In this movie, you have a bright, attractive, somewhat, nerdy, high school, senior, who just got accepted, to Dunforth University, a prestigious college, not only getting accepted, but also, getting a scholarship, as her, best friend, was put on a waiting list to be kept as a choice, if some of the "A" list, students, decide to go somewhere else. The chick is the yearbook or school newspaper, editor, so a smart crowd, but not necessarily, in the most popular crowd. However, after getting accepted to the very prestigious college, the star football player, waiting to get into Harvard, rich, popular, takes a liking to her, because of her beauty and brains. Shortly, after being accepted, she goes to a party and gets the hot guy, and is fitting in with the popular crowd, like she never did before and she, cuts, loose with people seeing how fun, this brainy chick can be, when she lets her hair down and has fun. Over the weekend, of getting accepted to college, she is looking at her body, thin, cute, but pear shaped, and she starts to mess around, pushing her breasts, adequate, but on the smaller size, and she decides to take some pictures, half naked of her breasts, wearing only her bikini underwear, and send them to some plastic surgeon, but changes her mind, and erases, all the pictures, but, the ones on her computer. In a weak, moment, her friend is snooping on her friends, phone and computer, and the hot dude, sends a text, and she discovers, the almost nude pictures and blasts them to this porn website, and, the guy, who owns and created the porn site, recognizes the last name of the girl, and he realizes that her mother, is his former, high school teacher, he had a crush on, and was hot for . . . she rejects him, and gets him kicked out of school for the inappropriate, advances, and he sees this daughter, as his chance to pay his teacher back, by going after her child . . . Elliot?
The weekend after the party, and the quarterback, the daughter, is still, wanting to pinch herself, wondering if the cool crowd, really liked her and the school stud was real. Just as she is talking to her friend, the BFF, says, as all these smart phones, start alerting owners, that they have a text, everyone starts to get, the pictures of the new popular friend, naked, or almost, in very compromising poses, that were meant only for herself, and possibly her doctor, but, she changed her mind. Soon, the principle, her father and mother, and all the neighbors, start to get the nude pictures of the girl, demoralizing, the girl, sending her, running home and into the questioning, minds of the parents, mortified and embarrassed themselves, with the dad's boss, even getting the text and pictures. The family, decides to fight this cyber bully, but they have no idea, who good he is, and how bad, he can fuck with their lives . . . he freezes mom's credit cards, he hacks into the local cops database and puts a false warrant for the father, who a cop arrests, on a speeding ticket, but takes him in on a domestic violence charge, which he never did, he even hacks into the daughters, college acceptance and scholarship and withdraws her name off the acceptance list, and worse of all, he sends a drone, to go after the mother and father, driving in their car, who have formed a cyber bully, website and are talking to top cops, in cyber intelligence to get their help, but due to the age of the daughter, 18, there is not much they can do, until, they can see a crime was truly committed, she took the picture, the cyber bully, didn't do anything, but put it on the Internet and make money, but she still at this point doesn't know, that her friend put the pictures up!
The mother is the most active person, fighting and vowing to bring this cyber bully down, and she gets a list of other women, who were on the site and contacts them, many willing and not willing to fight, but, they, do give her, some information that is helpful in connecting the dots, as she gets closer and closer, to solving the puzzle of where this shit came from, and how the guy, did it, he shows up, and meets her, when, she realizes, this dude is her former student, and she is sick, to think that he would go after her child! He said, that he knew, it would hurt her worse, to go after her child, than, to go after her, because, it would hurt more and he wanted to hurt her to the max! Eventually, the girl, is getting stronger, with the help of her family, and, soon, the friend, admits what she did . . . and her explanation was chilling to me and my situation, the friend, said, how do you think it felt to always be in your shadow from kindergarten on, to see your best friend, always number one, while she was always and third or a fourth, in any competition, and to see how popular, she got, after getting into the university they both wanted to go to school, together, and a scholarship, in top of that, was too painful and when, she saw the quarterback, Mr. Harvard, going after her too, she couldn't take it and when she saw the pictures, she just sent them to everyone, to hurt her friend, and to knock her off her little perfect world and the pedestal, she had been on her whole life, perfect family, perfect grades, perfect student, beautiful, now adding all this recent attention, the guy, now friends, it was more than she could stand, and still be a friend, so she took revenge on her.
The friend, is pissed, and said, do you realize, that with the "click" of the computer, she ruined her entire life? The parents are also, shocked and stunned, at how, easy it was, for the hacker to ruin their good names, their good credit, and their perfect daughter's life! The mother was not afraid, and she, along with the others, injured, some losing their kids, in a divorce and custody battle, with husbands, or boyfriends, getting them drunk, or in a compromising situation, could take, good careers, good mothers, and very credible women, and destroy their lives, through revenge of the ex, or a lover, or a friend. Eventually, the mother, realizes, that when, the number of hits, started to go down, he would add more pictures of the daughter, who really was a beautiful girl, but she could also, tell, that, there was this other guy, who seemed to show up on the scene, that also came into play, connecting the girls to the cyber bully and his website, the missing pieces, to solidly, put the former student, in direct contact with the other man, and then, showing, the connection to the teacher and her daughter, thus, he was finally, arrested. However, he had money, and bailed out, but he was, going to at least 2 to 7 years in prison, so he showed up at the families home with deadly gas, and said he had nothing to lose but to take them all with him, rather than going to prison. The family, especially the dad, who had felt so helpless, not being able to protect his family, jumped the guy, and that gave the mother and daughter, time to help, get the guy, who shot their father! The guy was put away for life!
In analogous comparison, to my situation, add, my sisters and brothers, my parents, the cops, the prosecutors, the judges, other attorneys, former friends, colleagues, neighbors, extended family, in-laws, clients, church members, legislators, bosses, etc., and on and on, and on! Even Jesus Christ was not so, betrayed, in this collective effort, to take me down. I heard, everything came too easy to you, or you won that because you were pretty, or, the judge liked you, blah, blah, blah, always, dismissing, everything, as I was in some special category, of persons, that never earned, paid, or deserved, a damned thing! It was unfair, that I was pretty, smart, a good student, married a good man, and had great kids, then, to go to law school, have a great career, and being a rebel, and true to my oath, up to and including the U.S. Supreme Court, was just too much, to bare . . . then, add, the next generation of rock stars, beautiful smart daughters, hip hop, rap star, all good-looking and over achievers too, then, a winning multi-million dollar cases, great lobbying efforts and then, a worldwide blog? NOFUCKINGWAY!
She has had MORE THAN HER SHARE OF WINS, so give them to someone else and get rid of her! It is interesting, that, in the CIA way of communicating without communicating, verbally, or with each other, but through, symbolic means, I remember, Brett, showing very significant, symbolic movies, starting with, MORMONS AND MOBSTERS, then, STUART BLISS, JOANN GOING DOWN, and onto, a movie with RHETT BUTLER and DORIS DAY, and I can't remember, the name of the movie, but in the movie, Doris Day, personality a bit like me, was a college English professor, like me, and Rhett Butler, whom, Brett was named after, was a newspaper reporter, whom the professor hated . . . he decides to take her English class, being self taught, as I recall, but, he is like undercover and she doesn't know who he is, but eventually, they get together, and end up in a relationship. That movie, lead me to believe, that, Brett, who was in Salt Lake City, Utah, living for 20 years, before we got together, might, have in fact, taken my class, and as an agent of some type or cop, he would have surely been curious, given all my activity with the cops and government, the Patriot Act, and killing asset forfeiture! He also, said, again, making me wonder, if you have ever met me in high school, you never would have given me the time of day. Now, he may have been referring, before I was poisoned, me and attorney, he also, showed the movie, SOME LIKE IT HOT, with Marilyn Monroe, but, I am sure, I would never, have given him the time of day, because, I was all about, my CAREER, many tried and many were rejected, with, not the slightest interest, for at least the 7 years, before I was poisoned! I am sure that there is a ton, I don't know about this whole thing.
I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, sleep around, unless in Seattle, lol, and even then, sketchy. While in Montana, the worst I have done, is jaywalk! Even last night, when the 5 sheriffs, after me, and ditching, through restaurants, through back doors, down, alternative routes and roads, only to find, some city cop, tracking me, later, but, as I looked back, and noticed a city cop, pulled off to the side of Front Street, parked, but, as I was, going from side, to side, to make sure I was the least accessible as I could be by cop car, I even took the time to cross the street, at a crosswalk in the middle of the street, and when, I turned around, and saw the cop, I thought, can't you see, how law abiding I am? Shit, I was on a street, with little to no traffic, with half the street, vacant buildings, and I still go to the crosswalk? It is hard to get me on anything . . . shit, I don't drive, and when, I did drive, I never even had a parking ticket and speeding, maybe one, in 44 years of almost perfect driving, with vehicles, always, insured and registered! IN this game of MIX, MATCH, AND ATTACH, I am getting blamed for the crimes of the other 6 women, then, they use me, the real attorney, to get them off their shit and teach, cops and prosecutors how I do it, or judges too! All fucking free, from stealing my blog, to getting free training, what better and all get rich too! Pretty good gig, for, these cops, the women, get a great reputation and claim to my resume, take my kids, steal all the money, get the fame, and they distribute, the money to everyone, making them extremely popular, loved and preferred! Oh, another movie, that Brett chose, was called, NED LLOYD, about a man who won the lottery, but dies, so all the people in the town, decide to keep the man's death, a secret and decide to split his money, with all, each and every member to keep them loyal and quiet! Sounds way too familiar, in fact that brings to mind, Shelley's response to Tyrone, her youngest son, when some popular girl told, Ty he would never be popular and Shelley, who was not popular at all, reading all the time, said, well, if you give them all a $5 bill, you will be popular, had she done that with Elliot's earliest music, bandits underground?
In this movie, you have a darling daughter, of a cop, who is like daddy's little doll. There is a policeman's ball, and she meets, or catches the eye, of a developer's son, tall, dark and handsome, who is obsessed, the second he sees, daddy's little girl. He hard pressures her, takes her to meet his parents at a family party, and when, they get home, they make out, and she breaks and leaves, only to have, boyfriend, climb up to her bedroom and make passionate love to her. They have a whirlwind, romance, while daddy wants, his daughter to go to college, like her older sister, but she marries, this dude, dad, doesn't like too much, but he loves his daughter, so he goes along with it. Before, the couple have a baby, all is well, and all is loves and kisses, but, during the delivery, the stud, faints, and when, the family, his and hers, come to see the baby, she tells everyone, and his brother's, kid him, and he is pissed, from that point on, threatening his masculinity, or joking about it, she now becomes his punching bag. He is jealous of the baby, and thinks that she loves the baby more than him, and he starts to abuse her from that point on. He starts beating her, every day.
Her family, all but her father, sees some of the bruises, even the dad did, but he bought the black eye, excuse or didn't want to know. But, the cop dad, a detective is often called, when, a neighbor and friend, got cops called on him, for domestic violence, the detective, always, talked the wife down and dismissed the cops, but, he himself, was, abusive, in his daughter's eyes, and a lot like her, abusive husband, getting worse and worse all the time, until one day, she decided to leave her husband, when he came home drunk after playing golf with his brother and friend, to find her packing and leaving him, taking their baby, and pregnant with another child. He goes ape shit, his statements are haunting and chilling, to say the least . . . when the mother, discovers, her daughter's bruises and battering, she tells her to come home, the daughter, said, "I can't leave him, I love him too much." The psychologist, said, in her trial, with the defense attorney, using the battered women's syndrome, that she loved him with everything she had, because, she needed to love him that much, to get his love to deserve his love . . . but as the abuse got worse, and things escalated, with this conversation, it all ended, in the wife, shooting the husband, she loved, dearly, even after she killed him:
- You wanna leave me? Your going to have to KILL me first. Your never going to leave me! He grabs their son and her suit case. You're not taking MY SON! She says, I would rather die, than go on like this. DO YOU WANT TO DIE? YOU WANNA DIE? He beats her over and over again with his golf clubs, then grabs a gun, rifle . . . ONE OF US, IS GOING TO DIE, ME OR YOU! HE HANDS HER THE RIFLE AND SAYS, GO AHEAD, KILL ME, AND HE STARTS TO LAUGH. YOU CAN'T DO IT! He goes in and lays down on the bed, she picks up the gun, and walks, almost in a stupor, into the bedroom, and he looks up at her, and she shoots him, twice. She sinks to the ground, and lets the baby scream, never moving until the cops get there.
- the cops all call the detective dad, he goes in first, and finds his daughter on the floor, spaced out, and the baby crying. The dad is shocked and stunned, that he didn't have a clue, or didn't want to know, he tell her, that her husband is dead, and he has to arrest his baby. Eventually, as the father deals with his daughter's ordeal, he learns from her, that he treated her mother, just as abusive and that, her husband, was just like her father. He said, I never hit your mother? You demeaned her in public, you were the big bad cop, who didn't need to beat her, just your voice, your put downs, were controlling, enough, because, mom, loved you, like, I loved my husband. The father, gets called on that, couple, domestic call, and he has the husband locked up this time, after arresting him, so he learned and changed, before, just splitting the couple up, realizing if no one intervenes, the problems only gets worse and he didn't want anyone else to escalate, to the death of one of the couple, and in some cases, both . . . homicide, suicide.
- after the jury, hears all the times the husband beat her, and how desperate this young mother was, they understood, why she never left, the control he had over her, and why, she eventually, go to the point, when, she knew and he said, you will have to kill me to leave, and she couldn't stay! She is acquitted, and even the husband's, mother, who hated the daughter-in-law, as did the younger brother, a very prominent family, but, when, she heard, how bad the abuse really was and almost on a daily basis, she came up, and apologized for her son's behavior. SAD ENDING . . .
In this movie, again, a bright, beautiful, smart, senior in high school, the daughter, of the successful business man, with generations of family in the small town, wealthy, successful, beautiful home, wife and daughter, named after the family, with half of the town, either working for the father or living on and renting his property. The father is tough on his daughter, refuses to let her be in the school play, or go to a party, and he disapproves of her boyfriend, a town hood, with friends that were known as thugs and a father who went to prison, or gave the cop, trouble, with crime and being smart enough to cause them grief. But, the boyfriend, was pissed, because, daddy didn't like him, but he wouldn't have thought any boy was good enough for his beautiful, smart daughter, whom he wanted to focus on grades and getting into the best college she could. Dad is going out of town on business, the same time, there is a hot party at some school chums house and all her friends are going. She buys a little black dress, she knows her father would disapprove of, and she uses, going to the school play practice, to get out of the house, to go to the party, where she wore her dress.
To make a long story short, the father and daughter don't see eye to eye, and when she gets kidnapped, by these two hoods, and town, losers, they don't hurt her, but they demand, that the father gives them, $250,000 not to hurt her. The FBI comes in, and this chick starts to put thoughts in her father and mother's heads that, their daughter, is not so innocent, and there is a $100,000 missing when, they pick up the two boys, finding the daughter, passed out in the woods, but unharmed, not raped, and eventually okay. But, due to the lack of abuse and harm to the daughter, the money missing, etc., and the old boyfriend and her being seen, the night before the abduction, together, when, someone is chasing the old girlfriend with the guy, just running into her, the rumor start that, they, planned this kidnapping, together, to get back at her father, for breaking them up, and for not allowing his daughter any freedom. As the testimony, comes out, the father, starts to question his daughter, more and more and the mother is pissed that he would doubt his own daughter, thinking she would ever, take money from their family, to get back at him. Finally, a key piece of evidence, comes forward, a tape recording of the girl, telling her father to listen to them, and do whatever they ask him to do . . . on the phone, dad, only heard part of the tape, not the part where, old boyfriend, said, if, dad didn't pay, he was going to cut off his baby daughter's finger . . . that was played in court, and the father was embarrassed that he ever doubted his daughter, and was more keyed into the scary ordeal, when his daughter was kidnapped, while knowing the boys who kidnapped her and treated well, he still liked the girl, but he was sorry he doubted his very beautiful daughter, who just wanted to be her own, person, separate and aside from what he wanted her to be. They kissed and made up.
The old boyfriend, went to prison for 15 years for kidnapping and extortion, his friend and accomplice, went for 8 years, and the girl was immediately, acquitted and the charges dropped, when the judge and jury, heard, the tape of the threats to the girl! The girl was not emotional, calm, cool, and collected, even under the suspicion of the cops, the FBI and her own father, the press and her school mates. She showed dignity and class, never freaking out, but had a confidence and belief in herself, never doubting, her innocence, regardless of how it looked to those on the outside. She was just as gracious in forgiving her doubting and controlling father.
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