Militarization of the Cops, Makes them More Chicken Shit!
My hell, they are the armed ones, the ones with the guns, the tasers, the handcuffs, the tear gas, the tanks, the semi-automatic riffles, the M-Raps, the BearCats . . . and they all acted as paranoid, as if they were actually the terrified for their lives, and lined up three rows thick, pointing guns, over-reacting, while protecting one of their own, with basically, over all, peaceful protesters! So, what is up with that? And, in top of that, they did nothing to protect the store owners from looters . . . that is their fucking job! There was this huge show of force, all show and no action to back up this standing army of cops!
I guess they were afraid of the looters, and focused their attention on the protesters, showing, those citizens, who was boss of their 1st amendment rights! Whooooh, tough guys! Really . . . as the anger subsided, and the nights protests got shorter and more calm, some of the cops, even went into a church, staying open late to serve protesters, giving them as safe place to rest, recoup, and take a break, and the cops, went in a raided the food, and one report said, they robbed the church! So, what they justified their comrade in arms, doing to an unarmed 18 year old, if he even knew about the alleged robbery, they were doing themselves . . . too bad the pastor, wasn't armed, and shot their asses, killed them for doing, exactly what they justified and defended their fellow officer doing to Michael Brown! Good, God, almighty!
Afraid of Their Own Shadows!
So, while the world is watching Ferguson, and Officer Ron Johnson, is doing what cops used to do, working with community leaders to calm down and angry crowd, and rightly so, being angry that is, with at least 6 unjustified murders of black male teens, within less than a year of Trayvon Martin's murder, parents, grandparents, friends, neighbors, and school chums, have a fucking right to fear, not only for their black teenage kids, but for themselves, knowing full well, the cops are their, circling the wagons, so to say, with an army, defending, a cop, who, might, very well be looking at criminal charges, in an indictment by a grand jury! And for so long, they have gotten away with it!
There is a blue brotherhood, that was alive, well and kicking, and has been for centuries, or at least as long as cops have been around, protecting, defending, covering, and lying to protect their own, or even one who wants to be one of their own, as in the case of Zimmerman . . . cop witnesses, turned on prosecutors, who are normally, part of the unofficial blue brotherhood, along with the judge! As an attorney, who has been both on the prosecutorial side of things, and the defense side of the courtroom, all the power, rests with the other side, or the state's side . . . and under the Patriot Act, or the UnPatriot Act, better name, their is a concerted effort, to even take away all constitutional protections, civil rights, and even, in my case, instruct the jury, that they can't consider defense counsel's arguments . . . I was winning and the jury kept asking the judge, for clarification on civil and constitutional rights!
And, that is after the prosecutors and cops, had witness tampered, threatened potential witnesses, and even went to the jails, intimidating my client's cellmates, and friend, that they would have warrants, they never had before, and my client, saw the county attorney, who had to recuse himself from the case, actually going into the jury, and staying their for 45 minutes, and I was in the rooms outside the judge's chambers, which is near the jury deliberation room, with my client in a holding cell, just across the hall, as a deputy sheriff, or the bailiff, two times, both when the CA entered the jury room, and when he left the jury room 45 minutes later, and saw, what I was puzzled by, the prosecutors going in and out of the back of the court, in halls that they should not have been in, allegedly to enjoy 4th of July treats . . . a bit of a conflict even on the treats!
This happened, late afternoon, on July 2nd, but the Friday, before the 4th of July, with the county attorney, suppose to be, long gone, up at his family cabin, with his wife and children, not hanging around the court, waiting for the jury, especially, not fucking talking to the jury in secret! I subpoenaed the surveillance camera tapes, and they had been doctored as well, so . . . come on, this side has total access to fuck with any witness, jury, case, defendant, and apparently had the approval of the judge, who has the job to kick their sorry asses, out of questionable areas during jury deliberation. So with me witnessing the prosecutors going back with the judge and jury, like going in a revolving door, and my client seeing the CA, even with the cop blocking his view, between me and my client, the CA was back there as just the time, the jury was deliberating!
And the nation and world, wonders with the county attorney, McCulloch might want to recuse himself? Come on, his father was shot by a black, half of his family works with the cops, he wanted to be a cop, and he failed to prosecute a DEA agent and other cops, who gunned down two people, blacks, sitting in the Jack in the Box parking lot, and one had nothing to do with the case . . . unloaded 21 shots in the vehicle! The Patriot Act has allowed the cops, of any level, rank, training, lack thereof, do whatever in the hell they want, and we are seeing the ramifications of that . . . is has weakened cops, made them cowards, and their job, is to protect themselves, on our pay rolls, and leave us without protection, especially when they are involved, and they will throw the book at us, while turning a blind eye, to murder, in their ranks and file!
Give it to Them Harder, JoAnn
While I was an assistant attorney general, and the cops saw me as the go to person . . . they asked me to come to a remote part of the state, and give an ethics presentation to a group of cops, mainly sheriffs and highway patrol, or the guys who wear brown, there were no, blue city cops, as I recall. But, they had been asking for an attorney general to come down and talk about ethics for two years. I am all about action; however, I never expected to hear what one older cops whispered in my ear at the beginning of a break. He said, Give it to them harder, there are guys in here, that have literally gotten away with murder!
This is the story, that some girl, was allegedly drunk, and an officer hauled her ass into jail. Several of the late night officers on duty, either on the streets, or in the jail, raped and killed her. And when her parents came looking for her, they told them that the girl was drinking, and they just threw her in the drunk tank, to sober her up. And when she seemed okay to drive, they released her, and they had not seen her since 10:30 p.m. No one ever found her body . . . they have the power, the badge, the access, the ability to commit all kinds of crimes! So who watches the watchers?
On another occasion, a deputy sheriff from a small county, called me and had taken his job serious, arresting guys who beat and battered their wives. He and another, young fellow officer, both getting different calls, went to the homes of other deputies, to find they had committed domestic violence against their spouses, to the point, they felt they needed to arrest them to follow the law . . . extremely hard to do, as a cop, arrest another cop. But, they did their job, followed the law, as the legislature in the state saw it, and I had taught it to them. Several hours later, the elected county sheriff of about 20 some odd years, called the jail, and the officers and told them if they didn't release his deputies, they would both be fired!
They asked me what they should do . . . I said, I will mention it to the attorney general, who is the number one cop in the state, and see if he can bring some wrath down on them, but they needed to take that sheriff out of office . . . well, there were only 925 people in the county, and he was related to almost all of them, those old pioneer, polygamist, that populated and settled big chunks of land in Utah! So, there was no remedy for this crooked sheriff, other than to get the attorney general, who is just as unlikely to do anything, especially in Utah--the last two AGs are looking at indictments themselves, and possible prison time for corruption, and I would venture a guess, that it is for more than taking gifts, money, and offering bribes, or I can fill in Sim Gill and Troy, or Mary!
The law is the fucking law, is the law . . . period, applies to all, to cops, citizens, of all colors!
Leave No Witnesses . . .
While all the drama was doing on in Ferguson, the other 23 year old was shot! I thought, how in the hell, do these cops, dare shoot, another black male, with the whole world watching the sadness of the last one. Well, city alderman, French, jumped in and allegedly was a witness or close by, when the incident happened, and calmed the angry crowd, gathering in shock and dismay, in his part of the city, with another body laying, slain in the streets, but with the mayor, the chief of police, and the alderman, acting like what had happened just down the road, causing such a stir, was certainly not going to happen in this town! We are all over it, and these blacks in our community of St. Louis, have a voice, representation, and they, the citizens will not go days without a comment by the police chief, like the 9 day wait in Ferguson . . . nor will we need tanks, we have a handle of the situation.
REALLY . . . and you bought the bull shit lie, that two armed officers, were afraid for their lives, when a single alleged shoplifter, brandished a knife, and refused to put it down, therefore, the officers were afraid for their lives, and did just what the guy, who really just didn't want to kill himself, wanted them to do, kill him, for him? These officers were allegedly in fear of eminent threat of their lives being taken, by a guy with a knife? Just the numbers don't add up, let alone the weapons of choice . . . one knife welding crazed, suicidal maniac, and two, armed officers? Could they have divided and conquered, tased him from behind, called for back up? What the hell, there were multiple options, before ever, if ever, consider shooting him! And how do we know that he was begging to be shot? Why would he have a knife? We will never know, because, as is usual, there are no witnesses to offer testimony to the contrary! The officers can say, whatever in the fuck they want, there is no one to dispute the facts!
Call me suspicious, but the incident sounds staged! Like, see, this guy was shoplifting and he got just what the officers thought he deserved, death! Implying, by symbolic similarity, that Michael Brown, a shoplifter at a similar story, so factually similar, really, just wanted to be shot, suicide by cop, he had his hands up, and willingly went along with Officer Friendly omniscient observations, and he complied with Michael's death wish! Well, we will never know . . . and the cops are doing great job, not talking to the eye witnesses to the shooting, discrediting him, well, the friend who was with Brown, was also a shoplifter; therefore, his story cannot be believed! Nor, can the two girls, both who witnessed the shooting and the facts, first had, one from her car, and one from the streets, just behind the officer's squad car! Well, they are black, so what do you think they are going to say, yet that same logic doesn't hold true for the cops . . . they are considered above reproach, and they would never, never, never lie for a fellow officer?
Dash Cams & Uniform Cams
Some company or university, justice organization, just did a study of the effect of dash cams and body cams, or cameras, on both complaints against cops, and alleged altercations between citizens and cops. It was found that the complains in one city went down, 80%. However, they found that was an anomaly and was far higher, due to the cop shop, city, or something like that . . . but, consistently, it was found that the complaints dropped between 40 to 60%, when officers used one or the other device or both. Apparently, Ferguson, had cameras already purchased, but said they didn't have the funds to install them . . . oh, but I guess they did have millions of dollars for the riot gear, the M-Raps vehicles, uniforms, head gear, rifles, and such? Really, we are suppose to believe this . . . the city purchased the equipment, that citizens can use to prove police brutality or the lack thereof, but didn't install them? Yet, they had plenty of money to buy a BearCat for $400,000? And all jacked up like the ones we saw on the news, at least a half a million dollars. Come on!
Nevada, Senator Reid, Fine With $2.2 Million Worth of Alleged Surplus Military Tanks, Equipment, Guns, Uniforms?
He did, however, state that there should be training and guidelines for the use of this type of equipment . . . do ya think? Senator, Rand Paul, made much more sense, when he said, there should be a difference between a military presence and a law enforcement presence! Hell, yes. Some criticized President Obama, for not speaking out more against the situation in Ferguson, and that is because, he, in his election or first speech, told the nation, he wanted a standing army, just as well funded, domestically, as we had abroad or to fight wars abroad! I think I would remain silent on the issue too. We do not fucking want to be China, Russia, Germany under Hitler, Korea, or any of the totalitarian countries, we just don't need it, nor do with want it . . . are we jealous of the easy rule?
And Senator Reid and his son, were also the ones, who said, during the Bundy situation, rancher v. BLM, that this was not over . . . meaning the stand-off between the feds and the militia! He probably realized that he and his feds, were out-manned, backed down, and pushed around. And that is precisely, why you need a trained militia in each state! The second amendment, to the United States Constitution, clearly states, that to have a free state, free of the bull shit, other countries citizens have to deal with, boots marching up and down their streets in a show of force, unlike we have ever seen, nor ever want to see, on our streets! No thanks! The nation was shocked to see the military style treatment of the citizens, the protesters, the death of a teen, over a fucking cigar and the failure to jump to the demands of the cop with short guy syndrome!
Senator Reid and the feds didn't give a rat's ass about the desert turtles, when they wanted the land for the Chinese solar companies . . . they just used the Endangered Species Act, protecting the tortise, to further their own agenda, to allow the Chinese, who we don't want on our soil, doing anything, even if we do owe them our debt, we will figure out how to pay them back, and we have so far! We don't need to shut down the government, commit treason, by waging war on our citizens, just like what happened in Ferguson, or give aid and comfort to our enemies, as the not-so-good, Senator is trying to do! I think we need to seriously consider bring back charges of treason, to people who are doing exactly what the plain language of the U.S. Constitution is calling a high crime and misdemeanor, or treason! Eric Holder, anyone?
Thank God, for Representative, Claire McKaskill . . . a Former Prosecutor!
She is looking into the situation in Ferguson, looking at the militarization of the cops, and actually going to do something about it, rather than vote with the good ol' boys club! I know there are many more of the Congress, concerned about the facist actions, that were taken, with a clear move toward officially setting up a militarized police, and desensatizing the citizens, to accepting a police state, as needed! There have been operations, in many of the nation's bigger cities, even with crime statistics showing a decrease over the last 10 or so years, even in New York City, so, what in the hell is up with increasing the police presence, or even making it a military presence?
In the United States Constitution, we have a standing army in each state, already, and that is the National Guard, who are trained under the U.S. Military system, and are at the desposal of the President, when he needs them, and otherwise, under the direction and use of the Governor of each state! That is the official and constitutional militia, referred to in the Constitution. In state constitutions, in light of the 2nd amendment, which is where the people get their rights to bear arms, and should be organizing a militia, to remain a free state, as the plain language suggests, with the founding fathers, understanding far too well, what tyrants Kings and others can be, the federal government in this case, and know that there needs to be a balance of power between the federal government and the states, as witnessed in the Bundy Ranch standoff . . . I am not saying that Bundy doesn't need to pay his leasing fees, like ever other rancher who leases land for grazing, but I am saying, there are ways to handle situations of rebellion, better than sending in 200 jack booted thugs, storming a house, or ranch, like SWAT exercise, and killing cattle and stepping on the heads, tasing sons and relatives of the Bundy's . . . We are better than this America, Nevada, Missouri!
Michael Brown's Legacy--Stop the Militarization of Cops, Police State!
If one must endure a breach of justice, so egregious as the death of a child, just getting ready to start college, with his whole life ahead of him, let it not be in vain! Some 18 year old's have their blood shed on the battlefields of Afghanistan, Iraq, maybe Syria, and else where in the world, but none the less courageous, taking on a cop on the streets of Ferguson, standing up for what was right, respect, rights, protection, freedom, liberty, as he crosses a street, free of harassment and ego, power trips . . . we don't know what was said between the two engaged in this deadly conflict, over nothing, but we do know what happened afterward, the horrific show of force, the attitudes, of cops, the display of the likes we have never seen before in America, by cops . . . race riots, Kent State . . . terrible, at best, have we not progressed?
Most elected officials, cops, military, judges, attorneys, President, and others take an oath to defend, protect and preserve, the very rights, Michael may have been demanding . . . protection of these rights comes against both foreign and domestic enemies! If what we saw for days on end, guns pointed as citizens, participating in peaceful assembly for the most part, expressing their first amendment rights, both to speak freely, and to redress grievances with their government, not to mention, to peacefully assemble . . . then Michael, through his blood, brought this ugly militarized police force, right in front of the cameras, for the world to see, what the leader of the free nation, was starting to look like, on the streets, betraying everything this country stands for, freedom, liberty, justice, equality, etc., then, Michael, and his parents, can stand proud, as could many other soldiers protecting, preserving and defending the rights, every citizens, not only deserves, expects, and should get, in these here United States, the envy of the world!
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