Wednesday, May 14, 2014


In Her Mother's Footsteps--Proud Mom, Great Mother's Day Gift!

There is a large poster or picture up in the entry ways of most Walmarts, or at least the one in Missoula and Kalispell, Montana, of a sophisticated 30 something woman, cool, calm, collected, and very smart looking, with her mother, a fatter older versions, of the beautiful daughter, with her arm around the daughter, head on her shoulder, and a gigantic smile . . . that is me and my daughter, only we are white, but same diff. Ever since Greta was a young child, she has had an intellectual bent, a research type personality--when she was six, and just learning to read, some kid in the neighborhood, called the boy, who lived next door, gay . . . Greta was not sure what that meant, so she told me she looked it up in the dictionary, and found it to mean, a person who is overly happy and excited . . . smile.

When another kid in the neighborhood, saw two bugs having sex, he said, look, those two bugs are humping.  Greta could not find that word in the dictionary, so to my horror, she asked her very liberal father who sat all the kids, all four, from about 8 to a baby, and told them the facts, of life, while I busied myself in the kitchen, peeking out, stunned at his bluntness, and waiting for the kids reactions . . . with total disgust on her face, Greta, said, in a reprimanding tone . . . I can't believe you and mom did that 4 times, and got up and walked outside.

That same intellectual curiosity, research ability has continued to this day . . . as well has her, innocence and to her husband's chagrin, purity of thought, and attitudes toward sex, hasn't changed much either.  Obviously, her little brother, Elliot, bass guitarist for God's Revolver & Maraloka, learned his dad's lesson well, as demonstrated on Thanksgiving.  Greta and Dallas, always cooked Thanksgiving Dinner, and Greta makes great, creative, new flavors for the turkey each year, those researching skills have only been perfected with the Internet, having been trained on computers while working in Navy Intelligence, with top security clearance, then working for IBM after getting out of the Navy.

She usually has so many good things to eat before the dinner, crab legs, cheesy spinach dip, brats, etc., that nobody cares about the traditional turkey dinner, by the time we have already dinned on scrumptious food all day . . . so full and ready for an evening of competitive Canasta card games, without old rivalries, everyone drops into bed.  Greta and Dallas lived in an ergonomically operated house, with a loft upstairs, for a bedroom, bathroom and sunny office.  The kids and Elliot and his girlfriend, where all down below, under the loft, but the house is very open.

Baby Brother, Drunk Elliot & Girlfriend Raucous Sex, Totally Oblivious

Greta and Dallas, had just purchased an new king size bed, but the bed squeaked a bit more than Greta thought was appropriate, having sex with guests down below them, rejecting every action of her amorous husband's advances, touched, kisses, until, she finally, said, No, stop it, Elliot and Rachel will hear us.  So frustrated, Dallas, rolled over a bit pissed off, but not half as pissed as he was going to be . . . drunken Elliot & Rachel, are as loud as they could be, laughing, tripping over things, going into the bathroom, and you know the drill . . . Greta is mortified, and Dallas just rolls over and looks at Greta, saying and you were worried about those two?  LOL . . . the difference between a first child, and the fourth, who was raised with Dad, while mom was in law school!  LOL!

My four children span the political and religious spectrum, from the most conservative, to the most liberal, with the researcher and the philosopher in the middle, the good man theory and the evidence and support seeker, all members of the family Geek Squad . . . love it.  Last year, Nicole, my arch conservative, homeschooling extraordinaire, listens to conservative talk radio, and very active Mormon, caught in the family and church, Mormon bubble, sent her sibs, a rather racist joke that would have played well, under the bubble, but not with her more worldly siblings.

Greta,very tactfully, constructed a well though out researched and supported, 5 page email, telling her little sister, that she raised from the second, we showed her a drawing of a baby in her mother's tummy, hanging on the fridge, next to the dinner table, teacher her to talk, walk, taught her Pig Latin, a secret language the two talked in for years, so mom and dad didn't know what they were talking about, to talking her sister into going into the Air Force . . . she researched before giving Nicole advice, the treated them better and boot camp was easier, so this little born mothering spirit, gently coached her little sis, living outside Washington, D.C. to avoid the rancor of the other three and society at large.

Elliot, the liberal, sent a one word response . . . bigot.  Nicole was pissed and wrote a blistering response, telling the family that she was just joking and couldn't we all chill out and take a joke?  Greta, again, took the time to kindly lead her sister, to a more politically correct way of speaking and writing.  Elliot, just responded to Nicole's email, again . . . bigot.  Greta, laughed and said, after all the time I took to explain how the more centrist and liberal side of the family felt toward the email, she said, Elliot's one word, probably did more than her well thought out 5 page letter.  LOL!

Why U of M Law School is Lucky to Get Greta

She is former, Navy Intelligence, with an $80,000 security clearance, with investigators going back to her first grade teacher, to every boyfriend, to see if she ever cheated on any of them, none.  She was in an elite division in the Navy, the group that was made up of co-ed, drill, band, and choir . . . performing almost the entire Navy graduation, with top military brass, in a huge airline hanger, with gigantic ships, painted, going all the way up the walls--she was a member of the first co-ed division, with about 9 divisions graduating every week, with only 68 divisions getting that honor, of Navy Hall of Fame, in the 85 years of Naval history . . . I hadn't heard Greta play the saxophone since, junior high, and she rocked it, couldn't stand still!  Fun, Fun, Fun!

Greta proudly served her country, in Crete, the island off of Greece, and served on an Air Force base in Japan, has been to, I believe, 19 other countries, did special missions, after her four years of service, in Bahrain and Washington, D.C.  She is a member of the Golden Key Honor Society, the world's largest, and sworn in, at Constitutional Hall, Washington, D.C., next to the White House . . . she completed her undergraduate degree and master degree with 3 rowdy little boys, that took down her, her Navy SEAL husband, both grandmas, and grandpas . . . future Navy Seal Dream Team, every high school football coach's dream come true . . . 3 beefy Hyland boys!

Greta was asked, as the only student, among 50,000, at the American University, with military members and students all over the world, to speak at a World Wild Life Conference in Hawaii, serving on a panel of world renown professors, on whether students could get as good an education online, as they could in the classroom.  She got all expenses paid, for a week hanging out with highly recognized scholars in the area of Natural Resource Management.  She has been in the hot bed of controversy on the Cliven Bundy, Nevada rancher, stand-off with the BLM, posting up to date, well researched and supported opinions, having worked with the Forest Service and the Utah Division of Natural Resources, defending the management of our public lands, in a rational, objective and scholarly way; see her blog, beautiful, informative, and balanced, at 
You can also check out her articles that have been published in the Utah Adventure Journal, I believe in the October 2013 issue, writing about the climbing communities lessons and reactions to the death of the pioneer in climbing, who fell to his death, died at age 40 and shocked the whole group . . . you can see the guns on this 30 something year old climber, who traded in her ballet toe shoes, for mountain climbing toe shoes . . . beat her husband at his own sport, now he is into mountaineering, but a stable in both communities, as well as the voice of reason, in Mormon, St. George, Utah . . . Dallas is the Christian at the Mormon BBQ!  LOL.  Greta, also has a second article called 3 Point 2 . . . I am a tee toddler, so I think that is what the article is called, on the underground beer creating and beer making parties, thriving in the stifled state of Utah.

Every college dream and mean ticket is publishing, Greta, I believe is now a monthly featured writer for the journal, and she has just been asked to write something short of a novel, but longer than a short story on the situation between the BLM and Bundy . . . working with experts in her area, and Amazon.  And she does all this with three little kids, a demanding relationship with her husband who wants to hang with her all the time, she is gorgeous on to of that, makes homemade bread, dinner every night, and takes off with her husband to deal with other rebels, and militia members, taring up the roads of Moab, and threatening and intimidating other BLM workers . . . there is a book out called The Impossible Life of Greta . . . I don't know how she does it all with style, grace and beauty!

I Saw A Hat The Other Day--It Had A Logo With a Shape of Montana, With the Words--LOCALS ONLY!

Glacier Park is the Crown Jewel of the Continent, and Montana is the crowning glory of life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness . . . need I say more . . . one, kid down, 3 to get here! I fucking love this state!  Sssshhhh . . . one of the coolest signs or billboards, I have ever seen, was just outside of Helena, heading toward Missoula, bright yellow, with a kids rendition of a smiling sun . . . it said, HEALTHY, MONTANA KIDS!

It took me four kids, four colleges, and 12 years to get my undergraduate degree.  My husband, Greta's father attended another 2, and I taught at three . . . all things considered . . . I can't think of a college, community, university atmosphere, community support, fun, activities, campus, bus service and all that beats, the University of Montana, and the Law School lets me hang and write my blogs there too . . . Greta, you can't go wrong here!

Time For Lunch--Food over Advice--Obviously; Tips for Law School Another Time; I have a Ton . . . my first Boss, Mark Nash, at the Utah Attorney Generals Office, Criminal Enforcement Division of the Utah Attorney Generals Office, Asked me how I liked law school, I told him I loved it . . . he said, if I would have known that, I wouldn't have hired YOU!  Easy . . . will share tips!


Tuesday, May 13, 2014


You Are Not Animals!

I used to have an old orange at the bottom, white on top, Volkswagen Van, you know, the old hippy machines, that before all the new laws on kids being in car seats, until they are 18 and emancipated, you used to let your kids, crawl over the seats, play the slapping game and other travel worthy games, slug bug and such, before the era of home entertainment, being brought from the house, to the car, van or truck, with videos to keep the kids busy.  One day, I took my son's kid, my son's best friend, and my son, without a name, and was going to the park or the duck pond to feed the ducks, the stale bread, or something to keep these 4 year old boys busy for a few hours out of the house, so my house would stay clean for 5 minutes.

I remember putting the boys in the van, and going back into the house for something, I think a snack or something, but when I got back to the van, and opened the back hatch, to the very back part of the van, I found these two little boys, wrangling and tussling, actually duking it out, in a serious way.  I immediately grabbed them both, and shoved each one of them up against the opposite side of the van, and screamed, You are not animals, now knock it off!  And that was that!  Period.  Never happened again.

Now, I am all about boys being boys, in a good sense, in a protective, even when called upon, for a good reason, to be combative, powerful, and intimidating, when dealing with an enemy, or a national threat, or real enemy combatants, and terrorists, fucking take them down!  However, just to be a menace, cold-hearted, and blood thirsty killers, for no apparent reason, other than they were trained to be killing machines--fuck NO!  We are seeing something in this nation, on our own streets, in our cities and towns, across the nation that is not only alarming, but shockingly unconstitutional.

Any Law That is Repugnant to the U.S. Constitution, Is Void, and Any Law that is Within the Letter & Spirit of the Constitution, Is Constitutional

Apparently, our treasonous, Congress, that is not planning on doing anything constructive, after the recent break, has actually, in all their ineptitude, done something astronomically harmful to the American People, and passed the National Defense Administration Act, or the NDAA, bringing war home, the Department of Homeland Security prepares for civil war . . . really?  Now, under what article and section is this coming under.  The only one, I can see that applies is Article III, Section 3, [1]--Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

If I remember right, two former signers of the U.S. Constitution, were tried for treason, for merely suggesting that we open trade and the borders with Canada!  So if all the hoopala, over troops rolling down your streets, taking over homes, and doing training exercises, on American soil, with the possibility of waging a war on American soil, under the auspice of setting up martial law, and dismissing the U.S. Constitution, and all rights of freedom and liberty, protections against such actions, would actually be considered, first void under the Constitution, and repugnant to it, and definitely not within the letter and spirit of the Constitution . . . so where do we go from here, do we let them, Congress and the President get away with this?  NO!

Just to give them the benefit of the doubt, that they are acting in the Best Interest of America, Rather than the Best Interest of the World Bankers, who if they can't get America into a war with Russia, China, Syria, or Pakistan . . . they will take a war on the American people . . . do ya, think?  War, is war, money is money--look at the videos of these militarized cops, FBI, and whomever, they all have to be outfitted with thousands of dollars each, and their little Homeland Security vehicles, are about $400,000 a piece, like the Bears, they are trying to equip and give grants to places, like Helena, Montana, as across the nation!

Powers Forbidden to Congress

Under Article I,  Section 9 [2], they might have some argument to suspend, the privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus, but only in the case of Rebellion or Invasions the public Safety may require it . . . but with blue skies, calm cities, and no rebellion or invasion . . . no excuses!  We fucking don't want a One World Order, nor anything to do with Yale, Skull & Bones Clubs, Wall Street junkies, addicted to our money, nor fucking Congress, who can't get anything done, unless it hurts the American People . . . so what in the hell is going on?

From the videos I have been watching on the subject, and seeing first hand evidence of the militarization of our police forces, along with the FBI, and other unknown cop agencies, connected with Homeland Security, I would say, whistleblowers are dead, center, right on . . . the civil war is shaping up right in front of our face, so why don't we force a national cleansing, and impeach everyone from the President to Congress as going to war with the United States!  From the little experiment after the Boston Bombers, with bus loads of police, taking charge of the city, while accomplishing little, but terrorizing the citizens--if you will remember, after all this show of power, macho, and alleged balls . . . it was a citizen who called in the report of the guy in the boat, seeing blood, and citizens, who actually caught cellphone shots of the guys, so police would know what they looked like!

So, what the fuck was all the show of power and force for, and did nothing!  Let's get real, America, we are getting less, for more . . . money, guns, vehicles, tanks, ammo, camo, boys toys, and that seems to be the extent of it, all the while, the economy is going to hell, well, almost.  Maybe this is Obama's plan to revive the economy, employ seamstresses sewing war outfits, car manufacturers to make jeeps and other vehicles of mass destruction . . . well, no that would be wrong too, this is all for the benefit of the government contractors like Halliburton!

A List of the Fun & Games We Can Look Forward To . . .

As the Department of Homeland Security plans for civil war on America, I guess because the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights is having a comeback, and we are expecting our government officials to actually do what they are suppose to do . . . protect our rights, rather than take them away, we are considered in a state of rebellion and invading the carte blanche power of the government as was the case under the fucking Bush Administration, with Obama, getting carried away with the power of it all too, rather than using his alleged knowledge of Constitutional Law, we will just lock up all dissidents and intellectuals, as myself, and have our way with the people!

Okay, this is what we get to expect: 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, when only 70 million rounds were used in the Iraq War, the creation of a New World Order, with a giant police force, war games practicing, preparation for martial law, a totalitarianism system of government--they liked those military marches in Red Square, Russia, or mowing down 400 students in Teanumen Square in China, or those awesome SS guys of Hitler's Nazi Germany . . . way cool, not!  My daughter, in Navy Intelligence, took a tour to China, she said the tension, and oppression in Teanamen Square was so thick, you could cut it with a knife, in response, she put on her navy blue sweats, with huge, USA, down the legs, and jogged through the square . . . we don't dig, oppression!  And we protect, 1st amendment rights to freedom of speech, and we dig our American Bill of Rights!

Sorry, back to the new America, draconian measures to control the people, prolonged detention, without charges, a hearing, and a limit to the amount of time you can be held in prison; see video of former CIA agent, Susan Linnauer, arrested under the Patriot Act, almost exactly my experience, but worse, Carswell Prison for female activists, her book is EXTREME PREJUDICE; institutionalized martial law, some would say in time, for Obama to continue to be president, with the U.S. Constitution out of the way; FEMA camps, 50 million plastic coffins, see, Jesse Ventura, FEMA camps, red dots or blue dots, so when foreign troops come on American soil, they will know to take the ones with blue dots to FEMA camps, and leave the red dots alone--I have never like the color blue, so I am safe.  LOL!

There plan is to confiscate the guns of the Christians, persecute them as a threat--the military has already announced Christians for guns, or reading the Bible are a threat, mircro chips in humans, Georgia family, pioneers in a new world, volunteered--remeniscent of taking the sign of the beast in the Book of Revelations, 666, the military needs to grow the fuck up and get with what America has always been about, God, Guns & the Constitution . . . try it, you might like it, Jesus loves you!  So there you have it, the brave new world, stinks to high heaven to me, what about you?

Suggestions to Stop the One World Order

  • if boys need to fight, sign up as mercenaries in Syria or some other country that has conflict and likes it
  • try paintball, you can get the same effect of shooting someone, war games, and victory
  • sequester the blood thirsty in a first amendment zone, and let them express their anger for each other
  • and if you get bored shooting each other, knives may be an option
  • you might try reading the U.S. Constitution and the Bible and see what you are giving up for money
  • try a new motto, rather than rewarding each other for kills, or stabbings, get a new mantra: in God We Trust, and In Jesus Christ We Are Saved . . . nice ring to it, totally American!
  • Could move to Utah, and get a few extra wives to take some of that edge off, good replacement for male aggression--the rest of your lives, are like animals fighting during the rut, so have a battle like the bull elk, the bull moose, etc., and let the best man win . . . the women in Utah are their worst enemies, so have at it!
  • perhaps arm wrestling, fishing, fishing with bow and arrow, from boats, for ugly black carp, rabbits are out by the thousands, at night in the deserts around St. George, plenty of target practice, before you decide to turn on your fellowmen and women, you are told to love!
  • maybe President Obama can run for King of England, they like nobility--Article I, Section 9 [8] No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States; And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, or any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign state . . . there is life after the presidency, I think you are out of luck on the Congress voting for you, they may pay for you to go to England, however!

The Best Defense is a Good Offense--the U.S. Constitution & Christianity Are the Biggest Deterents and Threats to a One World Order!

Militarized Cops Need Just Say "NO"--We Are Not Animals, Devouring Our Own Young & People--Hell, NO!


Lethal force may only be used legally in defense of an occupied structure when the person believes “force is necessary to prevent an assault upon the person or another then in the occupied structure” or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony. A felony is any crime punishable by one year or more in the state prison. A “forcible felony” is any felony where force or threat of force is used.

Thus, the circumstances in which a person may legally use lethal force, such as a firearm, under Montana’s castle doctrine is a fairly narrow and legally defined set of conditions.
I have trained more than 4,000 students, in classrooms and on the range in handgun self-defense classes. I advise my students that it is always better, if it can be done safely and with sound tactics, to not use lethal force. Whenever lethal force is used, everyone involved suffers to one extent or another — physically, legally, financially, emotionally and/or psychologically.
However, I tell my students, there certainly are times when the price will be higher not to use lethal force than to use lethal force. It may cost a person his or her life to not adequately defend that life.
If a person has no other choice but to use lethal force, then it is critical to know the rules, much more than I can convey here. That’s why I strongly recommend to those who have not taken my class that they should never settle for the training that came in the box with their gun.
If you own a firearm that you may depend on for self defense, take a class. Study. Learn. Be informed!
Gary Marbut is the author of the book, “Gun Laws of Montana.” He is accepted in state and federal courts as an expert concerning self defense and use of force, and is president of the Montana Shooting Sports Association, which advocates for gun owners in Montana.
Gary Marbut, presidentMontana Shooting Sports Associationwww.mtssa.orgauthor, Gun Laws of Montana
About Montana Shooting Sports Association:MSSA is the primary political advocate for Montana gun owners. V

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The Key To Gun Control or Ownership is Responsibility

This morning, Gary Marbut, was on a local radio show, talking about Montana Self Defense Laws; Gary was the one who drafted the current law, to be found in Montana Code Annotated, 45-3-103.  I am not going to take the time to discuss the law with you, because the law has been around since 2009, and I am sure, Montanans, know the law better than I do, just becoming familiar with Montana state laws, in general, one law at a time, and all of the rest of you readers, need to look up your own state statutes or laws pertaining to self-defense, under traditional self-defense, castle doctrine, stand your ground, or defense of an occupied structure, or whatever the law is called in your state.

I have worked with legislators both locally and nationally, testified in hearings and committees, but what I will tell you is that, most state laws are very similar in content, idea, and language.  Usually, one state will come up with a great law, and the rest of the states follow, then tweak the law to fit the culture, people and customs of their states, or in other words, New York state law will differ significantly from Montana; however, the western states, who share similar ideologies, cultures, histories, politics, and whatnot, will have similarly situated laws.  So, what I am saying, it don't read the law in Montana, when you are from Chicago, and think that is the law in your own state.  

Gun laws, probably differ more than any other state laws, due to the hot topic and emotions that go with gun ownership or the desire for gun control, so watch and know, you have similar laws, but state by state, they will differ slightly, depending on the similarities of the states, or the demographically different political structures.  But states not only get legislative ideas from each other at conferences, or through research by state legislative counsels, or through news media, or sharing with friends and colleagues through nationwide conferences, in shared professions.  

You also need to know that there are national legislative ideas that can be found in the Model Penal Code, or through organizations, like ALEC, although well funded, might not be politically reliable, in the sense that they may be funded and promoted by either conservative or liberal sources, and may or may not reflect the culture, politics, demography, social and other values and morals of a particular state or local.  While I was working for Americans United for Life, based in Chicago, but with nationwide recognition and following, aiding states with legislation dealing with life issues, from abortion, to physician assisted suicide, I would have to do research in all 50 states, and most always, state copied each other's legislation, all but Louisiana, who followed the French legal system, rather than the English common law, but I understand that they have now changed that, and have gone with the rest of the country--good move!

Regardless of the Laws, Life is Your First Priority--You Have a Duty

We have a hot topic issue here in Missoula, Montana, that is heating up the air waves, politicians, cops, county attorneys, and defense attorneys, and interested citizens.  We had, several weeks ago, a situation of a foreign exchange student from Germany, with another foreign exchange student, I believe from Ecuador, who both learned about garage hopping or garage shopping from their American teenage friends.  On the night of this tragedy, these two foreign students, less familiar with the gun culture in Montana, allegedly went into an open garage, just one of them, looking for alcohol, and while the one teen entered the garage, the owner, who had previously been robbed on several occasions, opened fire, four rounds were fired, and the young man, was hit in the head and the arm, killing him.

This is tough case, the owner doesn't know who has been robbing him, he has a wife and child he is trying to protect, purses, marijuana, paraphernalia, credit cards, and such have been taken in the weeks prior to the shooting.  The homeowner is claiming self-defense, I am not going to expound or give my opinion, other than to make kind of like the good neighbor policy defense or suggestion . . . always protect human life, over property!  Once someone is dead, they are dead, plain and simple, no bringing them back--the property in your garage, or home, no matter how precious, can't be more valuable, than the life, of even the worst criminal.

A wife, child or grandchild are in a different arena than property, you have to protect them from home invasions, threats of assault, rape, violence and even death.  That ratchets up the stakes a bit more than the property in your garage, your yard, or even your home, when you are not home.  I, in my law practice, even on prioritizing my time, which as any attorney knows, is limited, used the constitutional priorities of the founding fathers, of (1) life; (2) liberty; and (3) property or the priorities from the Declaration of Independence, (1) life; (2) liberty; and (3) the pursuit of happiness.

Violent Videos, Movies, Militarization of Police, All Have Made Life Cheap

As a nation, and a world, we have become desensitized to violence, injury and death . . . all unbecoming of civilized societies, we are better than this!  Life is precious, an amazing gift, who knows that this young man, that was just out on a teenage outing, not so different than we all did as young adults, still not well versed in laws, property, ownership, and guns, just our to have a good time, we are invisible and nothing will ever happen to us . . . or so we think at that age.  But sad to say, it does happen to often to kids just cutting loose, some for the first time in their lives, and sometimes the one and only time, they will ever break the law, or teeter on the edge of the law, with an infraction.

There is a reason, we have a juvenile justice system in this country, kids are not adults, they are having a hard time getting through life, growing pains, rebellions, that are normal processes of growing up, spreading their wings, and jumping out of the nest, some to safe landings, others to not so safe landings.  However, we as adults need to be the fence at the top of the hill, rather than the ambulance or hurst at the bottom of the hill . . . Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher and teacher, or actually, I think it was Plato, in his essay on the Republic, that if parents don't teach their children, the law will.  I don't know about you, but I would much rather teach my child than have the law teach them . . . so we as parents have a duty to our children, and with caution, so do neighbors . . . these families, the one who shot the kid, and the host family, of the boy that was shot, live just doors down from each other . . . hard stuff!

Mom, What Would You Do If I Was In Jail For the Rest Of My Life?

What?  My son, the one who won't let me use his name, the older brother of Elliot, had been given a ticket, while at a soccer game up in Park City, Utah, along with one of his friends, Brian, who won't read this blog, so I can use his name, for underage drinking, due to the fact that a police officer smelled alcohol on their breaths.  Now, the game was during the day, and that was very out of the character I know of my son, and cops didn't like me, but just for the teaching moment, let's say, that the ticket was above board.

I don't know how long my son had the ticket or how long he had agonized about going to jail for the rest of his life, but as a parent, and also a former staff attorney for the Utah Prosecution Council, knowing all or most of the prosecutors in the state, or at least they knew of me, I was stunned that my son, didn't come and talk to me sooner.  I was a pretty hard core mother, drill Sargent type, firm but fair, or maybe he didn't understand that I had connections, although I wouldn't have used them, but I was almost glad that he wrestled with the idea of going to jail the rest of his life, and he has never been in trouble since.

If I remember correctly, I took him, my nameless son, and his friend Brian to lunch and up to court, from Salt Lake, and we got the judge to reduce the class c misdemeanor to an infraction, and paid some small fine. But that was a valuable lesson to him, of what could happen to him, if he were to get a more serious charge against him--he is very law abiding to this day.  My youngest son got caught, in 7th grade, smoking marijuana with a friend, again, I did not shield him from the charges, took the 6 weeks of classes with him, and watched him as he was taken out of his junior high, and had to attend an alternative school, which he hated.  He, also has never had another brush with the law.

Parents, do not shield your children from the consequences of their actions . . . many times if they get away with it once or twice, they feel above the law, then they turn into Enron or Wall Street types, living life without a conscience!  Youth is a time of fun, excitement, protection, and learning . . . 

Parents, Neighbors & Communities--We Have A Duty To Our Youth

We can lead by example, statistics, stories, facts.  This young man's life, may not go in vain, if we use this tragic event in our community, to teach parents, citizens, youth and children, to respect other people persons and property . . . the basis of property law and criminal law, don't infringe on the rights of others, the right to privacy . . . they have to learn, this doesn't come from osmosis!

Apparently, there is some dialogue, going on between the Germans, where this boy was from, and America . . . we do have a gun culture, they have safety, but do they have freedom, their guns were confiscated . . . we can help understand each other better, our laws, their laws, thus understanding the countries better.  We are still the wild, wild west, in many ways.  We live in a state, that just barely, last summer, I believe, got the millionth person . . . that is still way rural.

One of my friends in Kalispell, who grew up there, tells me stories, I can't believe, about poaching deer to stay alive, cutting it up and stuffing in the back seat of a sedan, with blood all over the windows, just driving by the sheriff . . . this meat was a matter of survival, back in the 70's, for her and her family.  She tells me stuff that I would only think my grandparents, might, and I am saying might tell me, and I might not believe them!  She keeps telling me that Montana is just out of the horse and buggy stage . . . I find it romantic, delightful, entertaining, and fun.  What do I know, it is culture shock for me, and I am from a state that is closely associated through politics with Montana, Utah, who is more backward in other ways . . . like polygamy!

Responsible Gun Owners--Stay Away From Alcohol, Bad Sides of Town, Hanging Out With Questionable People

I have joked, but it is not so funny anymore, that due to the large numbers of guns in each home in Montana, there are few robberies, burglaries, and small, petty crime . . . but when there is a crime, it goes straight to murder!  I belief it was Plato, that also said, the unexamined life, is not worth living, and to thine own self be true . . . you don't need to go through the agony and trauma, of someone who kills someone, unless, there is a threat of eminent danger, justifying lethal force . . . and know yourself!

My cousin, Doyle, from a rural Utah county, was up drinking with his best friend, nonetheless, and they got in an argument, drinking makes the nicest people unbearable, and my cousin's friend slit his throat and left him for dead.  But for the cold weather, that coagulated the blood, or froze it, while my cousin slept off the alcohol, he would have died.  A country western song, about voices from our parents and grandparents, that echo in our minds for life, has a line that says, grandpa told me to have a few, but to never cross that line, referring to alcohol . . . deaths, assaults and rapes, are mostly connected to alcohol . . .S drink responsibly and you will probably use a gun responsibly.

Some People Think, Every Woman Should Have A Gun . . . I Have a Pistol Temper, and Write With Words, Sharper Than a Two Edged Sword

I went to the Gun & Ammo Shop, in either Kalispell, or Evergreen, Montana, not sure where the city lines end and start, but I told the shop attendants, who happened to formerly be sheriffs, so maybe that is why they suggested the 2600 Rugar, to me, when I told them I was contemplating getting a gun.  Holy shit, I picked up that gun and immediately dropped it, expecting them to give me a pink, Saturday Night Special or something.  I was not raised with guns, nor around them much, although my father always carried a pistol in the side pocket or glove box of his car, but I picked that gun up and freaked out, and said, that gun could kill someone!  They kind of looked at me, in a city girl fashion, and said, that is the idea . . .

I for one, am not mature enough to have a gun, I will have to take my chances with wit, charm, deviousness, breaking fantasies, cunning, or escape, because, I know myself, I am slow to react, usually in disbelief as realize the seriousness of the situation I am in, or think this is one fucking stupid joke . . . and those attitudes have saved me on many occasions.  And I have full faith, in my ability to be smart enough to avoid most scary situations . . . I am grateful for my Mormon upbringing, that I don't drink, use drugs, or smoke.  I did follow not having sex before I was married, but the Church failed to mention, no sex after marriage or divorce.  So?

I Read This Quote on the Elevator Wall at St. Patrick's Hospital, Missoula, Montana

Seriousness is a sickness, your sense of humor makes you more human, more humble.  The sense of humor--according to me--is one of the most essential parts of religiousness.

My Prayers Go Out, Both For the Man Who Shot the Boy, and for the German & American Families and Friends Who Will Be Forever Without This Young Man--SOB.

Monday, May 12, 2014


Seems to Me, These Western Rough Riders Have A Choice to Make--And It Will . . . Be Pretty!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  I love where Utah has found itself, while bragging about the all Mormon, all Republican, all controlled by the Mormon Church, with a few exceptions, voting on a bill that would, now, hold on to your britches, buster, force the federal government to turn all land controlled by the United States, over to Utah . . . LOL!  Did you really get that much muscle out of the Mormon, Clive Bundy Ranch deal . . . or are you following his constitutional law lessons, provided, courtesy of the posse comitatus?  LOL.  Holy Shit, only in UTAH!  National fools in the spotlight again; gay marriage, now being challenged in court, after a U.S. Supreme Court ruling, now this? Really?

Maybe you ought to go to the bottom of Clive Bundy's blog, and see who's blog is powering his . . . hello, you got it, mine!  I am sure that the Mormon controlled NSA, with 30,000 Mormon spies watching my computer, phones, and comings and goings, to protect, twin sister, with a size 44 DDD chest, courtesy of a plastic surgeon, oh, sorry, it really was simply vitamins!  LOL!  Who would have guessed that going to a meeting, I didn't know anything about, would lead to looking under the covers of why all the western states, Mormon colonizer, Brigham Young, sent families, many polygamist families, who could multiply like rabbits into, would lead to a connect to the current land dispute with the federal government!  LOL!  

I call it poetic justice!  Try to convince me, that women in Utah, and the Mormon Church, are not property or chattel, you just hooked Cliven Bundy up to my blog, without even having to use a password!  Really, so much for privacy, 4th amendment, copyright laws, the Digital Millennium Act . . . ratcheting up the lawsuit, that is just ready to pop out of these, flying fingers that type faster than most of you, MoMo's read!  SHOCKINGLY UNCONSITUTIONAL, BUT HEY, SO IS POLYGAMY, THAT WAS FORBIDDEN FOREVER, as a condition for statehood . . . THE MORMON LEGISLATURE CAN TAKE CARE OF THAT, JUST DO WHAT YOU DID WITH THE BROCK AND RICE, SECURITY CASE, UP AND WALKS AWAY!

i mean, get serious, didn't my Southwick parents give me birth and raise me, didn't the Mormon Church teach me the gospel, didn't the J. Reuben Clark, Law School at Brigham Young University train you in the law?  The better question is, obviously, I didn't listen to my very Mormon parents, the Mormon Church, or BYU, or I wouldn't be writing this, and they couldn't have stolen my life, up to and including this blog, trying to capitalize on the knowledge that for the most part, I gained on my own . . . do you see any other Mormon attorneys, standing up to the Mormon Church, with 70% of the CIA, FBI, NSA controlled with total access to all I write, and having infiltrated almost every level of the federal government, fighting this patriarchal bull shit?  NO, they are too brainwashed and qualify as useful idiots, promoting Mormon doctrine!  Mitt Romney, may you never rest in peace!

My Sordid, And Rather Colorful History With Polygamy

As a child, growing up in Utah and California, mostly Utah, Emma Smith, wife of the first prophet of the Mormon Church, Joseph Smith was rarely talked about, rather questionable lady in the decades past, as was polygamy, a hush, hush topic.  So I neither knew or thought much about the doctrine or the subject of polygamy, that is until I got married!  I moved with my husband, Richard Clifton Secrist, after he graduated from the University of Utah, to Arizona, to get a master degree in Urban Development, him, of course, not me . . . I was the 19 year old wife, baby by 20!  The Prophet said, don't put off your family for your education . . . so like the useful idiot I was in those days, I got pregnant, two weeks after I got married, and between the two of us, it took us 14 years to get both of us educated, and four kids.  Law school came after the divorce, I would attribute to the fact that we never saw each other for 15 years, due to church callings, city and county commission meetings, school, family, and no time to get to know each other . . . he is, however and wonderful man, and contributed amazing DNA, to my four off the charts, cool children!

But while in Arizona, the best thing that happened to me, I was around Mormon women, who were pregnant and getting their PhDs in physical education, or didn't have kids, getting their law degrees, or already educated.  I thought I had to have 6 kids and bake homemade bread forever!  Yahoo!  So, while my husband was getting his masters, he encouraged me to work on my undergraduate degree at the University of Arizona . . . that changed my course of life, not only for education, but for my views on polygamy.  It is that before those years, I never thought about sharing my husband with another women, and I am of the Emma Smith, leave me in Missouri, marry a non-Mormon, blow off Brigham Young's advances, and tell the brethren of the Mormon Church to stick it, Joseph, her dead husband had put all the furniture in the Mansion House, in Emma's name, and she was keeping it for the humiliation Joseph had caused her, doing much was FLDS prophet, Warren Jeffs, leader of the polygamist sect, recently convicted of raping a 12 year old child, when a tape of the 21 minutes of Jeffs grunting and heavy breathing, ended with an, Amen, followed by three women, probably one was her mother, and one of his spiritual wives, just like her young daughter being raped on the tape, is being broken in to be, chiming in to say, unanimously, Amen!

Just a side legal note, Utah overturned Warren Jeffs conviction, for an issue of jury instructions, leading the jury down the primrose path to a conviction, a reversible error, or a planned protection, by the patriarchal system that still believes in polygamy, protects, and nurtures it, with former attorney general, Mark Shurtleff, pretending to get rid of it, while refusing to allow prosecution without another crime connected to polygamy, a felony, but hey, it is easy to prove welfare fraud, child abuse, sexual abuse, and a myriad of other crimes, but, we really are going to look the other way, don't you love that show, Big Love or Sister Wives . . . man those guys are lucky, on day we will get our 10 virgins promised in the Doctrine and Covenants, or we can convert a bunch of Muslims, and then say, see he can have 4 wives, and then refuse to do it under the auspice of religious freedom!

Thanks God, Texas fried Warren Jeff's ass, with a body guard stating that Jeffs, who no more lived his religion that fly to the moon, stating that Jeffs had up to 180 wives, all pining away for him, trained to be sweet, were told that they were not righteous enough for him, repent, while he is in a Hawaiian shirt, using followers credit cards, driving and SUV, and riding around with wild women in his car.  Utah didn't apprehend Jeffs, the Attorney General, from Arizona, hired a private investigator, who teamed with a woman from St. George, who helped women escape polygamy, who eventually caught the guy!  Polygamy is like cancer, spreading its insidious tentacles, going from state to state, but it is the original state colonized that are suffering for the penis!

Mormons Are As Threatened By A Thinking Female, As Is the Taliban, the Nigerians, or the Al Queda

We studied Church history, at our student ward in Tucson, Arizona.  Now there was a singles ward, that met in the same building as the married student's ward met.  I also took an institute of religion class, as nights on Church history . . . the professor, prefaced his remarks, with telling anyone with a weak testimony of the Church, they might not want to take the class . . . those two experiences, changed everything.  I actually started to think, what if I had to share my husband, could I, would I be faithful?  The more I thought, the more pissed off I got, the more I read, I started to enter the fast and furiously pissed of level!  I started to debate with all the male members of the ward.  Finally, one philosophy student, married, and our best friend couple in the ward, called me one day, and asked me if Zeke, what I called my husband, a childhood thing, grew up in the same neighborhood, could attend the singles ward with him . . . not funny, FRED!

i studied the roots of polygamy, read the Old Testament of the Bible, with Sarah offering Hagar, her hand maiden, the root of all conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians today, to Abraham, her husband to bear him children, until she had one at 80!  Then kicked Hagar out, but found favor from the Lord; however, God was pissed and Sarah for starting this!  Then you have King David, who had 700 wives and concubines, and still cheated with Bathsheba!  What the hell . . . so the Book of Mormon, Jacob 2, states that polygamy is an abomination to the Lord, and he hears the tender cries of the wives and children of men, wanting more than one wife . . . and God forbids it.

However, there is always and exception to every rule, and Mormons love the exception, to raise up a righteous seed . . . and they will lie, cheat, steal, rob, kill, to appear righteous, and put down those who they feel are not righteous, like myself, and then they will sub in a Mormon muffin, who is actually worse, but I do swear, but she has bigger boobs, so she gets to be me, because people like the militias, conservatives, and liberals, alike, dig my writing, or blog, so just power your Mormon agenda that I hate with my blog, take the money, while I won't, and build the kingdom of God, allegedly!

I just couldn't, as a young, very faithful Mormon, rectify the difference between a loving God, finding polygamy and abomination, and attending the tears of the women and children, telling men, they were to have one wife, and concubines, none, for hell sake, look what Sarah caused!  What, 5000 years later, fighting over who has the birthright or gets the Dome of the Rock, or the Temple site?  Come on? To the Doctrine & Covenants, Section 132, current Mormon scripture, stating that if a man finds 10 virgins, he can marry them, and if they don't bear the vessels of men, they will be destroyed!  Sounds like the current, Republican Party!  Needless to say, I was not digging this study, and the outcome; therefore, I looked to the Bible, the universally accepted gospel of Christ . . . it said that a bishop can only be the husband of one wife!  So there you have it, in a nutshell, a Mormon Bishop is to only have one wife!

As I Continued My Intellectual Pursuit of Knowledge, Getting More and More Ammo to Use Against the Male Patriarchy, My Husband Banned the Subject in Our Home, but ONLY after He Heard that Women Were Encouraged to Marry Up in the Church and Could Be Sealed to More Than One Man!

There is a Mormon, intelligentsia in the Church, believe it or not, the September 7 all got excommunicated, as is the path for all good seekers, but a group meets at the same time of the Mormon Church holds education week at BYU, so the intellectuals, myself included, or used to, head to the Sunstone Symposium, held in Heathenville, in Salt Lake City . . . the sight of God's first university, where the University of Utah is located, with a strong anti-Mormon faction, and a few Democrats, and now the Gay Capitol of the U.S.A., they asked for it!

The Mormon Republicans, actually, entertained the thought, that if they allowed gay marriages in Utah, that might get rid of the Utah Constitutional provision that said, marriage is a contract between a man and a woman, and might open the door for polygamy!  But . . . no, they decided to stick to their guns, and file suit or rather, an appeal, against the federal judges finding that a ban on gay marriage was unconstitutional under the 14th amendment.

Things were calm in our home, with a balance of power, that I too, could take on an old high priest, over an elder in the Mormon Church, and his grandmother, who was married to an asshole, married to another woman, got pissed one day, and had the Bishop marry her to a dead lover, as his wife!  You know, proxy baptisms and marriages!  Check out, the Colbert Report on Mormon Proxy Baptism of the Jewish Holocaust Victims.  LOL!

Me and my husband, moved to Provo, birthplace of the Church's, wanna be, Harvard of the West.  I started a master level, degree in Ancient Scripture Studies, wrote a paper on Mother in Heaven, her divine presence in the Book of Proverbs . . . while God created the earth . . . I was there, before the foundations, check out the Biblical Wisdom, always female!  I know that would blow the male ego that God only has one wife!  LOL!  Christ already told you not to have more than one, side stepping the twin relics of barbarism, slavery and polygamy!  Too bad, modern Mormon men and women, sorry to say, support polygamy, but only if you consider yourself, you know elite, righteous enough to live the principle . . . that is why I am making sure you know, I am not righteous, as far as I can get . . . don't even look this way guys, not going there!

The Utah Constitution Days; Tarp Money, and the Utah Legislature, Dealing with Polygamy . . . God, Lord?

So, I was taken out of commission for 10 years, an attorney now, but either poisoned or an alleged genetic disease, going after this woman's brain . . . nice target, boys!  But, at least, I was not dead, luckily, unlike, many others who take on the government, as I had . . . the males still found some level of fuckability, in the hot, 46 year old they poisoned, so I lucked out, but time if running out, Hooters is most likely winning.  LOL!  An aging, brainless beauty, maybe?  But, I came back like a Mormon male wrecking ball, unlike Mylee Cyrus, I kept my clothes on . . . but the effect was the same!

I had used the Utah Constitution once before, to take down the cops and prosecutors, with asset forfeiture legislation, that spread to 27 states; therefore, I had time, once I recovered from the alleged, terminal illness, and I am sure they regret, not just shooting me, at this point, but hit Utah politics hard, with partner, former civil air patrol, and civics teacher, Patricia Kent, a Tea Party member, from St. George, and printer, we put together a pocket sized copy, with legal contributions to show and train people on how the federalist system of republican form or representative form of government worked, complicated stuff, same stuff we are dealing with on the land issues, to help people, elected officials on the local and state level understand how the federal and state constitutions work together.

I got permission to put the Official State of Utah Seal on the cover, and Patricia did a marvelous job of designing a uniquely, Utah looking book, that resembled a Mormon Relief Society cookbook . . . way cute and totally, Utahan.  A collector's item by now, because, with the piece I put, that was originally a slam to the then, Utah Attorney General, Mark Shurtleff, who was a friend, and also asked me to run his campaign in 2000, if I wasn't going to run, wanted the new or 4th Congressional seat, that Chris someone got, 16 years after I purchased a home in St. George to set up residency, knowing that would be the region or the gerrymandered area, as the most conservative part of the state, that at this later date, after I recovered from my terminal, brain disease, was not electable, I didn't have a cocktail, with me, even though, all the great things on my resume were done while I was single . . . unelectable in Southern Utah!  

But, my Mormon sister, with 6 kids and a husband was a possible candidate, are you fucking kidding me, I have to have a dick attached to me, wouldn't I be more available to do my job, Shurtleff, who was anticipating running for Governor, would consider putting me in a cabinet position, or I would have to start at the city council level to even be looked at . . . I told the Republican women leaders, who were freaking out, due to the fact that it was the YEAR OF THE WOMEN IN POLITICS, that I just might be the Republicans opponent in the upcoming election for U.S. Congress, but I also found out that there were already 4 males to fill that position . . . so forget that!

So, I busied myself if other critical issues, like the plan, me and 15 St. George residents put together to get troops out of Afghanistan . . . I am sure my doubles have long claimed that one, since Hillary Clinton and President Obama, actually did get a copy I faxed from the Dixie State College, now University (?) fax machine, due to the fact that I hadn't touched a computer for 8 years, so I got to use the colleges computer lab, not bothered, since I did two free presentations for the college, one was filmed then dubbed over with my thinner twins body, but my teaching, Survivial Grammar, I learned while an English major at Weber State College, now University, but with the same college President, now Mormon general authority, pay off or the cover up?  I discovered another Joann S. Secrist, registered at the college, using my birth date and social security number!  This conspiracy is large and wide, no one in Utah, no involved, getting that way in Montana, a lot of Mormons here too, stepping on toes in Helena, Kalispell, Whitefish, and Missoula . . . about anywhere in the western U.S.

I Discovered, Polygamy Was Unconstitutional in the Utah State Constitution--Monumental!  Yahoo!  Total Ammo Against the Principle!

Excitedly, I approached, the then speaker of the House of Representatives, David Clark, Vice President of Zion Bank in St. George, sure he would share the same enthusiasm as me, seeing our attorney general, ran on the Republican ticket, and was going to clean up polygamy, the 70,000 just in the Salt Lake Valley alone, so I thought, wrongly, this would be great news and help the legislature and law enforcement proceed against the law breakers . . . In Utah, Church runs deeper than state, deeper than the constitutions, both of them, and you are starting to see my drift, Clive Bundy's upraising, and Utah founding fathers, who couldn't get the benefits of the Union, of the United States of America, unless they got rid of polygamy, which is forbidden, or was forbidden forever, but now removed from the document!

I naively approached Speaker Clark, a former BYU football player, about getting some new TARP money to fund a printing of the state's constitution and fun facts, providing copies for all members of the legislature, the city and county, governments, that should be using it as their bible for running state business.  I pointed out, what I think was Section 22, banning polygamy and also one banning the other relic of barbarism, enslavement--which are both elements of polygamy . . . he, like all good Mormon men, who believe like Muslims, that they are entitled to more than one Mormon pussy, just sat there silence, asked for a copy, which I provided, even before printing, thinking he would approach the legislature about funding copies for all elected officials, or at least give copies to the legislature at the opening ceremonies, as a monumental event, honoring our Utah founding father . . . no only no, but HELL NO!

Just when I thought I had the polygamy issue killed, dead, as the Great Salt Lake, with no outlets to the see, so all marriages officiated and sealed out on the Lake under allegedly Maritime or Admiralty Law were null and void . . . the answer from Clark came back, no, why?  I had no idea, it threatened the very fabric of the Mormon Church, the Mormon belief system, and God only knows, Heaven itself!  And that dastardly email, I converted to print in the Utah Constitution, Polygamy a Problem Then & a Problem Now . . . referring to the Warren Jeffs, FLDS, polygamist group in Texas, the XYZ Ranch, currently in the news, was the reason, many people happy to get their hands on this cute book, wanted their money back, when they read the actual history of statehood, the Reynold's case that challenged the clause as unconstitutional under the 1st amendment, freedom of religion clause, they lost, the Mormon Manifesto, the scepticism the nation had, not trusting the Mormon run Utah to clean up the problem . . . never did clean it up, it just went underground, to Mexico, Canada . . . and tunnels, like the ones just discovered out in the west desert, were created to hide Church and other leaders, who continued the PRINCIPLE, long after either the Manifesto, or the state's Enabling Act in 1896!

Connect the Dots, Brothers & Sisters, Not Hard to See Why I Got My Life Stolen, Why Clive Bundy and Crew Have Direct Access Into My Blog, and Use My Wealth, I Never Got, Against Me . . . I AM A THREAT TO THE MALE, MORMON PATRIARCY!  THEY CONSIDER ME THEIR PROPERTY!  GET ALL ACCESS, MONIES MADE, CASES WON . . . WE ARE BETTER THAN THIS AMERICA!

Sunday, May 11, 2014


Total Disclaimer To Any Association With The Southwick Family, The Mormon Church, Utah, BYU, The Utah State Bar, the United States Federal Court of the District of Utah, The CIA, FBI, or 30,000 Mormon Spies in the Utah Based NSA, All Acting As Arms of the Mormon Church, or CLIVEN BUNDY, Who Is Using My Blog to Power His Blog & Give Your Money!

If you go to the bottom of the Bundy Blog, down to the very bottom of the blog spot, you will see the words, Powered by Blogger . . . if you click on the orange word, blogger, it will go directly to my blog, but without my picture, my bio information, and most likely censored by the Mormons, you know the "V" chip, parents can put in to monitor what their children look at . . . well, that is not the way I operate, I figure if you don't like swear words, don't read my fucking blog!  And in doing so, you throw out the baby with the bath water!  And that is pure stupidity! 

Any wonder why the CIA or FBI can't catch the thieves of my case money, blog money, or my son's music, because the CIA, FBI, NSA, SOUTWICK FAMILY, BYU, UTAH STATE BAR, FEDERAL DISTRICT BAR, IS THE MORMON CHURCH!  Be very careful . . . this is Sunday, so I am going to add scripture, be wise as a serpent, and gentle as a dover!  The great imitator wants your soul . . . the Mormons, through Mitt Romney, Brock and Rice, alleged God's Revolver and Maraloka, want your soul, they are battling for the world . . . and they need me and you to do it!  

Fear not, they are not smart enough to do this alone, so they steal, rob, cheat, hid, lie, imitate, copy, so you will think that the Mormon Church is so wonderful, denying their century long, dirty little secret--FUCKING POLYGAMY, THAT FUCKED ALL WESTERN STATES, THAT SECOND PROPHET OF THE MORMON CHURCH HELPED COLONIZE OR SETTLE, ALL ABOUT THE ALMIGHTY PENIS AND THE STUPID PENISETTES, THAT PANDER TO THEIR FUCKING LIES!

Why That Dumb Ass, Governor Gary Herbert, That is Crowing Like A Rooster With a Dozen Hens Supporting Him, Won't Prevail . . .

Utah is bragging that the Utah Legislature just passed a bill telling or demanding that the federal government has to turn all 66% of the land in Utah, under the control and ownership of the United States to Utahans--well, not hard considering the source, all Mormon, Republican Legislature--wow, I am not impressed, and they are stupid to boot!  This is grandstanding, but with no merit or legal authority to support their breach of contract, or violation of their own Utah Constitution, or the United States Constitution . . . not a surprise, Mormons think they are above the law, they believe in the exceptions to the 10 Commandments, and they are law breakers . . . look at Clive Bundy!  Not my guy!  Not on my payroll, no connections, should be prosecuted for communications fraud, wire fraud, identity theft, listening to that stupid ass sister, who wants to be me so bad, her twad hurts!

I reside at 521 Hartman Avenue, #1, Missoula, Montana, with Tony Ostemierer, on the payroll, my landlord for the next few days . . . he was a Mormon for 2 years, until his wife didn't go along, probably with polygamy!  After I wrote my blog on the government infiltrating, he brought my attention to some guys who allegedly is undercover, and is really, none other than, President Obama's, campaign manager, Jim Messina, of Bozeman, Montana . . . I guess they wanted to set me up on that one, and thought I would make a fool of myself, by putting it in my blog, like Tony suggested I do . . . I know who President Obama's campaign director is and was . . . I voted for Obama, helped him against Mitt Romney!  

The whole Obama administration was on my gmail account, just days before the November 6th or 7th, 2008 elections, after the NSA, shut down my other gmail account, Joe Bidden, Michelle Obama, David Axelrod, and Jim Messina, were all immediately put on my list, before I had a chance to do anything or get other contacts, so . . . sorry, CIA and FBI cover operatives, you are the stupid ones, who keep underestimating me!

Utah & Other Western States, Might Have Had An Argument Under the 14th Amendment, Equal Protection Clause, Uniform Operation of Laws

Under the United States Constitution, Article I, Section 8 (1) . . . all duties, imposts, and excises for the common defense and general welfare shall be uniform throughout the United States.  While not dealing directly with federally managed land, the concept is a generally accepted on under the Constitution, that of equality between the states, being treated similarly, not discriminating against any state, prejudicing any state, or being unfair . . . these go to the basics of the Constitution, the principles and concepts.

In Clive Bundy's video, teaching the U.S. Constitution, he states, that each man is sovereign, that all states are of equal standing under the United States, you can see, that each state has a boundary, and each county has a boundary . . . the sheriff is the only person with any authority over the sovereign individual, and the United States is basically, just a relic from history back when the British Empire fought American colonies, and nothing more . . . so that is why he doesn't recognize the federal government; he did not get that from me, the U.S. Constitution, nor the state of Nevada Constitution, nor any oath that a sheriff has to pledge to obey.

He and apparently, the whole fucking state of Utah, who only recognizes the Mormon Church, dictating what all the entities I listed above, who are working as arms of the Church, now my troubles in Utah are making more sense, all these entities, only recognize the posse comitatus, nor the United States Constitution, that actually expects a separation of church as state, not a state sponsored church or rather a state sponsored by the Church . . . scary, scary business, that is why, all states, settled by Mormon pioneers, which is all western states, with a massive colonization effort by Brigham Young, both the President of the Mormon Church and the Governor . . . are you seeing the historical errors that have perpetuated throughout the centuries . . . of stinkin thinkin!

Sections that Suggest Equal Protection for States--In State's Favor

Under the heading, powers forbidden to Congress, Article I, Section 9 [6], No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one State over those of another; nor shall . . . ; therefore, Congress can't prejudice or discriminate, or have preference, one state over the other.

The Error in Bundy's Constitutional Lesson and Analysis--He Just Can't See Any Mention of U.S. Government Powers

Well, Mr. Bundy, the Constitutional scholar you are . . . NOT, try reading Article I, Section 8 [18] under the section on the powers of Congress, it says they have the power to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof . . . hello, BLM or Bureau of Land Management!

Going onto the property clause . . . under federal-state relations . . . Article IV, Section 3 [2] The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State.

Stick to ranching, Mr. Bundy, you are not trained or adept at interpreting the U.S. Constitution, and I would hate to have you lead the citizens, the militia, law enforcement astray, and lead straight to national suicide! Do not get pissed and think I am an elitist, or constitutional law snob; however, constitutional law is the most complicated law to interpret, that is why we have the U.S. Supreme Court do that . . . but I guess you don't recognize them . . . you are close to Mexico, you can practice polygamy down there with Mitt Romney's family!

Utah Tax Payers, Save Money, These Are Other Sections That May Count Either For or Against the State, If the Statute or Bill Just Passed, Ends Up in Court

This particular section has to do with powers forbidden the states . . . Article I, Section 10 [1], No state shall . . . pass a law impairing the obligation of contracts . . . the constitutional conventions, lay out the contractual agreement between the United States or federal government and the state, sets the boundaries and proportions of the state that will be under the control of the United States government or management, as authorized in the sections above!  Each state has an Enabling Act, that sets the time, date, and signatures of the signers, representing both the state and the federal government, prior to statehood.  So, by passing a law to take back all federal land, you are essentially in breach of a contractual agreement with the federal government, making you in violation of this section, thus in error!

Going on along the same lines of reasoning, Article I, Section 10 [2] states that no state shall . . . and all laws shall be subject to the revision and control of Congress.  Furthermore, Article I, Section 10 [3] states, that no state shall . . . enter into any agreement or compact with another state, so I would advise you, state of Utah, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, and Wyoming, with your coalition, to watch what you are doing, you have no authority to do it, as far as I see!  Be careful, Clive is not your best authoritative source . . . a little bit of knowledge can get you into a whole, hell of a lot of trouble!

The 2 Ton Elephant in the Room, Is Polygamy, A Condition For Statehood, in Utah!  You Are So Fucking In Breach, It Is Sickening!

Historically, you look at the map, provided by the Sutherland Institute, or, cutting the United States in just less than half, with the western states, having 50%, on average, of their individual states under federal control, while their neighbors to the east, even including North & South Dakota, with one of them sharing the same year their state constitution was ratified, 1889, the same year as Montana . . . so what made the difference, with less than 5% of ND being under fed control?  

At first I thought, it had to have something to do with the Civil War, or the Louisiana Purchase, something, what was it . . . the Civil War was only part of it, but it dawned on me, that as the Northern and Southern states battled over slavery and states' rights, polygamy was rearing its ugly head, first in the east, then moving with the alleged Saints west . . . the twin relics of barbarism, slavery and polygamy!  Colonizer, Prophet and Governor, Brigham Young, second prophet for the Mormon Church, while having headquarters in Utah, sent settlers into every western state, spreading the disease of polygamy all throughout the western part of the United States!

Utah Fought For Statehood, Roughly 50 Years!  Forbidding Polygamy Forever, Was A Condition For Statehood--Utah Is In Breach of its Contract With The United States!

The Civil War actually started ideologically before war actually broke out.  Southern states wanting slavery, wanted more states rights or to separate from the northern states.  The Civil War started in 1861 to 1865, with Lincoln being elected to office in 1860.  But the struggle between the sections of the Union of states, started way earlier than that, with the north not wanting the extension or expansion of slavery spreading into the western territories; they were opposed to expansion into U.S. territories, under President Abe Lincoln, who rejected secession as legal.

The Emancipation Proclamation, was passed with ending slavery as a goal, also seeking to stop the spread of slavery; seeking slavery as incompatible with Republicanism or the U.S. and state based property system, protected by the Constitution . . . and if we take the logical extension of that doctrine, women were not the property of men, either, incompitable!  The war was also fought to exclude slavery from conquered territories, like those acquired after the Mexican American and American Indian Wars!

The United States was under the scrutiny of Europe, that recoiled at the horrors of slavery, as read about in the book, Uncle Tom's Cabin, that came out in 1852!  So while all this was going on, Joseph Smith and the Mormons were under the radar screen, or not on the boiler plate yet!  Northern states felt that without allowing slavery into the expansion or territories of the U.S., slavery would end or die out.  At the same time, you had slaves escaping southern states and running via underground to northern states for protection and freedom.

Southern states believed it needed to expand slavery, and wanted to populate the U.S. territories with slave trade.  Republicans, denounced the Dred Scott, decision, stating that slaves were the property of their white masters . . . in 1863, President Lincoln, to take away the advantage slave owners on plantations, had, passed the Homestead Act, giving property free, to help even the score, and encourage people to do without slaves.

After the decisions, southerners felt free to take their property, including slaves, and considered this a states right issue; northerners rejected slavery, and it was offensive to them to have slaves treated as property, and said that southerners, couldn't bring slaves into free states or territories.  Dred Scott, angered northerners and bolstered southerners.  States rights, or sovereignty, always a means to an end, an instrument to achieve a certain goal or move a principle. We have the same goals by Bundy and crew, goal is to avoid paying federal grazing fees, and promote there posse comitatus beliefs that are not right with the constitution or its basic principles, concepts, and is incompatible with the United States.

The Mormons Entered The Salt Lake Valley in 1847, Right While This Was Going On--Johnson's Army Came Into Stop It!

Just like Bundy, the early pioneers reacted the same to being forced to give up their property, or women folk.  My great, great, grandfather, stole 1,000 head of cattle from Johnson's army, so it had to leave for lack of food, early Mormons were just as obnoxious as the Bundy crew, just as lawless, and had to fight 50 years for statehood, due to not giving up polygamy, until they were forced to.  The Utah Constitution was approved and Enabling Act signed, in 1896; however, due to persecution and prosecution, threatened seizure of Mormon Temples, the Prophet Woodruff Wilson, magically had a revelation, called the Manifesto, ending polygamy . . . but not really, allegedly in 1890, six years before statehood, with the condition that polygamy be forbidden forever!

Polygamy, in all western states, continues to this day!  The Mormon Church continued to seal spiritual wives to men, out on the Great Salt Lake, allegedly circumventing the law, under Maritime or Admiralty Law--nice, you have to have navigable waters, or an outlet to the sea, like a port . . . Great Salt Lake is a Dead Sea!  I heard the other day, that there is a polygamist community, 30 miles outside Missoula, Montana.  Idaho, used to have a law on the books that no person connected to polygamy in anyway, could hold a public office . . . that was still on the books as late as the early 1990's while I was working for Professor Ray Jay Davis, who was trying to get rid of the religious test oath!

Brigham Young was considered the great colonizer, and polygamy is still practiced in all the states, from Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, west!  If these states are serious about getting or controlling federal land within their borders, they better get serious about getting rid of polygamy, not coddling it, through their legislatures, like Utah, who just took the section in the Utah Constitution, totally out of the whole thing . . . just up and walked away, like $118 million, of my contingency fees, into Mitt Romney's campaign money!  Women are still property, I guess the slave relationship still exists . . . my blog has been stolen, my cases, my house, my law practice, vehicles, furniture, all by the Mormon hierarchy, they know I fucking hate polygamy, now they try to get me married off to a polygamist!

The Price For Western States Control of Federal Land, May Be to Tame Your Penis!  Polygamy is Forbidden Forever!


The Best Thing A Father Can Do For His Children, Is LOVE THEIR MOTHER!

This morning was the most rewarding Mother's Day, I think I have ever had, heard from three of my four children, my youngest son, wild red-head, who stole fire from the God's, bass guitarist for God's Revolver and Maraloka, Elliot, had a birthday last week, so I am sure, that is my contact for the next year, from a kid who is off to the four winds, and I never know where he is, or what he is up to, unless I just happen onto his name, as CEO of his own company, like my oldest daughter, Greta, discovered while researching black lung disease, and finding her little brother was the CEO of Black Lung Inc. . . . what?  Of course, it could be worse, once Elliot was looking through recent arrests in Utah, looking for his cousin, Isaac, and low and behold, there was his mother's mug shot, so I will count my blessings.

Report from the Moab/Bundy Field--Spies Within, Greta & Dallas--Navy Slam Team!

Greta Secrist Hyland, and her husband, Dallas, of The Southwest Journal, called from the Moab, Utah war zone, where one of Clive Bundy's sons, was signing copies of the U.S. Constitution, pocket copies--I guess the son doesn't hold the same disbelief in the existence of the United States, and at least he is not teaching constitutional law from the trenches, with the militia members, who showed up in mass to respond and support, so clown ass idiot and his cronies, to ride ATVs up a road that has been closed by the BLM, after several locals and others raided sacred artifacts from Indian burial grounds!

Greta and Dallas were alarmed, and interviewed a sheriff, who was standing by with several of his deputies, who stood and watched while the marauders tore up the dirt roads, while the sheriff and his men, just watched.  Dallas interviewed the sheriff or a deputy, and said, aren't you guys suppose to defend federal laws that were being violated, right as they were speaking--we'll yeah, but we are peace keeping, laughed a drove off.  In defense of the sheriff, who has a job to be a peace keeper, definitely, I reminded her that is actually part of his job, and the situation may not merit, or call for that response, with the powder keg, that was brewing up there with the militia . . . that might be the right move, then arrest them, when they get home, without all their friends, charged and ready for a fight.

For every action, there is an equal reaction . . . back a year or two, 5 people were stormed by BLM and federal agents, and arrested for taking artifacts they should not have . . . one guy, died of a heart attack or something like that.  That was the heavy handed government tactics used to terrify the participants, while law breakers, this was totally uncalled for; therefore, I would say, while the militia is flexing their muscles, straight off what they consider the Bundy Ranch, show of force, justified or not, but constitutional for sure, they are in their minds, taking down or responding to a tyrannical government, who has been out of control for a while, martial law and all.

Saul Alinsky's 12 Rules for Radicals--Rule #1.  Power is not only what you have,  but what the enemy thinks you have!

While the cops are increasing in militarization, thinking that these scruffy, unorganized, militia, can't do anything against their machines, guns, even tanks . . . really, I am hear to tell them differently, they have no idea what they are up against!  Law enforcement may have the muscle, but they don't have the brains . . . paid officers, can't compare to those who bleed, red, white and blue!  Lately, you have a bunch of retired or forced into retirement generals, corporals, and other military brass, who are refusing to go along with the attempt to, what constitutes taking Americans hostage, or firing on them, or using martial law against citizens, or training for the alleged time they will need it.

There guys are life time Marines, Air Borne, Army, Navy, Air Force, and Special Forces, just in civilian clothes, and much more organized than the paid 20 to 25 year old set, playing week end warriors, pushing citizens around, for fun . . . these guys are back woods, nitty gritty, down and dirty, country boys, who are used to hunting, tracking, shooting, catching and skinning their prey, and guess who that prey will be, if there is a conflict?  Yes, you got it, those paid youngsters who are not smart enough to see who they are up against trained, combat ready, hard core, military personnel, from previous wars, and we are not talking peace keeping missions!

My friend is a 17 year, Marine vet, who was talking to a neighbor, and they were talking about how they wanted to end their lives . . . this 79 year old, Harvard, Quantico trained, that is where the FBI is trained, career, military officer, wants to die, taking out at least 12 of what he would call the enemy, meaning our own guys, who are terrorizing the citizens.  Others, sleep with revolvers under their pillows, Navy, and listening to revolutionary music, about killing them before, they take our guns!  This friend said he is going to take out at least 5 when he goes . . . and they are not pansy ass, chubby cheek kids, who have glamorized war, guns, and tanks . . . they have driven tanks, fought bad asses from around the world, and they don't take lightly the threats of government agents.  

Just a word to the wise . . . my deceased, Intelligence Corp Marine husband, shocked me, when we could tell there was increased and unnatural activity up around out cabin, looking like feds putting up surveillance or listening devices on communication towers, and he said, I will blow them off the whole mountain, and he pulled a navy green, army container out of his orange Bronco, that his father bought him, the day he returned from Vietnam, Allan Rex Bess, also known as the man from Skoots Creek, who lived in the hills above Panguitch Lake, for three years after his father died, growing his hair down to his butt, running with mountain lions, coyotes, foxes, and other wild animals . . . crazy motherfucker!  Good luck!

Daughter, Nicole, Working With Congressman To Get Tax Breaks Given to Teachers, for Home Schoolers--Cost Up to $4,000 for Materials!

Second daughter, Nicole, Air Force, special missions to Saudi Arabia, military linguist, #1 in her Spanish class, at Monteray Language Training, has traveled to 23 countries, did SEAR School, POW training, almost a master degree in International Relations, worked for Republican County Commissioner--husband, Army, linguist in Arabic, master degree in counter-intelligence and terrorism, my grandson, Yuri, could say the ABCs in English, Spanish, German, and Arabic, before he was three!  She is a little conservative spit fire . . . gifted student since 1st grade.

Nicole is finding herself being appointed the spokes person for the home schoolers, in the Washington, D.C., area, trying to coordinate with a congressman, trying to pass legislation, to allow tax breaks for those teaching their children, at home, just as teacher in the public school system, get, spending their money on students, in their classrooms.  There are a ton of home schoolers, in West Virginia, from liberals, to blacks, to conservatives, just want their children to get the best education they can.  They are rejecting Common Core . . . and other government promoted programs, they feel are not in the best interest of their children!

Nicole, unlike her mother, is modestly, saying, but why am I getting sucked into being the spokes person, the one to educate, meet and write for the congressman--probably, because you have experience working with the county commissioner, getting baseball and soccer fields in, dealing with constituents, plus you are brilliant, beautiful, a confident woman, take charge, and secure in your abilities, and the reasons you are home schooling your children . . . what more do you need?

Nicole and her family, are trying to sell their house in Ashburn Village, and move to a more rural area, a new area, but with a city council and mayor.  She joked with her husband, at dinner, in front of the kids, that maybe she would run for mayor.  The next thing she knew, Yuri, her oldest son, very smart, beyond his years, was telling everyone, that his mother was going to be the next mayor of the town they are moving to . . . and she would be a great one!

The Brother of Elliot, My Oldest Son, Who Won't Let Me Write His Name In My Wild Blog, Guilt by Association, Is the THINKER, Up to Good, We Just Won't Know Until He Does It!

Anyway, a great, rewarding morning.  Like Texas Hold em . . . you've got to know when to hold them, and when to fold them or lay them down!  My children were given a ton of freedom, to do with their lives, what they want to do . . . and they have been more amazing, than I could have ever have tried, thought, or coerced them into being . . . I can't wait to see, what they do with their beauty, brilliance, ability, brains, freedom, law abiding natures . . . they had a very responsible, rock of Gibraltar father, you could tell the time of day by, and their unpredictable, wild, loose cannon of a mother . . . only time will tell, what these very balanced, cool, people, my favorite people in the world do . . . amazingly fun!

On this Mother's day, I want to say, and I know it is a cliche, that, my children are truly, the crowning jewels of my crown as a mother and person!  What an honor, that God, had enough confidence to send HEAVENS BEST TO ME TO RAISE, TEACH, TRAIN, AND LET GO, TO DO THEIR OWN PATHS, GOD WANTS THEM TO TRAVEL . . . GOD, BLESS THEM ALL, THE WORLD HAS 4 CRITICAL THINKERS, WHO WILL MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE!


One Word Frees Us Of All Of The Weight Of Life: That Word Is Love . . . Sophocles