Tuesday, August 19, 2014


What are Self-Authenticating Legal Documents?

There is something in the law, we call, self-authenticating evidence . . . like official government documents, like driver licenses, social security cards, marriage licenses, professional licenses, certifications, death certificates, birth certificates, living wills, wills, trusts, etc.  Just the other day, or since I have been in Las Vegas, Nevada, for roughly one month, the last remaining self-authentication, of any kind, just up and disappeared from my purse, with the one exception, that luckily, I had just forgot to put back into my purse, my Walmart Money Card . . . but, I have had to have several of those, due to theft too!  

So, tracing my life, lineage, travels, legal career, family life, living, and what not, have been sorely compromised, over the last few years, starting in the year 2000, when I either was poisoned, or got a terminal illness, and someone decided, that a cheap, down and dirty way to get a great legal career, complete with education, experience, jobs, honors, awards, good credit, and a great family, was much easier, stolen that worked for . . . so here is my story of identity theft, culminating, this week with the theft of my Social Security Card, that I have had since I was 16 years old, my Social Security Medicare Card, I have never used for medical treatment, but I have used as a self-authenticating document, after my driver license and Utah State Bar Cards were stolen, so here is goes . . . a warning to friend and foe, this could happen to you, even by those whom should be the nearest and dearest to you, family, friends, acquaintances, clients, and house guests.

Where is all Started--I Believe the Plan Was Well in Advance of 2000

Now, by way of family background information, that is helpful, my older sister, Shelley, Southwick, Anderson, Yeman, or whatever, has worked with my father, Richard Glenn Southwick, since she was in junior high.  I was always jealous, because, I was sure, when young, that my father, was Superman, looking much like the first, Clark Kent, working down around the Judge Building in Salt Lake City, Utah, a building that looked much like Superman's Office Building, and my father, who wore glasses in those days, and resembled the old actor, very much.  But, Shelley, seemed to have a way of working with my father, off and on, through the years, in and out, at various times.

In basically, 2000, I was either poisoned, or I was diagnosed with a terminal brain condition called PIX, that had the rare and strange, diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder, really?  A deterioration of the frontal lobes, looking somewhat like dementia or early onset of Alzheimer's, so a brainless zombie, with a penchant for self-love, obsession and approval?  Wow, with now cure, would never work again, and with a guaranteed death sentence of 2 years . . . very interesting.  Now, how do you get rid of a smart . . . whooops, that narcissism, was not extricated out of me, during the witch hunt and burning, I guess, merely, due to the fact that I survived an unsurvivable, brain disease . . . LOL!  Nice try, but my father took over my life, sadly, and to my chagrin, now, that I even entertained the thought of trusting, a criminal, putting my stellar life, right diagnosis, at least on that narcissism part, in the hands of someone with my sister's best interest at stake, not my own, I signed a general power of attorney . . . dad must think is still in effect to this day, the holder can do with your life, property, money, I guess my children, my career, houses, cars, credit, as he will!  Even is it is against my best interest!  SCREEEEEEAAAMMMMM . . .

 The Placebo Effect!

Deep down in my heart of hearts, I never believed I would die . . . but, I did, however, give up on life, for about 8 years, waiting to die, leaving all my finances up to my father . . . bad move!  I can't describe to you, the stupid way, you live your life, when you are told you only have two years to live, will never work again, and there is no cure, almost worse diagnosis than cancer, and that no one has ever survived PIX Disease . . . except me, this narcissistic, disorderly, female, arrogant, bitch attorney, who is just too ornery to die!  This prognosis did take its toll on me, I had a bridge at the back of the right side of my mouth, that kept coming unglued, and I hated to bug my brother-in-law, dentist, Mark Nelson, and former boyfriend, in better times, now married, to my sister, Marcie, to glue it in again and again, so I tossed it, thinking, well I will be dead soon, so, what the hell, trash it!

Exercise, personal hygiene, hair, make-up, clothes, cars, houses, career, all thrown to the wind, for about 8 years, waiting to die, until, I realized that I had most likely been poisoned, with a man-made poison, that didn't work, or failed, some say, I had to have been given an antidote, or cure, but, then with 150 pounds to lose, I decided to start living again, easier said than done!  My father had sent my sister, both my driver's license, my state ID, and my Social Security Card!  And this is where the fraud and identity theft started, well, sort of, the cops, and attorney generals office, with two attorney generals participating, with two, a later one involved in the scheme to defraud me of my life, liberty and happiness, not to mention, my law degree, cases, children, etc., have just been indicted or charged with corruption, gifts, bribes, and all, so there is some validity, to their involvement in my identity theft, Mark Shurtleff, was a personal friend, collegue, and literally, asked me to run his campaign, but when I sued, after talking to him and the other guy, under indictment, he turned to my sister, who was a rat for the government, and just changed places, either threatening, pressuring, or killing those who were loyal to me, long and short of it.

The Story of the Prince & the Pauper, or Lawyer & Biologist

Remember the story of the prince and the pauper, when the prince was kidnapped by those who opposed him being on the throne, or something like that, and they found a pauper, who looked just like the prince, and put him in the princes stead.  I remember, Leo DeCaprio, having a mask put on his face, while he was locked away in prison, and his twin, stepped in as the heir to the throne, someone whom they could control, manipulate, influence, because they were getting a better deal than being themselves!  That is much the same here . . . big sis had bad credit, a lousy non-existent career, people hounding her with law suits, judgements, etc., and they allowed her and others to step in and take my place . . . hell, two cops, came and told me that Shelley had my original driver license revoked, or suspended, WHAT?

She was to benefit, she had possession of my driver license, without a record, or driving history, I think I might have had one ticket, and that is it.  She has tried to steal or get my Social Security for years, even making up lies and trying to go before a judge, stating that I was raped by 8 Burmese men . . . crazy shit like that!  And who is aiding and abetting her . . . cops, prosecutors, and judges, so, hell, yeah, in the Michael Brown case, get them recused, dismissed, or replaced!  She got a sweet deal, and I got her shit life!  This is the big switch, but I threw a wrench in the game, and did a great come back, all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court!  But even that was not enough to protect me from this den of thieves, thick as thieves, not to mention, the same tactics being used against my son, Elliot, bass guitarist for God's Revolver and Maraloka bands . . . that is cousin, Isaacs!  Seriously . . . it was not enough to steal over $700 million worth of cases, my law practice, house, furniture, cars, kids .  . . CIA infiltration in family.

And now, my fucking Social Security Card, and Medicare Card?  They also took my proof of State Farm Insurance, connecting me to my Ford Truck, insured by Amy, someone, in Cedar City, covered at the time the sheriff deputies took my truck, and then claimed I was driving my client's car uninsured . . . they took proof that I was insured, up to September, falsely arrested me in June, after stealing my Ford Ranger, 4X4, extended cab, truck, plus, took the key to my apartment or room in a townhouse, in Missoula, at Tony Osthemieir's . . . all evidence, of any connection to anything has been stolen.

How They Do It . . . Offer Deals to Visitors, Friends, Clients to Take, When Trusted

Great Falls DMV either lost or stole my driver license, after I registered or paid to register, Mike Hall's car, which is was buying.  But, I didn't worry much, because I had my Utah State Bar Card, but last July 4th, 2013, while visiting Susan, a friend in Helena, she asked me, plan, to go with her on the 4th to honor the vets, at the VA Hospital, in Helena . . . gone for hours, new roomie, with a boyfriend who was arrested a day before, stayed at the house, I am sure that she was offered a deal to get him out of jail, if she took  my bar card, picture ID . . . gone after 4 years in possession after getting my law license reactivated!

I am sure that either a girlfriend, or one of my cousin's renters, whom, I guess, might be undercover, Ph.D. from Standford, allegedly dying of cancer, who has been in the house, while both me and my cousin have been gone, could have been paid, ordered, or assigned to take the ID!  There is a fine line between, love and hate . . . I have found, that there are those who admired you, but at the slightest provocation or rejection, either personally or professionally, by these alleged hot shots, the love turns immediately to hate, and it becomes a personal matter . . . this has happened over and over again.

I am leaving Las Vegas to return to Montana, tomorrow, on the 9 a.m., Greyhound Bus, if all goes well, arriving in Kalispell, sometime around early afternoon, on Thursday, if I am guessing right.  So, perhaps, this last ditch effort to stop me, may result in foul play, but I am not suicidal, always error on the side of safety, or I would have been long gone, and that is the reason for being here in the first place, left Beartooth Mountains, after double blood bath on highway at 3 a.m., took off to Helena, then to Great Falls, then to Vegas, by way of St. George, where assess to kids, blocked, or spouses, CIA, objected to . . . truth hurts fuckers!  Got to go!


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