Monday, March 2, 2015


James Kennedy Shot, Drive-By Shooting, Wanna Be Biker Dude, Darcy Chick Scoping Out the Bus Terminal in Helena!

Okay, I am still sick from being poisoned, more and more convinced each day, as a bitter, gross taste, rolls off the roof of my mouth, and I can't walk more than a few steps before I am totally exhausted . . . flu like symptoms, mirroring that, but the with a few extras, that puts it into the question zone, but yesterday, as I was wiped out, and laying on my bed, at the Butte Rescue Mission . . . Home of the Rough Riders, and with St. Paddy's coming soon, right place, right time, I thought about a recent 48 Hours, True Crime TV Show, there was an episode with two physicians married to each other, the wife gave up her career, to take care of their two children, as the husband started an affair with some lady, and started working later and later, and finally asked for a divorce; he started to exhibit symptoms, much like I am having, splitting headaches, lack of appetite, which is a never for me, sick to his stomach, and a strange taste in his mouth.  One day, as the husband was at his wife's house, checking on the kids, he noticed his wife's purse on the table, and noticed a seed package, hanging out, and he found a bunch of seed packages for some type of bean.  The husband, a medical researcher and with the connections, beyond the state crime lab, generally only available to prosecutors and cops, had some private research done on the seeds, and found that the seeds were laced with Racine, a poisonous entity that has been used by terrorists, and was prevalent in the bean seeds, as I recall.  But, the stuff, that the lady from New York, very well an undercover agent, gave me, was something like, Green Tea Bean Diet Capsules!

I think, that might be what they gave me, or was contained in this surprise gift, so to say, coming right out the blue, just a day or two before I left the Poverello Palace in Missoula, Montana, after writing blogs on local cops, cop shootings, militarized vehicles, and other related issues, not to mention writing about the water compact, Keystone Pipeline--most Montanans are in favor of, and they are not found of President Obama, who vetoed, and I encouraged him, in my blog, that I know he reads--LOL--leading, to two nights of shear terror, as I was set up one sting op after sting op, being chased by cops, K-9 units, and being blocked from motels, and watched all the way up until I got on the bus, to Kalispell, Montana, just to get out of town!  So, I am here, on Harrison Street, one of the main drags in Butte, Montana, at McDonald's, being a creature of habit, the same whether I am living in a mansion, or a homeless shelter, whether I am in fJront of a Supreme Court Justice, or talking to a local bag woman, watching Mr. James Kennedy, look a little squeamish, as she sits next to him on the bus, disheveled hair and all--getting my favorite #10, two sausage and cheese burritos, hash browns and a Diet Coke--same in St. George, Utah, Las Vegas, Kalispell, or Butte!  LOL!

Clue to the hopefully, one honest cop, who might actually be on the victim's side, mine, that they can check my Walmart Money Card Account, and they will see today's purchase!  LOL!  Some lame ass chick from the shelter, who doesn't know me from Adam, introduced me as crazy, to some other lady, and I was shocked, this woman, came just days before I left the shelter, a month and a half ago, and doesn't know jack shit about me . . . where is this coming from?  Who starts these rumors?  And why can't they or people handle the truth, fuck, Edward Snowden--Nicolas Cage is going to play Snowden in an upcoming movie--is in fucking Russia--the government doesn't like people like me and him, or other campus crusaders!  Come on, do you seriously think I am going to be sitting in some plush office, making a mill a year in my unharnessed law practice that specializes on civil rights cases against cops, prosecutors, cops and government entities, the statewide battering systems, or the Mormon Church, who has a 70% representation in the CIA, FBI, and about 100% of the NSA agents in Utah!  How, dumb, dumber and dumbest, can people be . . . being in hot pursuit, hot running, are the name of the game if you want to live, for God sake!  Why do you think they want to steal my blog? Too fucking powerful, influential, and widespread readership, including around the world . . . my sites, all have language interpretation tools on them, and I didn't put them there!  Come on, where is your brain?  Or rather her brain, she just drove by . . . is she a plant, a cop, who is there to undermine any truth?  Probably, their staff is endless, at a million a day, they can buy and sell anyone!  And a million a day is low, that is for just one site . . . times that by about 5 others, plus twitter and facebook! 

I just took a restroom break, and noticed that I had two, very distinct red lines around my neck, like where your age lines are . . . mine don't generally show, but today, they are red, and feel like a paper cut, and I have a rash on my upper chest area!  POISON, POISON, POISON!  Just this morning as I put my make up on, I could feel what appeared to be a small cut across my neck, and I asked one of the other gals, if she could see anything a cut on my neck . . . no.  These look like ligature marks, on some one's neck that had been strangled!  And there are red prickly looking rash type spots on my upper chest . . . what the fuck, and I didn't get poisoned?  Did someone chock me in the night?  I am known as the soundest sleeper alive.  Talk about Utah Legislature debating whether a man can rape his wife, while she is asleep and unconscious, my first husband, used to joke that someone could come in rape me in the night and I would never wake up.  Last time I was here, there was a domestic disturbance, really bad, and I was the closest to the wall, of the married couple's room, sharing a wall, and everyone woke up, cops were called, and I slept through the whole thing!  What happened in the night last night? 

James Kennedy Being Shot--No Surprise--4 Guys I Have Liked--Dead!

These assholes, I am playing with, are not looking at this a child's play, it is worth, billions of dollars, to a crowd that is totally into money!  I am a cash cow, to them, and so was my son's band . . . they have no qualms stealing music, cases, blogs, legislative analysis, homes, furniture, vehicles, clothes, kids, grand-kids, you name it . . . they are the worst, butte-fucking, faggot ass shit, vultures in the world!  I cannot, stinkin' believe, that billions can just change hands, disappear, vanish, records, cases, music, and nothing is being done about it!  The world's largest heist, and nothing . . . nobody seems to care, nothing is done, and that has to be, because those who should be doing something about it, are involved and getting paid to turn their fucking sorry ass heads, with assholes for eyes, away, while all of this is going on!  

We are talking identity theft, at best, not just of your normal small time band, or attorney, but the cream of the crop in both areas, not to mention this blog, 100X bigger than the competition!  And at worst, MURDER!  One of my signs, with my Intel guy, God, is this truck line, that has a bright orange, oblong circle, with the letters, M/ME . . . representing to me, MURDER ME!  This has been a sign, for at least a year or more.  I liked a bus driver, CIA, maybe, smart enough, and as first, we could talk, laugh, joke, until, I happened to mention, that I liked him!  Then, all of the sudden, Mr. Mafiosa, Jack/John King Strode, either a big time cop, but dirty, or mafia, or both, who hit on my the first day I came to Kalispell, 2 and a half years ago, asked me to marry him the first night, and still stalks me, rides the bus, all day long, so he can imply a hit, or that they are watching the bus driver, and his life is in danger.  This Jack, fat, promised me, that as long as I was with him, a familiar tune, with these REDS, retired and extremely dangerous, CIA or FBI agents, the cops would leave me alone . . . and that was true.  The second, I ditched him, cop cars came out of the wood works!

Guys that either show an interest in me, or I show an interest in, all of the sudden disappear off the map!  The bus driver, used to get excited and happy to see me, when I dropped into town, not any more.  He barely talks to me, and often, in sign and symbol, or explanation, that truck line, with the M/ME, just as it did this morning, after I found James, who disappeared seemingly right in front of my eyes this morning, while I was walking to the bus station, because I had to stop, every half block . . . he on his crutches could go faster than me, but he was sitting behind an old garage, we talked, he said he was going to Walmart, but he was going later, decided to go after lunch . . . really?  I told him, I was going to McDonald's to get a DIET COKE to see if it would help knock out this poison and to write my blog!  Right as he left, going back up, where we had just come from, a hard road to walk on crutches, so going up and down is a challenge, I looked over at the road, and one of those trucks, went by . . . that is the reason, I left last time, I knew they would kill him, if he was seen with me, he seemed to feel that, and I left without telling him, the morning after he told me he loved me . . . he was drunk, or stoned, anything said under the influence of drugs or alcohol, won't stand up in court, and I give it the credit as coming under the circumstances, but I told him, that too.  Too late, he was shot, the day after I left, and the surveillance crew, may not have known I left, at 5:00 a.m. and out on bus at 6:00 a.m., knowing full well, they would kill him.

Last week, after being in Missoula, and being chased two nights, I decided, before deciding where to live, permanently, that I would check into the legislature, to see where the water compact and expungement bills were, and that came after a quick trip to Kalispell, to check on the other love interest, see if he was okay . . . he was but not to demonstrative, and he was quiet . . . and I saw that M/ME truck line, go by several times and totally understood . . . maybe I am crazy, but the difference in him is like night and day. I am sure he notices the presence on the bus, the implied threats, it is one thing to like someone, and quit another thing to die for someone, and never be with them anyway.  And, I am talking, not even serious relationships, I waved down a cowboy, bull rider, cop one night in Evanston, Wyoming, one night, actually the night, that I allegedly died, outside of Hamilton, Montana, going the back way into Salt Lake, middle of the night, behind Bear Lake, Utah.  We hit it off, he put the moves on me, but I wasn't taking any of the hints about him only having two hours of his shift left, ignoring calls from the detention center, about fights--he told them to handle it themselves!  LOL!  Giving me mints, getting all my emails, and giving me his personal and work contact info . . . can take the girl out of the Mormon Church, but you can't take the church teachings out of the girl!

As we talked, the lights, on what I thought was a dead end, but was really the courthouse, turned on, at 2:30 a.m., and I asked him, if he thought that was strange . . . he didn't think much, we kept talking.  I thought, maybe, they knew where I was going and sent a fed, because that struck me as the strangest thing in the world, given the fact that I was taking the back roads to go undetected by areal surveillance cameras and satellites!  Just before the lights turned on, he asked me if I had a boyfriend . . . yeah, a CIA agent in Salt Lake!  LOL!  This was one of theirs, and a cop of some sort, also the guy who came up to me, on the streets of Salt Lake City, and warned me to leave the feds alone, or they would put me in prison for life--a client, had brought me down from Montana, after the cops had taken my truck, so I came on bus, in a hot case, Jeremy Johnson vs. the Federal Trade Commission, and I told him, that if they were dirty, I would take them down . . . he responded by saying, then they will kill you!  And here we are . . . that was 3 years ago, and they haven't got me yet, but they have taken their share of lovers!  Not so aware as myself!  

But, I told the cowboy, bull rider, cop, that I didn't like him, because he always had the big screen TV on . . . now, I am thinking, he was using it for white noise, to cover surveillance!  Officer, Scott Faddis, showed me the way to get on the freeway, and I left for Salt Lake City, Utah . . . drove past, Sammy O'Malley's house or some Irish name, perfect, and his motion sensor light was on, so he had been on his porch in the last 10 minutes, and low and behold, the big screen TV was in the gutter!  He had to have heard the conversation, between me and Festus, as he was called!  He could have turned on the lights, and one of the last times I saw him, going back and forth between, Utah and Montana, he seemed to have been replaced by a double!  I wrote Scott the next day, and told him how much I enjoyed our conversation and looked forward to getting with him, he said he could get me a job with the public defenders, and a place to live . . . as soon as I finished that email, and I was just going to spell check it, the whole thing was ripped off my computer, right in front of my face!  Scream . . . that was the last I heard from him, but for a brief, email, that didn't sound like the same, hot on my ass cowboy, that I had met months before . . . had been busy?  I tried to find him, around Christmas, and was stonewalled at every turn, even the chief of police, nobody would give me any information . . . I am a very hated woman, in cops circles, and they want my double to beat me, because she is stupid and has big boobs!  I am still cuter!  LOL!

The most recent guy who tried to help me, warn me, and scared shitless, undercover, wigs, padding on clothes . . . was tasered by cops, outside of Beaver Dam, Arizona, and murdered!  So, needless to say, I am slow to get involved, and worry, when there is any interest on either parts, this is a tool, to isolate me, and they are even more murderous, when they guy is a cop, or undercover . . . not playing for the team!  And how dare they, side with a mortal enemy like me!  Feelings aside, you can't do it, or you die for it!  I was funny, because, James, took the long way around the block of the bus, and ended up on the same bus as I was!  LOL!  He even mentioned, that he did that . . . what the hell for . . . he told me he was glad I was back, had he put two and two together, that his drive-by shooting was connected to me, or what he threatened again, or just doesn't like me?  LOL!  I told him, he was giving me a complex . . . it is not like I ever chase a guy, never have, never will!  LOL, so what's up . . . I did have to laugh, as the local bag lady, with crazy hair,  got on the bus, and sat, two seats away from James, as his eyes got wider and wider . . . but, his girlfriend, remembered me from being in Butte before, and started asking me where I had been, now she was my girlfriend, he looked entertained!  LOL . . . I thought I could tease him about her choosing to sit right by him, with an entire empty bus!  LOL!  His facial expression was priceless!

Was he shot to warn him?  Scare him, and make him worried about being with me?  He heard that I was in town the other day, last week, before going to Helena, but just on a layover.  Some chick that knows both of us, told him I was in town, and he said, no if she was in town, she would come give me a hug . . . hey, it was my third night without sleep, the stress of being chased, and the poison was taking its toll, and I was just too lazy, and knowing he was shot, I knew he wasn't going anywhere soon!  LOL!  I would hit him up after the legislature, I do have my priorities!  LOL!  Sorry, political animal, and I knew that the Senate had voted the water compact out of committee, and was going to hear it on the floor of the Senate soon, before Friday, so I had to go, and I knew I would be back soon, to take care of my ailing friend, James Kennedy, who is actually getting around better than I am!  I am not sure if I should tell him that, it was my enemies who shot him!  Last night, I asked him if he had any enemies . . . no.  I said, well, I have a ton . . . he acknowledged that!  To tell or not to tell?  That is the question . . . he does crack me up, moved like an 18 year old, and the crutches haven't slowed him down much!  LOL!  Maybe I can catch him, if I survive this poison!  LOL, it is coming out all over my skin, in my mouth, coming through the pores of my skin!  I am starting to look like a leaper!  I am sure he will want me now!  OH, well, men are like trolley cars, there is one coming by every 10 minutes!  This may take me a while to recover!

Cheer Boy Biker, Darcy, Gold Digger Saved Me--Out of Helena!

This story, is kind of intertwined and bouncing all over the place, because, it is all connected.  So, I got the green bean capsules in Missoula, but, I took them in Kalispell, and Helena . . . until, I started feeling a connection between the diet capsules and how I was feeling, like shit, so I quit, thank God!  Or I might be dead right now!  Having been diagnosed with the PICKS Disease, back in 2000, they set the perfect cover for any unexplained death, she just got what we diagnosed back 15 years ago, and finally sucummed to the disease . . . really?  I am sure that is what they would use as a cover for this shit that I have right now!  My whole neck is breaking out in red bumps, lines, cuts, and what the hell ever!  I am sure that I will survive, but after going through what?  Big time ugly stick, I am sure!  My stomach feels distended, neck is a joke, age lines, that you really can't see, are getting deeper and deeper, like cuts, even though the bus guy, when I told him I was 60, so I got the senior discount would not believe me, and obviously the bus driver, who appears to be an undercover cop, because he is always a shit head, didn't believe me, when I told James and the bag lady, the one besides me!  LOL!  The fucking bus driver, whom I told I wanted to get off at the nearest stop near McDonald's because I was sick, dropped me off about a block and a half away, rather than right across the street, or just next door at the coffee shop!  It took me two stops, and going very slow to get to McD's!  Scream and I asked for the closest, telling him I was sick, for God sake . . . almost killed me getting here.  I am fine as long as I just sit, but when I get up to walk, bamb!

Okay, so you get the poison thing, really didn't start taking it, until I hit Kalispell, forgot I had it, that Heavens!  When I cleaned out my purse, the bottomless pit, I found the capsules, and started taking them, when I was staying at the Super 8, my home away from the homeless shelters!  LOL!  But, you know what happened with cheer boy biker, who had a melt down on me, telling me that the homeless in Helena were afraid of me, and sleeping outside in the cold, because I was a cop or undercover CIA or FBI . . . nice projection dude!  He went from lover boy, wanting me to dig a bad boy, biker, but a recovered meth head, to a blogging allergic freak, screaming at me to shut my computer out of respect for his place?  He must be a cop because, they have no boundaries, you have not personal privacy rights, and they feel perfectly at ease under the Patriot Act, to do whatever, see whatever, take whatever of your's they want!  To his surprise, not out of respect, out of being ready to rip his ugly face off, I packed up my computer and listened to the news for another few hours in my room . . . this same ass, who accused me of having $357 million . . . a, no, that is Kay, your gal, who stole my case, and has her signature on the pay off, is the one with the money, I am legitimately homeless, without a fucking dime, you dumb shit . . . but he would not hear any of looking at my blog, to check out the picture of me, not twad ass bitch, ex-friend, Kay, who was with Mitt Romney, March 27, 2012, in the UK, or the United Kingdom, promoting a PBS special, on a Mormon President for the World!  

March 26, 2012, the date of the letter, of the judge telling me, he had terminated, without a reason, my case . . . deal was sealed, and money gone, $118 buys a lot of TV time and campaign ads . . . and you will notice, that Mitt's brave attempt, a month ago, to run for a third presidency failed, guess me writing the truth, verifiable truth about he and Kay Baby . . . Daddy Dearest will kill for Kay Baby, kill his own daughter, not really, I tend to think like Christ, who is my mother and father . . . he who doeth the will of the father, in Heaven . . . thieves, liars, murderers, I don't think need apply . . . so, Kay Baby has risen to her level with a murderous father of mine, I don't want him or the rest of my family!  But, Kay yanked her web site, under Kay Burningham, aka, JoAnn S. Secrist in her other life, she rides tandem on my back, to steal my shit, then jumps off and is a anti-Mormon writer . . . check her out on facebook and other sources, she is just me for the cop world . . . but her lousy books are for purchase, and she is hanging with Mormon Mitt? Why in the hell do you think he changed his mind so quick, check out the blog I posted right after he announced another run . . . my memory is not that short, fuckers!

My point is, that any time I want to verify, or let these guys check out sites that give me all the credibility I need to prove, that what I am saying it true, they freak the fuck out, and start screaming, walking away, getting more a more loud and abnoxous . . . YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!  Kay is Kay, Rachel is Rachel, Shelley is Shelley, Sue is Sue, Tiff is Tiff, Kelly is Kelly, there is nothing special or magic about them . . . the best thing about them, is ME!  LOL!  Dick wad, cheer boy, biker, joke, can't handle that, his heroins, are nothing but liars, and the woman he has hated, apparently for year, given his vitriol reaction to any thought, that we were on the same side, I thought he was going to blow a gasget!  He was an ugly ape-shit loser . . . I can't respect anyone, who refuses, outright to see the truth, when all the evidence is right in front of their fucking faces, but they won't look!  My hair might have been a bit different cut, but, the face is mine . . . Rachel is being passed off as me, and she has a broader face. a bigger girl, blonder fake hair, fake teeth, and longer hair . . . she looks like a sister, but that is about it, if we were standing by each other, we would not look anything alike, or hopefully not!  She has been in my shadow for her whole life, she is 7 years younger, and she has to introduce me as her older sister because everyone thinks I am younger, and I love it!  Now, Tiffany, my baby sister, who is 14 years younger than me is my double!  I just keep getting younger, so the sisters, run down hill!  LOL!  Perhaps the poison is trying to make me look more bloated, uglier, and with red spots, usually, my skin is very clear, and both Tiffany and Rachel have Rosasia . . . red dots on their faces; mine are on my neck, but hey, the day is early!

Our friends at the Mormon run, NSA, in Utah, who monitors all the western states, on cyber stalking, turned off the spell check, so reader beware!  LOL!  The games, the games, the games!  Get your own damn blog, you motherfuckers!  Eat your heart out, you couldn't write one of these, but for stealing--TOOO BORING!


Booty call for cheer boy, Darcy, comes to the rescue of boyfriend, cutsy boy . . . he just reminds me of every high school, or college cheerleader, guy, where the gals are gals and the boys are too, that I have ever seen!  It is funny, Marilyn, cheer boy, and some other chick, who worked at Walmart, new roommate in Room I, all seemed worried about me writing about them in my blog, hurting innocent people . . . wrong, I never mention or hurt the innocent, and the guilty, hurt themselves, and bring the blog spotlight on themselves, by being shitheads!  But, they kept, mentioning that I write about the homeless . . . really, no only as they fuck me over, being either paid or plants by my enemies, then ballz out, and I will crucify you!  You choose to play footsie with the feds, or cops, you get what you deserve, the only tool for payback and revenge is writing about your sorry ass in my blog!  If you don't want to end up here, don't fuck me over!  I fuckin' kick back harder . . . you may influence the little homeless shelters, but I have millions if not billions who read about your fucked up shit!  My actions are noble and work for you, making sure that cops abide by constitutional protections, working for water rights, expungements . . . yours are hurtful, lies, and criminal at best, fraudulent and promoting false representation, just like Wendy's shit, here in Butte, she doesn't know me from Adam, and most likely brought in from Washington state, cop or something, getting charges dropped, or something, but introducing me as crazy, a drunk off her ass bitch?  Really, who could hold a candle to me, in court, in a debate, even in going after a man . . .  Robert dropped her cheap, scanky ass . . . all the evidence shows it, and I still don't doubt that he used her!  LOL!

You see, I don't do stupid stuff, generally, it is worthy and of merit, taking the high road, so, once discovered, I have nothing to hide, but the scaggs, that promote falsehoods, generally have dirt bag lives! My life is an open book, I hide nothing, don't have reason to . . . you?  I don't do things I am ashamed of . . .

That being said, I took off, leaving God's Love in the dirt, where it belongs . . . sided with the wrong crowd!  I would take reputation and a good name, over money any time!  I hit Starbucks, a place, due to not drinking coffee, that many are not likely to look for me, other than I like the atmosphere and will have hot chocolate, to hang with the morning computer crowd.  I watched the pre-shift, cops, rapidly going down the street, in hot pursuit, being out of the building, only minutes before wake up call, and little miss no-sleep, being fooled into thinking I was just going to the bathroom, not alerting staff, like I am sure she was hired to do . . . she had charges against her, dead clue, that domestic charges would be dropped for ratting me out, when I came and left, and if I ditched out in the mornings like I have done, on two other occasions!  So this time, they are going to be prepared, a watcher girl!  Didn't work!  I wonder if, even God's Love, ever questions, why I always get away, foil their best laid plans, with God as my Intel man . . . could God, actually be on my side?  Rather than the liars, the thieves, the fake, bull shit side . . . I would guess so!  You wonder about these things every once in a while?  Does it sink in?  Must not!


When I go to a new town, I like to get the lay of the land, where the bus is, where the cop shop is, where wi-fi connections, McDonald's can be found, where the college is, and other landmarks, like the Capitol Building, and many places.  The first time I came to these towns, I didn't have enemies on my asses, it is only as I start to get a presence, and generally a good one, the enemies show up to take the glory, and steal the limelight . . . but, until that time, I am free to run the town, uninhibited, and in Helena, I didn't even see a cop for the first 2 and a half months!  Really, I found Montana so cool, given the police state of Utah, I had just left, and I wondered if they even had cops, if they gave tickets, and what the gig was, but I dig it!  As soon as I showed up at the Whitefish Library, and saw a documentary on the FBI raids on medical marijuana growers, I started to have a presence in Montana, and cops, spotted the landscape from that second on, and have never stopped or let up on me!  Butte has been rather calm this time, but I have been sick and not on the streets, or maybe they don't want to be blogger fodder!  LOL!

I headed for the college, down the back roads, by the Cinamark Theaters, Holiday Inn and Subway, to the Brew House, across from the college.  I had accidently left my make-up bag, scream, at the shelter, so, being the vane person I am, I had to buy all new make up!  I knew that Van Thriftway was over in that direction, and I ditched in there to get some war paint for my face, need to look good for that mug shot, if they catch me, and it never hurts to be a bit cute with the cops!  I love that song, of Keith Urban's, Fell in Love in the Back of a Cop Car . . . funny song!  Next, I wanted to write my blog, using the names of the people, who were so afraid of being mentioned, but they did shit that made them worthy of my wrath!  I plugged into Hardee's right next to the grocery store, convenient, and good food.  I was typing without being plugged in, thinking this new computer had more time on it, than my old one, but I was writing a huge blog, tons to tell!  LOL!  I think I started around 7 or 8 and wrote until, early afternoon.  This old coot, scraggy beard, and the look of an old timer who pans for gold, which is exactly how he makes his money, interrupts me and nicely tells me, that if I need to plug into the electric outlet, he has one he will share and told me where the other one was.  I thanked him and didn't think I would need it, but I did, and thank Heavens!


So, I finish the blog, and happen to mention to the nice old guy, that I have to leave to catch a taxi to get to the bus . . . he laughed and said, in the time you call a taxi, and wait for one to pick you up, I can run you over to the terminal.  Okay, cool, that will save me some cash, which I am always short on.  I figured, again from previous experience, that the Salt Lake Shuttle would leave Great Falls, by 3:30 p.m., and would be arriving about 5:00 p.m. or so, playing it safe and getting there a few minutes early, just in case memory fails, generally doesn't.  But I was anxious to just be by myself and relax, so I had the old coot, drop me off about 4:00 p.m.  He gave me a business card, and told me to call him if I needed anything.  I doubt it, but I appreciated the offer.  Before we left, there was this guy, who was sitting where I had been typing, and he kept staring at me, for a long time and often, every time I looked at him.  He had probably been told that I would be a lone, and he might have wondered who this older guy was, and if I had come with him . . . the unknown factor.

As we got up to leave, we were joking about kids, and talking and I happened to mention, that my daughter was following in her mother's footsteps and going to law school, but she would end up teaching or in some policy type job . . . that she didn't have the killer instinct, like her mother.  The guy in the corner's ears perked up, and he took notice, more than he had been, mystery solved!  This was that bad ass con law chick, and she was here all along!  Thank God, me and the old guy, jumped in his van and left the parking lot, just as a cop car was pulling in!  The older guy visited the restroom, giving the spook, plenty of time to contact the cops, and alert them that I was leaving!  We got out just in time, and the cop, went in as we went out!  Gotta love it . . . timing it everything!  Foiled again . . . or had I.

Someone had to have called, Darcy the booty call, who was seeing blood, and probably had read my blog, by then . . . a car went by me with the customized plate that said, BARB . . . I had called him the Ken part of Barbie!  LOL . . . paperdoll, dress up the cheer king, in biker duds and think he is going to pull of the dirty biker act!  Hell, I married one . . . Mr. Clean, red, white, and new black biker leathers, didn't cut it with me!  LOL!  This Justin Beaver dick, was no biker!  LOL!  Even the reformed biker, meth head, didn't fool this Queen of the Road, who has been to Sturgis, and seen 10,000 bikers in one town!  Gotta love those Black Hills of South Dakota!  Mount Rushmore!  So, I am sitting there in the bus terminal, and decide, for some unknown reason, not to get a ticket, yet, if at all, for that night, knowing, they would surely be watching the bus station and when the buses were leaving, because I had mentioned that I wanted to get to Butte to see James, and his shot up leg . . . what you get for playing Jesse James!  Sorry, not a joke!  I just couldn't resist, big boy, tough guy, brutally handsome . . . Marboro Man can take it!  LOL! 

Just as I change turning away from the furthest entrance, DARCY, comes tripping in!  What the hell . . . but really didn't surprise me, so the sting op, was still on, and they were pissed, cheer boy and her, his booty call, that he dissed, and said was not his girlfriend, while trying to pick up on ME!  LOL!  Chalk it up to an assignment, not the trophy that I am to cops, regardless of age, weight, or looks!  Just one fucking bad ass chick who had eluded cops for three years and across the country!  Not too bad!  She tried to act normal, and quickly hit the bathrooms, maybe had been there several times before.  I am flexible, and always error on the side of safety, so, while she is in the head, I ditch out the side door, and our around the building, knowing, for sure they are looking for me!  Now if I am the fake, why in the hell are they wasting so much fucking time?  Of the thought comes to mind, they actually, really believe that I am Shelley, and refuse to look at the facts, that they have chased the wrong woman for years, and have been believing that she is me! Or do they full well, mafia, know what they are doing and they are going to get me before I get out of town and they have to start over again, in another city, that my not want to be involved again!

It was funny, James did ask me if I had any trouble getting into the Butte Rescue Mission?  I said, no, in fact, Stan the Man, said he was glad to see me, with a smile and a pat on the back!  For whatever that is worth?  I took it as good?  As, I gave Darcy the slip, and walked over to Great Harvest, I decided to change plans, and catch the shuttle on the way back, and go to Great Falls!  Gott'em coming and going! LOL!  I didn't see Darcy, where she went, or who she left with, but I was not sticking around to see, but proof positive, this was a sting op, as expected!  I broke fast in the morning and caught them in their shit! Apparently, they were sour about it, and looking for me all day!  I love it!  I always get away . . . if God is with you, who can be against you?  NOBODY!  Even the fucking stupid mafia, Mormon mafia, cops, government boys and girls, etc.  LOL!  You have to remember, I am feeling like shit this whole time!  I relax and decide to go check on James, and the rough riders at the Butte Rescue Mission, who are as full of mischief as I am!  LOL!  All seems well, the shuttle drive had just been to some single's marriage counseling and he seemed more interested in my take on marriage than getting out of town, so did the chick who sold me the ticket.  All is well that ends well . . . 

So Far, So Good In Butte . . . Aside From A Few Off the Wall Comments, Thinks Seem Cool?  I Will Tell You If They Are NOT!  You Can Read About It On The JoAnn Press!

P.S., the Steal is on . . . spell check off, shows I am connected to the Internet, but I can't publish!  There is a note, pink, An error occurred while trying to save or publish your post.  Please try again.  Dismiss . . . funny, I never tried to save or publish!  So who the fuck did?  A cop car just went by, protecting cheer boy and booty call?  Probably both undercover cops!  Whatever!  So immature . . . just wrote, immatrue!  I figured the girlfriend/boyfriend show, was exactly that, a show . . . they are co-workers, who couldn't pull off this sting op . . . boyfriend blew it!  LOL!  Temper, temper, temper!  And, by the way, obviously, cops are not superior to the rest of us, or I wouldn't be able to continually kick your asses!


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