Attorney, JoAnn S. Secrist, reporting, this morning, from the Montana Coffee Trader . . . locally owned and operated, I believe, fun, lively, festive, with Christmas colors, and charm, and no, I don't drink coffee, I have never, ever, even tasted the stuff, but, I love coffee shops, the laid back and cool staffs, that generally gravitate to this line of work, I dig the type of people who frequent coffee shops, and they always have wi-fi, making blogging easy, and uninterrupted, which, is top on my list of any eating or drinking establishment, even if, today, I am forced to drink, Diet Pepsi, the rival to Diet Coke! but, I am glad, that they have the stuff, making due, for me in a pinch! Anyway, to the task at hand . . . the law is about, definitions and hair splitting, and such is or should be the duty of thinking men and women, especially when it comes to the criminal and civil justice system, if they still exist. Lines of demarcation and loyalties, need to be redrawn, not for cop, non-cop, black/white, male/female, but to right and wrong, corrupt or not corrupt, legal or illegal, legal or not legal . . . you get my drift, regardless of job, position, station, side, preference, or favors, but law abiding or non law abiding! I think I'm going to Katmandu, (Cat Man Do), if I ever get out of here, I'm going to Katmandu-I figure, I have nothing to lose, I'm going to Katmandu-Bob Seger.
In the morally depraved and corrupt, society, with psychopaths winning, Wall Street sharks, the ruthless, the CIA, Tom Turkeys, had an easy time convincing EVERYONE, that the easy way of, power, pussy and perks, the easy way, was the preferable way . . . maybe for a while, until the very fabric of society, starts to rot, crumble, morals, values, foundations, that are time tested, and durable, are replaced with, the shifting sand, the ebb and flow of the tide, with loyalties, shifting from, one side to another, depending on ability, to entertain, with cheap tricks, easy money, loose women, and shoddy work, selling those offered this choice, which has ventured beyond the confines of just affecting me and mine, and has spilled out starting local, and going from state, to national, to world, influences, expanding the Halls of Shame, to the former, pillars, rock bed, and foundation of any lasting society, with great societies, lasting a mere 200 years, when, all sense of right and wrong, disappear, and anything goes to the highest bidder. What type of world, society, church, government, do you, really want? I am going to invoke a very, secular, presentation of the issue to you, in layman's terms, in a choice, that leave religion aside, lest, I lose some of you, as the founding fathers were afraid they would, and adopt, a great western philosopher . . . It's time to search your soul and start again . . . Seger . . . perfect time: users, fakers, takers . . . caught up in their schemes and their useless dreams . . . I can see where I'm going, but I can't see the light . . . time to take a different road and start again! Mediocrity is easy, good things take time . . . time to rock and roll, time to come in from the cold, and start again! Time to get control, time to search the soul and start again, I've been down this road, I've seen things get old, LET'S START AGAIN!
I believe, it was Emanuel Kant, who said, simply, Don't do anything, in your life, you would not want, EVERYONE TO DO! If you are willing to lie, to take a bribe, to bend the rules, the law . . . do you want your mayor, legislator, governor, Congress members, President, boss, employees, husband or wife, children to do what you are entertaining doing? If you would not want the whole of society to do what you are thinking about, or being offered, stop and think, if you want, everyone else, presented with the same choice, to do the same thing! That to me is sobering thought. The ramifications, of this simply, human philosophy, boils down, your basics of living, to the most complex, of human endeavours, contemplated. I was struck, by the big, bad ass, Ice Man, the hit man for 5 mafia families, who thought nothing about blowing away some one's mother, brother, sister, father, child, but, when separated and in prison, awaiting the death penalty, he was asked if he were to do it again, would he do things the same way . . . NO! And as he thought about never seeing his wife and children again, he cried like a baby! Now, my question, and here is where the empathy and sympathy of doing unto others as you would have done to you . . . would the Ice Man, want a hit man to kill his wife, his brother, his mother, his children? The issues, go deeper than money, deeper than loyalties, beyond reputation, to the very core of what it means to be human; do you want all humans to do what you do, live like you live, treat their children and wife, or husband, like you treat yours? WHERE WOULD WE BE, IF WE FOLLOWED YOU? Think about it . . .
ACLU Found that State Crime Labs, Doctor and Manipulate Lab Results to Favor Cops and Prosecutors . . . Corrupt DNA Tests, Lie Detectors?
Often, people will ask me why I don't sue the shit out of the fucking CIA, FBI, NSA, government, Mormon Church, going after dirty cops, prosecutors, judges, and others who have done this to me . . . the title should be obvious, corrupt, officials in public positions, that could make things worse for me, than they had before, I tried to remedy the situation . . . who has access? badges and keys to the jails and prisons? access to doctor court dockets, crime labs, bribe judges, to get favorable reports, to reverse the role of the victim to that of the perpetrator? to falsify, DNA results, drug testing, lie detector results? you got it, all the people, I would be suing, and tangentially connected to their buddies in the offices, courts, cop shops, that could make going after my enemies, more deadly, that running for years, or getting poisoned, at least 4 times! In order to go after the whole fucking state of Utah, and all power structures, we are talking, taking on Washington, D.C. power structures, with 70% of the intelligence communities, or more, in some instances, even higher, connected, religiously, into that system, as well, as their government positions, that they deem, to be one and the same, with no separation of church and state, in form or substance, and the same, dirty ass, judges, who stole or allowed, others to steal my multi-million dollar cases, are the same ones, who jurisdictionally, I would have to go, in front of, maybe with their colleagues and friends, listed as named defendants . . . how well do you think that would work for me? Yeah . . . that is why, my blog is so fucking critical to me, used as a means to educate, train, reshape, and change, a VERY BROKEN SYSTEM!
It is hard to fight city hall, state hall, national hall . . . and I think, I would have a better shot of justice with foreign courts, sitting in the jury and judge's box! It is so telling to me, that Edward Snowden, the one who ratted out the NSA, was sought as a criminal in our country, tracked worldwide, and found, asylum, in Russia, allegedly our enemy, not only in country values, but in political systems, so, what is up with protecting, someone who is promoting civil rights, and seeking to expose the government, for violating those rights? Will we, as Americans, live to see the day, when Russians are more capitalistic than we, as Americans are, more rights oriented, and China as well? because it is sure, moving in that direction. And guess what, I can't do it myself, nor can, Edward Snowden . . . you have to pick a side, and fight for it!
I saw my fears, played out, in a true crime, episode, called something like, Forensic Files, Kiss of Death, doing what, all, power structures do, to a victim, they revictimize her, him, and turn the tables, on the one truly wronged, and make her defend her record, putting her on trial, in this case, her teaching record, and past, as we see with rape victims, cases of sexual harassment, putting a boss against his female victim, or a whistle blower, exposing corporate corruption and short cuts, often, leaving the person victimized, by, the acts of others, devastated, being shunned, while the perpetrator, is received, welcomed, even cheered, for having defeated the person they victimized. In this episode, the victim's name is JoAnn Chambers (my mother's maiden name is Chamberlain), she is first grade teacher, with a style of her own, free loving, creative, loving her students, her position, having fun with teaching first graders, often wearing, Mickey Mouse sweatshirts, seen, dancing, singing and having a great time with her students, who lover her, with the parents, thrilled to get their children into her class, and now, she is having, threatening letters written, indicating that this person can put poison in JoAnn's coffee cup if she or he wanted, moving from, verbal threats, to physical, death threats, drive by's, forcing her off the road, to Barbie dolls, wearing clothes, like JoAnn often wore, identical, with her throat slit, and red paint, running down her clothes, or the dolls clothes, shit being put on her chair, under her desk, etc.
JoAnn and Paula, Both First Grade Teachers, One Loved, the Other Very Strict and Traditional . . . Shaping up to be a Hate Campaign Against JoAnn!
Authorities, wanting to get to the bottom of this and find out who was responsible for the threats, wondering if it might be, coming from, inside school sources, did video surveillance, and watched, JoAnn's class room, and saw another, first grade teacher, named, Paula Nawrocki (Paula, is the name, of one of the Tom Turkey's second wife, allegedly a psychologist of note, back east, and Jack Daniels, is some how connected to the case, as is Jack King Strode/Ware, who was the first person I met in Kalispell, Montana, also, who lied about, me going with him to Pennsylvania, or accepting his invitation, back in 2012, to go with him, by train, back home, to meet his family . . . I went to Utah . . . did he, sneak Shelley, who was up in Kalispell, claiming to be me, with the train, officials, going after me, appearing to me, back on my second trip to Kalispell, before, I had ever, ridden the train, at least by 7 months, November to May, when I took the train, but with Shelley, my shadow, claiming to be me, Jack, telling me how much like his ex-wife, Paula, I was and how much, I would like her, blah, blah, blah . . . Jack disappears for the whole time, I am out of Kalispell, and magically shows up, when I return! He also, promised, he could protect me from the cops . . . I thought, top cop or mafia, are the only category of men, who could promise me that! As is the case with the symbolic, name, JoAnn Chambers, very spot, right on, so is this name, Nawrocki . . . Na rock I or Shelley/Paula, Not Rock I . . . Elliot, my rock star son, claimed to be Jack's and Shelley's, or Kay's and Bretts, everyone's kid, but the ones, he belongs to . . . now that Elliot has put on weight, he is the SPITTING IMAGE OF HIS FATHER, Richard Clifton Secrist! no mistaken genes there! Don't bother with DNA or genetics! that would prove parentage, and that would kill you fuckers!), also, a first grade teacher, in the same school, and a down the line, very traditional teacher, strict, and not well liked by her students or their parents, was the one, caught on camera, leaving the classroom, of JoAnn's with JoAnn, coming back to get the coffee cup later, also the woman, JoAnn sees, run her off the road!
All Threats, Incidents Against JoAnn Stop, While Paula is In Jail
Prosecutors, have a totally circumstantial case against, Paula, who, when both teachers are given the lie detector test, JoAnn passes, and Paula fails, so, all evidence, while indirect, points to Paula/Shelley. So, Shelley and her husband, hire a former cop, now private investigator, to look into the DNA samples on the stamps and on the envelopes, of those threats that go to or had been going to JoAnn. The evidence, comes back as, not Paula's or her husbands, and the typewriter, doesn't match, that of the couple. So, at that point, the cop, turned, private investigator, turns his skills and knowledge against JoAnn. It is found that, it is JoAnn's DNA on the stamps and envelopes, and looking back at the records a previous schools, JoAnn taught at, reported that, she had made similar claims at her old school, and even reported, the shit, incident; therefore, the jury, surmised that, JoAnn was doing this to herself to get attention. Reporters were surprised that, as in a rape, JoAnn was shunned, as she came out of the courtroom, having, even moved schools, to avoid working with Paula, and to stop the threats against her, so she was out of the old school, while the perp, Paula, remained, in her position, and she was gathered in her fellow teachers arms and congratulated, for winning JoAnn. While the case was not retried, or appealed, the reporter, and the TV show, made note, that, this appeared to be a SCHOOL WIDE HATE CRIME AND CAMPAIGN AGAINST JOANN!
I have found, that, I am envied by the women, who are jealous, of me being able to pull of being an attorney, professor, business owner, program writer, now blogger, and I am a threat to men. You see, prosecutors and investigators, love, to start, right where we are, and ignore, all the facts, from the passed, and then proceed to go from point, M to point Z, completely ignoring, a whole history of success, as opposed to a whole history of missteps, as a woman, in her career, if she could say there was one, and as a mother. The song, is You know who he is with, the prosecution, the prosecution, the prosecution . . . the song, is called Persecution Smith! It is so bizarre that I can, not listen to the music, then, tune, in as the lyrics, go hand in hand with what I am writing about. Right now, with this blog, I have handily proven that Shelley is not, Elliot's mother, nor is she an attorney, I believe that Shelley could have been the one, being a biology major, and having worked with a pharmacutical company in Park City, and an avid researcher on the computer, with easy access to knowledge of what to poison someone with, detectable or undetectable, but I believe she, being the benefiicary of my life, so to say, could have been the one who created the poison that got me the first time at the Utah Medical Association, and she also has an interest, in getting rid of me, as she came to Whitefish and Kalispell, as my shadow, right off the bat, after I got, first exposed, in Montana, fall of 2012, when I attended a documentary viewing of, the FBI raids on the medical marijuana growers in Montana, writing a very powerful, email, that went viral, on how I took out, 8 cops, and wrote to the Utah District, U.S. Attorney, Brett Tolman, about the dirty play and marijuana grows by cops, in Sourthern Utah, getting cops fired, and with him, putting tails on me, protecting me, knowing that every cop in Utah knew my name and HATED ME!
So, I like the teacher, JoAnn, moved, thinking, okay, Utah is Utah, and I was willing to take up root, leaving my home, my family, my children, my practice, my clients and friends, in exchange for LIFE! But, what these fuckers did, is follow me up to Montana, and that fall, I allegedly, died in a auto wreck . . . and I have been dead ever since, with Shelley, like PAC man, sent, here and there, but in style, using my money from any venture, claiming my cases, my legislation, my blog, my son, and having ACCESS, PROVIDED ACCESS BY THE NSA! I have always retreated, never been the aggressor, and then, as is the case with this teach, and there already has been a character assassination, this poor teacher, had pictures of her, nude, pictures of her, calling her a whore, or a lesbian, passed around, going to the school and the parents of her student! Who knows what the fuck, has been passed around, about me. The night, Mitt Romney, lost the elections, I was with Jack the Ripper, only knowing him, one day . . . and amazingly that night, when Jack was suppose to go get gas, left me stranded on the corner, of Main, across from Red Lion, and now, Starbucks, while he allegedly went and got gas . . . he never came back, and of course, I didn't have money, being run from state to state, not being able to stay in a town, once I wrote about, the FBI marijuana raids, with cops, looking for, me, running me from Vegas to Kalispell . . . and like I said, song on . . . I wanna be a doctor or a lawyer, or professor, member of the UMC . . . I was an attorney, a professor and over all the doctors in the state of Utah! There has never, even now, biggest fucking blog in the universe, been a time, that I have not contributed, been a winner, outstanding in whatever I did from law to teaching at a university, or saving doctors, financial and wealth planners, to tax payers from asset forfeiture!
I have had a non-stop trail of success, starting from 7th grade, to now . . . continual, only interrupted, when attacked . . . Shelley, has had a long line of failure, so sympathy, goes to the loser in life, whom people will gather around and support, even taking my whole fucking life, with me homeless, car less and her taking a billion fucking dollars, living in a ranch, living my DREAM, because she gets pleasure out of my pain! PSYCHO BITCHES AND BASTARDS . . . and I am still happier than they are! I am who I am, and I did, what I did!
So, I like the teacher, JoAnn, moved, thinking, okay, Utah is Utah, and I was willing to take up root, leaving my home, my family, my children, my practice, my clients and friends, in exchange for LIFE! But, what these fuckers did, is follow me up to Montana, and that fall, I allegedly, died in a auto wreck . . . and I have been dead ever since, with Shelley, like PAC man, sent, here and there, but in style, using my money from any venture, claiming my cases, my legislation, my blog, my son, and having ACCESS, PROVIDED ACCESS BY THE NSA! I have always retreated, never been the aggressor, and then, as is the case with this teach, and there already has been a character assassination, this poor teacher, had pictures of her, nude, pictures of her, calling her a whore, or a lesbian, passed around, going to the school and the parents of her student! Who knows what the fuck, has been passed around, about me. The night, Mitt Romney, lost the elections, I was with Jack the Ripper, only knowing him, one day . . . and amazingly that night, when Jack was suppose to go get gas, left me stranded on the corner, of Main, across from Red Lion, and now, Starbucks, while he allegedly went and got gas . . . he never came back, and of course, I didn't have money, being run from state to state, not being able to stay in a town, once I wrote about, the FBI marijuana raids, with cops, looking for, me, running me from Vegas to Kalispell . . . and like I said, song on . . . I wanna be a doctor or a lawyer, or professor, member of the UMC . . . I was an attorney, a professor and over all the doctors in the state of Utah! There has never, even now, biggest fucking blog in the universe, been a time, that I have not contributed, been a winner, outstanding in whatever I did from law to teaching at a university, or saving doctors, financial and wealth planners, to tax payers from asset forfeiture!
I have had a non-stop trail of success, starting from 7th grade, to now . . . continual, only interrupted, when attacked . . . Shelley, has had a long line of failure, so sympathy, goes to the loser in life, whom people will gather around and support, even taking my whole fucking life, with me homeless, car less and her taking a billion fucking dollars, living in a ranch, living my DREAM, because she gets pleasure out of my pain! PSYCHO BITCHES AND BASTARDS . . . and I am still happier than they are! I am who I am, and I did, what I did!