Quote of the Day, Goes to Ms. Flowers
"Jesus would do anything that feels good . . . who are we to make another person feel unwanted by our value set, right?"
This morning as I headed out the door of the Pov, without make up, very authentic and without my daily make-up mask, heading to the Break Coffee Cafe' for a piece of their amazing quiche and a Diet Coke, two actually, my cold coffee, and a read in the newspaper, about all the wild fires, both up in Glacier, and in other hot spots around the state of Montana, causing great angst and concern for tourists, who planned their vacations to the Crown Jewel of the Nation, Glacier National Park, and having to change vacation plans, visit different parts of the park, and some have had to leave their RV's and stay in lodging of other venues, like motels and hotels, not as green and fun as camping out under the stars, in your traveling home, parked near a river, stream or out with the bears!
Not LOL . . . my Yellowstone buddy, just updated me on the buffalo goring at the other Montana National Park . . . Yellowstone! Some crazy chick, wanted her picture taken with a buffalo, not more than 20 yards from where she was standing, and as unpredictable as an extreme fire behavior kind of like the Arizona fire, that turned directions, and burned 19 Hot Shot Firefighters, this wild creature, doing his basic instincts, turned on this girl, and gored her, with his huge ass horns, and tossed her in the air, like a rag doll! Hasn't anyone seen the State Farm Insurance commercial, with the two dudes, visiting Yellowstone National Park, and having a monster buffalo, started to gore their blue Geo Metro or Ford Fiesta . . . closing their eyes, and hoping their insurance adjuster shows up to take them out of this reality?! Then the agent pops up in the back seat, just as terrified of the beast as the Park visitors are . . . great commercial, great view of nature, and reality . . . my Uncle, always says, if you don't deal with reality . . . reality will deal with YOU! Amen Brother!
The Good News Is . . . Fire Boots Elk Habitat . . . Bull Moose in a Pink Shirt!
Now, once out of the safety of the Poverello Palace . . . although, I started carrying my bare necessities in a doggie pack, rather than hauling my big ass, black, fringe, very cool, American West Brand, bling, leather purse around town, and some how, some where, and I am guessing in my locker at the Pov . . . those stealth CIA guys, like cats, sneaky and light footed, but with butterfingers, got in my zipper, coin section of my purse, this last week, and stole a two month old ticket to Bozeman I purchased at the same time, I purchased another ticket, deciding to go to Durango, Co., giving Mr. James Kennedy one more shot at this mother of a Hot Shot Firefighter, rather than do the responsible thing, like get the job at the college, pay taxes, work an 8 to 5 again . . . would rather live under a viaduct, and I am right there, believe me! LOL! After ditching out of the Pov . . . to go to Kali, Whitefish, and Glacier, never thinking, that after 2 years of great escapes on the Golden Triagle Transit, getting me from Kalispell to Shelby to Great Falls, and back again, without going undetected, taking me about 300 miles, through Glacier Park, amazing drive, in and of itself, and I get to relax and leave the driving to the driver, to see all the great scenery on the way, the fuckers, would stop my vacation plans in East Glacier, at the Hostel behind Sorano's . . . a secret, with beds for just $15 per night, planning on hiking Two Medicines area, on the Blackfoot side of the Park, without Indian trackers, bloodhounds and federal agents, dressed up like Theador Roosevelt, in Rough Riders . . . but in out of date, shorty shorts, that I laugh at, when the guys at the Pov, where them, stuck in the styles of the 70's and 80's! LOL! And of course the feds arrive on Divine Transportation . . . Mormon Church Transit! LOL!
So, right as I get my hot quiche and Diet Coke, with the names of Friend and BFF, which stands for Best Friend Fucked me . . . in the case of You vs. YOU! some guy, of course, walks in, with a shirt, that has the back sides of three females, even the right hair colors, of the main, fraud broads, Shelley, Kay . . . both in the brunette classification of the hair dye isles at grocery stores, and one blonde, Rachel's salon pas, color, all three with American Flags, covering their asses! That is after, sitting on the bus bench on Spruce, near the round-about, seeing at least 6 cops, 5 in vehicles, and 1 motorcycle cop, WHO ALL SAW ME--CAN IDENTIFY ME . . . probably the same one who was sneaking around McD's, the day, I dodged the CIA agent, of the GEN X, age on a BMX bike, looking like a skater dude, even had hair like my blonde haired son, Chris, when the dude, doesn't have long waves of the surfer side of the Xers! LOL . . . this guy, while I was watching him, safe at Subway, even got on his bike and road around the bus station looking for me . . . ah, yeah, CIA or FBI, but, like I say, I have complete faith, they will fuck it up! LOL! Because they have for at least 3 and a half, fucking years of chasing me! LOL! Chalk another one up for JoAnn Bond vs. James Bond . . . or rather Jeff Bond, might like the boy, if we could ever get on the same side . . . Why can't we be friends . . . song that came on while at Subways! How appropriate . . . I have tried, but you guys, want the T&A, ta-ta chicks, rather than someone who could actually teach you the right version of America! Consider this an offer . . . here is a good faith offering . . .
Government Immunity Only Covers Your Ass If You Follow Well Established Laws . . . Constitution is 240 Years of Good Law . . . Patriot Act You are Following, and the Chicks Your Are Covering, 14 Years of Unconstitutional Law and Criminal Activity . . . NEWSFLASH . . . NOT COVERED!
While the Bush Patriot Act Doctrine, makes all you fuckers, allegedly covered, that is only, if the law is not unconstitutional in the first place, and I can prove, when applied to CITIZENS, it is unconstitutional, illegal, and unlawful, the way it has been applied in MY case . . . covering the asses of three bitches, you all claimed covered and supported as me, won't fly in a court of law, because, identity theft, under any law, is fraud, fraudulent conveyance, infringement on copyright and intellectual property, misrepresentation, malfeasance and misfeasance while in office, and makes you fodder for a FUCKING HUGE ASS, CIVIL RIGHTS claim, under Title 42, Section 1983, for violating my civil and constitutional rights, by statute and law, while acting under color, in your official capacities! And, just like Dylann Storm Roof, was charged with, HATE CRIMES, try that addition onto the charges, boyz and girlz, theft, lying, murder, and the crimes that you have protected the girlz club from, are FUCKING CRIMES AND NOT COVERED IN ANY ONE'S BOOK, ESPECIALLY, A CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY TRAINED, U.S. BLACK, FEMALE, ATTORNEY GENERAL! I am sure there is some title 9 shit too, crimes against women or one woman, supporting the AH, CRIMINALS!
The good thing about Montana, over any community, that is near and dear to the Mormon Church, is the fact that the majority of the state, unlike the CIA, FBI and Mo NSA, housing 30,000 spies in Utah, is that they really don't like Mormons, running their state, and I believe, that they will, I.D. people . . . and when I say I am at the Pov . . . they will check, not give carte blanche approval for the Mo lies, liars, and fraud bitches, stating that someone is at the POV, that has never stepped foot there! That is where, my DITCH WITCH efforts come in, paying the taxi, Glacier Taxi, $35.50, costing me more to get across town, from the Kalispell Hospital, Patient Admitting area, where the desk help and me, called taxi after taxi company, with all out of business, trying to get me to the shuttle on time, the great, Salish-Kootenai Transit . . . that gets me back and forth, between Missoula and Kali, for $30.50! Thank you for taking the time to write out grants, team with Greyhound, and get me to the church on time! LOL! As for Grand Junction Function . . . too close to Mo town, Moab, and Judge Lyle, or Lie All Anderson, who covered for the Ditch Witches, and locked me in solitary confinement for 9 days, 24 hours lock down and helped the bitches and bastards, that always want to take credit for my work, but not give me the credit for it, because it is not going to be used for the Mormon agenda, which coincides with the Bush agenda, of a ONE WORLD ORDER . . . coming right from Bush 41's mouth!
Blonde in a Pink, Bull Moose T-Shirt . . . Those Ta-Tas Hardest for the Boys to Give UP! LOL! They, the Club, has the Male Gender Figured Out! LOL!
So, while I am sitting at the bus bench, on Spruce, God, my Intel man is going on steroids, giving me the briefing for the day, just like the Prez, gets his update daily, so do I, and generally I don't like it, because the spin doctors in the counter-intelligence agencies, have gone into guard dog stage for the girlz or I like to call them, after the local company, PDQ, or in my words and God's symbols . . . Police Department Queens, the gals they all love to love, going up against myself, because they are all me, and using my name, credentials, blog, cases, etc., and even family, from my Intel . . . Garden City Harvest truck . . . red for famous, power, passion . . . and writings I have done while in Missoula, are being given credit to, HOT HOUSE YOGA (NOT) . . . Kay is the Yoga Queen, not in my purview of like exercises, although as I get stiff joints, from sleeping in a different bed each night, or not in a bed at all, about 100 nights per year, on the run, all night, generally making up for sleep on the public transit, getting awakened by some patient Mountain Line Transit, bus driver . . . sending me onto the next sleeping car in the train of buses! LOL! Gotta make up some way, like I said, it is hard to be homeless . . . can't just take a nap at home! LOL!
So, while all the cops are reporting to their beat, and I am trying to Beat the Heat, God is telling me, that all the great blogs I have done in Missoula, like the Gang of 8, Breakfast Club, Bandana Wearing, Rowdy McD's Crew, funny stuff, is being credited to the PD Queens again! SCREAM, that fucking motorcycle cop, slipping through the parking lot behind McD's that day, is LYING! Hot yoga, would be Kay . . . only, she has male pattern baldness . . .or have her boobs, mesmerized you, and you have never checked out her hair? She is very much the girl next door! As plain as the day is long . . . Rachel, however is a different story, but hey, with $50,000 worth of plastic surgery, I would look a whole lot better than going swimming each day, doing it the natural way . . . like TWO fucking cops, didn't see me, standing at the Orange Street and 5th Bus Sign, waiting, with wet hair, for the BUS! No, Rachel doesn't frequent the swimming pool, try your local breast augmentation specialist! LOL! Before the chick wearing the Pick Bull Moose T . . . I would imagine that is in honor of Sarah Palin, Alaska moose slayer, or lipstick on a pit-bull . . . what a male line, coaching . . . blah . . . LOL, Rachel's one day of politics was over, after going to a Sarah Palin (pal in--BFF?) rally in Las Vegas, with Tiffany, one of the other Southwick fraud broads . . . I have fucking 5 other sisters, who have all participated in this Epic Steel of "I'm a BIG DEAL" thrill to be me . . . but, when I was at Rachel and Kay's house in Cove, Utah, on the night of the third presidential election debates, asking Rachel to join me in watching the debate, I could not wait to watch . . . she said, NO, my politicking days were over the day, mind you DAY, I campaigned for Sarah Palin . . . and McCain lost! That alone should be a clue . . . I hate Sarah Palin as much as I hate shopping . . . Rachel loves both! LOL!
Rachel's married name is MOOSEMAN! Great info, God, good news after sending me the Garden City Harvest . . . followed by HOT YOGA HOUSE, indicating to me, that in my battle against myself, or the three to six, women claiming to be me, and taking credit for me, that my writing about my Hot Shot Firefighter, Greta . . . and the rest of MY HOT HOUSE, kids who are stellar in everything from politics to business, to music, with the RING OF FIRE, JOHNNY CASH, being REPLACED with RED BAND RISING . . . the DITCH and the DELTA, my child with flaming locks of red fire hair, and famous caboose to my train of HOT SHOT CHILDREN, ALL OF THEM . . . ARE ONCE AGAIN BEING CREDITED TO FUCKING KAY, WHO RAISED HER TWO DUMBASS BOYS, WITH ILLEGAL ALIENS FROM MEXICO, WHO DIDN'T SPEAK THE LANGUAGE . . . ST. PATRICK'S SLOGAN FOR BABY CENTER . . . I LOVE . . . IT MATTERS WHERE YOU GOT YOUR START! And it shows a blonde haired mother, with a new baby on her chest . . . simple birth, simple good child raising tactics to make smart . . . already beautiful, good genes or good Jeans, my family, great kids . . . and like the saying goes . . . no success can compensate, Kay, Brett, Shelley, Rachel, for failure in the home . . . the Mormon statement I followed and aboded by! Hot Yoga or not . . . the famous house of kids, is MY HOUSE . . . not yours! You get the GOP, Donald Trumps version of all Mexicans, your sons are rapists! Your into racial profiling, you Bushie Bitch! But the cops NEEDHAM . . . name of a jeweler . . . or need Ms. Fake Ass, or No Ass . . . again, can't be me, I have a booty that rocks!
Yes, you boyz are going to look the fools you are, when the world discovers your LIES, BITCHES, and PETS! You should have ditched the bitches a long time ago . . . but, bastards are not that smart! LOL! You might have to use your head in your head, rather than your DICK! All these women are so far removed from who I am, I.D. them . . . two cops, watched me walk into the Pov the other day, think, think, think, with your fucking HEAD for once! Rachel is a Bull Moose(man)!
Similarities Between My Father--Daddy Bull Moose, Rachel Promoter and Comedian Bill Cosby! A Total Joke to Have Entertained the Idea of Substituting Your ONLY SUPERSTAR Daughter, ME . . . PEERLESS!
People are upset, in and of the fact that the Cos and the Cosby Show, was the American family! The Coster, promoting good, sound parenting advice, morals, got on his soap box, preached and scolded his audiences . . . much as my father would do; however, when the vail is lifted, under the smoke screen of the World's Greatest Grandpa, he is really the BAD GRANDPA, stealing from JoAnn, to pay, Shelley, Sue, Rachel, Marcie, Rachel and Tiffany, his obedient daughters, who allegedly stayed the Mormon course, or stuck with the program, didn't have abortions, go to law school, didn't, some of them, divorce, like that out of control JOANN, and her rowdy family of, stable, solid, smart, beautiful, accomplishing children, fruit doesn't fall far from the tree Daddy-O! And neither do your lying, conniving, money grubbing, gold digging, salon paw bitches, in your litter of kids, the Mo dream dad! I was the only one to see through your bull shit program, and go a separate way from the Southwick MOB family, Motown, St. Bull George, Utah, with their Bull Moose(man), boob crazy, Mormon Male, priesthood! Polygamy and all, total BULL SHIT!
No, Bill Cosby and My father have much more in common than their advanced AGE! They are both, like Christ called the Sandhedrin, made up of the Pharisees and Sadducee's, Like whited sepulchres on the outside and full of dead man's bones on the inside . . . 26 to date, JoAnn supports and lovers, fucking MURDERED! The one thing I tend to agree with Ms. Christine Flowers . . . symbolic names, cheater, Jennifer Flowers, one of the President's gals . . . Bill Clinton, a cheater also, with ya, Hillary, but in her article, she talks about bullies . . . this family gang, made up of extended family, cops, friends, clients, the ones who could be bribed, and brought on board, as most were, and if not, they were killed in this so called game of the extremely bright, but corrupt as hell CIRCLE OF FIRE . . . have the characteristics of a bully and murderer, who killed 5 people in England, raped and sexually assaulted 2 woman, bullied 5 kids, terrorizing them, taking their innocence, as BAD GRANDPA's do to his grandchildren, encouraged to join the FANCY Club of family members and lie about JOANN, ELLIOT and the REST of the TRUE HOT SHOTS . . .never could Kay, Brett, Frank aka Alan, Shelley or any of them raise . . . because they are JUDGEMENTAL, just like Ms. Flowers!
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