Aqua Production Company
My little buddy Nick Polumbo . . . does that name, FBI stage name ring any bells for you? Like in those old enough, to have watched the TV series, Columbo? You see, I am into symbolic representations, names, and may have actually been the one who turned the feds onto using symbols, but what we have here, is Howdy Doody . . . Police + Columbo = Polumbo! What the fuck, so clever, of these little Po Po! LOL! You are being led by a bunch of idiots, who only got away with their stupid shit, because, they poisoned me, and took me out of the game, while they stole my identity, using with dumb asses, like Shelley, Kay, leading to even dumber ass chicks, Susan, Rachel, Kelly Ann, Hope, Rhonda . . . who has been pissed as hell, since, Rachel was unveiled, as the dumb, Mormon Muffin she is, just with better hair, and boobs the size and proportion of Barbie . . . the only trouble is, that Barbie just keep growing in the hips, and thigh area, so the boob jobs have to get bigger each time! LOL! But, that aside, Nick, my little buddy allegedly fired from Yellowstone National Park, the one who updates me of the bison or buffalo gorings, on the 5th one, if Nickie boy is not trying to discredit me, by telling me stuff that is not true, as other dumb ass agents, like Tony Osthemeier did, during the Bundy v. BLM fiasco in Bunkerville, Nevada, the king of welfare cattle ranchers, last summer . . . so last night, Nick comes to the Poverello, Hotel California, where you can get in, but, I thought you could never get out . . . until Diane, the chick who was tracking me, bugging the shit out of me, Sunday, at the computer and snack center, at St. Patrick's Hospital, was allegedly taken by force, out of the women's dorms, last night, by three burely police officers, for doing what? Living out her stay at the Pov . . . three cops, screaming, a total scene, probably for my viewing audience, trying to show, just how close the cops are . . . bring me an information of the crimes . . . don't have one, can't get one, don't have anything on me, and have to prove to a jury of my peers, after me writing fuckin' 560 blogs, including this one, that it was not a double, or one of my fucking government sisters or ex-friends, attorneys, and the jealous as hell club! LOL!
So, Nick, who has a big smile, and a huge ass goofy wave, each time he sees me, a bit too sick and gooey for me, a pretty no nonsense type woman, to say the least, greets me, and since Nicky boy has been here, I am sure, as we struck up a friendship, he was approached, if not an agent, to be paid to be on the other side's team . . . gamesmanship . . . they steal my money, and then use it against me or whomever will side with me, having some sense of ethics, loyalty to the country, morals, duty, have an honest bone in their body, and are driven by something other than that all consuming, fucking, American greed! A rare animal indeed, in this Darwinian, science worshipping crowd, who refuses to employ modern technology and science, and just give my 4 blazing and glaring, pieces of evidence of who I am, and just who the fucking cunts, who are trying to be me, really are! They stand to lose billions, so, just where to the fucking cops stand on this, tell me, you god-damned motherfuckers, on the take, on the money dole, total crooks! But, Nicky Pooh, sweet little boy, playing the New Jersey, role of Po Po Codumbo . . . comes in with what appears to be a brand new t-shirt, that says, Aqua Production Co., just a little to close to the incident at the Aquatic Center . . . like in hit, or murder to put it ladylike! I know this sack of shit, is in on it, because, in less than a month, he has his check from Yellowstone, which probably has more to do with me arguing his case for him over the blog network, read by billions, and so I am sure the mention of this company who did this dirty deed, reached their ears, and they paid up, ASAP . . . I gave credit to the Labor Commision, who rode on my coat tails, as about anyone does, when I get this kind of coverage for bull shit, like not paying someone what is OWED to them!
Now, even though, Nick got paid, he is pursuing a case, against Yellowstone or D&C for damages, looking for a book deal, and a movie? I keep telling him, that they, the EEOC, or the Equal Employment Office Commission, or whatever in the fuck, alphabet soup, federal agency stands for, is likely to tell him, that he got paid, and now he is getting unemployment, got a big ass check, going back to 6 weeks, since the day he got suspended, and it will go for 6 months into the future . . . so? But, he insists that he new female attorney . . . one of the fraud broads, most likely, thinks he has a good case, and will take it up on contingency, and she will get paid, $225 for her time . . . Shelley's type shit, always, get something for nothing, like my law degree, name, credentials, because the government, can always promise that the government will act according to the dictates of the big boys and girls, and guarantee a win for this or that, regardless of the worthlessness of the case, that he is paid more on unemployement that he would have from his wages . . . but, hey, I only peddle morals, rational thinking, critical analysis of a case, and tell my clients the truth, but Shelley and the stage crew, can promise Nicky Pooh, little happy, Polumbo Dumbo, that he will get exactly what he wants for fucking me over, and stating that, I am so and so, covering the Ditch Bitch asses!
Life is Good in the Hood! CIA Wish List--GRANTED!
These guys rely on cheating, staging, game playing, lying, manipulation, and use the government agencies as their playing field . . . my money and name, bought a shit load of stuff for them, why in the hell do you think, I need to fight so hard to see daylight, and get access to my own fucking NAME . . . because they, the government, Mo Fu, Dumb asses have learned, just how powerful, my good name it, and how many people TRUST it, because, I DON'T DO THIS SHIT . . . I FOLLOW, SOUND PRINCIPLES, AND CONCEPTS, DO THE LAW, AND ACTUALLY IMPLEMENT THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND, THE U.S. CONSTITUTION, AND STATE EQUIVALENTS, AS LONG AS THEY DON'T CONFLICT WITH THE CONSTITUTION OF THE LAND OR NATION! There is power in goodness, and these sleazy ass fuckers, know that, that is why, they want to be me, and in music, want Isaac the little, fake ass band leader, because, as for me and my house, we didn't take any short cuts to success, we actually paid the fucking price to do what we do, to be where we should be, and to accomplish what we have . . . even while being raped and ravaged daily by fuckers who are just too damned LAZY to go to law school, or take guitar lessons, and actually practice, night after night, picking up pieces of SHATTERED DREAMS, earned and paid for with BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS! YOU GOD DAMNED FUCKING FAKE ASS SHIT FACED, DUMB ASSES!
Due to the exposure to heavy metal music, from MY SON'S BANDs . . . Parallax, God's Revolver, Maraloka, and now the DITCH and the DELTA, who's August schedule, just happens to be missing off his website, that is why I wrote about the September concert dates . . . but, hey, the CIA, over financial crimes is too fucking involved to check shit like that, fuck you goddamned bastards, take the fucking FBI with your sorry sad, lazy asses, on the take . . . but, yesterday, while getting done with swimming, and I am glad to announce, that the pool, was mising about 90% of its patrons, since I have been writing about the hit and murder attempt on my life . . . tons of Missoulians and Montanans read this stuff, to learn what is really going on, they don't dig this type of undercover shit, and want answers, and honest police work, not magic shows, and pulling rabbits out of the hat . . just down to earth good cop work, investigations . . . saw the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation van again today!
Anyway, looking back, on the past month's activity at the pool, with me going daily, I have noticed the numbers, rise and now fall, and both ways, it was drastic, and seemed, connected to what I was writing in my blog . . . there were about 10 people in the pool yesterday . . . before the incident, hundreds, some days to numerous, that there wasn't a space in the pool, left to swim, awesome, money for the pool and community, more jobs, lifeguards . . . now, seems like a tomb! And needless to say, the staff wears it all on their faces . . . used to be so happy to see, me . . . while they were plotting and having special meetings, getting to be involved in an FBI sting operation, taking down the notorious and famous criminal, SHELLEY, whom they are holding me out to be, while protecting the real, criminal, who actually is SHELLEY, actually, me being, JoAnn, which they know, I was the first, and also the second to sign their set up paperwork, making it look, like I was the imposter, when in reality, I signed both of the fucking papers! Good God, if this much energy was put into solving crimes, rather than filming the cops, trying to get in the next FBI production . . .we probably wouldn't have ANY CRIME!
You see in this world of reality TV, people are fools, for their 15 minutes of stardumb, rather than really paying the price, they want it cheap and fast, rather than the slow, laborious, tedious way, that both me and my son, raised to star status, the old fashioned way, WE WORKED FOR IT! But, I noticed all the meetings, day after day, and wondered, what the hell, a swimming pool, could need to have so many meetings over? But, there were many times, that there were other sting ops, that didn't work . . . but this was to be the Oscar winning showstopper, that they even printed up t-shirts for . . . Aqua Production Co.! The shirt that little Polumbo . . . the unsuspecting, absolutley suspected, little fucking underdirt spy, was wearing! I know Shelley's shit, her stupid, Hollywood games, that are just cheap ass tricks, but deadly, but hey, the feds, local and state cops have hated me forever, so big time shit to them, and Shelley is there gal, their girl Friday, who does all the planning, because, she is the benefactoress, and gets the star role, in any movie productions, as ME . . .dumb bitch, she couldn't be me, in a billion years, even is she spent my billions, becoming me . . . she has long passed being WICKED CLEAN . . . AND IT A DIRTY BITCH! DITCH THE BITCH . . . SHE IS A FRAUD, AND CAN ONLY FAKE, SMOKE SCREEN, AND MASK, MAKE UP ANY TRUE SUCCESS, SHE IS A FONY!
Elliot's music, has exposed me to that genre of music, the heavy metal . . . sign and symbol of why Elliot's August schedule may be missing from his homepage . . . Metalworks of Montana . . . my son could be playing in Montana . . . and Mom 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, are here, watching, so, MOM #1, doesn't know he is in the state! In fact, Elliot, may even want his little aunties' help, because he knows what they did to his music, his band, when God's Revolver hit the music scene with "Little Black Horse Where are You Going With Your DEAD RIDER?" CD, he ended up being framed for a crime he didn't commit, his band members were all bribed, and Isaac got to be the ROCK STAR, EXTRAORDINAIRE! I just remember, Isaac, waiting, like a shark, for Elliot's new CD, the second of the series, telling the story of the dead rider, continuing the cowboy epic western . . . that would go so big in Montana . . . yes, the sister club, is happy when I write about El's new band . . . because it is more money in their pockets that they are PICKING off Elliot and band! Elliot, just loves the music, loves seeing the crowds reaction, and he will take every bit of help he can, regardless of the source, because he experienced the pain of what it feels like to have the MOB, after your ass and music! But, while listening to a local, classic rock station, I think, playing a lot of heavy metal, there was a song, that was on, when I walked out of the swimming pool, without the desk help gals, so friendly while plotting my MURDER, now so sour and dull, without as much as a word, acting pissed as hell that I am not dead . . . MOVIE DEALS OFF BITCHES, BACK TO LOSER STATUS! . . . YOU ARE HANGING WITH THE REAL LOSERS, THE ALEX, STING OP CREW! LOL!
They lyrics of the song, was all about, going after the bad guys, like warriors, with the words, going something like Silence in the Snow . . . we need to kill all of them and not stop until they are all gone! Kay loves to ski, as does Brett, and many who have previously not been able to ski for financial reasons, but, my family dollars, have provided the lifestyle they think they deserve, but never earned, that convenient science bent . . . survival of the fittest, if we can get all the cops, Republicans, Mo's and their FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, etc. on our side, and steal the SECRIST FORTUNE . . .daily blog, music, from both sons . . . we WIN! Darwin, survival of the fittest, buy it? Humans are just animals, they are bigger predators, therefore, whatever they can steal from what they would consider lesser animals, but FAR SUPERIOR HUMANS . . . CAN'T LOOK THROUGH MAN'S EYES, GOD'S EYES, OR THE STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE EYES, BECAUSE THESE FUCKS WOULD NOT STAND A CHANCE! And they fucking know that!
Last night, as I ditched out the Pov, noting that Noah, was acting rather strange, coming and checking to see where I was, about 4 different times, and showing up, cutting off a lock, whistling while he was doing it, was giving sign after sign, that he was up to something, pissed that other sting ops didn't work, time and time again . . . it is that ESP, or letting Jesus take the wheel! Don't you just HATE IT when the FBI is fucked over by GOD? Hey, Shelley, Brett and Kay, dumb asses, Rachel and her fake tits, Pa Roach, death punch, don't stand a chance in the REAL WORLD, juse the make believe word of the Blissful Reefer . . . Pot Smoking BRETT TODD STUART/STEWART . . . your brain on POT! LOL! I don't drink, smoke, use pot or any drug, not meds, nothing . . . clean internally, as I am externally, but these potheads, as they all are, and all the big boys, so to say, all use POT! How do you think they get the cops on board, who all either make money off the POT, or smoke it themselves, being protected, unlike you and I would be . . .
Gotta Run . . . Job at the Pov., Probably Another Set Up . . . Sting Op! LOL! Daily, Cops Pissed . . . BIKERS RIDING THROUGH TOWN! LOVE IT . . . Don't Need War, Just a Noted Presence and Threat!
P.S., NSA has spell check off . . . that authenticates this blog for me! LOL! They, government ho's, sent it through, something that writes it better than the author? REALLY? Better than they could write, but I write MY blogz just the way I want them, other than not spell checking . . . but they will have other versions, clean it up, taking all reference out of it, to protect the Blissful reefers . . . which is all of them! Only legal in a handful of states, boyz and girlz, sisbro clubz! LOL! ARREST THE FUCKERS IF YOU ARE REAL COPS, YOU SHITS, STOP FOLLOWING ME . . .THE MORE YOU FOLLOW ME, THE MORE STORIES I HAVE TO TELL! LOL!
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