I'm Cramping Their Style . . . Not Letting Them Steal My Family Dollars! Patience is a Virtue . . . Delayed Gratification Rewarding!
So, I just got off the phone with my daughter, in the first place, the fucker at Walmart the night I purchased the phone, definitely put a bug or allowed someone to put a bug on the phone, because, everytime I call someone, there is this buzz that goes off, much like when your cell phone is on silence, and then someone calls, and the phone doesn't ring, but buzzes as the vibrating phone, moves around on the table, that is the sound this phone makes, before the actual phone call or person, picks up the other end of the line! But, I do have to remember that I am sharing the number with Grand Junction cop shop . . . and most likely they, the minions, the useful idiots, those serving the talking toys or the girlz club and will have taken orders to turn the phone over to Shelley, Big Mama, the grand pooh pa of the crew of gals . . . or is it little Kay?
They are both sad, sorry, excuses for mothers, for wives, for workers, and welfare queens, living and sponging off me, deriving all sustainence and nurture from my effort and work, both past and present! LOL! Eat up girlz . . . But, as the sign on one of the buses--5 Days and Done--on one of the busses, not necessarily the 7 and 9, that were rerouted, just like my blog hits! . . . that were detoured and delayed, as I waited for either one of them to pick me up, on Orange and just below Gregg Street, near the gas station, inward bound--standing there, the electronic sign, is where I got some of the messages, that tell me what is going on, seeing the bus, actually, turn off Orange, where it was suppose to go, and taking the light before where I was standing, so patiently listening to gospel music on SOS recieving spiritual guidance, nurture and a strong dose of calm, being tired from swimming and working out, and carrying the two overloaded dog pack and black purse, that I was hoping for safe stay behind the golden lock and keys, in the safety of the Aquatic Center . . . they can bring in agents and pay off staff, just as easy there as they can at the Poverello Center, or among the troups at both, as it appears they have . . . gotta know, every move, every converstation, every destination, ever communication, every piece of attire, so the shadow chicks can impersonate! How fucking boring! LOL!
Interesting Messages on the Electronic Sign
- Pure Life . . . that would be me! I have lived my life in such a manner, as to protect my name, my reputation, my family name, and my professional life, being true to my oath, taken the day I was sworn in to the practice of law, and long before that as a mother and a student. Now these fucking fakes, want to tarnish their own fucked up, trashy, whorey names, and steal everything that is mine, including a fucking ticket to Bozeman, that I purchased, at the same time, I took my last trip to Durango, to see if I could hook up with JAMES KENNEDY AGAIN . . . the day, I was going to go up to Kalispell, when things got dicey around Missoula, I saw a guy, who had hair about the length of James', and was dressed casually, like he might be, but he was asleep, with his body, crossing over several seats, that had dividers between them, making for a very uncomfortable sleep, but, for some reason, not knowing that the ticket was gone yet, the thought came to mind, that if I used the ticket, that I thought was still in my purse, Kennedy might be killed, could be in Bozeman, or I had mentioned to him, the last time I saw him, and he told me I might like going to Durango, seeing he like it there, and there were surveillance cameras on us . . . so I told him no, I had a job application into Montana State University, so I would not be coming to Durango . . . next morning changed my mind . . . love it love, and a job is just a job, so I decided to go to Durango, got poisoned, went to Kalispell to die, then later, when I didn't die, I went to Durango, hoping that James would still be there! Signs of Mr. Kennedy as of late . . . have I actually seen James? No, but there have signs that would indicate, that he has been near, might be watching me, and could be assessing the surroundings for spooks, mob, and others who might kill him, as has been the fate of at least 4 other love interests and 21 friends, who would not roll over on me or lie! The other day, as is my pattern, I was walking to McDonald's, to get breakfast and read the newpaper, always getting breakfast #10, two burritos, hashbrowns, and a large Diet Coke, so no surprise . . . but as I was walking there, after getting my monthly check, which is so far below what the government has taken, and worth it to the tax payers for my efforts to train a nation on the Constitution, conspiracies and cop corruption, etc., I don't feel one bit bad--I should be worth about $1 million a day for my blog, so . . . but as I was crossing the street, on the other side of the Pov, there were these large, beat up, boat shoes . . . not something normally seen in Montana, but maybe on Martha's Vineyard at the beach. What the hell, the first sign, that James, might have been in Durango, gun shy from being shot, and to let support to his theory of being shot in a drive by, in Butte, there was another one, just last week, a 62 year old man, allegedly three suspects left the vehicle they were in, but left the Colt 45 in the car, as they allegedly ran, never any suspects, when it was the cops who shot him in the first place! But, the first morning I got up and walked out of the shelter in Durango, there were a pair of boots, not really hiking boots, not really cowboy boots, just a brown pair of shoe/boots, just like a man was standing in them, looking at the mountains . . . the boat shoes were layed out just like that, like the guy wearing them, had just paused for a few minutes and stood there. At least it caused me to stop and wonder, hope, miss. Later in the day, I was going to the hospital, like I am right now, after having a great lunch at their Blarney Stone Grill, so good, real food . . . check my Walmart card for proof, great way to see where I am . . . cash when I don't want to be tracked, card when I want to be tracked or you need proof! But, a week or so ago, there was this truck in the emergency parking at the hospital, St. Patrick's . . . was in Butte for St. Patrick's Day, most Kennedy's are Irish . . . so, symbolism there too, and James is rumored to be a righteous dude by bikers, thus having the nick name of "Angel." But, I had just made reference to the fact that I had written about James and I, sitting on a porch overlooking a Kansas farm, holding hands and looking at the sunset, and later, a new version of the song by Grand Funk Railroad, Bad Time to Fall in Love . . . started with a finger heart, looking at a sunset, and other love symbols in the video and so when I saw this truck with a rocking chair in the back, after seeing the boat shoes, about the size he would wear, it made me stop and stare. KISSES . . .
- Doritos . . . for some reason, in this brain, signs and symbols, more complicated than a federal tax code manual, that has come to mean, you are toast, the end, over . . . hopefully meaning that the 10,000 glass slippers of Cinderella evidence, has not gone unnoticed, and my Prince Charming will come . . . the ultimate romantic!
- Bayern . . . Kay Burningham, aka, JoAnn S. Secrist, or Joann Secrist, my law double, Lotaj . . . that is a sporting good store or brand of something, I took it to mean, "Lot of Jay or JoAnn", she may be an attorney, we were friends, went to junior high and high school together, could relate when other friends talked of babies and diapers, while we, me with babies even, and her without, not married yet . . . hard pressed to push Kay as my kids mother . . . I had all four kids by the time Kay even got married! LOL! But, we were both debaters, she was in law school or getting close to graduating, and we had lunch in Salt Lake City, Utah with high school friends, and we kept rolling our eyes at the trivial conversation of our mutual friends, that niether one of us could relate to, or I thought . . . Kay goes to the high school reunions, I never have . . . little sister, Susan Shit, or Schmidt, actually got my invitation, when I had lived in my house a year and a half, so what is up with that, trying to take my place, I know her daughters, the redheaded whores, Sarah and Meggie, are trying to or could be, in this polygamy offering Mo Shit bag church, using that to entice and recruit men . . . hey, I want more than one man . . . actually I am married to two . . . Brett, Kay's honey, would never divorce my NAME, resume and children, and same with Allan Rex Bess, or Frank of InterPol! He just took Shelley as his concubine and said that Isaac and her clan, was his and my children, folding Elliot, and God's Revolver Band, right into the mix to cover the former theft of music, and now DITCH and the DELTA music . . . nice! Bayern is a brand of beer, and Kay lived at Half Moon Bay, California, so that is were the connection comes in, and that was Brett's favorite place on earth, leading me to believe that he and Kay were partners even before he and I met, setting up the marriage and no divorce, but stealing the music . . . all my partners were more than willing to sign up for marriage to get to my name, and my son's band's fortune, easy sell! But, I am legally married to Brett and Frank, who staged his own suicide, but is collecting Allan Rex Bess' V.A. and Social Security, plus stole all the Bess family wealth, along with Shelley, the assassin team!
- Xing . . . hopefully, many of you, readers, agents, freedom lovers, WE THE PEOPLE, who read this blog are seeing this shit show for what it is . . . all about money, power, deception, perks, prestige, government access, Mo church purchasing power, and taking these fake fucks to the top of the U.S. Government . . . yesterday, I had lunch at Jimmy Johns, and there was this t-shirt the delivery guy was wearing and it said . . . I Love My Job and the word, Jimmy was between the two "I Love" and "My Job" . . . Jimmy Robinson, symbolic, a mixer for the Doors, whom have been compared to God's Revolver or the other way around, probably did the different mix on the music for both, God's Revolver CD's, Little Black Horse Where Are You Going With Your Dead Rider? and the second CD, that was never named, with Sony wanting just a remix to release the album that the band worked for 5 years on . . . Elliot did the remix on his part and the rest of the band, refused, saying they could not get along, all were friends of Isaacs . . . take Elliot out, and replace with Isaac! Nice, surely, Shelley and Jimmy are Robbing my son! As are shit load of cops of all flavors and sizes, up and down the shit show lane! Hopefully, if you love God's Revolver, Maraloka, Old Time Parallax and now The DITCH and the DELTA, "MY RUST" . . . you will stop this bull shit and be a crime stopper, taking down these lazy as fuckers, who pride themselves in FOOLING YOU!
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