governor and his legal counsel, feel good, playing political games, of bait and switch, alleged constitutional law attorneys, when you are, as in the CFP, add, with the disc jockey, with the new hair cut, and a suit, passing himself off as your financial planner, and you trusting him investing your wealth!  Listening to Sue, pretending to be me, just because I haven't been up on the hill for two years, other than to sit in on the last day the Senate, actually, in profound stupidity, contrary to the interests of the state, the tax payers, and their constituents, voted in favor of the water compact, running in fear of alleged water rights, that are not there, unless they, the tribes can prove they are using water, and quantify it . . . my head for this, but, fuck'em, I care more about the people of the state of Montana, than the pussy ass, drill baby drill, former, DEMOCRAT gov, who now works for the mining industry, and is or WAS all about the Keystone Pipeline, no matter how the oil glut, in America, would be effected by pumping Canadian oil and gas into the already glutted industry!  

Keystone Pipeline . . . Benefit a Few, Most Canada, Britain!  I Am Your All American Girl, Pro Our Oil & Gas Industry . . . The Glut is Starting to Show People the Wisdom in the Veto!

The job impact, was minuscule, the environmental impact, really, unknown, all on America, not the Canadians, or the Koch brothers, who would be making the money!  We have a glut, with oil and gas reserves, capped off . . . look at the facts, the reality of who is benefiting from it, and thank God, we have a President, very unpopular in Montana, who will do what benefits America, rather than Canada, like the Mormons, who want the one world order, really . . . taking most converts back in time and they are with roots, in Britain, so hook that up with the Bushes, and you get the shit, we got for 8 years under that dumb ass administration, that about tanked America and destroyed our economy, permanently!

In The Daily Sentinel--I Think, Grand Junction Newspaper--Colorado Legislature Is Protecting Their State Water From Feds!

What Montana doesn't realize in all their talk about 10th amendment, and the struggle between the balance of power between the states and the federal government, that they are cutting off their own nose to spite their face, by signing the water compact, in violation, not only of the treaties and compact clauses of the United States Constitution, stating what states can't do, make treaties or compacts, and then in the first section of their state of Montana Constitution, the Indians are the sole jurisdiction of the federal government, it is their problem if the Indians, didn't claim their water rights back between 1973 and 1983, with 10 year notice, all water right claims needed to be filed with their country recorder!  Indians and those being allegedly protected by the BIA, or the Bureau of Indian Affairs, still had to file claims, now the feds, may have thought they were not going to be controlled by the state legislature, but the state is in control of all water in the state boundaries and borders, including the reservations . . . which were not made exempt, and you can't rewrite history, giving them more rights than they were given after they ceded their lands, fair or unfair, the are only to get sufficient water for the use and benefit of the lands within the reservation, with nothing outside the reservation . . . right to fish, is not a water right . . . never has been, with 12 streams, being maintained by Montana state agencies!

The river beds around Durango are dry, and I think, the state is seeing that they are going to have to protect their water rights, and the feds, one way to control the people is to take water away from the citizens, and then the federal government can control everything!  Water is the breath of life, you can't live without it, and you can't grow food without it; therefore, you, states, in this battle, that has raged since the days of the Civil War, better get smart, and only allow the federal government to control the waterways, that have been interpreted to mean, navigable waters, with ports, the express jurisdiction of the federal government's control over water, those going to open water, the oceans and the seas . . . where the federal government forms treaties, compacts and agreements with other nations, which is what the Indian Nation is, a foreign government!  DON'T THROW THE BABY OUT WITH THE BATH WATER . . . even if you don't like the messenger, don't fuck this up!  Good job, Colorado, Montana seems to be going the way of Utah, with the Mormon mafia following me up to Montana, to guard their political preferences, that fuck the tax payers, to benefit the business men, like former Governor Switzer!

Durango & Silverton Railways Going By . . . Tourism Alive and Well in Colorado, at Least in Durango!  My History & Connection with Durango

Family of Native Americans or Indians,  a son, wearing a shirt, that says, United Assassin's Creed, take a number for a hit, assassination, mob dusting, they know I read signs, t-shirts, can't afford not to, but everyone, hates and loves me . . . just came into McDonald's were I am having a Diet Coke and sausage burrito, my favs, trying to quit DC, both Diet Coke and Washington, D.C. . . .  remember, not only do the Mo's run the CIA, FBI and NSA, at least in Utah, but D.C. is full of them, and they don't like me to limit their power by the express language of the U.S. Constitution, any more than the cops, like me putting the Old Ball & Chain, around their ankles, with the Constitution, when they have been free ranging cops, under the Patriot Act, for the last 15 years . . . the Montana Legislature, voted to make all new cops, seeking to be certified through P.O.S.T., Peace Officer Standards & Training, to be trained in both the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Montana Constitution, Section II, if I remember right, thanks Rep. Jennifer ?, it will come to me, but she is a senator!  Doing the RIGHT THING!  I am as quick to compliment, as to criticize!  Oh, Senator, Jennifer Fielding!  That's her name . . . doing good stuff.  Critical mind, love it!

Dude Ranch to TOP OF THE WORLD . . . You Can Literally Stand In Colorado, Utah, Arizona & New Mexico at the Same Time!  Mesa Verde Indian Ruins . . . Way Cool, Talking About Natives!

Before politics, law school, opposing positions, and an acutely critical mind, going against the grain, the program as my father refers to it, of the well beaten path of Mormonism, my dad, actually, used to be quit cool, and really was a stand up kind of Mormon Bishop, and bucked the system, teaching me to think, look at facts, statistic and examples, in his church service, totally awesome, seeing he had 6 daughters, who hated the fact that the Boy Scouts in the Mormon Church, got to do all the fun things, and the girls, only got to go to girl's camp, once a year, staying protected in our femininity and vulnerability as the alleged weaker creatures, within the confines of Utah!  LOL!  After hearing his daughters, bitch and moan about the discriminatory actions of the Church, dealing very differently with the males and the females, he gave in and someone, our leaders, in conjunction with my father, who had to give he approval, took about 20 juvenile girls to Durango, Colorado, to a dude ranch, going on horseback to the Top of the World, and the Mesa Verde Indian Ruins . . . I don't remember the town of Durango, much, but I vividly remember what the dude ranch looked like to this day!  

We had cooks, that came with us, on this 7 day, horseback trip, that I was sure I had the dumbest horse of the whole pack train, of animals, going up the steepest trails, and my stupid horse, tripping on branches, rocks, and other paraphernalia, along the trail, scaring me half to death, getting a pine tree lashing, in the face, each time my lame ass horse, walked me right into the trees on the trail, realizing, now, that it was the stupid, inexperienced, cowgirl, riding the animal, who didn't know how to control a horse, letting the reigns, just loosely hanging from the horses neck, giving it no guidance and demands from the rider!  This may have been where I got the notion, of loving the cowboy culture, of states like Montana, Colorado, Nevada, Idaho and even Utah, it came from somewhere.  We woke up each morning to campfire breakfast prepared by great trail guide cooks, enticing enough, to make teenage girls, crawl out of their warm but wet, sleeping bags, braving the damp, dew soaked grass and air, to eat the hearty breakfasts, each day.  There is a spot, up on the mountain, with a cement marker, where visitors, can stand, over two sections of the four, marking the place the four states, meet, converging at a perfect, circle, called the Four Corner's Area.  The mountains were absolutely beautiful, with wildflowers as I remember, filling me with romance, adventure, and visions of loves to come . . . haven't changed one bit!  LOL!  They say you are most your authentic self, when you return to what you were like in high school, hey, I am there!  Get back to yourself, as the Beattles would say, Get back Jo, Jo, back where you belong!

The Unidyn Truck, Polygamy, Torturing Our Male Escorts . . . 20 Girls, Calling The Men, DAD!  Utah License Plates!  LOL!  People Staring At Every Stop!

The chartered buses, we generally took, when going to girl's camp, were out, all 15 to 20 of us girls, were thrown into the back of an empty truck, with sleeping bags, pillows, and loose run of the open truck--with no air conditioning, but conditioning tough chicks.  The leaders, both male and female, I think, don't remember the female leaders much, maybe they didn't come, the males were to protect us, but we took what little we knew about polygamy, not much at that age, not an issue, until I got married . . . then it became a fucking huge issue to me, until my future husband, just a romantic idea in my mind at that point, but aware of him, bad boy, living just down the street, but told me I was going to be cute someday, after toilet papering my neighbor's house, hangering it, and sneaking out our basement, pushing me up against the furnace, telling me he would kill me if I told anyone, so of course, when my mother asked me if I knew anything, I lied, fearing my inevitable death by the bad boys in the hood!  My mother was going to shave my head, when she found out that I lied, I probably told my sister, Sue, the one I was talking about above, who always felt it her moral duty to rat me out to my parents, when I pushed the family car out the driveway for a moonlight drive, before I had my license, taking Sue to shut her the hell up! She would say at Sunday dinner, Dad, have you checked the gas in the car today . . . with me, kicking her under the table.

As we would pull up to sites, like the Indian Ruins, and a ton of girls would jump out of the back of the truck, probably, today, would be considered or look like human body trafficking today, but people would see the Utah license plates, and comment under their breaths, about all these girls, so we started playing it up for all it was worth, shocking people, other tourists, more than they already were, calling the men, Dad, and telling them to wait for us . . . to their credit, these faithful husbands, and gluttons for punishment, were more than embarrassed and the more they wanted us to stop doing it, the more fun it became to taunt them with this dark Mormon secret, that I would come to lobby against, train against, write against and rage against to this day . . . all just a joke then!  Anyway, we had a ball, and I will always be eternally grateful that my father, back in the day, was a progressive, and fought to give his daughters and their friends, experiences, that to this day, right here, right now, have influenced my life!  Thanks DAD!  He created the monster attorney in me too . . . arguing after Sunday dinners, all 8 other members of the family ditching out of the political and religious discussions Dad and I had!  LOL!  If he said it was black, I said it was white . . . like I said, back where I started from!

20 Years Later, Montrose, Telluride, Million or Billion Dollar High Way

Yesterday's bus trip, from Grand Junction to Durango, was a trip back in time, with me so exhausted, that I only woke up, like on remote control, in about two places on the 5 hour trip, passing through Montrose, where Paul Ruybol, my obsessed first boyfriend, after my divorce--prison fodder, grew up, and on the trip itinerary, taking my kids to the places I loved when I was their age, to Durango, Mesa Verde, and places along the way!  Groggy with sleep, on the smooth bus ride, awoke, as I said, in Montrose, or as we drove past it, and in Telluride, where I saw the bus with the words, All Aboard America!  What a great welcome, and the glistening snow capped, and covered mountains, rising out of nowhere in front of my face, beautiful, and left me wondering why, I was so set on staying in Montana, and having almost guilt feelings, and conflict, like a cheating lover would have, seeing the monumental glory of these mountain peaks, so fresh and vivid to my memory, once I saw them again, after 20 years!  What was I thinking, this place is gorgeous!

Last time I was going through Telluride with my kids and Paul, will tolerate anything for fun, adventure, beauty and excitement, which Paul was always good for, he was the most fun guy, I have ever dated, and great with the kids, taking control, and wishing they were his kids, not having any at the time, being the swinging single, who just happened to be the product of a single mother, who made him watch his younger siblings, so he was no slacker when it came to watching the kids, and he was, like a lot of men, digging have kids to act like a kid with.  LOL!  Giving me a break from being the parential parent, always!  But, there was a colorful bike race going on, as tons of bikers, raced to the top of the huge ass mountains, looming in front of us, as our truck and camper, we borrowed from his step-father, a new addition, so we could be more comfortable, struggled as the bus did, yesterday to, to climb the daunting peaks, on the expensive highway, but so beautiful, that it is shocking to the senses.  

I was awake the rest of the trip, the snow, the pines, the curvy snakey rivers and streams, so cool, and refreshing . . . and thoughts went to Colorado, politically, one of the two states, now with the City of Washington, or DC, allowing legalized recreational use of marijuana . . . and my thoughts, when to the very conservative Kalispell, that I loved for the beauty, but not necessarily for the conservatism, with key players up there, lending a hand in the identity theft, after I wrote about me getting 8 cops fired in Utah, talking to a crowd of people, who were growers, back in the day, when there were more liberal laws, with people, definitely pushing the envelope, still are, dealing with marijuana, and helping members of the ACLU, and those being sentenced, after the FBI raided, some 30 growers, in Montana . . . one the wrong side of that issue too, never saw a cop in the first 6 months, in Montana, digging the hell out of it, until that day, then the highways, were marked with cops, following me, culminating me me writing about the cops in Utah, with the feds, growing marijuana, then selling it for filthy lucre, as being still against the law, for cops, as well as citizens, selling it to medical marijuana states, who couldn't get enough . . . three huge raids, alleged hunters and hikers found the grows . . . then why were there no suspects, and it always happened, the first two weeks of August, harvesting time . . . kill two birds with one stone, convince mayors, city councils, what good the narcotics task forces were doing to take drugs off the streets, making money for cop shops, and getting big ass grants from the feds, for doing their bids, on drug interdiction!

Just as death threats and attempts, forced me to flea Utah, back three years ago, history was repeating itself, and I was, literally, going to die from the several attempts at poisoning me, because they never could catch me for doing what, preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution?  Secret combinations, wanted to get me when nobody knew were I was, or if that didn't work, try poison again, that cost me 8 years last time . . . you fucking botched it again!  But as I surmised what had just happened, and why, it came to mind, that perhaps, the more liberal state, might be in my best interest, and I was glad to see, that Colorado, was true to their citizens, and protecting their water rights against federal infringement on those rights, and seeing how, absolutely amazing the scenery is, I was actually, very okay with leaving, and the time had come, I had done all in my power, short of allowing them to continue to try to kill my ass, and get out, with my life, as was the case in Utah.  I am not a pot smoker, but I fully support and defend your right to do what you want with your greatest property right, your body!  And I would rather error on the side of giving people too many rights, than too few . . . big brother, fuck you!  These are inalienable rights, for a supreme creator, God, not the fucking federal government!  We created you, not the other way around, and your sole job is to protect our rights!  Defending us form foreign and domestic enemies, not being those, like the resent, interference of the Republican party, in the affairs of nations, not your jurisdiction, you are not commander and chief, you do laws that effect America, and can oversee and approve, if you are in the Senate, Treaties, involving America only!  

None dare call it treason, but I do . . . do your fucking job, stop worrying about the President's job, working with other countries on the agreement with Iran, and Israel, because of Biblical claims of the chosen people, was done way with in Christ, in the New Testament, where the Jews, crucified MY LORD and SAVIOR, even Netanyahu's own people and government officials, are telling him, he never should have done what he did, to America . . . who do you think, which country benefits the most from the relationship? Is Israel protecting America, always voting with us, or making a mockery of our President?  Does Israel send America billions of dollars?  NO, we are sending it the other way, I would get a grip on reality!

Anyway, glad to be in Colorado, don't know what my stay will be, but Durango, is a great city, and I look forward to seeing it, writing about it, and dabbling in a bit of politics, which is just something I dig doing.  Just one more thing, I want to write about before the news it too old, like fresh approach . . . the good old U.S. taking the moral high road again . . .

U.S.: Thailand Must End Slavery In Fishing--Labor Slaves, No More Acceptable Than Sex Slaves!

The Thai government says it is cleaning up the problem and has laid out a plan to address the labor abuse, including new laws that mandate wages, sick leave and shifts of no more than 14 hours?  I am glad to see the changes, and I also, think, that we as Americans should respect the request of the military leaders, General Prayuth Chan-ocha, who has asked the media not to report trafficking without considering how the news will affect the country's seafood industry and reputations abroad.  Sometimes, when we, as Americans, assume we know what is best for other countries, even on the issues of labor and sex trafficking, we want to make sure that people who know the culture, the morals, the industries, the inside and outside, don't make the situation worse and hurt people more than is necessary, we need to respect those closest to the situation, and let them handle it . . . don't boycott the seafood industry, by the shock of the abuses of workers, because they may be worse off without jobs, so a sensitivity to the crisis, is best left to those who know there needs to be changes made.  Changes are coming, but in the due time of the country leaders, who can make the appropriate changes in due time!

The other day, while waiting for the bus, in Missoula, I picked up a free book, called, The Great Hope . . . A revealing book at the battle between good and evil--and who wins!  

True Peace!

The Law of God is unchangeable, a revelation of its Author's character.  God is love, and His law is love.  "LOve is the fulfillment of the law. 

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