Thursday, September 11, 2014


Your Not Humble

Don't tell me you are not IMPRESSED!  That was the phrase on a t-shirt of one of the ladies over at Women's Hearth, a drop in center, clearing house, if you will for services, to women either on the streets, homeless, or low income . . . I went there for free lunch, that was fixed and served by Ladies of the Sacred Heart, or something like that, I didn't listen last night as my friend was telling me about the food bank, that comes once a week, and then the dinner being served after that.  But, I started my day, as I did yesterday, going to the ChasClinic, here in Spokane, to see if I could get one of the J.P. Morgan cards, that my friend has, with $100 or so of cash, so I can survive a bit above the shelter, like maybe go to McDonald's to get a $1.00 Diet Coke, that I can refill, while I type my blog, in some place other than the mall or the library.  I don't feel good about, trespassing, just crashing the joint, using their internet service, and not ordering something.

Yesterday, when I first met with one of of the intake, people, she didn't know about the J.P. Morgan card, and said she should have, so she called a few fellow workers who would know about that, mentioning that would be great service, and they should know about it.  No body had heard a thing.  She told me the Washington state I.D. would be no big deal, you get a voucher, and get the I.D. at a reduced price, and an expedited service, through DHS . . . great, that is what I need more than anything, because if I were to die, nobody would know who I am, because as of two weeks ago, all my identification of any form, had been stolen, and I was really in deep shit, and very vulnerable.  No problem, and I needed to meet with Rebecca.  She handed me a small simple form that she had filled out for me, all but my name.  The second I wrote my name in the blank, she got a blank look on her face, and ask me to go out in the hall and wait for Rebecca, which I did.  I told her I would got hunt down, Peggy Sue Petersen or Shaw, so she could tell them who helped her get the card and how to do it . . . but I couldn't find Peggy Sue, because the Women's Hearth didn't open until 10:30 a.m., rather than the earlier hours it normally did.  Katerina, came out into the hall to call another client, and I told her that I could find, Peggy Sue, and she then asked me if I could come back tomorrow, because Rebecca was very busy.  Sure.  

Today, everything was just out of my reach, I had to be in their system, and I wasn't, go good luck, try the DOL, and maybe they could help me . . . but she originally got a form out, and asked me strangely enough, if I had used any other name while in the state. No, I had only been here about a week and a few days, but, no, JoAnn S. Secrist, is my name, as if had I told her I would go by another name, she would be glad to help me, and I bet she would!  Now, what is even more interesting, is the fact that I tried to go on Monday, but there was a note on the door that the clinic would be closed that day for staff meeting.  When I told Peggy Sue that I would have to return the next day, she looked puzzled, and said, that's weird, they have never done that before . . . surveillance, knew I was going there, and for what, but it wasn't until I told them my name, that everything changed, or if I used another name, I could be helped.  Like clockwork, like ABC, if I meet someone new, and they tell me to do this, my enemies, run and have the duplicate, that makes the most sense, go and show up before I do . . . but only if they beat me, so due to the fact that I have stayed at the shelter, on at least two other occassions, the surveillance team, would have already been to the service, or on Monday, made a large donation, to shut them up, or at least that is the trend.

Sarah B., Wanted Me to Help Her With a Fine of $6,000 She Owed the Court

I meet this girl at the clinic, she hears that I am an attorney, and she goes off on this fine, the charges, the facts, and her boyfriend the cops, and she can't get ahead, lost her son to an ex, and could attend school, in a week or so, if she didn't get some relief with this fine, that the courts, wanted her to pay, $500 per month and she only got $200 per month, so it was impossible.  I told her I would be glad to see what I could do, and to meet me Sunday night at 5:00 p.m., so we had a good 2 and a half hours, so I could get the facts, then check the law, the next day.  Now, she had told me, that she had left the shelter, and was so glad to be back, and was never leaving, until she got her life in control, so I was not only shocked that she blew off the free legal help, but she never came back to the shelter either . . . my first thought, after David (Michael) being killed, and not the first, was that they had offed her.  

But Peggy Sue, who knows the ropes, happened to be at the court house, two days later, and she said, she saw Sarah B. there, at the clerk's counter, doing something . . . probably offered her a bribe, as they do everyone, trying to keep me out of the courts, because I write briefs, which I would have done for her, that are United States Supreme Court level, and put your average attorney to shame, and it is then harder to cover my tracks, as is the case with Georgeanna Hartung, of Kalispell, Montana, wrote the first brief, 20 something pages, and did an appearance in court, with the judge of record, having an emergency, and a CIA, judge stepping in.  

The second brief, they had gotten to Georgeanna, and told her she, could actually take credit for the second, even stronger brief, In the Interest of Dorothy Darrow, her mother, she either did that or said that a duplicate did everything I did, and we have never been friends since, and she appears to be, not only, a former friend, but an enemy, working with the cops, or whomever, and now her son, David, whom I rented from in Kalispell, was last seen creeping around, watching me, day after day, while I waited for the bus, or just popping up out of now where, but definently spying on me!  So, this has been the pattern really since the day, they took my house, in St. George, the day before I was to fly to Denver, to argue my $357 million case, against the state of Utah, the gov., the AG, and about 9 other department heads and attorneys, in the Brock securities case!

One Year of Stripping Me to the Bone--They are Bad to the BONE!

Then I told her that over the course of the last year, that the DMV in Great Falls, Montana, kept my Utah's driver license, when I registered the car I bought, allegedly from a Mike Hall, but allegedly, they would not let me actually register the car in my name, they did let me pay for the registration, and my name was included under the guys name, rather than mine, because, allegedly he needed to get a new title, before it could go in my name.  Now, while I was perusing the 200 choices, of license plates, and trying to color coordinate one of them with my dark blue, navy car, I may, in all fairness have just forgot to grab the license off the counter; however, when I called Mike, after realizing that I had either left it there, or that they had been instructed, not to give it back to me, but I asked him if he would simply run over and pick it up for me . . . he never did.  Later, after a few months, I actually made it back to Great Falls, and they could not find my license in their lost and found, nor allegedly could they pull up on their computer, the registration, either under my name, nor Mike's . . . but they did have many lost driver licenses, but mine was not one of them?

Later, that car, after I did a scathing constitutional analysis of Utah's practice of license plate scanning, making millions of dollars for the state, and I admonished the Utah Legislatures, or several member of the law making body, who were considering purchasing new scanners, that could violate about double the number of citizens, 4th amendment rights that the previous scanner had, but two days later, that car was blown up, not destroying it, with a pipe bomb, while I was getting off at the 13th East exit, right off I-80. That car, distinct, because the guy, I originally dealt with on the phone was a Ford Taurus collector, and he had pimped the car out with chrome on the car over the wheels, so the car was different that any other one like it, but I saw the car, up at the Outlaw Inn, where Jack or John Strode, (Ware?) was staying in Kalispell, Montana, where a co-conspirator was staying, one of theirs, if not the ring leader in that area, a RED, Retired & Extremely Dangerous, with one of my duplicates, who was driving the car, I had been driving when I met him, and, I had suspected, that while I was going back and forth between Utah and Montana, finishing my cases, and closing out my law practice, and having attended a meeting with the ACLU, and medical marijuana growers who were awaiting sentencing, after getting caught between a rock and a hard spot, with the FBI raiding the growers, after the legislature, had decided to not quit rescind the law, but rework the law.  So legal at 5:00 p.m. and illegal at 6:00 p.m., even though President Obama, through U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, told the states to back off the federal prosecutions, but to follow the individual state's laws, 9th and 10th amendment, recognition.  

But, I suspected Shelley or Kay were up their claiming they were me, because I wrote a bad ass con law chick, analysis, after telling the crowd at the Whitefish Library, late October, after seeing the film documentary, Code of the West, on Montana's battle over medical marijuana, and almost got killed, or allegedly did, on that run out of the state, with a posting on the Internet, allegedly as told to me by some Marines, who followed my emails, that circulated to about 10,000 at that time, that I was reported dead, so the duplicate claimed the car I was driving, was with one of the only people I met at that time, and now had my driver license!  Oh, Sam Farmer, was the back up, when I questioned Jack, he was always either covering questions, or at McDonald's, so when I showed up at John's apartment, he could say it was one of the doubles or duplicates.  That was level one of the fleecing of my I.D.

I Could Still Get on a Plane With My Picture ID from the Utah State Bar Association . . . Which I Specifically Asked for a Picture, Because I Knew that I.D. Theft Was Going on Back Then in 2009, 10, 11, 12, and 13

Even though, they stole my case, I had all the I.D. I needed to continue to be me, as strange as that may sound.  And I think they, wondered how I was still getting around without a car, getting down to serve my clients, in St. George, Utah, and flying, they had my picture I.D. which was a big risk to Shelley or Kay, or the double using my driver license, Rachel is the only one look wise who could pull it off, or Shelley with a WIG!  She is dark and I am blonde, Kay is dark, but wigs and plastic surgery can do a lot!  So, Howard Pryor, my black, La Cordon Bleu chef buddy, who took me up to work at Glacier National Park with him, at the Swiftcurrent Lodge, summer of 2013, on the way up, said, after hearing my tails of woe, well, how do I even know you really are an attorney, and he suspected me of having $500,000 in the bank, not, that would be one of my doubles, duplicates, or my self outside of self, other than morals, ethic, mind, and cool, so I pulled out my Utah State Bar Card, easy proof positive that I was, in fact, just who I said, I was, now he has either crossed over to the dark side, or he was one of theirs all the way along, but I am sure he would deny that too, because that is what they are paid to do!  

At that same time, I pulled out my Medicare Insurance Card, and showed him that to dispel any thoughts that he might have that they had poisoned me, and stole 8 years of  my life.  He was taken back by that not really a card, but a light card board, 1/3rd of a white paper, with very definite, U.S. government type markings on it, with my signature, etc.  He had been on SSI, for a short time and his remark was, that is hard to get . . . so?  You see if some FBI agent, comes up and flashes a badge at, say, Howard, if he isn't an agent himself, and says, JoAnn Secrist is under investigation, and we really think that she is impersonating, Shelley Southwick Anderson Yeamen or whomever, that compliance thing kicks in and people are afraid to question authority, especially blacks, which he was!  So if he was working for them, he found out how I was still getting on air planes, needing a picture I.D. to get through security!  

Last 4th of July, a Friend, with a New Roommate, Said, Let's Go Honor the Vets

Great idea, so for the first time in months, because I came back to Helena, after returning from Utah, and my clients, after people refusing to let me see Howard, on my return to Glacier a week later, I stopped in at the new house my friend, Susan Brown, I think, her father is the Davenport, who donated all the turf for the Carroll College football field in Helena, just the type of person, they would come in contact with covering up my exposures, either at the shelter, or the Capital, testifying, or writing on the medical marijuana, or whatever, but Susan's father was a big time Republican, and she knew Shirley Herron, that doesn't sound right, but the former, now, but at the time, Federation of Republican Women's President, last year, when I spoke at the 2013, Constitution Day training, talking about the 1,2, and 4th amendments.  However, even Shirley, who originally asked me to speak on September 17, Constitution Day, I believe was contacted, and probably Rachel, at that time, spoke on that day, and she changed the date to September 27, 2013, 10 days later, which surprised me, but she is also a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, as I kind of am, with the St. George, chapter, asking me to join, and run the Constitution committee, with 4 of my relatives having fought in the war, and them doing all the geneology, so Shirley, may have legitimately had a conflict with that organization that day. 

But, the night before the 4th, Susan introduced me to her new roommates, a guy and girl, who were engaged to be married, Sue was good at picking up stray cats, and she had a good heart, so it didn't surprise me, but later that night, the guy was arrested, and put in jail.  Nice way to get girlfriend on board, with the theft and the cover-up.  I left my purse home, for the first time, and went with Sue to the VA hospital, gladly, crying the whole time I was there, she had to do the talking for both of us.  But, that day when I got back, or the next day, I noticed that my Utah State Bar Card was now gone!  I had had it in my purse, for 5 fucking years, since I got my license renewed, October 1, 2009, but I got the picture I.D. around June, when I married, the fake, double, duplicate of Allan Rex Bess in 2012, because I was suspicious of Shelley and Allan, and that they were trying to knock me off, like they did, Allan.  

The old bar card was just like a white credit card, with a gold sticker with the new year.  I think I first got my picture taken, and card, with JoAnn Bess-Secrist, and there was a big hassle, so I figured they were going to capitalize on that now, and say I was a different JoAnn, so I had them do another card, and put JoAnn S. Secrist, back without the Bess, and I had to fight them to get the Bess off, it took several time . . . Frank of InterPol, aka. Allan Rex Bess, from the time we got married, June 9, 2012, I believe, tried to get me to give up the Brock case, and all of my other cases, basically giving up the practice of law . . . oh, hell no . . . and he turned into a real ass from that point on!

I Still Had that Pesky Medicare Card!  And My Social Security Card, Not to Mention My Truck Insurance Card!

I lost that while I was down in Las Vegas, feeling safe and secure, that the thieves had forgotten a rather key piece of evidence that was hard to get, as Howard had said.  The thing that is interesting, is that I tried to get a hold of Howard for about a year, after I quit, going up to see him in Glacier, even had the girl at the Greyhound station in Butte, Montana, look him up on Facebook, which I signed up for and forgot my password, years earlier, but I knew that Howard did it.  We tracked him down, working at the ranch I wanted to get a job at, when we both went to the job fair the Park offered, that was hiring winter help and was closer to Bozeman, a bed and breakfast type dude ranch.  So, just before I went to Vegas, on a lark, due to strange stuff happening in Kalispell, including Howard, who had never contacted me, even after the Facebook, thing in the spring, Howard, shows up, at the McDonald's, while I was typing my blog about 2 former Utah Attorney Generals getting charged or indicted on corruption charges, so August or end of July . . . and then the key piece of evidence, that only he knew existed, or that anyone but myself had seen, magically comes up missing, just weeks later, if not days, because, I tried to use it as ID, for buying a ticket on Greyhound, first to go to Parowan, then down to Vegas, when things got dicey in Parowan, coincidental, I don't think so . . . so, here I sit, without any I.D. whatsoever, other than my Walmart Money Card, which I sent cousin, Edward, in Vegas, a request for him to load $100 of the $200 I gave him on the 20th, for food, but left that night, or the next one . . . amazing how they just don't seem to get those emails!

Oswald's Duplicate, Whisked Out Back of Theater, Flown to Roswell, New Mexico . . . as Crazy as UFOs Seem to Be!

It has been 50 years, plus, since, Lee Harvey Oswald, was blamed as the lone shooter, in the Kennedy Assassination, and I am sure the CIA, FBI and NSA, and their double, duplicates and dopplegangers, have become even better, more sophisticated, than they were November 22, 1963, don't you think, and they did a marginal job then, but, they got away with it!  Over 70% of the people in the U.S. think that the assassination was a conspiracy, that reached up to the highest levels of government.  I would agree, especially from my experience.  In the book, CROSSFIRE, written by Jim Marrs, and a video on YouTube, at least for the second, before they read this blog, while I am writing it, burying it so you don't get to see it, making it look like I am making this up . . . he goes into great detail about a guy he interviewed, who owned a craft story or convenience store, close to the theater where the cops, found Oswald, or allegedly Oswald, who said he saw the cops, take Oswald out the back door of the theater, but a little beat up, and Marrs, said, that couldn't have been Oswald, because, he was taken out the front door of the theater, then the store owner said, then who did I see?  He looked a lot like Oswald!  Then another guy on a plane, stopped at Love Field Airport in Dallas, and picked up I believe it was 3 men, and made an emergency trip to Roswell, New Mexico, the sightings and studying of UFO's, in addition to area 51, in Nevada.

Marrs, the Author of CROSSFIRE, and a Private Investigator from Dallas, Said, There Is Evidence, That Oswald's, Older Brother, Robert, Was CIA!

People are creatures of habit; governments are creatures of habit, what worked once, with Lee Harvey Oswald, probably has been used, time and time again, to control, use, kill, set up, frame, make disappear, or whatever it takes, which is the motto for the Patriot Act--do whatever it takes, without limits, without exceptions, most likely with roots, back before Kennedy's assassination, probably used for centuries, with all the connections to secret societies, ancient orders, Illuminati, being formed, literally the same year as the Declaration of Independence was signed, declaring a new America, with the yokes and chains of King George taken off from around the necks of a new country with visionary men, 28 lawyers, in that group, who envisioned a sort of Utopia, if you will.  But, as it goes with anything that is good, you have opposition, for there is opposition in all things . . . President John Kennedy and his brother, Bobby, the U.S. Attorney General, were gunning to take down corruption, end war, work with our alleged enemies, on space, technology, etc.  The opposing faction, the Johnsons, the Bushes, the Hoovers, the CIA, which is were the rock bottom conflict comes in, fucking wanted, WAR!  MONEY! & POWER!
My father, was formerly a member of the Office of Strategic Intelligence, in the Office of Strategic Service, that morphed into the CIA, or the Central Intelligence Agency.  A few years ago, at Christmas, I was looking through my father's stash of candy in his closet, and noticed, a brand new black baseball hat, with the gold embossed letters of, OSI . . . where did he get that, was it made specifically for him, by Rachel's former nanny, Nicole, who worked with the Air Force, in their sexual assault unit, doing semi-legal investigations, and who tried to block efforts I was making in Rachel's divorce case, being late, running 7 minutes to the deadline, even volunteering to go into court, when I went in chambers with the judge!  She may be a big shot in the military courts, but she was jack shit here, and I probably made her feel that way, because we seemed to be fucking up things, even back then.  But that seems pretty expensive to have just one hat made up.  About the time that I started to come out of the Pick's Disease, miraculously, Rachel, Shelley, and Isaac, all disappeared for about two years, or at least I never saw them, even living next door to my parents, before moving in Rachel's house after see got a divorce, December 18, 2009, having got an exception to the 90 day waiting period in Utah, before a divorce was granted, and she took off and was married to Kay Mooseman, in Las Vegas, within 4 hours of the divorce being granted, and not even signed until Monday, December 21, 2009, getting one of the doubles out of town, and this was the same day, I blasted in the first brief, later amended, in the Brock et al v. Herbert et al, case . . . nobody, would suspect that a family could, would, do this to another family member, such was probably the case with Oswald!

(Note: I am at the Spokane Library on the 2nd floor, and it is 3:08 p.m., and to my surprise, much like yesterday, my computer, while plugged into the charger is actually loosing power, and I only have 14 minutes left . . . same thing happened yesterday; it didn't matter what I did, or what plug I used, the energy was and is draining . . . WHY?  NSA, doesn't like what I am writing?  The guy, is suspect is an undercover agent, just showed up here, about an hour ago, I think, the feds, think I am lying about my age, think I am too young to be 59, too young to be writing about Kennedy, Rachel was probably just born at that time, or shortly before, Shelley was born in 1953, and I was born in 1954, Sue was born in 1956 . . . so we are all very close, but I by far, look much younger than them, and most people think I am younger than Rachel, nice, unless you are trying to prove who you are, and the face doesn't fit the date!  LOL!)

Conspiracy Central, signing in again, downstairs, where there is a Shelley look a like, but my computer works with this electrical outlet, some reason, "they" want me downstairs?  I got a note pop up when I turned the computer on, don't know if it is significant or not, but, it was on a light brown text box, and it said: Invalid page ID: 52296524916117710, and then at the bottom of the text box in blue, underline, it said close . . . I didn't want to hit the close, because I have heard, that is how someone hacks in on your computer, is some object or note pops up, and when you hit it, that allows the previously blocked party into your document!  So, I didn't do it, nor do I, if I can avoid it . . . maybe that was why my battery was draining even plugged in, they needed to hack in, so they drained it upstairs in the library, forcing me to get on another computer, with the note and make me think I needed to "close" before proceeding, just a thought!


On the Issue of Multiple Oswalds or JoAnns, Marrs Refers the Reader or Listener to John Armstrong's, Unpublished Book--Harvey & Lee

I am not sure how you read or look up an unpublished book, maybe it was written by a friend of Marr's, and he had selective people look a the book, but the first time I officially, heard, kind of off the record, but pretty reliable, other they myself, trying to piece together bits and pieces, of what was happening to me, was the day I was sworn into the U.S. Supreme Court, and I was over getting gas, at a gas station, just a block or two from the Capitol Building, and having raced to the Capitol, knowing full well, when Frank of InterPol, my bogus husband, loyal to Shelley, or the multiples, would be hot on my ass, the second he heard I was off and running to the Court, back in Washington, D.C., so I took off, without telling anyone, but as usual, without money, only stopping in a town, close to Grand Junction, Colorado, Lumberg, or something like that, where my client who owed me several thousand dollars, lived, and I stopped to get a couple of hundred dollars from her, between 9 and 10:00 p.m., but with a few hour head start . . . and she had to be the one who told Frank aka Allan, and the race was on, me ahead, them trailing, until Brock & Associates, stopped me in Kansas for about 3 to 5 hours, so they could make up the time, by acting like a financial planning organization, just couldn't figure out how to wire me money, or send a money card to another state!

But anyway, a guy, who started a conversation with me, and was about Frank/Allan's age, a RED, made the initial contact with me, as has been the pattern, and I told him about getting sworn in, but racing to get here, the white limo, the night before, where I thought my double, got sworn in, as a staged swearing in, the night before, while the work crew closed the road on one side of the Supreme Court Building for just about 15 minutes, with people running like in the movies, and me watching, after being told to get off the street, having parked behind the white limo, at first thinking it was the double, but hearing kids across the street, I thought it might be President Obama's girls, and this was Secret Service . . . but, no, and later, adults, just a few, ditching out of the same side the limo was on, and it was all over in just minutes . . . he said, now that is something the government doesn't want you to know about!  In reference to the duplicate, multiple versions of me, being sworn in, but me the following Morning, January 23, 2012!  He went on to tell me about Princess Di, who had at least 4 doubles at all times, he claimed to have been one of her body guards, in his previous life, with the multiples, going in 4 directions, to throw the paparazzi off.  Guess, she like Kennedy, didn't get the normal protection they were used to the nights they were murdered!

Going to Oswald, and the first time, in listening to videos, thinking and reading about the assassination . . . since I madly took notes, on the classified section of an old Daily Inter Lake, newspaper I had kicking around in my purse and no real paper, I am not sure that I can read my notes, today.  So I am going to do my best from memory, as I think I heard them . . . but you can always look up my sources.


  • Sturgis, was close to Cuban President or Dictator, Fidel Castro, and was acting as a double agent in Cuba, but he was also, one of the CIA assassins, and was allegedly involved in both the Bay of Pigs fiasco, in the Cuban Missile Crisis and the CIA secret army who wanted to invade Cuba, and assassinate Castro, plus he was involved in the Watergate Break in of he Democratic Headquarters, the incident that led to President Nixon's resignation, also, with Nixon running against Kennedy in the 1960 presidential elections, and allegedly one of the three men, standing behind the sign on the grassy knoll, which is where many say, that at least 5 shots were fired, with the first one hitting President Kennedy in the neck, and exiting the back . . . altered Zapruter film, surprise, surprise, surprise
  • Sturgis, at one point of his career, and certainly at the time of Kennedy's death, was considered the premier CIA agent of his day . . . Hunt was a thug Johnson brought to the mix, from Texas, Hunt claimed he assassinated Kennedy, but Marrs, said that his son identified him, as he said, on the bench, backup, with his son pointing him out in a picture; Hunt came to the Nixon White House with Bush, and he was involved in dirty elections, and other activities, also
  • Sturgis made this interview, or agreed to it, because he was tired of being blamed for Kennedy's assassination . . . but he, is the first one to bring up the fact that Oswald has a KGB double, who did the shooting, and when he got caught in the theater, Ruby was told, if he didn't get away, to shoot him; however, it appears from the mention of the double, from the shop owner, the KGB agent, was exchanged with the real Lee Harvey Oswald, and the doppelganger, or the look alike was taken out the back door to safety, while the real guy was the Patsy, set up from years before Kennedy was even elected, having first been attracted to Communism from a flier he got in high school
  • I saw an interview with Robert, is older, maybe CIA brother, and he told how Lee was a messed up kid, and justified the shootings from his allegedly dysfunctional childhood, that apparently he was old enough, Robert, that is was old enough to escape the single mother, or at least the complete melt down; when Oswald's Russian wife and I believe his mother, who felt that when Oswald came back from Russia, he had totally changed, one guy was 5'11" and the other one was 5'9"; they said that the original Oswald has a thick neck, was taller, and this new guy they suspected of being at least different, had a scrawny neck . . . and other differences, but they all wanted the body exhumed, and the one person who objected the most was Robert!  In the interview, he acted the concerned brother, that had there been one trace of evidence that his baby brother hadn't been the shooter, don't you think he would tell you, no, Lee Harvey, my little brother did it . . .
    • the two guys who were the ones who prepared Oswald's body for burial, said they took particular time and attention, knowing that there work might have to be examined years later, so they put extra embalming fluid in him to preserve him longer
    • these same guys, like in 1980 or 20 some odd years latter were the same ones to be involved in exhuming the body, and they said that the concrete surrounding the casket, had been cracked and appeared to be tampered with, but it looked like the ravages of water and dirt had messed with the body . . . which the ground keeper said, was unlikely to have happened, but is was possible . . . but when these guys went to life up the body, the head was disconnected!  Not the way things work, and they said the head they got, was not the way they did the preparation for the autopsy, and that there should have either been a craineotomy performed, and they said, there was not one, or something to do with that, was amiss
    • Robert, I believe even got court orders for a while to stop the exhumation of the body, but eventually gave in and went along with it, or waited until they could doctor the body, to look like it was Oswald, or whomever?
    • Robert seems to be complicit in the crime of framing his brother for the killing of the president, capitalized on his brother's interest in Communism, his Russian wife, and the fact that he had worked at the Book Repository for just 5 weeks!  Allegedly, President Kennedy was to have been assassinated in Chicago, but the parade was cancelled, and then I think, from writing in Florida, read my other blog, but somewhere else . . . could have just postponed it, to the book repository, or used other Oswalds to frame him, and would have claimed with his background, he just followed the President . . . but there are doubles showing up as early as 12 years old, did Robert volunteer his little brother, lead him, educate him, set him up with the Communist brochure?  Who knows how big his part was, but we do know that the CIA was pissed about the Bay of Pigs, Kennedy stopping the invasion, and with a botched assassination attempt of Cuba, they turned on the Kennedy's, with all the fury, he fired their director; it was Oswald who ratted out to Hoover, where the three secret CIA training camps were located, even after the director was fired, and Bush senior, kept running guns and operations off the Zapata Oil rig and ship, named Barbara
    • Marrs, in his possession, or has a copy, of a letter that J. Edgar Hoover, the director of the FBI, sent someone, maybe the Warren Commission, who was to investigate the assassination, but in the letter, he claims that Oswald, had multiple people using his ID or social security and personal information . . . sounds familiar all the way around!
    • the kid that looked the most like Oswald, or did Oswald just happen to look like him, but there was a double from New York, that was either an American born kid of Russian emigrant parents, or he was young when he came to this country . . . but both kids, or Oswalds, were enrolled in junior high, one in New York, and the other one in I can't remember if it was Louisiana or in Texas, his mother moved around a lot . . . but, someone figured there could have been as many as 6 multiples of Oswald
    • my suspicion is, that the emigrant family came on the radar of the CIA, and they were watching the family, and he was the first kid, they either wanted to use as a double agent, or as a spy in Russia, with the McCarthy era, and the big communist scare, or the red scare . . . interestingly, enough, my client, Henry S. Brock, securities case, both parents were informants for the FBI, reporting on the Communists living in California . . . his mother's book, Operation Housewife . . . did they model, my conspiracy, the theft of ID, the case, to fund Mitt Romney's campaign, bring in the doubles, using multiple women, all of whom had appeared in public as me, keeping me out of the public eye, as soon as the case was to be argued in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, with national legal interests in the case, then the second I got sworn in, the race was on . . . I have been on the run ever since that day, January 23, 2012 . . . before that, they had an interest, because they stole the case at the 10th Circuit, the deals were cut, and I was refusing to back down, kept on going, so they capitalized, on me again, and rather than deals, it was the steal . . . so, I would guess that it was the Russian born American, they wanted as an asset, and little brother Oswald, who had also been in Russia, was sympathetic to the Russians, but he was often seen with David Ferrie, an agent in the CIA . . . so they simultaneously groomed them both! I believe that Lee Harvey Oswald the brother of Robert, the one that really did work in the book repository, who came out, after the president had been shot, and ran into a secret service member, who had an identification book, and he asked the real guy, who didn't know what was going on, the patsy, directed the guy to the phone, if he was worried about being the shooter, and had allegedly killed a cop, why would he tell the secret service where to find a phone, wouldn't he be scared . . . I think he was hijacked and taken to the theater, which may have been the plan for the KGB agent, the look a like, and they pushed the real guy, out the front, and whisked the double, out the back door, and onto the plane, to safety!  While Oswald, was set up for taking the fall, and they Ruby, was also a patsy, and told that he was to help the KGB or the fake Oswald get away, but if he got caught, he was to shoot Oswald, the number one rule of assassins, do the noble thing, kind of like strapping a bomb to themselves . . . go down in a blaze of glory!
    • the CIA was making Lee Harvey Oswald pay for his sins, so to say, as a revenge against him for ratting them out to j. Edgar Hoover, who was working with or ordered by the Kennedy's to find out where the secret camps were . . . Hoover is complicit in the assassination, because he covered it up, used the FBI to muddy the waters, thus protecting his own skin, so to say!  If they would kill the President, what would stop them from killing him!  And they also had a meeting with Hoover, the director of the CIA, and strong armed him into telling them what he knew, probably so they could cover their tracks.  Also at that time, the CIA, had in their possession, a new assassination tool, a gun that shot frozen hard ice, into someone, with just a small hole, and then the ice would kill the person and melt, leaving no trace or a cause of death . . . they must have threatened Hoover!

The Three Tramps & The Three Assassins--Doubled

I think his name was Lee Bowers, who was standing up in the railroad stand, watching the Presidential motorcade, and he noticed three guys shooting at the President from behind a transportation sign that was taken down, due to having at least one bullet in it, but one claims three . . . they all took a shot!  But Bowers, who mysteriously died soon after that, saw the three guys at the grassy knoll, the guns, and then he saw the cops, stop the three guys, and he took, 5 pictures of the cops, hauling these guys off. But there were also three bums near a box car, what were noticed and were included in the Warren Report, could the assassins, left the grassy knoll, and changed places with the bums, who were then arrested, and taken to jail, and released just days later, after questioning, while the assassins, escaped by hiding in the box car, and leaving when the train left!

Someone with an identification book, maybe the secret service guy, who first denied he was told where the phone was, later admitted or remembered talking to him, and getting directions, all part of the cover-up, but this agent, who had the book, may have been calling to report that there were many agents from many countries . . . some have said there were literally hundreds of people, agents, enemies of the Kennedy brothers, who were popular, good looking, and started to mess with the status quo . . . just exactly what I did in Utah, that effected the whole country, it was about prestige, power, money, pride, arrogance, etc., and the ones with the pure hearts, are the targets!

It Was a Spook Convention . . . Everyone Wanted To See the Kennedy's, Not Quite Washington Insiders, Like Johnson, who was Suppose to be the Democratic Nominee--Who Had to Benefit?

CIA, the same guys would orchestrated the conspiracy and theft of billions of dollars, my son's music, my cases, my blog . . . OSI was running a secret operation within the CIA, just like with Kennedy, they see themselves as ABOVE THE LAW!


Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Florida's Lame Law on Drug Testing All Welfare Recipients--No One Was Approved

Sorry, I am sure this is old news, but you have to love the YouTube Gods, for recommending films, movies, news, on the things your interested.  I first thought, there was a group of really smart, savvy people, sitting in a room at YouTube, reading my blog, then perusing through their millions of entertainment venues, to pick just the ones, that I would be interested in.  And I am always excited each day, or after a break on my computer, to see what has been recommended.  Often the news items are dated, but classic, as was the one recommended to me this morning on the Koch Brothers taking on Rachel Maddow!  The segment is from The Young Turks Show, that I love too, because of the sarcastic approach to the news, they say what I think, and I love it, often playing the highlights of other news programs, good stuff, funny stuff, or stupid stuff, that is of a national public interest level . . . fun, smart, young, and cool.

The reason this one, on the Koch brothers and Rachel Maddow, is number one, because I totally respect Rachel Maddow's mind, her approach, her ethics, and her, while left leaning, and who can't now days, but as much as possible, factual and researched approach to the news . . . only the facts mam, but with a shocked, passionate, and unconscionable innocence, in the wake of horror, at what is actually going on in this country. The young turks, carry on where Rachel left off, on the research about where the Koch brothers got their money . . . daddy, not them, made some new filter device, for extracting or cleaning stuff, for a lack of a better term, out of oil, and dealing with the communists!  Nice . . .

Nice Job Florida, No One Qualified!  We Are Not Impressed!

Then, use that dirty dark money, and go so far right and extreme, with enough money to fuck up the country, infiltrate state legislatures, pad their unethical pockets, while trying to pass some of the most inane and unconstitutional legislation I can even conceive of and imagine, thus the Florida law on drug testing welfare recipients . . . you have no idea!  Just yesterday, I was with a female veteran, who served her country, as did her husband, who died young of cancer, who also had three children taken from her, because they were blonde haired, blue eye, with her fucking attorney, telling her, after they took a normal, baby, for failure to thrive, when the hospital well baby check, said it was a normal healthy baby, and then proceeded to take her other 2 older children!  This woman has fought, foreign wars, and domestic wars, as I have . . . there is a price, we paid to protect YOUR rights, in the process.  

This woman, is younger than I am, and life has taken its toll, she has had knees replaced, and who knows what, is walking with a walker, and as we ate breakfast together, after leaving the Hope House, and went to get donuts, and something to drink at, the House of Charity . . . and we both deserve it, she took at least 20 to 25 bottles of prescription drugs from her purse and started putting one pill from each bottle in a pile to drink with her Starbucks coffee, and I was dumb founded by the amount of prescribed meds this woman was taking, for this and that, and I, having just read about approval for hospitals, and clinics to be dumping grounds for people's old, expired, and dangerous meds, I told her, to get off all that stuff . . . constitutional violations aside, but do you, really, think for one second that this woman, by no fault of her own, could actually pass a drug test?  That is the case with many people on the streets. 

Poverty is Not, Should Not, Be A Crime in this Country

We are all not like the Koch brothers or Paris Hilton, living off the fortunes our parents made, and some not so nobly made . . . so, for you assholes, to fund legislation, no matter what the strip or ilk the organizations, grants, funds, foundations you fund, you are responsible for their irresponsible actions!  This is the most egregious, fallacious and appalling law, from a constitutional prospective.  First of all, there are forth amendment protections that protect your person, from unreasonable searches and seizures, and forcing someone, without probable cause, or a warrant, with no oath and affirmation, going before a magistrate or judge, listing with particularity and specificity, what the fuck drugs you are looking for, so these overzealous pricks, who think the world should jump to their every demand, want to stop other people from getting legitimate assistance, while they are living on daddy's welfare system, and have been since birth . . . go get a fucking job!

Not Every One is on Your God-Damn Payroll!

The Koch brothers, sent Rachel a letter, telling her what they wanted her to read on her show, which she so classically, Rachel, refused to do, and reaffirmed her statistics, facts and the statements she made on her show, and very graciously invited the Koch brothers to come on her show, and speak for themselves, defend themselves for their abdication of responsibility for their funding actions . . . like she said, distancing yourselves from the very organizations you fund, does not take away the responsibility for their actions . . . but, for your money, they could not have done, what they did, hurting tons of Americans!  I added that last part, there is a "but for" part of criminal law, that but for the actions of this or that person, who are considered compliant, contributing, accomplices in the crime, and without each link to the end result, that particular action, crime, law, would never have been done, committed, or passed!

Good job, Rachel, the law is the law, facts are facts, money is power, you assholes, and you better make sure you have your legal staff, of in house attorneys, draw up some specifics, like a starting with the Supreme Law of the Land, the constitution, and remember that any law repugnant to the Constitution is VOID, and any law within the letter and spirit of the Constitution, is constitutional . . . the rest is pure bull shit!  Those are the ground rules . . . and I would challenge you to get your asses out of your limos, out of your mansions, and get on the streets, and know the stories of the very people you are fucking with your damned, unconstitutional legislation . . . back a year and a half ago, during the 2013 legislative session, I heard about the idiotic means of limiting the welfare rolls, and actually wrote to the Florida Legislature, obviously, they didn't list to a constitutional law attorney, but did listen to the dark money pouring into their coffers, fuck you! 

OX Communication--Not Just Talk

Sorry, I lost track of that legislation, back in 2013, the last time Montana Legislature met, they only meet ever other year, so they are ready to meet again, so that is the time that I wrote to the Florida Legislature, and I thought that the law was stopped, or just never heard, but I think I recall that they postponed the vote, or they didn't pass it that year, and I remember, being very relieved and happy, that the legislators were smart enough to see how injurious this legislation was to their own citizens, and refused to pass it.  So, I was somewhat shocked this morning to hear, that it actually had passed, to my horror!  So, they must have passed it in the next session, while I wasn't watching, because it was one that I felt so strongly about, I would have personally gone and fought on my own . . . hobby lobbyist!

OX Communications, is a local Spokane or Washington Communications Company, but I love their name, see it on their building every day, when I visit Spokane, and it was actually the first building I saw, when coming in on the train the first time, then bus, and there after . . . 4 or 5 times, but each time I come to town, I am reminded, to communicate with love and kindness, but there are times, the word is sharper than a double edged sword, and needs to be lowered, beheading at times!  But showing an increase of love after.  You know in life, we all make mistakes, we are human, and along with that comes, humanity, to error is human, to forgive is sublime!  So, the Koch brothers and the Florida Legislature, is forgiven, but change, improve, get better counsel, pick better issues, beware, constantly, that every one had not had the opportunities that you have, that is the real challenge, not to kick them when they are down!

Living With a Conscience--Kudos to J.P. Morgan & Goldman Sachs

And other corporate giants, who are taking all that excess cash that used to give you credit, bragging about the $60 billion dollar surplus or profit margin, when you just took our home, gouged us at the gas pump, or got bailed out, at our expense . . . that is not good enough any more!  Social media is making people too aware of what the hell is going on, the back door deals in Congress, the high priced lobbyists, pumping pill and stopping cheap pain meds, with marijuana in them, God's medication for pain, and what ails you.  But, a woman at the Hope House . . . rated best beds, nice shower, clean pajamas, and sheets every night, and much better food, than last year when I stayed, thanks, but she told me about a fund, or grant, or foundations, she was not sure, that J.P. Morgan, set up some fund to help the homeless, and they could apply to get a credit card, with a monthly allowance of $100 or so, for some time, while they are waiting for another program to come through to help them, many of them with medical needs, but rich corporate CEO's have no idea, what $100 will do for a person on the streets . . . perhaps, even give them hope in hard times, that someone, actually gives a rat's ass about them!

I saw a great ad, about Goldman Sachs helping women, it looked like in Africa, or some country, actually start businesses, so they could get out from under the feet of their male and government oppressors, I have tears in my eyes right now . . . you are effecting generations to come, and even global affairs, do you know, that if a woman is educated, they are much less likely to allow their children to join extremist groups?  So, in reality, if you help women, like Malaka Yousavhel, I know that is the wrong spelling, but the young 14 year old, school girl, who stood up to the Taliban, fighting for education, and was shot in the face, and help them get some independence, you are actually affecting world affairs!  I think when all it said and done, at the end of the day, it is service, or providing a means for service, that will, ultimately give us joy.  And men and women are that they might have JOY!  Thanks, American Greed is not where it is at, for anyone!  You are getting it right, restoring our faith in your organizations and hearts.

We truly are all in this together, let's help each other, lighten each other's burdens, and bring as much joy to as many people as we can, not through corruption, theft, price gouging, but, through honest to goodness, distributions of resources, in the way, best suiting the principles of kindness, love, charity, or the pure love of Christ, as we can, regardless of if you believe in him, or not, that is the way, and the way, you yourself, and your workers will find joy in your own lives, in the glass towers, over looking our cities.

That Reminded Me of GE, General Electric, Kudos, for Making Service Part of Your Recruitment Plan for Young Turks & Turkettes

I just read an article, either in a news magazine, or somewhere, I think it was either in TIME or The Economist, that specifically mentioned General Electric, that had either encouraged, or required, just skimmed the article, but one of their young recruits it seems had spent three months in a third world country, doing some type of service project, and he was reporting his effort in that program and how at first he was, a bit reticent about going, but how, very rewarding that experience was . . . making their workers, more service oriented?  If you have questions, call GE, for the details, I was just browsing through a magazine and that particular article caught my eye, but hey, so awesome.

And that reminds me of an article I read on Ted Turner, former husband of Jane Fonda, and billionaire, but I remember him, now this was years ago, but talking about the importance of the humanities, and the study of humanity, that he combined with business, and that his father thought he ought to get a serious degree, and he went into business, or got an MBA, but combined that with his study and degree in the humanities . . . and how do you argue with success!  Big corporations are starting to recruit humanities students, because they help an organizations with being more human!  They are trained for that, and he said, that the first one offering suggestions around a corporate table, and the most valuable customer information, or insight, is a humanities student!  

Plug for Humanities Students, Those are Not Wasted Degrees!

This out of the box, Dixie State University, in St. George, Utah, offers degrees in integrated studies, realizing that people are not just one subject or one issues oriented or interested, and there are so many cross overs in all facets of work, that they are letting students, hand craft their degrees now, rather than forcing them into either the humanities area, or the business.  I for one, was the last student at Weber State University, in Ogden, Utah, to get a B.S., really for a degree in bull shit, no, I had so many science credits, and didn't want to take a foreign language, not my interest or focus area, but I was an English and communications major and minor . . . but I was interested in more than that, and my transcripts, will show the diversity of my interests, and I remember the day, the revelation came . . . oh, I am an English major!

It is amazing what the mind kicks up from the deep dark recess of the mind, but when I was general counsel for the Utah Medical Association, again, I remember reading an article from JAMA, or the American Medical Association, that said, medical schools were staring to recruit or accept, humanities students, because they could teach anyone medicine, the cold hard facts, of body, muscle and sickness, but what they could not teach, was a good bedside manner!  Anyway, I am totally off topic, but, whatever, maybe there is something in this run off of the mouth and mind, that might be of interest to your corporation, a little humanity can go a long way with your employees, and with your business, good business sense!

Had to Laugh . . . Talk About Bedside Manner, Oscar the Crouch for the Mascot for a Campaign with the VA!  LOL!

Talk about OX, which stands for kisses and hugs, in pre-texting days, the short version of writing those things out, adding a tender message to your salutations, but, again, I read this weeks ago, and was going to write about it when it was fresh in my mind, but it is fuzzy now, and I apologize for not even knowing the newspaper I read about it in, but as I recall, and laughed, some either state, or even the Veterans Affairs, were trying to think of a slogan, or a mascot, to help ease the burgeoning issues, of waiting times, delays, and previously, alleged deaths due to these delays and wait times.  And someone, actually proposed that they should use, Oscar the Crouch from Sesame Street fame, you know the grumpy, blue, garbage can guy, for the mascot, was one of the suggestions.  But, someone else, said, they didn't think that was appropriate, but I thought, no, that may not be politically astute, but it was highly appropriate for this group of old grouches . . . and this is no denigration of you service, or us honoring you, it is just the truth for any man over the age of 65!  Remember, we have a glut of vets, coming home from Afghanistan and Iraq, making Vietnam Vets, compete for services, which is something new.

Case in Point--Panel of Cops & Prosecutors--Who Do You Want on the Jury?

As staff attorney, for the Utah Prosecution Council, my first job out of law school, one of my jobs was to plan conferences for prosecutors . . . at one such conferences, I had a panel of cops and prosecutors, who were talking about jury selection, and jury voir dire, that just means, the legal term for the selection process of preemptive challenges, and getting as close to a jury of your clients peers as you can get, while taking off the guys and gals, you definitely don't want on a jury.  Generally, attorneys, never want an attorney, or a cop on the jury.  They will take over the deliberations and lead the jury to their way of thinking, and with some credence and credibility, but not necessarily, the end result that would have happened, had they not been on the panel.  But this gives some validity to the Oscar the Grouch mascot, and the Grumpy Old Men movies . . .

The cops and prosecutors asked us, the audience, who we wanted on the jury?  Now, this is coming from the prosecution and law enforcement side of things, so defense counsel, wants the opposite.  But we made a few guesses and suggestions . . . all of which were wrong.  Finally, they gave us the answer: (1) you don't want women over the age of 65, because they see every defendant, the one on trial, and charged with a crime, as their grandson, or grand-daughter; and (2) you want every man over the age of 65, because they hate everyone, and everything!  I had to laugh, I was telling that story, well fact, to a group of senior citizens, who laughed, and then someone, said, well, I just got a letter today, asking me to report for jury selection and service, but as she closed the envelop, on the flap, it said, if you are over the age of 65, disregard this notice!  LOL!  

That choice bit of information, must have made it to the defense bar, and they pressured the Utah Office of the Administration of the Courts, or the Utah State Bar Association, to include that on the envelopes going out to citizens, registered to vote, keeping them off either side, now, the constitutionality of that may be worth a challenge, 14th amendment, you can't discriminate against the suspect class of age, or grumps!

Gentlemen, Your Reputation Proceeds You, We are Very Grateful for Your Service, But a Little OX Communications, Might Ease the Glut of Vets in the System Now!


Tuesday, September 9, 2014


They Say, Those Who Can't Do--Teach; Well That Would Not Be Me, But it is TRUE of the NSA!

I was pissed as hell yesterday, like I am, very time these assholes, steal my intellectual property, which is every time I do a kick ass analysis of a hot topic issues, using constitutional articles and amendments to prove my case, or point of view.  You see, I have paid the price for this knowledge, don't need notes other than to look or make reference to some newspaper articles, like I did yesterday, when hours of reading and word typing . . . don't need to think much, because I have an in depth knowledge of both the U.S. and Utah Constitutions, having studied, thought, researched, written, thought again, listened to people like, Justice Sonya Sotomayor, in her Senate Confirmation Hearings, with 32 pages of notes, and anything I didn't understand, or questioned, I looked up, following newspaper reporting on big cases throughout the country, having taught argumentation & research, English, and family law, and having written many constitutional analysis, using both constitutions I am most familiar with . . . also, having co-authored, contributed, fought to get the official state of Utah seal on the cover, included, many helpful hints to help my clients, friends, and political associates, understand the levels of the local, state and federal government, with constitutions, statutes, regulations, rules, ordinances, covenants, etc, and complied information on what due process and other constitutional issues are, in a pocket sized copy of the Utah Constitution & Fun Facts!  

Plus having fought, clawed, kicked, and written my way to the United States Supreme Court Bar!  For God sake, I am not fucking amateur at this stuff, so, it is not me, who can't teach, write, analyze, argue with authority, it is the CIA, legal counsel, and their dummy government doubles, who have to steal from the real constitutional law attorney!  And I am getting damned sick of this shit, every time . . . when, they, could not do even one of my blogs, not one analysis, nor one of my cases . . . think about this people, if they could do it, they wouldn't need to steal it, try to make me disappear from the face of the plant, harass, chase, threaten, cheat, try to intimidate, while only proving my case against them . . . I don't scream when I can just freely exercise my 1st amendment rights, that people want to here, being very fair, and balanced, unlike the channel these dip shits listen to all the time; I have no planned outcome when I write, or look at the plain language, intent or history of a particular law or issue, it comes out the way, I best can figure it out, fucking according to the LAW for hell sake!  

ENOUGH!  People need to hear this from the original source, not fucked with by biased, interested parties, who most likely presented themselves as me, got it fucking wrong, you may want to knock this damn ass, theft of intellectual property, and just go to the source, the one who paid the god-damn price for the knowledge!  Shit, grow the fuck up . . . like the title of this blog, the law, is the law . . . is the law!  This is not the law according to JoAnn, and you, with your totally limited knowledge, other than what you steal, should not be so arrogant, and stupid, to present yourself, as me, and then change and alter what the fuck I have just written, either to support you side, or stop looking like the fools, you are, or suppress the opponents, side of the arguments, this is about justice, judicial economy, happiness over ego, and you need to bow the fuck out of the law, you and your ilk, obviously are not cut out for this profession!  And most of your chicks are not even attorneys!  That might be a clue . . . as to why you don't and they don't know this, is you are not either, or you are an average attorney at best, and a hideous attorney at worst!

Note: there is a woman, who looks exactly like my sister Sue, a double, the third of the Southwick girls and children, who is not an attorney, nor would I consider her daughter, Meggie to be one, also claiming to be a constitutional law attorney, who can't seem to hold a job, or keep a client, and chooses, the Mormon way, of being an educated nanny for her sister, Sarah, who has 4 kids under the age of 5!  But she is sitting here, online because there are, as stated before, my original blog, bad ass con law chick blog and the government's theft version who steals all the hits or results, and gets money, takes the credit, for what I write, same bio, same articles as far as I know, but the do the second on under, bad ass con law chick blog, tricky, huh!  We, both JoAnns, and the imitation Sue, being me, yet looking like Sue, cleaver as a toilet lever, at the mall, near Nordstrom and the Expresso Bar; you see the real Sue is far, away, allegedly in Turkey on a mission for the Mormon Church, but really at some CIA, FBI, NSA cheap ass law school type thing that they put Kay, Shelley, Rachel, Tiff, Marcie, there are many Soutwick girls, I am the second oldest, graduated from Bountiful High School, Bountiful, Utah; however Sue, actually received my invitation and is the one who told me what was going on . . . 40 years, should erase everyone's memories of JoAnn . . . dream on, you Bitch!  She always wanted to be me and be an attorney, CIA, Make a Wish Foundation, granting wishes all over the place . . .

Idaho's Arguments to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in, None other than, San Francisco!  Great Place to Try this Bull Shit!


Idaho's ban promotes the welfare of children because, only opposite sex couples can procreate.

Don't let me confuse counsel with the fact that 2 of the 4 gay couples in the lawsuit, that gives rise for this conversation today, are raising children.  Just because couples of the opposite sex can have children or procreate, doesn't qualify, justify, validate, give credence to the fact that they either have been good parents, will be good parents, or will be good parents in the future, nor precluded gay couples, who may actually be bringing children to the marriage, from say, an opposite sex marriage that didn't work out, or that they realized that they, were, actually in fact gay, from being good parents, nor does it rule out artificial insemination, adoption, surrogacy, or another type of arrangement, that is highly possible to bring children into the world, now days.  

Some gay couples, may actually be able to provide a better, more stable, and loving relationship, that opposite sex partners . . . have you heard the statistics on spousal abuse, child abuse, incest . . . which is a scary notion for one of the later arguments of this heterosexual attorney, later, shocking, and the prosecutor should be listening and taking note, and getting those charges ready!  And, there is a large need for children in foster homes, those on the streets, older kids who are hard to adopt, and minorities that are not as adoptable, not to mention crack babies, drug addicted babies, abandoned babies, where the gay couple, ready, willing and able to take a child under their roof and into their relationship, would be a boon to society, doing an incredible service to everyone, especially the child!

I would say, that argument fails!


Even if they, gays, seek a civil marriage, they still can't procreate.

Now, this is where the attorneys ought to get their bar license yanked for failing, constitutional law 101, without, acknowledging the 1st amendment, understanding basics of that document, and the Bill of Rights or the amendments, that the freedom of religion clause, has been interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court in landmark cases, interpreted, and that is their job, the clause to mean, that there is a separation of church and state!  The root of bringing up the distinction of a civil marriage, would suggest to me, either they are coming from the religious argument, that, we feel threatened, as a religion, Mormons predominate Idaho, as they do in Utah, and many western states, while there is a large, anti-Mormon faction up there, that is the view point they are coming from, as attested from this statement, trying to distinguish, a church marriage, like in the Mormon temples, as opposed to a civil marriage . . . 

Just this morning, a friend of mine, raised Catholic, until the age of 12, then baptized Mormon, poor girl, said that the churches are going to be forced to allow gays to be married in their churches, there were churches being sued to make it possible for gays to be married in church . . .  WHAT?  Again, a blatant misunderstanding of the counsel for the gay couples too.  The U.S. Constitution, that creates a wall of separation between church and state, swings both ways, and that is the beauty of it.  That the churches are to stay out of the secular business of the state, and the state is to stay out of the business of the church, even the Supreme Court is reticent to get involved in any issue, within the church itself, the firing of a teacher, forcing religious institutions and colleges to participate in the birth control part of the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, even in the Hobby Lobby case, a religiously formed and organized corporation, for profit, was protected, just recently by the, decision, while I don't agree with the Court, I do, support it, until further, cases or knowledge comes out.

Churches Don't Get to Double as Political Organizations, Then Scream Foul Play, When the State or the Feds, Take Away There Tax Exempt Status! 

There is protection, one from the other, unless, however, the church decides to go political, like they are in the newspaper article, I mentioned yesterday, before it was yanked out from under my face, the one with 4 church organizations, joining the Mormon Church, asking the Supremes to resolve this issue once and for all . . . Churches should never had been involved, are not effected, and will not be forced to allow gay marriages in any of their allegedly sacred buildings, unless, that is, they chose to get overly involved, becoming a political entity, rather than a religious one!  Which, the Mormon Church runs a foul of all the time, and I would imagine that is the case in Idaho too!

The founding fathers, left their religion, so to say, at the door of the Constitutional Convention, being multi-denominational, and decided to do what was best for the secular nation, while being one nation, under God, recognizing he/she as the designer of inalienable rights, but also, providing for a set of laws, that would accommodate, all the races, creeds, and religions that were already in American, and all that would come . . . bring us your tired, your poor, etc., from all the corners of the earth, being the melting pot of the world, and all the better for it, all you little Aryan Nation type up there in Idaho, white supremacists, get over it! The 14th amendment, in particularly, protects the minority from the majority, later.  You can tell people to vote, but not who to vote for, nor how to vote of a particular issue . . . that is crossing the line of demarcation that separates church and state!

So, ditto, from the arguments in response to the first issue or argument.


If gay marriages were allowed, it would hurt children raised by same sex couples and it would mean, people would have to be allowed polygamous and incestuous marriages too. ?

That is one hell of a quantum leap, especially going all the way to marrying one of your children, which is not unheard of in your polygamous communities, as totally sick as that may be, they, truly, honestly mean that, it is not a typo, or a mistake . . . and they are worried about gay marriages?  Truth makes reason stare! Read the book, When Men are Gods, written during the Warren Jeffs, XYZ Ranch, incident in Texas, where the Arizona Attorney General, with the help of a private investigator and a woman, from Utah, trying to help woman from polygamist communities escape, tracked down the alleged prophet of the FLDS Church, with roots in Mormonism, and who continued to practice the principle.  

The realities of polygamy, which was forbidden forever, as a condition for statehood, in the Utah Constitution, and their mixing of wives, sister wives, and spiritual wives, makes gay marriage look like sainthood!  in that book, it speaks of the abuse of Jeffs to his wife, teaching the young girls, to be sweet, and then Jeff's demonstrates what he means, using his wife, who was the teacher as an example, when he takes her by the braid in her hair, twists, his hands, until she is red in the face, not telling him to stop, and then he bends her in this twisted position, to the ground, and then brings her back up, and says, now that is what I mean when I mean sweet!  

There was a guy in the book, who was married to about 12 women if I recall, so plenty of sex, but he didn't stop with his wives, nor his daughters, whom he took on their birthdays, and when they became mature enough to procreate, and the would on their last daddy daughter date, tell them, they were no longer to think of him as their father, but their husband, and he would break them in so to say, and often, that sexual urge not checked by the secular world, extended to their sons, as well!  And this lifestyle, seems so normal to these folks in both, Utah and Idaho, that they don't bat an eye about telling a 9th Circuit Judge, or panel of three judges, that this is normal, and gay marriages cannot be!  Are you fucking kidding me!  Why in the hell, do you think that Jeffs and the crew, down in Arizona/Utah, in Colorado City and Hildale, kicked out, I believe it was, 2,000 Lost Boys . . . too much competition!  Normal?

Wasden, the Attorney for Governor Otter, Argued

Attorney Wasden, argued, that Idaho's marriage laws don't discriminate.  They permit a man to marry a woman, or a woman to marry a man, regardless of sexual orientation; Idaho's marriage laws treat men and woman equally.  In the Utah amicus brief or friend of the court brief, they were relying on history and tradition for their arguments.  The history behind that type of argument, is that one of the first lawsuits for gay marriage, happened in Hawaii, in the late, seventies, if I am not mistaken.  And the court voted against gay marriage, based on the notion, that traditionally and historically, marriage was between a man and a woman, therefore, marriage between same sex couples, violated both tradition and history.

Let is be known, that there are cases before the Court, from both Hawaii and Nevada, with Hawaii, already performing same sex marriages, Nevada refusing to defend their state law banning gay marraiges, after the ruling on Prop 8, from California, finding the ban on gay marriages to be unconstitutional, agreeing with a lower court finding that both the Mormon and Catholic Churches, lacked the necessary standing or injury, to intervene in the case, making both states in compliance with the law as interpreted by the Court, thus following precedence.

Courts Are Limited To the Issues or Questions Attorneys Ask 

The United State Supreme Court, and any court of appeals, is limited to the arguments the attorneys present, and that is it, regardless of how lame, inane, and stupid they may be, as was the case in the hideous case, Citizens United, that even Congress, is taking action to stop all the freely running money without limits, being funneled into campaigns, even from states, parties and special interest groups, that are influencing representatives that are voting according to the money, rather than the people who put them in office in the first place, but they are trying to stop the flowing of dark money!  Even the attorneys, know they didn't ask the right questions, which limits the Court.

The lower courts of appeals, or district courts, in the federal system, marking the path to the U.S. Supreme Court, were all relying on the constitutional arguments, of whether or not the bans were constitutional or not?  I am sure, that at the time the first Hawaii case was argued, no constitutional issues were raised, or if they were, the court, missed the boat . . . it is pretty clear.

Constitutional & Statutory Interpretation: (1) Plain language; (2) Intent; and (3) History

This, again, is not the law according to JoAnn S. Secrist, it is the law, according to the U.S. Supreme Court, in all its wisdom, knowledge, research, understanding, and 40 law clerks a piece, as understand it, or at least at this time in history . . . but these are the three elements, that the High Court uses to determine what the constitutionality or unconstitutionality of an issue is, using the document as the starting point, for the plain language, which, if clear, that is as far as you need go, in determining the interpretation of the article, amendment or clause.  So we will start there.  When the plain language is somewhat confusing, we turn to the intent of the founding fathers, or the intent behind the basic tenants and principles of the Constitution, and history may also lend a understanding to the issue.

Supremacy of the National Government

United State Constitution, Article VI, [2]  This Constitution, and the Laws of the United State which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

Marbury v. Madison, 1803

"A law repugnant to the Constitution is void."
With these words, Chief Justice John Marshall, established the Supreme Court's role in the new government.  Hereafter, the Court was recognized as having the power to review all acts of Congress where constitutionality was at issue, and judge whether they abide by the Constitution.

McCulloch v. Maryland, 1819

"Let the end be legitimate . . . and all means which are . . . consistent with the letter and spirit of the Constitution, are constitutional."
Chief Justice Marshall, invoked this phrase to establish the right of Congress to pass laws that are "necessary and proper" to conduct the business of the U.S. government.  Here, the court upheld Congress' power to create a national bank.

Utah Constitution, Article I, Section 3

In Utah Constitution, as in most, I would suspect, there is language to re-enforce this notion with each state, and their judges, that the state is an inseparable part of the Union, and the U.S. Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land . . . okay, with that in mind, let's move to the document itself.


The first ten Amendments (Bill of Rights) were ratified effective, December 15, 1791.

The Fourteenth Amendment was proposed on June 13, 1866, and ratified on July 9, 1868.  Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.  No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
  • licenses have been defined as privileges, driver licenses, hunting licenses, law licenses, medical licenses, even to the fact that degrees and licenses in the professions, have even been considered property, and taken into consideration in dividing up marital property and assets
  • marriage licenses are not just summarily given, but the legislature has defined certain conditions for getting married, like being of age, like a driver license, being of sound mind, and able to consent, knowing what it is one is doing, having intent to be married . . . and there used to be requirements like blood tests, some states have AIDs testing as a requirement of marriage, so this is not necessarily a right, but a privilege
  • as far as a state, making or enforcing any law which shall abridge the privileges and immunities of citizens, I have read that there are, possibly, up to 1,000 federal tax laws that are of benefit to married couples; therefore, for a state to deny marriage, is to abridge a same sex couple's privileges, and taking away any immunities from tax reliefs that other citizens get the benefit of.
  • you have to be a family member to even get into see a patient in a hospital, at hours other than visiting hours, another privilege that benefits all citizens, that may be abridged or create a discriminatory practice if a gay couple, can't, get married.  My second husband, when I was diagnosed to die, the beginning of all this identity theft, my boyfriend alone at the time, was denied entrance into the hospital, because he was not a family member, if, maybe a restricted area or some reason he couldn't come in, hetero, as he and I were, so he, went and bought a wedding ring and proposed to me, to be able to get into see me!  
  • there are spousal immunity statutes in all states, dealing with criminal law, wherein, a spouse cannot be compelled to testify against their partner, and divulge incriminating testimony, so a potential big time breach of a very important immunity, that could even have consequences of liberty and possibly even carry a death sentence . . . a critical immunity, not to be taken lightly, whom do you confide in, and this person, can be forced to testify against you?  I don't think so, and believe me, I have seen fathers, forced to testify against a drug king pin, or they would arrest the daughter, who smoked pot, while in college and who was just accepted to veterinary school . . . cops heard the info on a wired buy, and used it against the dad, forcing him to do what they said, or else, daddy's little girl was going down!  Marriage prevents that from happening!
  • a gay lifestyle is a liberty, and marriage, or being free to marry, or denying that freedom, is to deny a person's liberty, not only to marry, but to have the liberty to be with the one they love.  Like Ellen DeGeneres said, in response to Sarah Palin's, discriminatory comments of same sex marriage, you should be able to marry who you love!  Now this is where the attorney, for the Governor, and Idaho, would jump up and say, see your honor, we, should be able to marry as many women as we like, and as consenting adults, if the woman wants to be married to a polygamist, then she should be able to, and if a man wants to fuck his daughter or son, he should be able to do that to . . . this is where the tradition and history, will come back to bit this asshole in the ass, because, history and tradition, have considered marriage to be between two people!  GOT YA!  Many states, rushed to add amendments to their state constitutions, some of the ones at issue, right now, that clearly state that a marriage is between one man and one woman . . . so, polygamy which is forbidden forever in Utah, is out, and fucking your 12 year old daughter is out too.  And, by the way, most states, as in Utah, you have to be 5 levels of consanguinity away from who you marry, or removed by blood and marriage 5 steps away, so you are not, Woody Allen, and you don't get to marry your daughter, step-daughter, would be out too, because, you are not removed enough to marry them.  That might be challenged, but many marriages are illegal, but, nobody ever challenged it!
  • and a biggie, the United States, 14th amendment, refers to PERSONS, and never refers or makes distinctions between men and women, other than to give women suffrage or the right to vote, correcting an error that was discriminatory, for women and blacks!  I challenge counsel for the state of Idaho, or Governor Otter, to find a place in the U.S. Constitution, that makes distinctions between men and women, or even mentions them, other than the one I just mentioned, in all other amendments, articles, and clauses, it makes reference to people, persons, citizens, without respecting, race, sex, religion, age, etc., all the suspect classes of persons.
  • states cannot deny any person, within its jurisdiction, or boundaries, the equal protection of the laws . . . what do you not get about this?  That is as plain as it gets!

Conclusion--Idaho?  What Other Arguments Do You Have, Don't Think These Are Going to Work, Neither Will Utah, Nevada, Hawaii or Any Other States Arguments, Who Have Refused to Follow the Precedence that Was Set in the California Case . . . this issue has been decided, once and for ALL!

Monday, September 8, 2014


Navratilova Proposes at U.S. Open

Tennis great, Martina Navratilova, proposed to her girlfriend on the big screen of Arthur Ashe Stadium, between the U.S. Open men's semifinals.  The 57-year-old Navratilova won 18 Grand Slam singles titles, a mark she shares with Chris Evert.  At the same time, The Mormon Church, along with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the National Association of Evangelicals, the Ethics & Religious Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention and the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene and settle once and for all the question of whether states can outlaw gay marriage.

What Do They, the Churches, Not Get About Separation of Church & State!



Freedom to Ride, Butt in What Attire?  If Any?

Now, I am going to preface my remarks, with the biased that you probably could gather from not only my concerns for the youth of the community, but from a constitutional prospective, rights, and policy. These debates, are not taking place in a vacuum, this is hotly contested, with a lot of passion on both sides of the issues, putting the Mayor and City Council, caught in the middle, but, in addition to that, with several articles in the newspaper, one of which I read, while there only a day or two, a week or so ago, along with letters, editorials, and opinions in the local newspaper, this has surely caught the attention of some smart, high school debater, like I was, who had to read the newspaper every day, to stay up on current events, to be prepared for my competitions in extemporaneous speaking events, that come fast and furious, especially in the fall, just the time that this totally exhilarating event is to take place. Kids are smart, they listen to what their parents are discussing at breakfast, lunch and dinner, or while riding in the car, much more than parents would ever think, and their interpretation of the events may not be what a parent would ever intend, or want.  And it is a topic, that is not likely got go unnoticed or discussed, at least at my dinner table.

Like my mother always said, when I was following the crowd, which Missoula is doing, following, very liberal Portland, nothing wrong with that, but is it Montana . . . she would say, if your friends are jumping off a cliff, are you going to follow?  That would always stop me in my tracks, mainly, because I saw myself as a leader, not a follower, rather than shaming me or feeling stupid, for following the crowd, my leadership skills and nature would kick in.  The University of Montana, just in the last year, has been, basically getting kicked around by the U.S. Department of Justice, for not only their policies and procedures, dealing with rapes on campus, and in the surrounding community, but calling into question the actions of prosecutors, law enforcement, sports attitudes on campus, and the universities handling of a case involving a college quarterback and a female student, that also, cost the college millions of dollars!  Can we afford, to promote nudity, pushing our version of freedom and liberty on the community, forcing the town to deal with our particular lifestyle and infringe on those other members of the area, at large.

Hang the Moral Prudes, If I Have To Ride Alone, This Event Is Happening!

The argument of the proponent of the frisky, briskly, ride in the buff, is that it is his constitutional right to do whatever in the hell he wants, regardless of the rest of the community.  It is his right to free speech, his 1st amendment right to ride naked down the streets of the city!  He proposed by way of compromise, that the ride would take place, on a Sunday morning, early, so that all the kids, families, and teens would either be still in bed, or going to church, but it would not effect the larger communities rights at all.  Yeah, like kids couldn't get up early to go see a parade like this?  I remember, my junior high announcing that the movie, Psycho, was showing for the first time on TV, and nobody was to watch it.  I am sure, some do-gooder in the PTA, wanted the principle to announce that so the kids, would not watch it . . . guess what, these kids are hitting the rebellious teenage years, and were like, hey, thanks for telling me dude, I did know it was the terror movie, one of the best ever made, by the way, was even going to be on, but, I am sure to watch it!

And, I guess you think that kids don't ditch church, have cars, wouldn't volunteer to run and errand for a mother and father, that might even be shocked at their willingness to go to the store to get milk, October 15, at 9:00 a.m., or whenever in the hell the ride is scheduled for.  What are they going to do, ride around the block 10 times . . . no, they are going to want to go for a stinking bad ass ride!  Yesterday, in Spoke Fest, there were two rides, one was 9 miles, the other was 21 miles.  Now, how in the hell, are the City cops, suppose to cover your sorry asses, while you ride, un-noticed on a Sunday morning, for more than a trike ride!  Come on, this is ridiculous, any serious biker, clothed or nude, is going to really want to ride.  That makes my point right there, if this is not about a serious bike ride, then what is it about?  Cramming down the throats of your community, your lifestyle!

My One Sad, Sad, Ugly Experience With a Nudist

I have a friend, and old, pot smoking hippie, who is an avowed nudist.  He invited me and another friend over to watch the Super Bowl, or some late in the season, pivotal football game.  He opened the door, invited us in, and while I was ordering pizza and fun treats, he striped down to his birthday suit, to the total disgust of his other old hippie friend, and me, his prudish, puritan, modest, friend who even after 12 years of marriage, changed from my street clothes, to my nightgown, in the bathroom!  One time my husband and I were in a deep discussion, and I put my nightgown over my head, while were were talking in the room, and got undressed, in front of him, under my night gown.  He said, Jo, what are you doing, for hell sake, we have been married 12 years!  I rolled my eyes, I don't care if we have been married 100 years, I am not standing here in the light of the room, getting dressed in front of you, sex, the lights are off, and anyway, familiarity breeds contempt!  

Now, we were at his motel room, at his invitation, but, neither, me, nor Sam, ever, thought, that we would be subject to his big, fat, hairy butt, flashing us, as he walked into the bathroom, even for a second, it was so inappropriate, inconsiderate, and entirely disgusting.  Not all of us see things the same way; therefore, we, have to be considerate of the thoughts and feelings of others, even in our own damn homes, unless we are alone, or know the other person, appreciates, our cellulite butt, and junk hanging all over the place!  People with great bodies, generally, are younger, and that is fleeting, unless they work hard at keeping their temples, that way!  This old guys, is, I am sure, hoping that the younger hippies of today, that are the 30 or 40 year cycle of kids, from the parents of those raised in the 60's and 70's, that are also throwing off repression, and returning to the days of free love, sex, and nature, raging against the machine, like many of their parents did, might also show up, and actually with good bodies, something to actually enjoy looking at!

But, this asshole proposing this ride, said, he is doing the ride, one way or another.  Now, one of the beautiful things about America, and its 50 states, is you have 50 options, of either moving to that state that fits you state of mind better than the current state, or, this guy, might actually want to plan, next year's vacation around the Portland, ride in the raw parade!  Or as another alternative, is you can do what they do in Chicago, have 2,000 bikers, ride down the streets of the city, butt ass naked, at 2:00 a.m., and announce the ride through the dark web or the deep Internet!  But that wouldn't be any fun!  We just want to piss everyone off, and have our way!  Well, why don't you just take your balls home, and refuse to play with the rest of us!

We Must Have An Agreed Upon Set of Rules To Have An Ordered Society

No one gives a flying fucking rat's ass, what you do in your own home, as long as you don't invite us to watch!  Most of society is not into nudity, as a general rule, there are things that are considered appropriate and inappropriate, like no shirt, no shoes, on service!  Some of the California, prune pickers, I can get away with saying that, because I was born there, and they really do have a huge industry, thriving on prunes, for the same age crowd that is proposing this nude ride, but up around, San Francisco, of course, or maybe it was Oakland, the nudists were so offensive, walking around, even in liberal Hate Ashbury or Height Ashbury, the old hippie city, no, I am not sure where they were, exactly, but they were walking around town, with nothing but their sneakers on, or running shoes!

Now, I am sorry, but, you may think sagging ball sacks are cool, your right to show off, but . . . and most woman's breasts, start to droop a bit, even as early as their 20's, so . . . come on.  They would most likely say, getting turned on is not the goal, because it can't be, that is against nature.  We don't have the luxury of being airbrushed, and have someone put make-up all over our dimpled butt, but, over all, most people just don't look good naked.  Oh, this is all about freedom, liberty, rights, REALLY?  Or is it, to shock the senses of the community, violate their rights, infringe on their visual splendor, beauty, and enjoyment?

The Founding Fathers, Premised Their Document of Two Key Elements of Law: (1) Do all that you promised to do, and (2) Don't infringe on someone else's persons or property

It is kind of my father's favorite saying, that probably led me to become a constitutional law attorney, your rights stop at the end of your nose!  That is a good principle to follow, it will stop you from getting the cops called on your for playing your music too loud, and being charged with disorderly conduct.  In fact, the second basic principle of common law, which much of our system is based on, is the very rock bed foundation of criminal law, and if you abide by that, you are in compliance of 90% of the laws, that are the basis of criminal and property law . . . don't infringe, also includes, visual infringement!  It is not a right to force me to look at your body, good, bad, or ugly!

Some establishments, have challenged the right to have nudity, like in girly clubs, X-rated bars, and whatever, but, that right is very limited, controlled, and their are laws, that must be followed, in doing what they want to do in those types of establishments.  This is not your normal run of the mill business, and most of society doesn't frequent those places, or at least would let us know about it, so, a nude parade of bikers, goes far beyond, some of the regulations and rules for even these type of places.  Some, that I have heard of, must have pasties, tassels, or something on their breasts or rather their nipples, covering their nipples, no matter how small the covering, and the girls, can't be undressed below the waist, butt floss or thongs, yes, but full nudity no.  The state legislature is the entity to decide what you can do in the state, and your local county commissioners and city council persons, are the law making bodies in your towns, passing ordinances, covenants, and codes.

Larry Flynn, Founder of HUSTLER MAGAZINE, that Guys Just Buy for the Music & Book Reviews, Took a Case, Based on 1st Amendment Rights to Photo Nudity, and Sell It

Again, there has to be a distinction, between looking a porn, hard or soft in your home, in a magazine, and putting it right out there in the eye of the public, perhaps getting into the hands of kids.  If you will notice, even Cosmopolitan Magazine, now has to have a white plastic block or sheet over the models on the cover.  It is not that the nude or partially nude body is always ugly, but, we have to look at the larger picture, if it causes, a man, and it usually doesn't take much, from my experience, to get jacked up, which is normal, but then comes the feeling or the need for release, and that may not take place, always in the right place, or with the right person.  Case in point, they said, that 1 in 5 women will be raped while at college!  Those are fucking horrible statistics!

There is nothing wrong with looking at a beautiful woman in the privacy of your home, that is a combination of the publisher's 1st amendment rights to photo, print and copy, beautiful women, for your private consumption, while at home, or in the privacy of your car, and that follows, your 9th amendment right to privacy . . . but, you will notice that has nothing to do with, my rights, and if you get turned on, and want to cross your privacy rights into mine, you are wrong, that is criminal, and you can't do that.  And, today, you even have to be careful of crossing the lines with your wife, in some states, California, I think it was the first state, to pass, husband raping wife legislation! 

Sex is Like A Fire, It Should Never Be Let to Irresponsible Actions--Of Course, the Average Body, to Me is a Turn Off . . . That Would Include My Own, So Maybe Nudity Would Work in the Reverse, and Stop the Out of Control Sexual Assault Numbers!

Your rights, literally do, stop at the end of your nose, even with your wife, and you better make sure that she is amiable, willing and ready, or can be talked or enticed into sex, and a willing partner.  You have jurisdiction or power over your body, and she has jurisdiction or power over her body!  And that is just the way things are.  There are colleges, I believe in California, a thought leading state, who are trying to curb the number of date rape and just plain rape numbers on college campuses, and protect female students, ask the University of Montana, what one little charge of rape, in a high profile situation dealing with your star quarterback can do, innocent or guilty, consensual or not, and making policy decisions, like their campaign, about Yes to sex, is Yes . . . you have to affirmatively say, YES or no go!  

Just saying "NO" didn't work too well, because, with a few drinks, and a nice cuddly body, at this age, sexy, hot body, next to you, or one asleep didn't mean you wanted sex, but can generally lead to it!  The general rule, should be, unless a girl is in a committed relationship, she prefers not to have sex, she may want to make out, touch a bit, kiss and hug, but sex, generally, not, or at least that is the way I was in college, making out with up to 3 guys in the same day . . . just sport, but hell, no to sex!  Guys on the other hand, are going for the old college try, the touch down, the end goal, SEX!  So you have two very different mindsets going into the fun and gaming that happens all the time in college, but doesn't mean much, so, that that into consideration . . . women, generally give sex for love, and guys, generally, give love for sex!

Good Policy Position--Don't Infringe on Other People's Rights!

The guy proposing this nude ride, would actually be arrested for indecent exposure, for riding his bike nude on the streets, without the protection or authorization of getting a permit for the ride; therefore, if he, alone, couldn't do, what he wants the city mothers and fathers to do, then, don't we think that, the whole thing is a bad idea, in legal terms, constitutional terms, policy terms?  There all kinds of charges that could apply, in simply another setting: lewd and lascivious acts, public nudity, indecent exposure, aiding and abetting in the delinquency and corruption of a minor, disorderly conduct!

Why don't we challenge the proponents, to just take a little ride around town and see what the cops do, how they might react, and what they cite them with.  And if it is okay, then, hey, the majority of the public, may not mind, and it is only a few of those prudes, like myself, that are uptight and out of their minds, for not being liberal enough to see the human body as a work of art, we should be proud of it, love ourselves enough to parade around in front of others, without inhibitions . . . it goes so much beyond that.  A healthy attitude to the human body, is not the problem, and parents, lovers, ourselves, need to keep that in mind, but this goes so far beyond that . . . back in the Victorian Days, in the early part of the development of America, during the industrial revolution, it used to be, risque for a man to see a woman's wrists or ankles, and a big turn on.  Modesty, leaving something to the imagination, is far sexier, that bold, flat out nudity . . . but you have every right to ride around your yard in the buff, just build a high fence!

Well, That I About It, On This Subject--Good After the Kids are In Bed Discussion!  Control the Fire!  26,000 Reported Incidents of Sexual Assault in the U.S. Military, and That is After It Came to the Attention of the Brass Asses!

Sunday, September 7, 2014


The Lord's Prayer Is Universal

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, they kingdom come, they will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day, our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen! 

I Considered Becoming a Woman of the Cloth . . . But Only in Sin City, Las Vegas!

When I was in Las Vegas, with my cousin, I was reading one of his books, written by a former pastor, of some evangelical church, and both Ed and I were looking for a new start, so to say in life, he had been in real estate and me law, so when I read, in this book, that the money just flows in if you start a church, with a little bit of an Oriental flare, the money will start flowing in . . . I said, to this former, heretical cousin of mine, that has long been cast aside by our more faithful, Mormon extended family, with me bringing up the rear, and joining him as a Christian, that we should start a church, why not.  We have both been religiously groomed for the ministry, so to say, depending on which segment of the population is our target group . . . you know, kind of the congregation that Christ, himself, went after, the prostitutes, the sick, the lame, blind, the lepers, tax collectors, and physicians, who have lost their licenses.

Ed said, you know, I have thought about that, and didn't laugh at all, and neither did I . . . both of us have been overly religious in our lives, Ed setting his watch on the hour, every hour, to go off, asking himself, if what he was doing, was for Christ, or for his selfish interests.  I on the other hand, was and still am, much less disciplined, same root word as disciple, than Ed, but have read the scriptures, since I was a young child, much like Timothy, in the New Testament, so we have the Church aspect covered, and I said, as far as the Oriental flare, you went on a Mormon mission to Japan, so we have that too, and we both need money.  He said, I will have to think about it.  We have not gotten back to that topic yet, and for good reason.  Although, I did talk to the pastor of the Central United Methodist Church, that starts at 10:00 a.m., with the Botswana version of Church, at 5:00 p.m. located at 518 West Third Avenue, and asked him, how, he, chose a career so different from his career Marine, brother, we had been talking about ISIS and I asked him in the community prayer to pray that President Obama would make the right policy decisions, in this complicated situation, that has roots in the days of the Ottoman Empire.

He told me that he kind of fell into the career in the ministry by accident, and he actually, is married to a female pastor of a college campus church, somewhere in Washington state that I have no idea, where it is, but he said, when he realized that the pastors he knew, were not perfect, and didn't claim to be, he decided that if Christ would take him as he is . . . he would go to seminary, where he met his wife, also in the seminary, and become a pastor, trying to help, through the teachings of Christ, bring about peace in homes, communities, the country and the world.  And he is definitely doing just that, the Etienne Family Praise, was awesome, rocked, and brightened up the already bright Sabbeth morning, with their praises in their native tongue, wonderful, fun, I wanted to get up and dance, as they did, and they had the other members clapping to the interesting beat of the electronic piano!  I swear, every time I see this prolific family, there are 2 more babies!  A great addition to the Church, and a great contribution to the community, loved it!

Racism, or Us . . . Them Mentality?

As the Pastor and I engaged in conversation, cookies, punch, plums, crackers and cheese, snacks, and talked everything from politics to religion, to the fact that the Northwest, is ranked the lowest for church attendance, other than, now, Columbus, Ohio, has that honor, with less church attendance, we talked about a great, convergence, and I mentioned the fact that the community church, Spoke Fest, had their meeting just down the street at the River Front Park, and it was wonderful, families, peace, sharing resources, talents, kids, with parents, learning, enjoying, perfect whether, and that I as a mother, would have had a much easier time getting my kids, sons, especially, to the community church and a Sunday morning bike ride than the Sunday School!  He agreed with me, and the Church and the Shalom, part of the Church, that feeds the hungry on the streets of Spokane, the service arm, is going to integrate with the Church more, because he sees how great the people of Spokane are and really ready, willing and able to serve their community!

I became a Sunbeam teacher in Mormon primary, when my three year old son, Chris, kicked his teacher . . . and he has been bucking traditions ever since!  But, and amazing man, father, husband, like his name, Christian, maybe he doesn't need formal church, he knew how to swim without formal lessons, scored in the 11th grade math level in first grade, so . . . this just fits a life pattern.  Elliot, who is either an atheist or an agnostic, is one of the best Christian living humans I know.  The girls, kind of went along with the program as my father would say, but by junior high, Greta was bucking young women meeting, saying she was sick of cookies and collages!  I think she overheard her mother, call Relief Society, the woman's homemaking meetings, sewing sequence on fly swatters!

Nicole, on the other hand, was by far the wildest of the 4, but she is stayed active in the Church, the longest after her parents divorced and it became more difficult, to stay as active, or keep the kids active, and she is the most active in the Mormon Church, today.  They say, when you are most like yourself, you have gone full circle back to who you were in high school, and that seems to be particularly true, with activity in religious activities as teens, if your parents could get you to high school, active in any religion, you tended to stay there, even if you left it for awhile.  That seems to be the trend with my kids too, but they are all, absolutely, great human beings, law biding, good citizens, responsible worker, cool parents, just outstanding in whatever they do!  And for that, I am grateful, and find joy and rejoicing in my posterity . . . thank God!

We, as both active and inactive members of the community, regardless of which church we go to, need to stop looking at people, as either, part of us . . . or part of them, are all part of we!  We are all children of the same God, with the same Savior, and part of same body of Christ, we need a great convergence, and come together for peace everywhere, home, community, country, world.

I Was Tempted To Skip Church, Stay at Spoke Fest, and Rock Out

The beautiful fall day, perfect temperatures, tons of great parents, teaching their children, to join a community by participating in its events, learning to green-up America, ride a bike, with a focus on safety, education and love of biking, taking an active support in the city council, making appropriations for bike trails, funding, sponsorship, befriending donors and contributors, who help pull of these events, and the natural infrastructure, be it, the beautiful scenery, the mountains, the weather, conducive to outdoor activities like this, plus all the volunteers, to make it happen, and carry off a fun event like this, cooperation from the community, creating generations to come of bikers, outdoor lovers, and the next city fathers and mothers, to carry on the legacy of those who have passed before them.  Simply, joy, joy and more joy!

Men are that they might have joy!  Double-decker bikes, homemade, low riders, tandem, baby carriages pulled by either mom or dad, babies in backpacks, on parent's backs, friends, families, a great fun event, and so, so, so, tempting to stay and just hang at the park, listen to the music that was pumped around the park, but, the one thing, and gratefully so, that I am glad I learned as a child, among many lifestyle things that I got from my upbringing in the Mormon Church, besides the health aspect, is the habit of going to church!  I don't have trouble missing it, every once in a while, but there is always, always, always, some really good lesson, I needed to hear, that day, that time . . . and this is no exception, from the Central Christian Church in Vegas, to the Catholic Church at St. Helena's Cathedral, to this Methodist Church, that I have attended on 2 other occasions in my travels, between Montana, Washington, Utah, Nevada, Arizona and wherever, or the Lutheran Church in Helena, Montana, or the Fresh Life Church, in Kalispell and Missoula, or the Mormon Church in Whitefish, Montana . . . I always come out filled with an inspiring lesson, message, thought, and music that makes me think, and it makes my week.

They say, that church goers, are happier people, live longer, and enjoy better health, statistically.

A Plug For Your Neighborhood Church

In the fasted paced, over stimulated technological world of today, often disconnecting and connecting us both, with challenges our parents, grandparents didn't have, I believe that your local church of your choice can serve as a support center, for you and your families.  I remember taking an education class, and studying support systems, and the more support a child has, and the study sheet listed 28 such areas of support, the better adjusted, happier, and healthier a child is, the more support they have, the more role models, the more parents figures, friends, and surrogate family structures.  Our Pastor today, mentioned that he had attended a seminar, with a local policeman talking about domestic violence, and when I was involved big time in domestic violence, the one group we wanted to get involved, was the clergy, because they had access to educate families.

The cop presenting, said, when he gets a call, and it is the first time they have been called, that even though the couple were fighting, a man and his wife, have a right to yell, scream, and even fight, as long as it doesn't get physical.  A couple fighting is not against the law, even normal, happens with every couple, at one time or another, kind of the nature of marriage, learning to blend, deal, with differences, but while there is no law against fighting, there is still damage being done!  Hurt feelings, children learning patterns of relating to the opposite sex, how to get along, or no get along, how to resolve conflict, and the model is not always good. So a pastor, a priest, a bishop, and member of the clergy can go where cops can't, they can teach, love one another, do no harm, peace, love at home . . . how to resolve a conflict, without a lawsuit, or the law getting involved, as we were taught in the lesson today, from Matthew 18:15-20 and Romans 13:8-14.

It Takes A Community To Raise A Child--Church is Part of that Equation

School starts tomorrow, with excitement, new clothes, new school supplies, and the possibility of meeting new friends.  It will either be a wonderful experience, that we hope it is for all children, all over Spokane, where school, starts tomorrow, and all over the world, where much conflict exists.  And with a separation of church and state, and for damn good reason, sometimes those lessons of loving your fellow men are harder to get through kids heads, where a church, can have smaller classes, more one on one, and the kids see moms and dads learning too, right there with them.  As love one another, as I have loved you, is taught, a child can work miracles with a mother or father, just looking over and saying, see, you need to knock that shit off, dad, or mom, take it easy on us!

May every school child, feel safe in our schools, from bullies, from shooters, from discrimination, from hate . . . teach your children to love one another, and the rest will fall in naturally.  The scriptures teach, don't let your children contend one with another; a soft answer turneth away wrath; fathers treat your children kindly, lover your wives, as Christ loved the church, even to laying down your life for her; wives obey your husbands, in righteousness!  There is tons of good parental advice in the good book!

Shalom, Peace, Have a Great New School Year, Everybody from Elementary to College!

Saturday, September 6, 2014


Characters & Background Behind Dealey Plaza, Site of JFK Assassination

I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in forty seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo.  President Harry S. Truman

1960 Elections: Kennedy won Nixon, Eisenhower's V.P.


  • NIXON: campaign contributions from the mafia, close to Godfather, Carlos Marcello, whom Bobby and Jack or John Kennedy had gone after for mob activities, with Bobby, once pulling Marcello out of bed in the middle of the night, sending him to Guatemala, and leaving him in the jungle to find his way out; Nixon was also, assigned by President Eisenhower, to handle Cuba.  Nixon ordered the CIA to assassinate Fidel Castro, before the November elections against Kennedy.  That attempt was botched, and some say, they killed Kennedy for stopping the invasion of Cuba, with a secret CIA army, thinking they could circumvent the Congress.  It was Prescott Bush, father of George Bush, who was a mentor so to say to Nixon, and Nixon had to pander to the wealthy Bush, having little money to fuel his political ambitions.  Nixon brought, George Bush, who was dragging E. Howard Hunt, a CIA assassin, to the White House, where Bush, after loosing two runs for the senate, and lost, was made Nixon's V.P.  Nixon used the CIA/mafia team to later raid the Chilean Embassy and Watergate, not on one attempts to recover evidence of the teams activities, but 4 attempts, then the cover-up, and what finally forced Nixon to resign, was the fact that he had ordered or tried to force the FBI to stop its investigation of the problems.  Nixon was in Texas at the time of the Kennedy Assassination, at some glitzy event, and it was all over the papers that he was with a socialite all night . . .
  • BUSH: was in the CIA at the time, as early as 1961, two years before the Kennedy assassination, as attested to in a letter from FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover; while in the CIA, the day of Kennedy's assassination, he was the Dealey Plaza Coordinator!  Bush & the CIA, with the same crew that was involved in the Bay of Pigs, fiasco, E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturges and Baker, a former Cuban and also CIA agent, were also there . . . position on the grassy knoll across from the Book Depository where Lee Harvey Oswald was, behind a sign, as seen by Lee Burrows, who was up in a tower at that railroad, and saw them take 5 shots at President Kennedy, three went through the sign they were behind, one hitting the President in the neck.  Bush bought Zapata Oil, just off the coast of Cuba, between Florida and Cuba, and continued to run buns, and arms from a ship, he named Barbara, after his wife, as he did two of his planes during the war . . . Bush, at the same time that Joe Kennedy, the oldest of the Kennedy brothers, was killed in the war, George faked his death, and changed his name to George H.W. Bush.  Bush is a member of Yale's, Skull & Bones, and Bush's time at Yale is very sketchy, with few details, some have thought that he spent most of his time working on Bones stuff, rather than attending to his studies.
  • George W. BUSH: was 17 years old at the time, but he was also at the Dealey Plaza that day
  • JOHNSON: it is a well known fact that Johnson's rise to political power was corrupt, and E. Howard Hunt, was in on the ballot stuffing of 300 people, most of them dead.  It is said, that you only surround yourself with people from your inner circle, when you are at the heights of power, because you know them, know if you can trust them, and so, Johnson, an oil man, through Lady Bird Johnson, may have come into contact with both Joe Kennedy and with the Bushes, through Prescott. But Howard was around with all three, and at the Dealey Plaza that day . . . he bragged on his death bed, that he had shot Kennedy!  Johnson, was known to be the President in waiting, or the heir apparent of the Democratic Party, so to be Kennedy's V.P. was an insult, and you can see it on his face, as he stands behind Kennedy, during the nomination and his speech, towering over Kennedy, with a hateful look on his face.  Johnson was with his mistress and a room full of men, having a meeting, and the mistress got up to go get her hair done, later, Johnson called the woman, and said, that Irish, Son of a Bitch will never embarrass me again, he is dead, and Connelly is at the hospital.  There was some speculation, that Johnson, who championed the Civil Rights Act through Congress, may also, have been worried that Kennedy would get the credit, history reports that it is Johnson, alone who had the power and the clout to get the bill passed, with Johnson strong arming both sides of the isle.


  • Both Bobby and Jack, made their reputations on taking down the mob, they were relentless and nobody had ever seen anything like their efforts and tenacity before in the U.S. attorneys office, this reputation is what propelled the Kennedy boys into the public eye . . . and apparently eclipsed Johnson!
  • PRESIDENT KENNEDY: three months after he had been elected President, the CIA attempted to invade Cuba.  Kennedy fired the director of the CIA, but many like Hunt, Stergus, and Baker, all had been or were CIA agents, who had been involved with the Bay of Pigs, continued to have loyalty to the former director, and continued to work with Bush, and other anti-communist leaders, going behind the President's back. Kennedy was reported to have said, that he was going to rip the CIA to pieces!  He was pissed that they would violate the U.S. Constitution, go behind both his back, as Commander-in-Chief, and do a back door behind Congress, who had to approve and appropriate money for an invasion. Kennedy wanted to restore the silver and gold standard, earlier in 1963, just shortly before he was killed, he also spoke out openly against, none other than secret societies, none other than Skull & Bones, which Yale had a hard time with also, trying to suppress the power and activities!  In a new book out on Watergate, Nixon, Mafia and CIA, by Lamar Waldron, he claims that had Nixon referred, or catered to the blacks with regard to the efforts of Dr. Martin Luther King, as Kennedy did, that might have been the voting block that would have put the election in favor of Nixon, and it is the contingency that put Kennedy in the White House . . . so, how do Johnson and Nixon connect, probably through the Civil Rights Act . . . Nixon didn't use it, and it was claimed that Johnson was the nominee, but maybe the blacks throwing their weight and vote to Kennedy, angered Johnson, making him like Nixon better, or maybe that association was already formed, with E. Howard Hunt, being a lynch pin, connecting Johnson, Bush and Nixon!  All the co-conspirators in one little city, at the same time that President Kennedy was to be there . . . there was speculation that Kennedy was suppose to be assassinated in Chicago, then Tampa, so things had not gone as planned, but they were going to make sure this time!
  • BOBBY KENNEDY, U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL, AND CHIEF ADVISER: the two brothers, were now the most powerful political players in the country, with an entirely different direction for the country to go in that with the other three, they were going to increase their efforts against the mob, with the full resources of the U.S. Attorneys Office at their disposal.  Nixon, got big time donations from the mafia, he was beholden to them, and they had axes to grind with both brothers.  The number one rule of assassinations is to kill the assassin!  Lee Harvey Oswald, always maintained he was just a patsy, he had been a rat for Hoover, who used him to tell him where the three secret CIA training camps were, so Kennedy could shut them down!  There are also pictures of CIA agent, David Ferrier and Lee Harvey Oswald together.  It has been rumored that Oswald was a a CIA asset, but he was also on the payroll of Hoover's against the CIA, was this a set up, frame and payback . . . Oswald had just got the job at the Book Depository!  Jack Ruby, who shot Oswald three days after the shooting of Kennedy, shot Oswald, to either make it look like he was the assassin, as directed by the CIA/mafia plot team, or to silence him . . . a mob hit.  This made many members of the crime syndicates happy, to have President Kennedy gone, but also, to get rid of Bobby, which they did 5 years later, when they claimed that Shirhan Shirhan was the shooter, when it was a CIA agent, Cesar, or something like that, who shot Bobby, point blank in the back of the head!

Warren Commission--One Shooter, One Shot that Ricocheted into President Kennedy, and through Connelly!  No Conspiracy!

  • Kennedy's secret service men, who normally held on to handles on the back of his limo, were told to stand down, as seen right before the shootings--secret service were made, but complied with orders, and I heard that it was the V.P., Johnson, who was in charge of the secret service!  Not sure.
  • A police escort of motorcycles, generally accompanies the President's motorcade, but that day, they were not present, as planned
  • the crowds were 5 ft. deep, until they rounded the corner to Dealey Plaza, then they were very spare compared to those earlier
  • the Zupruter film, clearly shows people falling to the ground, when the shots from the grassy knoll rang out, and many brave citizens, when they saw what happened to the President, ran toward the knoll, to get the assassins . . . Lee Bowers, the guy in the train tower, took 5 pictures of the cops with the three assassins, marching them off in handcuffs, so why didn't we hear about this in the official Warren Commission report
  • my law professor, Michael Goldsmith, at Brigham Young University, used to be a U.S. attorney, was involved in the John Gotti, mob trials, and was also involved in the Warren Commission, he told our criminal law class, that there were actually 8 shots fired that day . . . and shortly after that, he got a brain aneurysm, a blood clot to his head!
  • Kennedy's doctors that were suppose to be with him that day, were mysteriously missing, and his body was whisked away by secret service, and taken out of the jurisdiction of doctors, cops and prosecutors, who had the power to investigate and handle the case, and the body was taken to the Navel Hospital
  • by the time, somewhere between Kennedy being shot, at 1:45 p.m., or something like that, and around 4:00 p.m., when Johnson was sworn into office, with blood splattered Jackie next to, possibly, or likely, at least one of her husband's murderers, with Johnson telling the newly made widow, she might want to changer her clothes, she said, NO, I want the people to see what they did to the President!  It is alleged that during the swearing in of Johnson, someone, doctored, or messed with the major wound to the President's head, the one on the right side of his face, and cut some type of triangle looking thing, and put back the flesh over the exit would in the back of the head from this fatal shot!
  • unofficial reports, state that there were 7 shots fired that day, 5 from behind the sign on the grassy knoll, two from the book repository, and possibly, that last one that Dr. Goldsmith referred to, came from another building, in front of the President, Carlos Marcello said he also hit the President.

A Quote From President Kennedy

A revolution is coming . . . a Revolution which will be Peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; Successful if we are Fortunate enough; But a Revolution which is coming whether we will it or not.  We can affect its character, we cannot alter its inevitability.