Juxtaposition: Horror of the Sweet Family in "A Sister's Revenge" and the Sweet Family Riding the Bus After I Watched the Movie . . . Handsome Dad, Beautiful Mom, Cutie Girl, Bouncing Baby Boy!
Okay, if you ever thought, of treating someone like shit, ditching a pregnant girl, you used, because you thought she was a sport fuck, not mommy material, or you were stupid, let down your guard, women can slip, you a date rape drug too, take pictures, without you even knowing what is going on, use them against you, blackmail you, go after your wife, your precious baby boy . . . so, symbolic, psycho bitch, for good reason, but hate the way she takes out her revenge, leaves a red book of matches, near, new born baby boy's head, could have choked on, scary shit, too, too, close for my comfort, I almost could not watch this movie. The baby's name was Evan, that is one of my signs, sis Rachel, looks, kind of like, actress Linda Evans, old Dallas TV series, star, suggesting, the husband(s) revenge, extending to my precious, not so baby boy, Elliot, famous, as indicated by the RED match box, matches, indicating, BURN, and he did! It is shocking, to say the least, the extent these people will go to exact there, out of control vengeance!
Normal people break up, move on . . . especially, if the psycho, was the cheater--should be expected, especially, from an alpha female, who other psychos, poisoned, and has a history, of having as many men, or access to them, or interest, as you have women. Your problem if you underestimated MY EGO, that is your problem, not mine, be mad as yourself! Shit . . . this movie, will scar the shit out of you, as it did me, seeing the mindset, blind rage, devious plans, calculating blitz on your life . . . I know, they did it to me, while I was just living my life! The expressions on this guy's face, of amazement, shock, disbelief, is exactly what, I felt like that . . . didn't get it, until, I watched, National Geographic, The Psycho Next Door! BEWARE . . . this could happen to YOU!
Only Pleasure From Your Pain!
But, what goes around, comes around, so be prepared, pay back is a bitch, and I am too, ready for the grim reaper, assholes! This will come back to bit you in the ass, or worse! This woman, who had a sister, who dated the husband, like 8 years earlier, and killed herself, because of his rejection, comes back, ruins his new restaurant, traps him into going dancing and drinking with restaurant staff, after she sets a match off, in the kitchen, setting off the fire alarm, spraying dinner guests, closing the joint, freeing, the boss target, to be used and abused by the vixen, bent on revenge . . . she is fucking as relentless as my ex's, poisons his wife, sets him up, putting anti-freeze in her ice tea, goes after the baby, the movie is terrifying, especially, knowing, the motives . . . song, how could you be so heartless? They only get pleasure from YOUR PAIN!
I have an army of these revengeful psychos all teaming up, in a common hate, common vengeance, for being what, a good mother, not willing to put up with shit, from anyone, being smart and beautiful, raising good kids, doing the smart thing after a divorce, having my cake and eat it too, as a mother and career woman, being paid off for smart decisions? Rising again, after you kicked me down the first time? Let's see, for fucking up your plans for me? for fucking with the plans you had for my kids? not letting you claim, what is not yours . . . a real characteristic of a psychopath, taking credit for what doesn't belong to them, nor for what they did, but what other did. I bet, if you go in either, Brett's, Kay's, Shelley's, or Frank's houses, you would find, my teal colored, slightly circular couch, gold and black wing back chairs and a matching ottoman, my steer horns, my plush rugs, the pillows and floral arrangements that tie all together, my leopard entrance, with brown leather, cool waiting bench, my custom made bedroom furniture, orange silk chairs, Old Ranch, 75 year old chair with a steer head stitched in the blonde cowboy furniture, my desk . . . reminding me . . .
With My Billions, They Could Buy "Any" Furniture . . . It is Only in Owning MY Furniture, they Get Pleasure!
In the movie, Secret Village, trying to make a lollipop, girl, bobble head, doll, look smart, doing research in Salem, where the witch trials took place, that I wrote a killer, blog about two Halloweens ago, one of Rachel's favorite holidays . . . a clown shit show, allegedly filmed in Salem, Massachusetts, but filmed or paid for by . . . none other than a British Columbia Production Company, called PRISM . . . a, dead ass give away, the spy PRISM programs, of the NSA or the National Security Agency, Edward Snowden stuff, hint, hint, hint, Mormons and Brits, teamed with the CIA . . . a your job is Kim Jung Un, of North Korea, not making films to glorify, substitute JoAnn's, in not really even a B rate film, more like a "D", like the wanna be blockbuster, of the two Russian Mo missionaries, harrowing tales of kidnapping, dragging in Pres. Clinton, only to be, summarily, released, lack luster, nothing . . . same dumb ass ending, by the way . . . alleged smart chick, narrow escapes, drops in her male roommate's arms, and two men, say, or act like everything, she sees, investigating an alleged, airborne illness, that is unique, to Salem, or this village, but, in some trying to be spooky ending, suggesting, that she was right, but, DRUGS or MEDS will take care of that! BARF! but, the bedspread used in the film, looks exactly like Rachel's bedspread, and in the guy's room, that looks exactly like the bedspread, I had in Frank's room, teal and brown, modern, print, rounded squares . . . did those fucks, take that from MY PAROWAN HOUSE? The film is trying as hard to be hard core, as Rachel, herself is, and just can't cut it, and always, the little woman, collapses, in the arms of a handsome man, and MEDS are the answer . . . the alleged, great escapes, are comical . . . the alleged bad guys, slow down, to let her win! CLOWN SHIT . . . but, "A Sister's Revenge" is worth watching!
My BILLION, buys these low level clowns a shit load of credibility, but their productions, are SHIT!
They Took Away A Prophet's Honor, for A Profit! She is Stronger Than You Know, A Heart of Steel, Fire in Her Soul, Super Hero, In Her Power!
Mistake dumb ass for bad ass! Big mistake! Ever day every hour, turn the pain into power! every super hero, learns to fly!
Love Your Car . . . My Car is the Bus . . . Actually, More Like a Limo, With Tons of New Friends! Dig it . . . Thanks, Merchants!
Like I said, after watching the Hollywood ending, to a very horrifying tale, so real, I could taste it, I jumped on the bus, and shortly after me, a family, equally, if not more beautiful, than the one, with actors, in the movie, jumped on the bus . . . making me, so grateful, for sweet committed, partners, raising, wonderful, secure children, making up, solid, happy families. Marriage, my not be the sexiest all the time, not always the most exciting, and people will come and go, that will temp, mom and dad, both, but, I can, affirm and attest to, that precious unit, is by far, the most wonderful, worthwhile, enterprise, activity, that you can be engaged in. And it is fun, to watch, Millenniums, people, born from 1980, my son, Chris's, age group, and younger, to now, bring their cute families, on the bus, or take the bus, up Rattlesnake Canyon, running together, on the bus for the first time, or dating couples, doing their part, in the Clean Plan, for the planet, and the city, so cool. I read, an interesting article, about this generation of kids, born in a tough time, economically, but thriving, just the same, they save and invest, more than their Baby Boomer, parents, are more financially savvy, save for retirement earlier, and are, into saving the planet and the world, like their parents, but taking into consideration, additional challenges, but raising, impressively to meet those challenges!
I love the campaign ads on the bus benches, See Commuting Differently! Last night, Friday, there was a pretty, different crowd, than your day crowd, and many were going downtown, for dinner, dressed up, or going to a club, or somewhere, just going somewhere with their little family, kids with amazement in their eyes, having sat in car seats, for a few years, or a year, in the case of the bouncing baby boy, who, was in a back pouch, on mama, as she sat next to me, on the bus, as he was squashed, it looked, between the seat and mom, as she struggled to release all the protections on the contraption, baby boy, looked up at me and gave me a big smile, and as I looked over at the little girl with the purple knit hat, with her gray leggin's with pink hearts, she seemed genuinely, thrilled to have a ride in this big machine, and be with both mom and dad, as they cruised over Higgins Bridge! All I could do is smile . . . and as I noticed, the Christmas lights, still up, downtown, Missoula, I smiled again, glad, that those lingering, warm fuzzies, from Christmas, were still there, from the most stripped down Christmas of my life! but so cool, sacred, special, focusing on the feelings, the lights, the spirit, the people, the sharing and caring.
All I could think, looking at this basic, unit of society, that keeps this place going, the family, is, protect that with your life, don't be drawn in, tempted, lured away by some hot, vixen or bad boy, risking, all that is on this bus right now, as mundane and boring as it is, at times . . . it is something SO much more, and when you hit my age, career goals, satisfied, bucket lists, getting there, the real JOY, comes from seeing, those little kids, so hard to hold, control, and keep clean, grow, overnight, and their success trumps yours, any time, any day, and any manner, truly, your crowning jewels . . . don't trivialize, this simple time. I remember, hearing, from older people, you will look back at this time, so hectic, fast, financially challenging, hard pressed to do it all, go to school, work, raise kids, sacrifice, your comforts, your money, for those little charges, that God placed in your care, and look back at these years as, the best years of your life . . . and they are. But, it is also, nice to smile at your families, and be glad, mine is raised and enjoy seeing my kids, deal, in majestic ways, with this period of life, knowing, judged on the way they handle their responsibilities that you did a fucking good job . . . and if you don't, do a good job, NOW, you are going to have a tough job, for decades, if not generations, a serious affair! I joke all the time, that I did such a good job, and have totally, responsible kids, doing their thing, three with kiddies of their own, doing a GREAT JOB, better than their parents, that I can be completely irresponsible, and I AM! LOL . . . been there, done that, enjoying this time now, smiles, smiles, smiles!
And it is fun, to see your children, support each other, give advice, carry on traditions, and hear the sisbro, club, comment, on each other and their parenting skills! LOL. I just sit back, like last night on the bus, and enjoy! I remember, my crew, several years ago, all together, but for Nicole and George, back in D.C., not able to make it to the Grand Canyon, North Rim, Reunion, new family member initiation, death climb, lol, and laughing, as Chris, dealing with Kat's, son, from a former marriage, competitive as his step-dad, but taller, older and more aggressive than his cousins, hogging the football, in a game of fly-ball, to the point of tackling younger, cousins, who were getting teary, and Chris, sitting Donny, down, after such a tackle, and telling him to knock it off. Donny, took, dirt, and threw it in Chris's face, taking that competitive spirit, to the wrong source, and in a flash, just like a real dad, would, pissed at the defiance, took, the 9 year old, whom he had been dad to since he was 6 months old, or involved, and grabbed him by the arm, swatted his ass, and swung him up on his shoulder, and took him over and sat him by a tree, telling him, that was enough . . . Greta, smug and satisfied that her little brother, did his fatherly thing, so that neither her nor, Dallas, had to get nasty with nephew, laughed, and said, in her cute, smart, sarcastic way, nice to see your parenting skills, Chris! LOL! Hey, boys need a strong hand . . . great grandma, taught, junior high for 33 years, and she said, she didn't think it were possible for a single mom, to raise teenage boys, herself! Smile.
Song, how can we not talk about family, when family is all we got! Cherish . . .