From the Zionist Movement to New Testament Zion
This morning, while getting off the bus and entering the UNLV Campus--I figured out that the "N" stands for "Nevada", really, I didn't know, so the University of Nevada Las Vegas Campus, there was music playing, a jump slide, I was temped to slide down, but I was afraid, I might inflate the toy, and the real students, not a visiting attorney, might not get to ride the fun slide at the Just Jew It, booth, promoting, I would guess, a club for Jews, who are attending the university; I wanted one of the bright red t-shirts, with white writing, they were handing out free; however, they might get pissed and throw me, a wanna be, eternal student, hung out on college campuses, teaching for 7 or 8 years after graduating from law school, at Brigham Young University, in Provo, Utah . . . I Just Can't Get Enough . . . love colleges, college life, young minds, always the ones to engineer revolutions, right, Egypt?
The next booth, on my walk to the William Boyd Law School, was the Intervarsity Christian Campus Organization, who offered me a bottle of water, symbolic, I am sure of Christ being the living water, and I jokingly said, that the Jews beat them to the first spot on the walk into campus, so they better get going . . . they said, I know, they have a party each year, and I said, then, you guys better have a party. I believe the next group of campus missionaries, were the Jehovah Witnesses, I hurried past them, once you let them in your house, you can't get rid of them, much like the Mormon Missionaries . . . being raised a Mormon, I can claim rights to all three campus groups. Joseph Smith, founder and first prophet of the Mormon Church, realized that the Jews were God's chosen people, at least in the Old Testament, He/She might beg to differ in the New Testament, so the Mormon prophet, decided to have members adopted into the tribes of Israel, so they too, could claim that status with God, male and female, created he them, in his image . . . . Then, of course, Mormons claim to be Christian, while there are those who would argue that point, their real name is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, in name only, from my opinion, you haven't met my family, and they do close their prayers in the name of Jesus Christ, makes them Christian? And, then, you have the Jehovah Witnesses, whom I have entertained in my home, and read their stuff, as I have many religions material and books, but, a former, apostate of the Mormon Church, started the Jehovah Witnesses . . . with a heavy emphasis on missionary tracking and proselyting, his mission, like many youth in the Mormon Church, see their missions, as the best two years of their lives . . . all down hill from that point on . . . sad!
But this constitutional law attorney, a strict constructionist, reads the plain language of the U.S. Constitution, the first amendment, to be exact, and is no respecter of religions, nor the right to refrain from practicing religion all together!
My next landmark on campus to let me know I am going in the right direction, is the Lied Library, an architectural wonder, a beautiful addition to campus . . . but, my mind wonders, why the strangely symbolic name of the building? I wonder if third husband, Brett Stuart/Stewart, Kay Burningham, aka JoAnn S. Secrist, me, his proxy wife, and Shelley, my sister, who allegedly worked for Gumdrop Books, selling books to the Las Vegas area school librarians, allegedly, during the same time, her son, Jesse Anderson, and his wife and her, daughter-in-law, Tiffany, son, Jaden, were pirating my son, Elliot Taylor Secrist's music, God's Revolver, Little Black Horse Where are You Going With Your Dead Rider CD, winning Hard Rock Band of 2008, but this was back in the earlier days of the album, roughly 2005 or 2006, in particular, under their copies on a black market CDs, entitled Bandit, might actually have been the money base for this campus library? Just a thought . . . my niece, Margaret Schmidt, or Meg, was a law student at the UNLV law school, at about the same time, and I offered at the time, to come speak to her class or the student body, about my securities, civil rights case, in 2010, Brock et al v. Herbert et al . . . did Shelley come speak, Kay, Rachel?
Just a few questions that come to mind, as I walk to a from the bus stop on Tropicana . . . they drive a white limo for transport! Got music, cases, resume, blog, all free, needed to launder that music money somewhere . . . is this a spot? Shelley would disappear for weeks at a time to Vegas, after I left Brett . . . just a thought?
The wonders of America, where Jews and Christians, occupy the same sidewalk, side by side, respect their individual religious and cultural choices . . . Got to Love This AMERICAN RIDE! Oh, the word, Zion, in the New Testament, means to be of one heart and one mind! That is a great and improved application of the Zionist movement, work for happiness, not ego! There is a great book, and if I remember the name, it is called, The Generals Son . . . an Israeli Living in Palestine, the author, now an American, who was living in California, started to attend Israeli/Palestinian groups, working for peace in the Mid-East, when he learned of the reoccupation of the City of David, after 2000 year absence, and heard for the first time of the Zionist movement, to take back what they considered their homeland . . . not the same people, maybe reoccupy after a few years, but 2000? Come on! Take property, possessions, and kick out the Palestinians? It is possible to have one state, under one set of rules or constitution! Check out American civil rights, Ferguson, South Africa, Apartheid . . . a work, obviously still in progress, but obtainable!
ISIS, Go Fuck Yourself! Or We are Sending the St. Louis Police Force to Take Your Asses DOWN!
Need I say more? There is a time and a place for boys and their toys! Go after the right targets! Killing machines to killing machines . . . make it count!
County Attorney for Ferguson . . . No Shame in Recusal!
County attorneys are part of the executive branch of government in the county; they work very closely with police departments, enforcing the laws of the local, state, and federal legislative bodies; therefore, while you have been elected by the people to represent the state in criminal charges, going after one of your own, so to say, is too hard, opens too much room to speculate that there would be bias involved, and you don't normally go after cops, nor file charges against them, so, this is an area, you don't want to venture into, was your hands of it! County attorneys and cops, are like a team, on the same side, running a rely race to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens in their respective areas; however, no one expects a shoplifter, to be gunned down on the streets of your city, even less, to be witnessed by members of the black community, already sensitive, regardless of your capacities for sympathy, to relate to them, you just, simply, cannot!
Your family history and cop connections aside, you have a record that is suspect, right or wrong, with a built in prejudice by the black community, who sees that there were several cases, you failed to exercise your prosecutorial, gate-keeping capacity to justice, through failure to charge and prosecute several DEA agents, who shocked the community by unloading 21 bullets into a car in the Jack in the Box parking lot, with one of the victims, being totally innocent and the other, entitled to DUE PROCESS & EQUAL PROTECTION!
Retain the dignity of your office . . . your choice to impanel the grand jury, and allow the defendant, cop, Wilson, to actually present his side of the facts to the secret viewing, lacking transparency, so needed in this case, is already evidence of your lack of objectivity! County attorneys have a hard job, and one must be ever vigilant, to protect that line of demarcation between the job of the fact finders, the cops, and the charging entity, the prosecutor, who is to decide, whether, based on the facts, the witnesses, and the evidence, whether to prosecute or decline to prosecute . . . even waiting 9 days, to release the cops name, combined with the release of the video tape, and the bogus leak of Joci, hearsay at best, and biased a worst, without having the guts to face the cameras, the press, and the community, is just in poor taste, if not, downright throwing a red herring into the credible, first hand witnesses, who have subjected themselves to FBI and press scrutiny, and have remained true to their statements of the facts!
Even Special Prosecutors in Trayvon Martin, Were Trashed by the Cops!
I was shocked, disgusted, appalled, disenchanted, and furious at the prosecutors, the cops who clearly were supporting the wanna be cop, Zimmerman, and a judge who could not have been more biased in favor of Zimmerman, than if it had been her son, avoiding every scintilla of fairness, fucking ignoring his counsel, and referring directly to Zimmerman, handling him with kit gloves, preference, and deference, leaving an indelible mark on the minds of the jury, shockingly unconstitutional, aberrant and a breach of justice, totally, undeniably, etc.
The prosecutors charged too high, the whole thing was a crock, don't make that mistake! Got to go . . . 90 minutes up!
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