St. Pat's Morning Prayer . . . Wonderful
Just now, as I was watching segments of the Rachel Maddow Show, MSNBC, and Jon Stewart, of the Daily Show, on my computer, the loud speaker here at the hospital came on for morning prayer; I wish I had the ability or the technology, or could replay this man's amazing prayer, of hope, faith, love, peace, giving, comfort and rest, challenging people here, doctors, nurses, and other staff, to do what many claim is a futile, and somewhat in the hearts of man, a worthless attempt, to make a difference in this world, being bold enough to believe that one person, can indeed make a difference, change the world, in a way, or at least start the ball rolling in their sphere of influence, engineering peace where you can make a difference.
While, I have very much been a victim of this family plot, conspiracy, collusion, identity take over, my children have been possibly more victimized, being attacked, zeroed in on, married off to, marginalized in their attempts and efforts to conduct the affairs of their lives, being tossed to and fro, by unseen forces, by nameless, faceless enemies, and possibly by those lying in bed with them at night, allegedly caring for them as a spouse, a partner, while being little more than a wolf in sheep's clothing, controlling, shaping events, doing spin and damage control, at the behest of people who have little in common with them, and surely don't have their best interest at heart, cunningly orchestrating obstacles, objections, challenges, that really were fabricated excuses to hold them down, make them appear less that they are, elevating the less qualified, promoting mediocrity, rather than excellence, not only on a personal, but professional level, taking license with their talents, their gifts, opportunities, options, and restructuring situations, to benefit, people, associates, even lovers, that would benefit, not only enemies of the family, but the state.
And in this, I apologize to my children, who were unknowingly pulled into circumstances, that have rocked their worlds, assassinated their characters, but without success, due to their excellence in character and inherent good hearts, minds, and amazing stamina, survival skills, and tenacity to fight, unknown enemies, enemies at their gates, smiling, while stabbing them in the back, making sure they either do not succeed, or making life extremely difficult for them . . .
Your Children Are An Asset To You--Brett Todd Stuart/Stewart (2005)
Chris doesn't like me to use his name, but I am going to; this morning, as I was watching Internet news and commercials, after having written the last blog, trashing my alleged in-laws, who have proven time and time again, that they are anything but true to the Secrist family, and have instigated discord, withdrawal love, interfered with visits, good memories, and done all in their power to benefit the thieves, of music, careers, titles, names, and allegiances, love, caring, creating what in the family law world is called alienation of affection, for a significant other. And I know, this is pulling my children in ways they never imagined possible, pitting their mother and father, against their spouses, using grandchildren as war toyz!
I will not subject them to this, and will have none of this, will not participate in my children's demise . . . but I will promise, that I will do all in my power, to take your asses down, if, or when, after leaving, you do anything to hurt, destroy, diminish, or cause pain to my four children . . . hell hath nor wrath, like a woman scorned, and I don't think that applies just to the male/female relationship . . . my name, career, degrees, bar memberships, cases, blog is one thing, but my children are in a totally different category, grandchildren included . . . you have no idea what I will, and am capable of doing to you, but you will find out!
But for now, I choose peace for them . . . and my posterity, and for their sake, in love, I will just wait for them to contact me, but first, I will expose what they have done to my son, Chris . . . you know more about Elliot; Chris is what I would call, the pay son . . . in their fucked up, materialistic, power monger world, of total bull shit, lies, sex, video tapes, surveillance, murder, and what not . . . they erased, what I have previously written, but not this time, and I believe in my heart of hearts, there are people watching you, with, hopefully swift punishment and retribution waiting for your atrocities, that will fuck your sorry asses forever . . . and you deserve it!
Chris is the One Who Will Take Care of You--So Chris is the Target
At one point, while I was with Brett, he said, that he had called all of my children, and of all of them, Chris was the one, who if the time came that I needed care--remember at this time, I was still under the belief and effects of the poisoning, believing death was an inevitability--it would be Chris, who would step forward and be their for you. Now, this was not done in love for me, but as a background observation of which child, or children, would most likely cause the mob, be it, family, government or church sponsored, but Chris would pose a problem, as most sons do for their mother's abusers. This is substantiated by domestic violence statistics, 80% of the young men in prison for murder, are there for killing their mother's abusers!
I believe by this time, that Brett and Kay, along with Shelley, Jesse and Tiffany Anderson, as well as Isaac, had hatched a plan for, not only stealing my identity, that was already years in the working, starting back in 2000, but also taking Elliot's music, this was mind you, just a few years after the Provo Death Cave incident, where Blake Donner, the lead singer for Parallax, along with several others, where in my beliefs, murdered, but Blake was originally, Chris's friend, and he introduced Blake and Elliot, and was the band's most loyal fan, even more so than his mother, who was already marginalized and taken out of the picture, so this group of bandits, the word on the pirated CDs, stacked by the 10's to 100's, on Shelley's desk, at her 527 East 500 South, house, where the seeds of deceit were sown, with runs to the bank or ATM were taking place nightly, mail from banks, like one in Sand Point, Idaho, were coming in the mail, tons of credit card applications . . . Shelley had bad credit, so she had to use my name, my social, my driver's license, to go undetected under the radar screen; however, she was already in good with the cops, the AGs office, and in a general hate club, already doing hate things against me, dragging Chris and Elliot, expanding to Greta and Nicole, as the money rolled in, the bribes, the power, the influence started to expand, engulfing anyone willing to be one for the money . . . basically, that included everyone!
I Left Brett, Chris, Elliot & Isaac Bring El's New Band's CD
As Parallax died, God's Revolver & Maraloka evolved, marking new musical territory, and the potential for even broader appeal, that the heavy metal, punk and hard rock of the band's parent band, with the staged allure of death, to market the music, underground, much like is the case with families of Michael Jackson, Keith Cobain, Jim Morrison, Jim Hendrix, Joplin and others . . . I believe that this people, including Dallas, my son-in-law, planned to exploit the deaths, as a former firefighter, Dallas was furious and protective at even the mention of the cave, the thought that it might have been murder, and that Elliot, being one of the first called to the scene, by none other, than a spare guy, from Reno . . . Shelley and Don Anderson, had lived in the Carson City area, was there a connection, why did this kid go in the cave with the others?
I think Parallax was the first target, the music seed money, and God's Revolver and Maraloka, just happened to come along, while the marketing, capitalizing, and underground distribution of Parallax music was being banked on, cutting Elliot, Brandon, and Mike, I think, out of any proceeds . . . that fucking little Isaac was the spy within, knowing all of Elliot's friends, contacts, music, and his replacement in training, as was Jesse, Chris's! I was always shocked that my father, family war criminal, working in concert with Shelley, whom he had dealings with since she was in junior high, started the exchange, substitutions, and switch, very early on, long before I ever thought, but I remember, after letting Shelley drive my white, Mazda, Protege . . . appropriate symbolism there, my father, who gave her access to my social security card, driver license, ID card, had now, assigned title to my car, after I paid for it, to Jesse? Chris needed a car at the time, but Jesse was mama's boy, dragging not only his sorry ass, living with Shelley, but impregnating Tiffany, so attaching a child and wife into the mix, but Tiffany was a computer asset, and she also took an economic class at Utah State University with Shelley, and was heavily involved in this criminal enterprise to pirate the music!
Chris was to Jesse, what Isaac was to Elliot, and what I was to Shelley, closest confidants . . . until Shelley, started fucking Brett! All of the sudden, Ty, a mere teen, young, was suddenly talking about becoming a venture capitalist, and Shelley was being coached in fine wines, styling up on her clothes, and going to Las Vegas regularly . . . laying the groundwork for the new music phenomena, God's Revolver! But these, Jack Sparrow, wanna be's, had some competition, and I was getting back in the political scene, not only left Brett, but one of Shelley's friends, when she saw the cruel treatment, as did Jenny, Shelley's former daughter-in-law, both encouraged me to leave, get out, escape if you will . . . when I took off to St. George, and started to heal from the PIX . . . Shelley a biologist by training, working with pharmacutical companies, most likely was the one who concocted the poison, that stole 8 years of my life . . . but Chris, was also being damaged, and he was sure as hell on Brett's radar, as one to be concerned with. Chris was a silent observer, one who knew the workings of the band, the behind the scenes, the players, and is so, fucking smart . . . the attack!
Chris is the One Who Helped Me Make the Connection with Exigent Records . . . Who Sold Out God's Revolver, When they had Three World Wide Music Magazine Interviews, a Nationwide Tour, Magnet Magazine's, Hard Rock Band of 2008--Isaac Told Me, a Friend of His, Owned GR's, Little Black Horse Where are You Going with Your Dead Rider, CD--Brett?
Chris had hooked up with Katerina Jeleva, a co-worker at Walmart. He also, left, during a hot courtship, to go back to Georgia, to work with Dallas, and live with Greta and Dallas for a few months . . . but Kat was more of a draw. I had met Katerina, when Donny was just a year or so old, he is now, I believe, 11, so that was at least 10 years ago, and Chris was, for all intents and purposes, Donny's father, and live in boyfriend of Kat. In 2007, I believe that Brett, Kay, Shelley, and my father, if I can even refer to him as that without wanting to vomit, but, these core people, knowing I was getting back into the law a threat to Shelley, who was me, El's music was rocking, and here is Chris, a key witness to all the band was doing . . . right after I started to suspect that all these guys were involved in the theft of El's music along with Dallas, who, along with my father, both in the same day, just hours apart, did not celebrate Elliot's musical prowess, but seemed very concerned, Dallas going in his car for hours, talking to someone and my father, abruptly, saying, Jo, I've heard enough . . . right after giving him the good news about Elliot's three worldwide music magazine interviews, with Hustler, already having taken the photo shoots!
I truly believe that day, the real God's Revolver, unbeknown to the bandits, was going to come crashing in on the Underground Revolver, being laundered through British Columbia . . . times got tough from that day forward, with someone getting on the home page of GR and posting unofficial videos, of the band, drunk, taking off their shirts, and they intercepted the business cards and bus wrap that I ordered from a local graphic artist, with an office, just under the viaduct, on 700 South, and a ward member with my parents, and myself, who made an unexpected move, out of the ward . . . I was close to the wife!
Yes, old grandpa war bucks, was very much, in on the action from the get-go, and so was Dallas! I remember, around that time, Dallas, Greta and I, were talking in Julia's kitchen, and El's music came into the conversation, and things were somewhat amiable at that time . . . and Dallas, out of the blue, said, in reference to Elliot, and how good he was, as was his band, well, I guess he is your son . . . as if in resignation, or somewhat recognizing that a brilliant musician, smart music, was connected to me . . . hell, I am the one, who facilitated the whole phenomena, the one who bought El his first guitar, drove 300 miles per weekend, getting the band together, sitting in the car, waiting for El, Isaac, and Taylor, or whatever his name was from, Midway, to go to a backyard concert . . . Shelley never drove one time in 3 years! And grandpa, complained about me driving the band around! HOLY Shit, do you think . . . well, he is your son! Who in the hell's son do you think he was, or who's son was getting credit, money and fame?
Chris Moves in With Katerina & Donny, Same Time Mama Bear is Getting Suspicious, and it Getting Back into the Law, Politics, and Making Contacts
Out of the blue, from nowhere, Chris gets charged with allegedly molesting, or touching Donny! What? I didn't know about this, until it was over . . . Chris is protective, as are all my children, giving the threat of losing me, their mother from a brain disease, allegedly, but still not practicing law, so not much protection to my sons, but getting ever more aware, more connected, making old contacts and new alike, and gaining momentum in the community, the church, and family. In retrospect, looking at the time frame, well if that isn't a telling choice of words, Chris was framed, set up, falsely charged! Now, look how convenient for the government, who is going after Chris, placing that female spy in his home . . . he is ordered out of the home for three months, during the dead of winter; he slept in his car!
Consider who were my enemies, going back, the Bush administration, under the Patriot Act, just new, the Utah cops and prosecutors, and many people concerned about my return . . . just three days ago, when I showed up unannounced to Kalispell, DJ Clark, said, that me coming has made a ton of people nervous, WHY? Well, in the same sense, I made people nervous, because I had kicked the shit out of them, and I was getting back to my old self, and I think, that went after Chris, (1) to neutralize him, marginalize him, and tarnish his reputation, so he would not be believed if the time came that his mother was pitted against her enemies, and Elliot's band, was able to fight the pirating professionals from the government, the family . . . remember, my father was OSS or OSI, Office of Strategic Intelligence, the precursor to the CIA! With Bryce Christensen, retired FBI, and new director of Security for the Mormon Church! Come on, can this be more apparent, what was going on, the players, the power, the money laundering, Kay and Mitt, Brock, Rice, El's money and band was the target, I was a sideline, but a big threat, so was Chris, who knows the players, the band, the inside on the family!
After Chris had racked up $10,000 in legal fees for nothing, all his charges were dropped, the night before trial, so he was handicapped financially, to keep him in check also, and those attorneys, who played with Brett, Kay, Shelley, grandpa, and crew, should be disbarred! Kay should be hung, right along with Shelley, Rachel, Sue and the fake attorneys the bar has allowed to practice under the auspice of being either me, or attorneys! This is not only unlawful, abuse of power, misfeasance and malfeasance in office, but criminal!
During the Three Months, Chris Had to Stay Out of the Home, Kat II was Introduced to Donny, and Kat I, was Murdered . . . a Sexy Spy, But Not Donny's Mother . . . Custody Battle, but With Courts Coached and Controlled, so No Matter the Outcome, Mama Attorney Back, Kat was Ditching this Kid, that was NOT HER KID!
Three months in plenty of time to make someone forget, even their most intimate partner's body, especially, if you don't know, that stuff like this happens, as was the case with Allan Rex Bess, being murdered and switched out for Frank, who was sent to spy, steal, destroy and if possible kill . . . so Shelley, could ultimately take my place, stepping in, not only as Elliot's mother, really Isaac, but as Allan's wife, really Franks, and the whole swap would be complete . . . such was the case with Chris and Kat . . . with Kat being Kay's girl! Kay was another swap, intended for taking my place, she was not enough professionally for Brett, he had to have my resume, my credentials, my kids, my son's band, and he also, as time went on, decided he wanted the whole family, with the aid and help of Dallas, George, and Kat II, who would question, and it was the spouses, and in Rochelle, who orchestrated the lie, and promoted Kay, Shelley, or whomever, and took money to satisfy their lies . . . .
You know, that 4 years to the day, with the same charges, Kat is charged with the same crimes, with almost identical wording, for sexually touching her child . . . I had been warning Kat, as had Chris, that she was giving too much access to Bret Bayer's parents, over Donny, that she was going to have trouble, she never heeded the warnings, nor listened to Chris, but it was no surprise, for it was this incident, that made me look back, and connect the dots, this was not a concerned mother, this was a CIA or family asset, infiltrating my family and getting rid of a child that was not hers. She had to put on a good show, but she was not a good actress, after Judge Sainsbury, rendered kind of weasel style verdict or refusal to give Kat, Donny back, with troubles with the guardian ad litem, the psychologist, and others, failing to give Kat any visits or access to Donny, her alleged son, she was beaming and came and gave me a big hug! What!
She couldn't have been more smiley and happy, like, the gamesters had pulled of an amazingly shielded loss, and she was free of this charge, that she never wanted as part of the deal anyway, so happy days are here again . . . she had Chris, Mr. GQ to herself! Oh, she continued to pretend to fight, the legal battle that is, but she didn't give a rat's ass, whether Donny was part of the deal, making no phone calls, nor attempting to get a hold of key contacts, always giving the excuse it was someone else's fault that she didn't get to see Donny for two fucking years! Even the worst child molesters, are given time with their kids! Even if supervised visits are mandatory, they get visits! I could see she had no interest, and was more than happy to just have Chris, and what girl wouldn't. She did however, get a thrill out of putting up a show, going after the guardian ad litem, who was most likely one of her friends . . . generally, Provo/Orem agencies, will hire, BYU graduates, and don't bring in or hire chicks that smoke! Both Ms. Rudd and Kat are smokers! Not your typical girls in the area . . . but CIA, sure, especially, the Mormon Muffins are not attracted to the work, they are home having kids!
With Donny Out of the Way, Camping Trip, Marriage, and Baby!
The Donny problem was being taken care of . . . so, now to solidify her relationship with Chris . . . El's second CD with God's Revolver, was also coming out at about this same time, so, great timing. I asked Chris why he finally married Kat, and his response was, she finally went camping with me . . . a trap laid for a man, giving him hope for the girl he wanted, with a passion for the things he loves! Of all my children, Chris seems the most interested in Montana, the lakes, the fishing, the mountains, even told me, in his job, his company just took over one of the parts of the company that serviced Montana, and he was reading a bunch of newspapers, in little local towns and getting a kick out of the animal stories and the lack of crime, funny section in the Daily Inter Lake . . . Law and Disorder, funny police reporting on humorous calls, I didn't even believe this was crime, and thought it was a joke, crimes?
Love is blind, and the one time camping trip, was all he got, Kat became pregnant, and beautiful little, Yulia was born; however, the Kat who shared the law, a passion for justice, a love for going after the government workers who were doing their job poorly, was long gone . . . with baby, no go! Katerina's mother, who looked totally different, smaller, petite, and very thin, replaced the taller, more buxom, heavier, mother I remember from Kat's parent's trip to St. George and Utah. Kat's mother got 6 months to enjoy Yulia, and I was lucky, if Kat didn't get pissed if I wanted to stop by and love on Yulia for a night or a few hours . . . a very different relationship, than I had ever had with Kat, she was obviously denying me contact with my own grand-daughter! She said, I could have a relationship through Skype!
Don't Even Let Baby Get Close, She Will Love Jo . . . Did Dallas and George Warn Her?
I have raised 4 beautiful, healthy, happy, for the most part, children, who had little more than a split chin, a broken arm--at grandmother's house, a split lip, and that is it, for childhood trauma; sickness, not much at all, very healthy, so? Now, Dallas, uses the kids, or tried to, until he realized that this is the wrong mom, and the wrong grandmother to play those games . . . I actually have a life of my own, like in Montana! So, if Dallas had a disagreement with me, he would say the grand could not see me . . . okay, it was Greta and Dallas and their kids who were missing out, I was busy and just did what I normally do, a Dallas, I divorced and gave Zeke the kids, does this sound like a mother or grandmother who lived to have a gaggle of kids and grand kids under foot, a cougar! Eventually, they would call, Kael, Tristan and especially, Thaddeaus, absolutely love me . . . or used to; I am sure Dallas is working his poison! LOL! Can't extract that DNA! LOL!
George, tried competing with me, when I went back east, and watched the kids, with George watching me, the helicopter dad, but jealous as hell! I could not believe it, he was actually competing with me for Yuri's and Gracie's affections, why? What the hell, don't you want your kids to be close to grandma . . . only if that is the grandma, you want to be their grandma, Sue was the elected Mayor kid grandmother, but George was having trouble with the grandma with the DNA match! Yuri was totally drawn to me, as we played shark games, and I would scream while he pretended he was Tyrannosaurus Rex! George acted hesitant to go to work for fear, that the kids would bond even more as he went to work! Something was not working!
Even After A Two Year Separation, I Surprised Nicole & Family, Dropped in When in DC, Getting Sworn in U.S. Supreme Court, Nicole and George were Shocked, that Gracie, Who Doesn't Warm up to Anyone, Took to me, Grandma Jo, like a Fish to Water, Acting Like We had NEVER Been Apart, Wanting me to Read her Bedtime Stories, Give her a Bath, Introduce Me to All her Toys and Stuffed Animals . . . was Kat Warned, Don't Open the Door!
He, George, had to poison Nicole . . . your mother, this, and your mother that, and bringing in only his mother, to the point of not wanting Nicole to even tell me they were coming to Utah, denying her access and tell her that the kids couldn't be near me . . . you know this dangerous former assistant attorney general, who worked with children in abused homes, championed their protection at the legislature, and protected their mothers, both legally and physically at times in court as the director of the states, Victim Assistance, you know the family law professor of 7 fucking years, the one who introduced things like alienation of affection to the Utah public after taking time on a Saturday, to go hear an expert on the subject, or the U.S. Supreme Court Bar member, or the mother-in-law attorney, who wrote at least 4 briefs, attended court, even while doing the yoman's work of 5 attorneys, driving to help, take calls, write emails, attend court, track down attorneys and judges fucking with records and files . . . this sounds like exactly the type of grandmother you would want your children exposed to! Good God, twice, I dropped everything and at my own expense, came back to the, hell hole of Utah, St. George, to defend Dallas at the college, coaching and talking theory while he referred to me as the "monster I am?"
Dallas, George and Kat, have somehow, demonized me, or, it is simply their job to fuck with my life, my kids, and my grand kids, all part of the larger scheme, to wrestle everything away from me, make me pay for my legal challenges to cops, prosecutors, the Bushes, the Patriot Act, theft of my son's music, my cases . . . are you fucking kidding me, you dumb asses married my children, are you that stupid, that fucked up, to love the product and reject the producer? I have bent over backwards for all of you, when ever any request for help was asked, either by way of legal help, or kid help . . . I was never the dotting mother, or will I be the ever dotting grandmother, just not in my nature, but your kids will be enriched, have fun, and be challenged, care for, and grand-parented, perhaps, not with a Sunday dinner, or birthday presents that are right on time, but they will eventually get them, if their parents will go along with a grandmother who objects to spoiled, bratty kids, who beg for toys, yet long for attention, which they always get, on my terms, not their! Children are to be seen and not heard . . . Grandmother Southwick, amazing woman and example, Sue? Shelley? Kay? Rachel? Marcie? Tiffany? Better . . . really?
Fucking, Have'em, You Dumb Asses . . . And I am Sure You Prefer Criminals, Because You Are "Them", Rather than Your Crime Fighting, Constitutional Law Attorney, Mother-in-Law; You Actually, Believe, Your Own Lies! LOL! You Get What You Pay For . . . Good Luck with Kids Influenced by the Southwick Mafia! LOL! My Kids Will Eventually See Through You Clowns, all 3, if they Haven't Already . . . Just Biding Time! Call Me, I Am Not Calling You--Peace!
P.S., just having fun in Montana, went to Glacier National Park . . . off the chart beautiful, cruising the hills outside Kalispell, it took three tries for John and I to find, Sylvia Lake, saw two young buck deer, a family of majestic elk . . . digging life, rocking the world with my blog, 18 million results, over two days, not close to the high of 155,000,000, but the blog has been cut, chopped, divided, stolen, killed, retrieved, split, and it is the frauds your spouses want as in-laws . . . like is attracted to like, we don't blend, I am too ethical, they are not, and I am sure, that Sue is much more their speed, waited 15 years to get grandchildren, she always wanted to be Grandma Southwick, whoops, Grandma said of all her grandchildren, I was the one most like her . . . taught English in college, loved Shakespeare, was always trying to juggle family and career, and talented as hell, and what and how is Sue like her? Plays Canasta? Have her, George, Dallas and Kat, take her ugly daughters too, and that Sam, the most boring Canasta game of my enter life . . . not one word of intelligence escaped Sam's mouth, he is even more boring than Kevin his father, and Ashley will run Sam's life, like Sue did Kevin . . . it is not over until the fat lady sings! LOL! Dallas, you and George are far to old to be my son-in-laws anyway, Sue is about right, looks 20 years older than me . . . going dancing! Tell Sue and the old nags, to do a good job with my grandchildren! I love it, not good at that birthday, holiday, Christmas thing . . . I dig older kids anyway, that DNA puts my signature on their asses, don't forget that!
Cat Woman--as in Bat Man's Woman!
P.S. II, I would venture a guess, that your father, Richard Clifton Secrist, was fired from the Planning Director, for Provo City, right at the same time I was poisoned, as another part to the puzzle, to steal Elliot's bands, music, fame . . . up and coming band, in a new genre of music, put it underground . . . key statement made by Grandma War Bucks . . . had Zeke, or Richard been an active member of the Mormon Church, this would never have happened to him! 2000 for both . . . Zeke was the alleged victim of a mayor who had issues with someone Zeke supervised . . . nice stretch! What does his church membership have to do with city planning . . . all this was done for the Moron Church! Zeke is one of the best, most competent, planners, and more noble, honorable, kind, loyal, and good man, than most I have met in my life . . . I don't know how I ever came out of this Southwick family, unscathed . . . my saving grace, was, that I was never, never, never home . . . God, was my parent! Still is!
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