Saturday, March 21, 2015


What the Hell Good Are Fraternities Anyway . . . Havens for Insecure, Scrawny, Rich Kids?

To save my soul, every time I hear about the antics of the frat rats, on college and university campuses, hazing, drunken brawls, animal house activities, date rapes, alcohol pumping rat holes, test and paper sharing cheating machines, and the latest, dumb ass activities, secret accounts for the bros, with naked or half naked women, passed out on beds, floors, in sexually suggestive, and demeaning positions, making statements, like if she's hot enough, who cares if she has a pulse, to vulgar and inappropriate use of the word, nigger, and confederate flags hanging from college dorm windows, where the frat house is housed, to sexual and racists, tweets and instagrams.  Not only if, but when, I was a female college student, I would and did fully avoid this rats nest of male insecurity, social climbing, immature boyz club, of scrawny, rich kids, that need the bros, to do anything, but I would warn all female coeds to do the same, until they become the scourge of college and university campuses, like they are and should be seen.  As far as I can see, they have no redeeming social value, take away from the characteristics of true manhood, mocking real men, and using and abusing the real, true, and noble relationships with women.  Question: Are the continuation of fraternities good public policy, and of any value to the college or university life?

I only had one semester or quarter, dealing with the frat rats, at Utah State University, and that was enough, dated at least one from each fraternity, being generally disgusted, and saw nothing cool, admirable, noble, or good about the crew, of guys, totally lacking in almost all, real male characteristics, that I had come to value as a young woman, and as good looking as any of their sorority sisters, games as stupid as the men's for sure!  I had all the guys and the gals, from the society of the Greeks, trying to not only recruit me to their sorority, but to get me into one, so I could be one of their gals, or the so-called, in crowd on campus?  There was nothing, that I saw, made me want to be part of the, what I would call, loser crowd!  By the time I hit college, I was an individual, with a pretty solid foundation, didn't need anyone to tell me, what, where, when, and how I needed to do anything.  I dressed the way I wanted, wore my hair the way I thought is looked best, did my homework, and generally held a job, finding that college, literally gave me too much time, and saw most activities as a waste of time, and better spent, working, and applying my free time to my studies.

What Tennis Rackets Do You Think Will Help Me Climb the Social Ladder?  Are YOU Fucking Kidding ME?

I was working with one of the frat rats, at the old, Sunset Sporting Goods Store, in beautiful downtown Logan, Utah, home of the Aggie's, and all tangentially connected, students of varying levels of interest to me. So, can't remember his first name, but his last name was Byrd, kind of introduced me to the brothers, and I think he always regretted that decision, for soon to be disclosed exposure to their stupidity and childish antics, drunken dances, risking my life, with their alleged, trophy pre-med student, stud from California, the best of the litter, of dogs at the fraternity.  Anyway, he sent his bros into have me help them with their purchase of skies, tennis rackets, and other sporting good items.  And this one time, I was showing one of t he bros, our selection of rackets, and discussed the pluses and minuses of each, as far as I knew, the tension of the strings, the stiffness of the wood, and the type of tape used.  When all the sudden, he stopped my presentation, of this type of sales job, and just point blank, said, which one will help me climb the social ladder?  I could not believe what a stupid criteria for the purchase of a piece of sports equipment!

I probably told him, to ask his bros, or buy the most expensive one, that might impress them, that you paid $200 for what I considered an inferior brand, while carrying the highest price, therefore, that would be the most impressive to this band of bros, that come from money, rather than sense.  I was at loss for just how to handle this customer, and can't remember what he did . . . I think, left and went to ask the bros?  My next interaction came when the rats, lined me up with the alleged king rat, a pre-med student.  He was from a rich, family, of a California physician, and sure to follow in his father's footsteps, and I was suppose to be impressed?  All the girls wanted him, I guess, thinking that I respected this group of gold diggers, enough to compete for their prom king?  Really?  Whatever, so they lined me up with this guy, who's nick name was Goofy, after the Disney character, of a dog, or some other animal, but I didn't see the fit, until I went to a frat party, up the canyon, at the university cabin, or some one's lodge?

In true fraternity fashion, the goal was to get as drunk as you could possibly get, and my date, the pre-med student did.  I was so disgusted, being a non-drinker, and straight arrow, had beer pored down me, while I fought off, high school boys, trying to get me to drink, but they were never successful, and thought college boyz would be beyond these childish games, but obviously, my date, morphed into his name, Goofy, and he disintegrated, both in stature, status, and dignity, right in front of my eyes, until he was truly goofy as hell, and I was embarrassed to be with him, or associated with him in anyway!  Soon, as I ditched, dodged, and darted way from this total lush, another brother, noticed me, and he was not drunk, came and asked me to dance, which I was more than ready to, loving to dance, almost as much as breath, and totally dogged on the prom king, as he and my alleged frat rat friends, glared at me, and flipped me the bird, from the corners of the cabin, while they got wasted . . . don't you hate that, when the girl just isn't playing by the same rules as the rest of the alleged in crowd!  

To save the bros, the embarrassment of me going home with some one, other than I had come with, they made a big deal of breaking me and the new guy up, and insisting that I go down a really scary canyon, with a total drunk on his ass, dick, to save his prom king status, taming the shrew, and making her go home with him, even if it cost me my life, and I felt that it might!  I think, that was the last time I ever, demeaned myself enough to be with this dude.  One other time, I did go down into his room, at his insistence, and he started to put the moves on me, not a good thing, especially with a tease, like I was.  He grabbed my hand, and started to put it down his pants, and said, I know you want it . . . no, actually, I don't!  One of the bros, checked in on him to see if he was having his way with me, so he increased his efforts, to no avail.  He started to unsnap my blouse, and said, now, don't be afraid . . . I am not afraid, I just don't want to do anything with you!  He jumped up from the bed, and started yelling at me, that I was a tease, and your point?  I started laughing, got up and left him, questioning his status as prom king!  LOL!

Like Mother, Like Daughter(s)

One by one, I went through, one dick, after another from, the 8 or so, frats, on campus, supposedly, suppose to be impressed, and one by one, they just struck me as burned out, insecure, boyish, bores, who needed approval for everything they did.  Twenty years later, my beautiful daughter, Greta, was living with me, an assistant attorney general, professor, at the time, and she thought she might join a sorority, maybe the same one as her grandmother, Helen Janeen Chamberlain Southwick, did, Tri Delta?  I am not sure, but the University of Utah, is a commuter school, therefore, meeting people, on campus was hard.  She entertained the idea, until on night, she was going to a party and started to go with some other girls, rushing the sorority and she started her period, and took off to get cleaned up and protected.  She was repremanded by the sisters . . . she could not leave without their approval!  She was pissed as hell!  She was selected as Pike Princess . . . she was informed of this honor, and she said, what do I have to do?  She was told that she needed to nice things for the bros, like make them some cookies, or something like that, and just look good.

She had and still does have the look thing covered, but the cookies, she told them might be a problem, she didn't like to cook, and didn't see herself, cooking for a bunch of fraternity boys, and they said, get your mom to cook them . . . she is even less likely to make cookies, than I am, so your out on that account, and she withdrew her name!  Proud Mama!  She surprised, Mom, and called me one day, up at the Capitol, and told me she joined the Navy for 4 years . . . cool, I was going to join the ROTC in high school, and that was cool.  She mentioned that she wanted to do something more than me . . . and she will!  She was Navy Hall of Fame, first coed division, to go through boot camp, getting higher scores than the other 9 divisions that went through the training school at the same time, up on Lake Michigan!  She is a member of the largest honor society in the world, Golden Key, sworn in, at Constitution Hall, in Washington, D.C.  She talked her sister, into joining the Air Force, and she later, re-upped, becoming a military linguist, and lives outside, Washington, D.C., also invited to be a member of the Golden Key!  These are my type of girls, my babies . . . fucking beautiful, smart, and awesome!  And they have worn army boots and shot rifles!  OH, fuck yeah!

True Genius is Trust . . . Can You Trust This Person or Group of Persons?  Frat Rats, Cops . . . a Kind of Fraternity, the Fraternal Order of the Police, and They Function Like One, Many Time Too!

Just in the last week or so, two senior Secret Service Agents, cruised up, to the White House, going about 1 or 2 miles per hour, and hit a rubber, orange construction marker, or retainer.  The new director, was not informed of this antic, for about 5 days, but he sure as hell, when reporting to a very, small group of Senate committee members, in a hearing this week, said, there was no accident, just a bump . . . and we wonder, why, people are able to scale the gates surrounding the White House, and get into the elevator with the President of the United States!  Yet, those same standards, so laxly applied to agents, was totally reversed, to amped on steroids, when a 34 years old, black, unarmed mother of a baby, accidentally in 2013, happened to take a wrong turn, and found herself surrounded by Secret Service Agents, who pumped 26 bullets into her, as she tried to just get out of the situation!  Congress cheered, when they heard the woman had been shot . . . now there is a lawsuit, for the shootings, as the incident is being looked into.

The same fraternity mentality, exists in the Secret Service . . . Columbia prostitutes exposed to President's iternary, the CIA . . . leader, General Betrayus, affair with biographer, rather than running the agency, who had a culture of womanizing and affairs; and the FBI . . . selling secrets to the Russians, for sex?  And we are suppose to trust these fuckers?  Really?  And we are holding up, the confirmation of a woman, who just might get a handle on this bull shit, fraternity mentality, in our top law enforcement agencies!  I love her name, Lynch . . . we need some symbolic, white ass lynchings!  Good God, can't we expect more?  Holy shit?  These are allegedly our best and brightest, in charge of INTELLIGENCE?  Come on!  And these local, state and federal frat rats, are suppose to be the ones protecting me, from mob, Mormons, death threats, poisonings, NOT, they are the ones facilitating it for the hot bodies, without pulses, or the brain dead . . . I see exactly why they don't want Ms. Lynch!  She will be over their sorry asses, and they can't get away with their frat shit!

The best thing we could do, is to get rid of the frat rat mentality, in all levels of our government, including Congress . . . Schock's antics . . . just a big frat rat!  The military also, with a cleaned up record of still, 26,000 rapes and sexual assaults!  Whatever!  And we still don't have a director of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice!  And now, we can't get one of the most respected U.S. Attorneys confirmed?  What, who, why are they protecting, and from what?

Cops, Frat Rats, Rule Under the Patriot Act . . . Hell, They Don't Want A Civil Rights Division, Nor a Female U.S. Attorney, Who Went After 4 New York Cops, for Butt Raping a Haitian Man!  Scary . . . Constitution, Puts that Old Ball and Chain, Back on Cops Ankles, They Are Not the Judge, Jury & Executors on the Streets, as Under the Bush Patriot Act!

U.S. Attorney DeBoe, not sure of the spelling, was denied, being given the job, of director of the civil rights division, because attorneys under his section, defended a black political activist, who was going to get the death sentence for shooting a cop!  Oh, it is open fire on citizens, but any attorney, in our system, who is just doing their sworn oath, to protect constitutional rights of all accused, is denied a job, because of doing his duty?  Yet, we will defend a cop shooting, for whatever lame ass excuse they come up with? But an attorney, just doing their job, hang them, the guy killed a cop, so all  rights off, and the death penalty! So, we have a temporary or interim director of the civil rights division, and we can't get the new U.S. Attorney General Confirmed?  While the nation is having a total melt down on race relations, with a possible hanging--suicide/homicide, in Mississippi, I think, and racist cops, being fired for texts, in Florida . . . and you don't think, Congress can make this confirmation a priority?

We can't afford, to let this Senate sit on this confirmation, the nation, is hungry for leadership.  While current, U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, is still on the job, he is a lame duck, and a Congress who hated him, while he was totally in charge, and there was no nominee, is now, their knight in shining armor and they want to hang onto him, as long as they can . . . at least he is male?  We already have a black for U.S.AG, so it must be Loretta's sex, or her no-none sense approach to law abiding and law breaking, regardless of badges, guns, color, status, and whatever.  We gals, don't understand, the frat rat mentality, nor do we put up with it, when in a power position . . . Hillary won't either!  I never have . . . and that is why I am not protected, nor are the criminals prosecuted . . . my alleged hot doubles, while brain dead, are still worth fucking!  

Damn amazing!  I think the men are running scared, holding on to their penises, their fraternities, their secrets, their bros, in power, and a woman would upset the apple cart, just like I did in the Utah Attorney Generals Office, killing cop and prosecutor legislation, while inside, and paying for what I took an oath to do, preserve, defend and preserve, not the fraternal order of the cops, but the United States Constitution!  I killed asset forfeiture, the cash cow, a highway robbery vehicle of the cops, under the mask of drug interdiction, to benefit cops, in 1997, was poisoned the first time in 2000, and the Patriot Act, was passed in 2001!  Deadly timelines . . . take out the attorney who might block it!

Trust Bibi Netanyahu?  He Has Changed His Position, In Less Than Two Weeks!  He is Using Israel/American Relationship, Allies, To Fuck our President, and Interfere with Iranian Nuclear Weapons Agreement, Fucking Two and a Half Years in the Making?  Trust?  NO!

The Republicans in the Congress, especially, in the House, under Speaker, Boehner, are being used by Bibi, and they are too stupid to see it.  But the Republicans, are warmongers, and want to make that money for Halliburton and Boeing, their method of improving the economy, and job creation, go to war!  They love Netanyahu, because is is a warmonger too!  We give billions of dollars a year to Israel, and you would think that there would be some type of loyalty from the Prime Minister, who acts like a spoiled brat, who has been enabled to act this way, by Americans, who truly are horrified by Hitler, the treatment of Jews, but then seem to turn a blind eye, to the human rights, property rights, and civil rights violations of Israel, who came back to the City of David, after being gone for 2,000 fucking years, and think, they ought to be able to strong arm, with the help of the U.S. their way, back into the territory they occupied, centuries ago, and kick the Palestinians, out of their homes, and then, violate land agreements, and put up apartments and encroach on Gaza and the West Bank, areas, that are not theirs to build on . . . really, trust this man? 

President Obama wants PEACE in the Middle East!  Now, by taking his message to the Iranian people, and appealing to their sense of love, peace, and tranquility, not nuclear warfare, he is trying to come to an agreement, as Secretary of State, John Kerry, said, we will take as long as we need to get a good agreement, along with several other countries, who are involved, and they might be able to come up with something soon . . . the goal, not to annihilate all mankind, but to facilitate humanity, rights and peace for all people.  This is not a sign of weakness, but strength, preservation, and respect, not only for American lives, but Iranian, Jews and other members of the Arab world.  Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall inherit the earth!  Fuck the rest of you!  Bibi, reminded me of Bush senior's famous, statement and lie, to get elected, read my lips, no more taxes!  And what did he do the second he was elected?  It boils down to a matter of trust!  We need to be able to trust our leaders, that what they say, is what they will do! We all had trouble with Mitt Romney, flip flopping, this way and that way, according to the crowd he was talking to . . . and sometimes that flip took place in the same day, different crowds!  Not cool!

Netanyahu, played to home crowd, one state, and after elected, covered his ass to the American Jews, who are split and divided on the issue.  Rabbi Steve Gutow, president of the Jewish Council of Public Affairs, the public policy arm for the Jewish community agencies around the country released as statement congratulating Netanyahu, then added, we believe that progress can be made in creating two states for two peoples, and that the next government can make sure that all Israelis, Arab and Jew alike, feel a sense of security and belonging in the nation we care so deeply about.  That is a truly mature, strong, and sensible, position, and one that should be examined, before we give Israel any more money!  They exist because of our protection!

Benghazi is Dead . . . We Made Mistakes, Nobody Told Troops to Stand Down!

You have a Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, who managed world relations, as well as anyone, ever has, and spent, 4 years, tripping around the globe, spending the majority of her time, in the service of the country, probably working for the salary a person, employed at McDonald's makes, when you figure in all the nights, weekends, travel, and whatnot, that goes into being on call, 24/7.  Of course her personal and work emails were mixed, her life was not her own, nor was her time, divided between family and state, we took it all!  So if there is no line of demarcation between her emails for work and home life, so be it, and she is entitled to her 9th amendment right to privacy, not satisfy the politically motivated harassment of some jackass Congressman!  Drop it, we made mistakes, and hopefully we will learn from that, and protect our assets, ambassadors, and all overseas, but those who know the dangers in the countries, need to take some responsibility, they told Stevenson, to stay in, and there was trouble, which is was well aware of . . . sometimes you act at your own risk!  Stay in bunkers, don't leave, don't mingle with the locals, when there is tension, and do what the SEALS and CIA tell you to do, until it is safe!

Congress needs to be about the business of the Congress, not tripping off to Israel, and leaving the country unprotected by a U.S. Attorney, amid, the racial mess, we are currently in!  I think Loretta Lynch is qualified, and objections have nothing to do with her . . . on this issues, Rudy Guiliani, who I am sure had a relationship with Ms. Lynch, urged her confirmation, immediately!  WE TRUST HER! WE NEED HER, RIGHT NOW, not after your break, half way through APRIL!

What U.S. Attorney General confirmation, was ever linked to a bill?  What does Loretta have to do with human body trafficking, other than prosecute it, which she is being denied the right to be on the job doing, and lives are being lost for politics as usual!

Get-R-Done Before Your Spring Break!

You Republicans Love Reagan So Much, He Said, Government is the Problem!  And it IS!


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