Just Hangin' Out With the Homeless Under the Bridge!
Campers, Cops, Bus to Bonner, River of Life Church and Expresso Cafe, Suduko Puzzle and Rattlesnake Canyon, Cattle, Lunch with Undercover Cop . . . Don't Cut in Line! Play. Swim. Grow. Rock Creek Testy Fest is Going on Right Now!
Just a quick update on the Saturday afternoon, attempted murder plot or hit, at the Missoula Aquatic Center . . . which appears, in retrospect, to have been an inside job, with Mo plants . . . Alex, the one who needed the break, was allegedly looking for jobs, so he didn't have to spend the rest of his life, at the swimming pool, making it seem like he had been their his entire life . . . was, just as I expected, a new comer, or FBI special agent, who was in charge of setting up the hit, even getting the Mo members of his aerobics class involved, saying they would write him a letter of recommendation for the alleged job he was applying for. Really, look on the board, welcoming the new life guard who appears much older than the rest, as did several of the other life guards, taking the normal guards places, with what I would expect, being back in full swing, yesterday, when I went swimming, you typical high school members of the swim team . . . not the swim squad! As of yesterday, Alex has not come back from his alleged 4 day vacation, long earned, and so deserved, after the month he has been working since I got a swimming pass!
However, I did notice a girl, much thinner than myself, and younger, allegedly Rachel, my Mo double, sis who looks the most like me . . . of course wearing a poke-a-dot swimming suit, just a tad different than mine, that anyone could see, could be mistaken for mine, or was it just Rachel all the way along, forget JoAnn, she was never here . . . check the date on the second paperwork, the imposter JoAnn signed, about 10 days after, she signed the original, knowing full well, what was to come next, the staff will all attest to the fact, that I am the imposter, the second, when Rachel never showed her fatter, larger, face, and both were actually signed by the same person. But, hey, who am I to second guess the geniuses at the FBI and CIA?
I also noticed a blonde guy, with a two or so year old, swimming in the pool, yesterday, having noticed him on several other occasions, leaving the pool, just as I came. He has a distinctive, tattoo on his right shoulder, a circle, with clouds and a bird, as far as I could scope out . . . another member of the Men in Black, or Mitt's Mafia, WHO WILL STATE THAT I AM REALLY RACHEL, SO MITT CAN KEEP MY $118 MILLION, HE STOLE, STARTING THIS WHOLE CLIMB AND AMBITION TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD, SERIOUSLY . . . because you see, they, the Mo's refuse to admit, even less than 2 years, left in President Obama's final term in office, that Mitt Romney actually lost the elections! LOL! Go figure, I had a huge part in that . . . hooking up with Senator Tester's staff, right off the bat, and sending emails about the inside working of the Mormon Church, what they had done to me, and other women, polygamy and such, starting the War on Women, that was wedged against Mitt the Mormon, running for president!
Take me down to the river . . . fun and games with the cops down by the Clark Fork River, across from the Poverello Center, this morning, at about 5:30 A.M., you have to get up early in the Pov. to get breakfast or coffee! But, for our morning entertainment, I noticed a city police car, with its break lights on, over across the street, in the Imagine Nation Brewery parking lot, next to the river, but for a few trees and bushes. Now, as far as I have heard, have not looked up the law, but it is legal to camp near the River, and there are not city ordinances to stop people from doing so, or so they tell me. Many homeless bounders, prefer camping out near the River, or anywhere outdoors, to sleeping in any bed, home or shelter . . . different strokes for different folks! The next thing we, me being joined by several other early risers, is a sheriff's car, pulling up, into the parking lot too. Both officers are getting out of their cars, just as a second squad vehicle is about to go to the aid of the other two officers, but as the first two approached the apparent or alleged campers, the third vehicle pulled out, and continued on the way down to California Bridge area, where the escapees would be heading to avoid the first set of cops! The other squad cars followed suit . . . we couldn't see the end result!
Along With Cops . . . There Was a White SUV, GMC or Suburban, Just Like Rachel's, Pushing the Clean Up of the Homeless? Who is Cleaning the Pov. on Friday? I Am Curious, Mo Busy Bees? Probably!
It bugs the hell out of me, how dirty some of the homeless can leave their campsites, so I would site them for that, or alcohol, or maybe fighting . . . but if there are not ordinances against sleeping or camping overnight, let them be, they have an attorney, who specializes in cops violating homeless civil and constitutional rights, staying right across the street at the Pov. . . . this is public lands we are talking, or if city, no laws against what they are doing. But, what do I know, Rachel was the Bloomington Town Councilwoman, back in about 2008, so ask her, now that she is being presented as an attorney! LOL! She didn't even know what an ordinance was after two years as councilwoman, she just wanted to spend the $80,000 budget, beautifying Pioneer Street, in the town! LOL! She does have a bigger bra than me, guys! LOL! But, like Rush Limbaugh, I can beat the heat's talking toyz, with my brain tied behind my back! LOL! Just like the joke, where the Mormons think they are the only ones in Heaven, they are so arrogant, to think that nobody sees through this clown show! Good God . . . Jesus loves me; He is for me!
On the little white church, Baptist, maybe, on the bus ride, through East Missoula and Bonner, there is a marque out by the road, and it said, "For God has said, I will never leave you or forsake you." And he has not, but I think he might have had some help, from my friends, interfering with the murder plot at the swimming pool of Saturday . . . it that why, my father is chasing the bikers? They feel about the same way about cops that I do, they love America, they love freedom, they love the feel of metal and steel electric horses, between their legs, and there are 1.2 bikers, heading to Sturgis to prove their love of bikes and the bikers lifestyle, that conflicts, about 100% with cops, as does mine, especially, when they try to kill me to substitute me in with political ideologies that are totally foreign to our American value system and way of life! Bikers love their Motorcycle Mama's! And they only have room for one other person, if that, on the back of their bike! LOL!
Christian Ideology (Grace Based) vs. Mormon Ideology (Works Based)
A side note: there is going to be a TV special, on the history channel or something like that, Christianity vs. Mormonism, and I am sure that the Mo Church has banked on my blog, and the increased exposure, they say, any exposure is good exposure, in movie land and politics! But, much like the hard-headed Jews in the time of Jesus, who refused to accept him as the Son of God, their savior and redeemer, with the Mormons, being just as hard hearted, seeing themselves as adopted into the 12 Tribes of Israel, and sharing the same bent on life, they have a hard time believing in Christ, his atonement, his grace, and mitigating or ridding human kind of their sins, overcoming the grave, thus, they can't forgive me, for not following the program, nor for the abortion, which is at the root of this whole substitution thing . . . fatherless Shelley, pregnant at the same time, didn't abort her baby, but, that is probably because she didn't have the money to do so! I would not assign any saintly gesture for keeping the baby, because she treated her children like shit after they were born, leaving their rearing to anyone who would step up to the plate! But, the Book of Mormon is allegedly, a second witness to Christ, which only further emphasises my point, the hard hearted part . . . while the rest of us, in the Christian world, only need ONE WITNESS OF CHRIST . . . THE NEW TESTAMENT, Mormons need TWO WITNESSES and even then, they don't believe, you have to work your way into Heaven, not by grace, or a free gift of the atonement, but by doing tons of church work, making sure your kids are boy scouts, go on missions, marry in the temple, and prove themselves a success, because only the righteous shall prosper . . . that is why they had to steal houses, vehicles, law practices, furniture, computers, cases, blogs, legislation, and music . . . to appear to be prospering so they could be considered RIGHTEOUS!
Mormon Agents Crashing the Christian Coffee Cafe'?
As is typically the case, with me, there is surveillance on me 24/7 as there was this morning. Just as I left the Pov., at roughly 6:00 A.M., or shortly thereafter, as I was walking toward the bus terminal, just in front of the old Safeway, and the new Fresh Market, a police car drove by me, yesterday, the bus driver who flipped me off, left me at 7:25 A.M., was suppose to pick me up, at 8:25 A.M., and within a few minutes of the bus, a city police car came slowly creeping up the street, while I was rockin' to my radio, waiting for the bus, clearly me, but so, heading into the next block, about one away from St. Pat's Hospital, out of their jurisdiction; therefore, most likely undercover cop, I met the other night, who was allegedly night shift at the hospital, as of yesterday and today, is day shift, drove by me slow again . . . as I approached the parking lot or sidewalk in front of the hospital, a sheriff drove through the parking lot of the hospital! Do ya think they are stalking me . . . a crime by anyone's standards if some loser guy was following me, any difference, I would prefer the loser, because he has not power to falsely arrest, and throw my ass in jail! I deal with this shit 24/7 . . . any wonder I would want the BIKERS AGAINST COPS TO COME HERE! FUCK!
And, since I was a bit early for the bus, I was just chilling, sitting their enjoying the cool morning breeze, and another fucking motorcycle cop, came right near the bus lane, going between the courthouse and the bus lane . . . like I didn't notice, and they were tall totally obvious. Murder plot didn't work, so now, they are going to harass, and try to intimidate me. Well, let me tell you who was intimidated between me and the cop/Marine, or Mitt's mafia bus driver, he was, ducking his head when I got on the bus, pretending to be doing a Suduko Puzzle . . . never has before. But, hey, I am a forgiving soul, unlike the cops, especially Mo cop squad, fuck, the swim squad didn't get her, so now we are back on duty! Think how sick of you, I am! Good God . . . every city, town, rural community, fucking cops are following my ass, and no charges, no arrests, no information of the alleged crime, nothing, just fucking with me, because I am, WICKED CLEAN! Try your talking toyz, girlz club, all guilty of about everything in the book, can throw the book at them, and I can prosecute them, listing times, dates, people, bribes, identity thefts, personal property thefts, along with about a billion dollars worth of music, cases, blogs, and water compact shit, they are taking credit for! I buy gold, they buy diamonds!
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