Outnumbered--Come Cheat With Me
I rarely watch Fox News; however, while in Rome, do as the Romans . . . this is the preferred news source in Northern Montana's, conservative, Kalispell. I remember when I first came to the town, running out of gas, parking my car in the Walmart parking lot, where people were allowed to sleep overnight, and trying to entertain myself, listening to the news, which I am addicted to. The only radio programs I could get, where Fox Channel related: Rush, Hannity, Michael Savage, Laura, and the crew of conservative talk show hosts. Oh, well, that is better than nothing . . . sometimes. And I wonder who, Frank, the editor and chief of the Daily Inter Lake, newspaper, could possibly get the facts so back-ass-ward, in the Michael Brown slaying! When I thought about it, I REALIZED, that he too, is probably only getting his news from the alleged fair and balanced position of Fox News!
So, this morning with no other news ever on the silent TVs at the Kalispell, McDonalds, where I like to get a cold Diet Coke, breakfast was at Subway in Big Fork, eating it a Wayfarer's Park, on the Flathead Lake, shore . . . CIA, check to verify, my only existing form of authentication that you can trace to authentically connect me to other forms of stolen ID, since I used my Walmart Money card to pay for breakfast for John and I, before trying to go walk the Swan River Trail, but I am turning into a true Montanan, hating crowds, congestion, and traffic, but still more tolerant than local Montana boy, John, who gets pissed at someone tailgating him, as close as he is tailgating the driver in front of him . . . LOL! But I did get a good laugh at John's comments, when Beatles, John Lennon's song, Imagine There's No Heaven, came on his car iPod, with 2600 songs, which he has turned control as DJ over to me, lately, so I changed it, telling him that song always depressed me . . . he immediately, joined in dissing that song, imagine there's no heaven, what the hell is up with that?
Christ Gave His Life For You, What Are You Willing to Do for Him?--Monster White Cross, Going Between Kalispell & Big Fork, While We Were Talking
John is a reformed Catholic, and I am a reformed, Mormon, and we have much more in common, that I have with an active Mormon, or that John has with another Catholic, who is practicing; however, with both hold deep convictions in God, and totally dig what Christ did for us, so a world without the thought of heaven is totally bogus to both of us, since the only reason we both are good, most of the time, is we believe in heaven, judgement, atonement, heaven and the possibility of hell. Some people say, I don't know where I would be without . . . blah, blah, blah, and I would ask, look where you are with it? Heaven is a good thing, and I can't imagine a world without it! I actually think that you should error on the side of safety, and hedge your bets, that if there isn't one and you lived better than you would have otherwise, you can't go wrong, but, if you blow it off, do what the hell you want, eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you shall die . . . you might be shocked, that death, as I have heard, is just like walking from one room in your house to another.
You might just not like the other room, in the house, you go to, if you did whatever in the hell you wanted to, treated people like shit, and didn't take advantage of Christ's free gift, of paying for your sins; I dig that! Then, as I do often, actually cut loose and do whatever I feel like doing, as I just did, at the Blue Martini Dance Club, with the Palestinian, transplant to Vegas, Poker King . . . I didn't play, if that is what you are thinking, but did have a bit of fun, with a fun guy, I blew off the next day! I need Christ to cover the way I treat men, more than what I do with them. LOL!
To me, men are like trolley cars, there is one coming around the corner, every 10 minutes . . . John, who loves his ex-girlfriend, is making me look at men beyond sex objects, pay for dinner checks, and sex in exchange for a new, red, Dodge Dart, getting 41 mpg, that I want, but wouldn't play with the Poker King of Vegas, whom wins up to $52,000 per game! My cousin, assured me, that this guy who called, stalked me, and showed up at the dance club looking for me, while I was pretending not to she him, pretending that Edward was my date, hoping he wouldn't recognize him, and who had been calling Edward's phone for days, after our chance meeting, would be glad to be used by me! I am just not that kind of girl. Wink!
In Montana, it really is only about the Hokey Pokey, but in Las Vegas, you have Poker Kings! A little to risky for me, big time players, big time money . . . I decided a town that rolls up at 6 p.m., and rises at 5 a.m. really is more my style, me and the ranchers and farmers . . . I am the ploy girl, just wasn't born on either a ranch or a farm, but I totally relate to the mindset of the cowgirls! Anything a man can do, I can do better! If I could buy my own car, house, furniture, clothes, once, I sure as hell, can go it again, even with the CIA blocking me from even getting my birth certificate from California, so resurrecting myself, fucking again, now as a legal fiction, from the tomb, is tough, hell they were even tomb raiders! Those little necrophiliacs! A culture of bull shit!
All Women Sport Show . . . Fox Sports, Worked for the News
Anyway, what seemed to work so well for ratings on Fox, filling the news hours with alleged foxes, mainly, blue eyed, long blonde hair, Barbies, worked--men and women, alike, were so mesmerized by their alleged good looks, that their news, reporting the facts correctly, their view points, analysis, and logic, just simply didn't matter, or was missed by the general populace, who took these baby dolls, at their word, even if it meant misleading the public at large . . . like I heard from Sarah Palin fans, hell if she is stupid, at least we can look at her! One heartbeat away from the President? Are you fucking kidding me? Like either Hamilton or Jefferson said, the masses are asses, and men, in particularly, put lipstick and a short skirt on it, and sell it . . . sex sells!
Okay, with that off my voluptuous breast, or rather chest, just kidding, now, Fox, under Rupert Murdoch, the owner, is going to try that same tactic in the world of sports casting . . . selling it with advertisements, that resemble the old pin-up looking girls, of the 50's, you know, back where women, were women, with those shorty, short, hot pants, long legs, with high heels on their feet, when, even educated, women, knew their place, and that was under a man, reliant on a man, dependent on sleeping with the producer to get the lead role in the movies, and now, of course, in this sports crazed world, of amped up steroids, salaries, egos, contracts, and cheerleaders, we are going to introduce a female phenomena of an all female sports show! Yahoo! Can I stick two fingers in my mouth, rather than the usual one?
And I am even a blonde attorney! Legally blonde really does exist, but only on Fox News! Now, we are going to have legally sports caster! You get poodle ads, and tampons, during the Super Bowl! Great! I do believe the white, male, hierarchy is trying to control, stupify, dumb down, otherwise, smart women, return them to the bedroom, take them out of the boardroom, and put a lid on female reproductive powers, before Hillary Clinton is elected the next president of the United State! First a black, we are back to shooting the, rather than hanging, and now, a WOMAN PRESIDENT, now this is getting out of control, this will effect every bedroom, family, relationship, or most, so, for god sake, take precautions boy!
This is a backlash, that has been in the workings from the 70's, the ERA, or the Equal Rights Amendment, which still has never passed, equal pay, the shattering of glass ceilings, and that puritanical beginnings of American society, starting with the early witch burnings in Salam, MA! Maybe I am reading too much into this, reading to much between the lines, getting pissed off for nothing, should just take all this in stride, and I would if I thought is was as innocent as all this, but it is not, this is a deep seeded sickness of the American male, white, in particular . . . and there is no other male, bastion of male prowess, that in the CIA, who has reduced themselves, to a wink, wink, nod, nod, society of quivering penises, abdicating their job, spending their time chasing loose women, instead of protecting America safety and interests oversees!
Cuban Missile Crisis, 9/11, Benghazi, ISIS . . . CIA, Instead, Running Drugs, Dealing with World Opium Cartels, Womanizing, Alleged Bad Asses, are Just Looking Like Dumb Asses!
With roots of creation, steeped in British interests, with the Bushes, Yale, Illuminati, world bankers, Wall Street, financial crimes, secret societies, drugs, money, oil, and women . . . you are looking like the world joke. Go back to high tech Intel, you should have known, in the rescue with journalist, James Foley, that he and other prisoners had been moved . . . that is your fucking job, what were you doing, shacking up with prostitutes, much like your secret service counterparts, who should have been protecting, President Obama, not exposing him to security risks, leaving itinerary, travel plans, and schedules on the dressers of whore houses!
If you can't do a job, fucking step aside, and let women, take over, like they are going to have to while you, sit and watch the legal and sports Barbies, on Fox News and Sports! We are sick and tired of you allegedly running the world, while failing the very people you should be protecting, from families to the nation, journalists, and diplomats . . . if your are purposefully, trashing President Obama, you are transparent, that is one thing you are doing, that is plain and clear to the public! You are not paid, tax payer's money, to spy, run drugs, keep opium dealers on your pay roll, chase women, basically, globe trotting gigolos! Grow the hell up, get a clue, keep your dicks, cocks, or whatever the CIA catch word is for your fucking penis, under control . . . we have a nation to protect, bad guys to catch, your libido can wait!
Men, Women, Children, We Demand Better Than This From Our, Alleged World Class, Spies! Do Your Job, Or Get the Hell Out!
P.S., for the last week, since I got back to Kalispell . . . or shortly thereafter, our little CIA, NSA, FBI, spy ring are blocking my computer, Internet access to real news, that comes from a short haired, attractive, smart, Oxford trained Ph.D., lesbian, out rightly, news specialist, much more fair and balanced that the Fox bimbos, they have added some brunettes, but it was 5 to one, females to males, RACHEL MADDOW, MSNBC! Rachel, does a stellar job of reporting, not only the news, but the history and background, contextual framework, if you will, on any topic and history she covers, getting guests from both sides of the issue, not just paid, Fox staff, who more closely resemble Marxist fascists, the neo-conservatives, like Crystal and Crotchhammer! Come on, I know, Rachel, gives me the news, and I am educated enough to slam you with the legal, constitutional, governmental analysis, you can't take . . . give me back my identity, and my news source! You chicken shit, fucking assholes! Answer this, who has the access to block Rachel's news from me . . . you got it, NSA, and the rest of the 70% of the Mormon secret intelligence community, CIA, FBI, DIA, who scan my work, brains, and steal, my intellectual property, daily!
P.S. II, U.S. Court of Appeals Judges blast two more bans on gay marriage--75 year old, Judge Richard Posner, who was appointed by Ronald Reagan in 1981, said in response to proponents of the ban on gay marriage, relying on tradition for their arguments, bristled back at the assistant attorney general from Wisconsin, It was tradition to not allow blacks and whites to marry--a tradition that got swept away . . . Prohibition of same sex marriage, derives from "a tradition of hate . . . and savage discrimination" of homosexuals. I couldn't agree with you more Judge! Daily Inter Lake, Wednesday, August 27, 2014, A7.
P.S. II, U.S. Court of Appeals Judges blast two more bans on gay marriage--75 year old, Judge Richard Posner, who was appointed by Ronald Reagan in 1981, said in response to proponents of the ban on gay marriage, relying on tradition for their arguments, bristled back at the assistant attorney general from Wisconsin, It was tradition to not allow blacks and whites to marry--a tradition that got swept away . . . Prohibition of same sex marriage, derives from "a tradition of hate . . . and savage discrimination" of homosexuals. I couldn't agree with you more Judge! Daily Inter Lake, Wednesday, August 27, 2014, A7.
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