Last night, I met up with Clinton, my gay buddy, who lives at the Poverello and is as political as I am, misguided, perhaps, but, fun to talk to and each night, he says, did you hear about this and that? Yeah. Every once in a while, Clinton, comes up with some news of Twitter or Facebook, that smacks of FAKE NEWS . . . like last week he told me that, Isbekastan or some country, I am not sure of on the map, allegedly rounded up, 100 gay men, and imprisoned them, and now three are dead. The drama queen rides again, I said, Clinton, I didn't see that on my newsfeed, so, where did you get that and is it true? I would assume that the whole country, of LGBTQI would be screaming bloody murder, if that were true . . . so? He didn't have a response, but, last night we were talking about, Trump, impeachment proceedings, and other related stuff, and I said something about the Constitution, and he said, Isn't it sad that nobody uses it anymore . . .WHAT? What does, he think, the Emoluments Clause is, or surveillance issues, based on the 4th amendment, protections from "unreasonable searches and seizures" is all about? Where does he think we are coming from, when, people criticize the travel ban, or immigration policies, or civil rights? THE CONSTITUTIOIN IS FUCKING EVERYWHERE, IT IS THE BIBLE FOR GOVERNEMNT, WHERE WE FIND THE BALANCE OF POWER, CHECKS AND BALANCES, SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE, ALL THE ISSUES THAT COME BEFORE THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT, ARE LIKELY TO BE, INTERPRETATIONS OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW OR MANDATES . . . SO, WHERE IS HE MISSING THE CONNECTION?
Way back, when, I transitioned from dying person, to attorney, again, and with a huge ass emphasis on constitutional law, being, in the heat of the 2008, elections, when, I started to get back involved in my life, writing, speaking, and getting my stuff stolen, right in front of my face, that appeared at first to be, key words, like FBI, or CIA, or Patriot Act, etc., seemed to trigger, a disappearance of my materials, some, information, I was writing for, political reasons, some, for email and information, reasons, but, this cyber war, I fought yesterday, started, way, way back, after I had not touched a computer for almost 9 years, and it has not let up for a fucking day, since! I used to tell people about them, and at the time, I don't think I knew about the NSA, maybe heard about it, but never connected it to the agency that, all the sudden, felt the need to yank my material, that was nothing more than me finding out, this or that, and then writing, either comments or sharing information, only to see that stuff, disappear in front of my own, eyes and face! SCREAM! I worked, one Saturday, at the Dixie State College, now, University, computer lab, since I didn't have a computer at the time and they gave me total access, due to a few free presentations I did on domestic violence and on survival grammar, and they would allow me to use their lab and their computer guru's, to refresh my skills on the computers, but, Saturday was a slow day, and I believe, for most of the day, I was in the lab, with 100 or so computers, alone, and I was writing the PERFECT POLITICAL PROFILE . . . I was nervous, because, like everything I do, it was fresh, novel, and new, I was using a travel flash or drive for the first time, that some, probably, undercover asshole, fed, gave me, so, I made sure that my precious work and intellectual prowess and powers were protected, saved, at least, 10 times, checking, to make sure it was there, and finally, I decided to print . . . all I got was the title!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was furious to say the least, felt betrayed by the dude that, gave me the travel drive or flash, and by the computer lab, and I was livid, to say the least and I was pissed as hell, with, no outlet, but to scream and throw the computer! That has happened to me, a thousand times since! But, on that early occasion, all the sudden this, very FBI or CIA, looking man, salt and pepper hair, dressed to the 9's, jacket, light blue dress shirt, tie, slacks and nice shoes, very handsome, suddenly appears out of one of the back offices where the tech and IT professor, hang out and have offices . . . he didn't dress like your typical, college professor, nor like a tech, or IT person, not in the slightest, he walked down an aisle, and glared at me, smug and like an asshole prink, that I am sure he was, like, fuck you bitch, I got your work, and you only have your TITLE! He walked out, and I never saw anyone who looked like him after, nor did I find out who he was, but I am pretty sure, now, he was a fed, and I was then, they federal government, FBI, DIA, CIA, or whomever, have been stealing my KNOWLDGE, and my UNDERSTANDING OF THE CONSTITUTION FOR FUCKING, 8 years now! And they have NEVER STOPPED SINCE! They started, telling people, I was involved with politically, the beginning of the Tea Party movement, to the Constitutional Party, to mainstream, Republicans and Democrats, being told to take my very informative and insightful EMALES, and take my name off, and put their own names on . . . stealing, stealing, stealing, lying, lying and more lying, from then, to NOW, daily!
I don't read anywhere in the U.S. Constitution, that, if you are a political activist, or involved, highly, in politics, or you have a keen, mind, for this stuff, my ex-husband, spy, and the dyer's woe, screen saver, has been on, almost non-stop, for the last few days, with a trail through the noxious weed, like he is, leading straight to a single tree, showing the true roots of this tree, of me, my family, and my kids, with nothing whatsoever to do with Brett Todd Stuart or Stewart, or Kay, or Shelley, or the FBI, or the CIA, or anyone . . . this is strictly, all my work, me, and my family's fortune! When I left Brett, he had no right, to any property, real, personal, or intellectual . . . he took it and passed, used, shared, expanded, and used, who I was, what I had done, who I raised, and what my future potential was and could be, and maximized the use of ME! It was highly evident, from my early days after leaving Brett, knowing full well, that Kay and Shelley, had entered the pictures, that, Brett had to have some connections with the intelligence community, because there were so fucking may, spies watching and reading what, I was writing, in a Valentines' Day letter, a year and a half after I left him, with 57 screens out, the cursor, slamming to the bottom of the computer, a tech, telling me about all the screens open, that I saw clicking off, at the bottom of the screen, and trying to shut the screen down, finding a RED background and a black, pulsating, keyboard! The tech asked me if, I had a TARGET on my head? They are watching everything, you are writing and doing, personal included, maybe first and foremost, given what I know now!
When the NSA or the intelligence community, says, that they are just doing, these massive, meta data collecting and they don't look at it, they don't even know your name, or who you are, and they only request it, if you are suspected of a crime, is PURE BULL SHIT! I was not involved in any crimes, other than, looking into, information and doing what I do best, BEING A NATIONAL GUARD, AND WATCH DOG, ON THE GOVERNMENT, AGENCIES, AND PROTECTING CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, WHICH PUTS ME, SMACK DAB, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CONTROVERSY, BEING A VICTIM, OF SURVEILLANCE, SO FAR BEYOND WHAT THE GOVERNMENT IS TELLING YOU, IT IS NOT FUNNY! I kept telling, people about, all the issues, the spying, the interference, the disappearance of my materials, the man, who appeared to be the recipient of my PERFECT POLITICAL PROFILE, work of a solid day, after, doing a butt load of research, reading, figuring and wrestling with what was going on early, in the Obama administration, after the wars, in the Bush years, and me being taken out, before the Patriot Act was being passed. As a constitutional scholar of self, appointment, given, my drive, law degree, government work, being totally, a victim of this shit, working on both sides of the Constitution, from prosecution, training cops and prosecutors, to criminal and civil defense, suing the very entities, I had previously worked for! Rising to the top of my class, #2 in the nation on the biggest, two, constitutional law cases, one from the criminal justice side of the law and the other from the civil or administrative side of the law, with nationwide audience, now with a worldwide!
Of, course, the NSA turned off the spell check, so just bare with me . . . I have a 98% listening comprehension, so, I have a great vocabulary, in the 200%, when tested, after my undergrad, but, I have lost some, since then, probably, tops, before law school, but I rarely see, words in print, because I am not much of a reader! I hear the words, but don't ever see them in written form! My kids, always thought I was a big time reader, did read to them, kids books, but, as for anything beyond, what I had to read for school, nothing . . . but, my ex-hub, father of all 4 of my kids, Greta, Nicole, Chris and Elliot, sweet guitar, probably because of daddy, but he bought me a poster, when, I graduated from my undergrad, that had a lady in a garden or yard, with a bonnet, on, long dress, reading, so my kids, just assumed that was reminiscent of me, reading . . . nothing could be further from the truth! LOL! I used to joke that, I went to law school, to force myself to have to read, because, nothing else could get me to sit that long and stay focused, so, that is why, I know a large vocabulary, but don't know how to spell! LOL! Oh, I wanted to add, to the title, that, when, I tried to "reset" my computer, I guess the NSA or those with access, realized, that I would fuck up, their files and shit, settings and such on MY COMPUTER, so they put my "e" for EXPLORER, back on my homepage! That is how politics works, COMPROMISE, power against power! Only they don't have a fucking right, to have ANY GOD DAMNED RIGHT TO ANYTHING ON THIS COMPUTER, THERE IS NO "PROBABLE CAUSE" THAT I HAVE COMMITTED OR AM, COMMITTING A CRIME TO JUSTIFY A FISA WARRANT, TO VIOLATE MY 4TH AMENDMENT RIGHTS, FOR THE LAST FUCKING 8 YEARS!
Call me the crazy girl, that you will never forget, but, I think, there is s Russian spy, sitting over by the garbage can, he keeps looking at me, old dude, and he is just drinking coffee, generally, don't stay this long, two surveillance cameras, up above him, taking me in too . . . I have gone from cyber threats to physical threats! I wrote about the other night when, I came out, after waking and putting on my make-up and out the door by 3:00 AM, only to have cops, sheriffs and the Nazi security guard, rent a cop, or wanna be Mall Cop, and, after, barely, missing, MPD, only to almost run, straight into, Nazi man, watching him, buzz passed me, I walked up to the Medical Buildings on the corner, across the street from St. Patrick's Hospital, and I looked down, in the gutter, symbolic in and of itself, placement wise, but, there was a cantaloupe, of all things, full, uncut, and just sitting in the gutter . . . there is usually, a message or thought that comes to my mind, when, I see, strange shit like that . . . if they catch you, they will GUT YOU! I am not sure, these are even real, Missoula sheriffs or MPD, but, they could have CLONE CARS, and be on the payroll, of the mob, doing the mob's business, going undetected, due to their cars! But, the cantaloupe is orange, which is my color for smart, and what do we do, take the guts out, to eat the thing, right? So, a pretty serious, sign, of what could happen, if they found or caught me, with more and more, even globally at stake, with many enemies . . . Russian dude over their, just made a motion, like hand down the face, that in CIA, communicating without communicating, but, in signs, that means right face!
Okay, back to me and Edward Snowden, and I am just speculating given what happened, in cyber space, with me writing to Senator Hatch of Utah, dealing with a piece of legislation very much on topic, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Information Act, better known, as we are going, to get into your data, and steal your information, and share it with everyone, aa in my blog! But, my very smart daughter, very nerdy, and beautiful, rare, combo, killer rock climber too, but, we were getting pizza, at the park, and you can check, my blog, right in September, beginning of this bad ass con law chick's blog, dealing with exactly the facts that I am going to mention here, connecting, possibly, the timing of what I did, to the timing of Edward Snowden, and the revelation of the NSA spying on Americans and others world leaders, like Chancellor, Angela Merkel of Germany, who was shocked by Snowden's revelation, that the U.S. was spying on allies, like they are not spying on us? LOL! I heard one spy talk, and he said, every country knows what every other country is doing . . . it was a Brit, that revealed, the Russian/Trump Team connections! Thank God, because, ours were either asleep on the job, or they were all part of TRUMPLAND! But, Greta is the one, who asked me if I knew what CISPA or whatever the acronym, is, since I am not sure that is the correct name, but, I said, no. So, she looked it up, this is what smart, mothers and daughters, do while grandkids are having fun, eating pizza and playing at the park! LOL! We are the GEEK SQUAD! She read me, a brief, note on it.
Greta just gave me a teaser, so, the next day on her kids computer, I looked up, the Act again, and I was so pissed, due to not only what, had happened to me, but also, adding to it, not only a what, 5 year history, at that point, starting with the college, going to stealing my home computers, having an Egyptian spy, set up surveillance in my basement, when I had $700 million of cases against the government, to Shelley, stealing control of my multi-million dollar cases, making me, email her, computer, upstairs, to use my U.S. federal court, e-filing, account, not realizing, that the spy from Egypt, was really working for Homeland Security and this was a concerted, orchestrated, and conspiracy, to give Shelley, back, what she had had, before, I started practicing law again, with, the feds, after I kicked their asses on asset forfeiture, government billings for dos, and ready to kick their asses on securities fraud unit investigations, the plan was to take me out, taking my house, my computers, and all my files, briefs, house, law practice, furniture, house and vehicles, family pictures, etc. probably all sitting in Shelley's house, after she fucked some IT person at the federal courts, forcing me to get a new, account number, mix, match and attach, even driving to Salt Lake City, on my way to the U.S. Supreme Court, to be sworn in, dirty from start to finish . . . Shelley was a government rat, that to save her ass, and my father from security charges, was given, MY LIFE, IN EXCHANGE FOR, being the government's girl Friday, when, baby sister, was eating and chewing their asses, before, 2000, and now back, kicking them royally, in case after case after case, and baby rocker, getting ready to drop another, Sony record deal, follow up on the first CD, from GOD'S REVOLVER, "Little Black Horse" CD . . . subs so fast, it will make your heads spin, JJ sandwiches, Jimmy Johns! FUCK THAT SHIT . . . WE OWN, ALL YOU CLOWN ASS SHITS THINK YOU STOLE, PLUS ALL YOUR WORLDWIDE INVESTMENTS, get ready Putin and Trump, if the FBI and CIA, NSA, do their jobs to investigate, not participate in FINANCIAL CRIMES, I WILL BE THE RICHEST WOMEN IN THE WORLD! This has all been accomplished by CYBER, SPYING AND GAMES THAT SNOWDEN RATTED OUT, but, I may, just have been, the KEY, MAYBE, timeline makes it look that way!
So, Greta, peaked my curioucity, and being a big ass VICTIM of this shit, I was WAY concerned, so, without needing to read much, on the subject, having experienced it personally, being cheated out of $700 million, with a click of the mouse, and a switch of the ISP, making it look, like Shelley, Kay, Brett, Susan, Kevin, whomever, my blogs are assigned to, according to training and topic, but, I looked up Senator Hatch's, Washington, D.C., homepage, contact information, and there was a small, text box that I could write, 10,000 words, in, and for me, that is way, LIMITING, but, I basically, started out, raging and told him if he and the Utah Congressional delegation, were voting to support this shit, and why, I was going to go back to Washington, D.C., to lobby against it myself. As I went to keep writing, pushing the word limit, to try to make my very PISSED OFF POINTS, with the cursor, bumping and grinding up against the end of the word limit, with me just trying one more time to fit the finishing touches on the narrative, all the sudden, my writing, literally, jumped, out of the box, and exploded, onto Senator Hatches, Homepage! What was bout, 8 pt. type font, was now about 14 point font type, and I was shocked, and I was like, shit! If I didn't have the NSA on my ass before, I am going to have it on now! That, I believe, was on either a Saturday or a Sunday, and I believe, it was, like the next fucking day, Edward Snowden, came out with his revelations on the NSA, spying, data gathering of citizens, and he could have read my information, as a spy, for the NSA at the time, or someone might have told him about it . . . I am sure they monitor, Senator's stuff too! But, all the sudden, my CRAZY SWITCH, was not so crazy anymore. My father, talked to Greta or me, and the first thing he said, was JO! Like she was telling the truth, from WAY, WAY back, fucking years before, on stealing my emails to breaking in my house, taking evidence on cases against the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice and ICE!
In fact, I wondered, if he was either contemplating, revealing what he did, or I thought, given the timeline, that perhaps he was the NSA agent, over, Senator Hatch's contact information, and maybe, he was, reading, my writing and examples, that proved what he knew, and maybe he was responsible for the explosion of my words, all over the fucking Senator's homepage, and he was worried he was going to be fired the next day anyway? LOL! So, rather than, get fired, he just blew up the news, worldwide, maybe having already considered it, but with proof, that it was actually being done, for a long time and here was proof, of the intrusive, invasive, illegal, and unconstitutional, violations of my 4th amendment rights, not only spying on me, but stealing my work, even multi-million dollar case, and trying to kill me, to COVER THEIR CRIMES! It is through, surveillance that these cyber criminals, have been able to steal, bilk and fuck, me and my family, of billions, literally, and now, looking at the cyber criminals, that Putin and the Russians are suing in official capacities, making them, part and parcel of the government operations, sucking them, right into the protections and immunities, that they assume they get under the Patriot Act, it is a mirror image, or even a cover for what Shelley, and crew, did, like the chick that looks, like Alice Cooper at the Pov., yelled to me, when, I have never talked to her, other than to tell her ass to turn off her water, she left running, she yelled, RUSSIAN FRONT . . . a key, Putin and his men, who probably know, the CIA, and have worked with, Mormon leaders, in Russians through the Consulates and Embassies, covering for, Americans, who can be prosecuted for cyber crimes!
Now, I have been pushing, to keep the White House logs of guests open, transparent, and in full view of the press and public, that is OUR HOUSE, the White House, not the Trump's, nor his administration, he is a guest in OUR HOUSE, the People's House, therefore, we have a RIGHT TO KNOW, the comings and goings, in our house! There is a National Security Agency building, Homeland Security and others, that are government, operated, but the White House is ours, so, using the BIG WA, national security, to fuck the people and to justify keeping us in the dark is pure BULL SHIT, we need to know, so . . . this article, seems a cover, for some of the REAL people, who are frequenting the White House, and as I have said a million times, EVERYTHING TO THE CIA IS A TEST, everything to me it SYMBOLIC, and in this very sign, friendly, informative, cover article, it is the names of the writers, much, like the article from the NY Times, that had four, very symbolic names in mentioned yesterday, all connected to the FBI cover for the MORMON FRAUD BROADS, or my sisters and ex-friends, serving the FBI, either officially, or, like the cyber spies, blended right into the ranks and file of the intelligence community, using my name and credentials, cases and family, to get access to top jobs, that will further benefit, MORMONS AND REPUBLICANS AND TRUMP! But the names are, Maggie Haberman and Glenn Thrush . . . Maggie, I wished, I never saw your face . . . Rod Stewart, (Brett Todd Stewart or Stuart) and if she is with James Kennedy, she is not necessarily with my man, but, she took my place, either buying him, or bringing in a double for him, shooting him, so he gets the point from the mob, that this was a warning shot, to leave me alone, and bring in the double trouble, or a look-a-like for Kennedy! CIA or FBI? Glenn, Richard Glenn Southwick . . . two very symbolic signs, of the shadow, deep state, Mo fucks, who are the money, MINE behind, Trump . . . Palin, showing up with Kid Rock, and Nugent, New Gent, pretending that, Sarah, aka, Rachel, aka, Me, going back to Sarah, her "fake alter-ego" based on me, but a Republican version, with Rachel, going back and forth! Now, after me hammering the Palin thing, all the sudden, she shows up out of nowhere, making a fool, of herself, and through Palin, aka, Me, she is with, Kid Rock, or Elliot, whom the Mormons, Mafia, Men in Black have been using to fund and fuck, for years, since they got rid of mommy and daddy bears, in 2000 about the time Elliot and bands, were just starting to take off!
New York Times--Cooped Into Trump Camp?
JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., reporting from, McDonald's, with 2 fucking surveillance cameras, on my ass, and face right now, west Broadway, Missoula, Montana, at 10:57 AM, Mountain Time . . . verify, verify, verify . . . I bought a #5 combo, on my Sound Community Bank, chip card, followed by $1 for two apple pies, verify, locations, lame asses! This shit should be second nature to you by now! FUCK, evidence 101!
JoAnn S. Secrist, J.D., reporting from, McDonald's, with 2 fucking surveillance cameras, on my ass, and face right now, west Broadway, Missoula, Montana, at 10:57 AM, Mountain Time . . . verify, verify, verify . . . I bought a #5 combo, on my Sound Community Bank, chip card, followed by $1 for two apple pies, verify, locations, lame asses! This shit should be second nature to you by now! FUCK, evidence 101!
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