Golden Donna 100% Silk West Coast Tour . . . golden is just what, it means, money, and Donna, is Brett's mother's name, Donna Christiansen, married to Dee, Brett's step dad; Silk is the type of soy brand milk that Brett always bought, I was his wife, before, Kay Baby, became me when Brett refused to give me a divorce, because he wanted all my assets, including cash for kids, with the help of Shelley, Isaac, Jesse and Tiffany, in the Bandit CD scam, check, Sandpoint, Idaho, for secret bank accounts, maybe under Wells Fargo? 100% meaning, that Brett and Kay, were able to steal, take credit, for 100% of me and mine, payback for the killing of 1997, cop and prosecutor's legislation on asset forfeiture, then onto, medical billing practices, and on to MY U.S. Supreme Court case, worth $357 million, securities case, with Kay, and others, first making the deal with my clients, then the steal, of the entire case, for the benefit of Pretty Woman, Mitt Romney . . . hey, that was Newt Gingrich and the pretty boyz of the Mormon church! LOL!
Al Garcia . . . or Allan Rex Bess, aka, Frank of Interpol, masquerading as Al or AB, absolute bastard and he was, but, again, names that cops would recognize, and symbolic, Al Gar, CIA!
Seung Lee . . . Sarah Lee Bakery . . . Nobody doesn't like Sarah Lee, or little Kay Baby, it is easy to be pleasant, when, everyone involved, knows that you are only a surrogate for the real JoAnn S. Secrsit, J.D., and really didn't do all this shit to the cops, and getting all the money, fame and game for being me, Nice ride, Cookie! Bonnie and Clyde!
there were 60 or 70 people, and like I said, two of the artists, working with the record label, were missing; however when you go to the facebook page, there is a list of alleged, missing victims, but do we really know, who's chard bodies are really in the burning building? NO! Some alleged, concert goers, said they left to go get cigarettes and came back to a warehouse of flames, like in about 10 minutes, there were allegedly, 238 or so, concert goers who, went on facebook for tickets costing $10, so where did the other, 200 or so, go? I would guess that this was staged, and the bodies that were found, were homeless people who actually really did, live in the warehouse, on a permanent basis, with Kay and Brett, getting all concert goers out, before the flames, and burning the homeless people, that could be in sign and symbol of me, since they have stolen, every god damned dime I would have made! I would not put this passed these two, nor Shelley and Al, who are all, money grubbing, gold digging, vulture capitalist with a political twist, to benefit the cops and to hurt the Secrist Family, whom they are all both jealous and envious of, but, have tried to induct, through honey traps, to say, that Kay is the mommy make over for me, and Brett or Britt, is the daddy do over, for Zeke or Richard Secrist! But my kids are buried, 6 sets of parents deep, to make sure that, me and Zeke, or Richard the real parents of the baby geniuses, EVERY COP WANTS TO CLAIM AS THEIR OWN, thus the mega mates, being rejected by me, use the sista and friend pool, to all claim, famous attorney, professor, blogger, legislator and mother, status, bringing the egos of these fuckers, long time enemies of me, dating to COLD CASE STATUS! and me fighting, daily to not only save my kids, from being, swapped, for the cousin, crew, but, murdered to clean up the mess, with no witnesses; however, Scary Mommy Dearest, ran, and saved the whole family, from extinction, being the INCREDIBLES, turning into the EXPENDIBLES with the BAD GRANDPA, getting rid of the cool family, replacing them with the MORMON SHITS! LOL! Then substituting Kay Baby for me, being only one month different in age, both sharing, much of our early years, at Millcreek Junior High, where we were both cheerleaders, going to Bountiful High, same class, both on the debate team and the drill team, both working all through school, at Pepperoni Pizza, both going to college at BYU, undergrad, then, both having ties to the University of Utah, Kay as a student, me as faculty, teaching family law, and both being attorneys, her as a shitty ambulance chaser, me as the former assistant attorney general and this is where the jealousy, reignited, when, I started higher than Kay, right of the bat in the legal food chain! LOL! This is where the weaving took place, and Kay and Brett, could easily, pass for Isaac's parents, but when I started to blog, and put picture of the red-haired, Jesus, or comparing Elliot to Prometheus, of the legend of the ancient who stole FIRE from the gods and for his punishment was tied to a rock, daily, with vultures, plucking his eyes and flesh off him . . . not far from the truth! With Bonnie and Clyde, Kay and Brett, Shelley and Allan, Rachel and Kennedy, Sue and Kevin, etc., burying the REAL superstar parents of all four, baby geniuses, me and Richard Clifton Secrist, who had to have been involved, or his little jealous, bitchy wife, Rochelle who has treated my kids, horribly, and maybe because she sold them out!
Sargent Ray Kelly, of Oakland, K-9 unit cops, or at least that is on his uniform, could be in on it, or may not be . . . I am sure that this is a need to know only, operation, like the rest of them, while benefiting the cops, many could be in the dark! I found the article particularly interesting on the distancing of the Golden Donna 100% West Coast Tour, saying they were NOT officially the promoters of the tour? The tickets were sold on their facebook? the artists were all three on their label! Wisconsin based, Joel Shanahand, who is not, Elliot, but, Jo El, Shan or Sham, Secrist Ham, a Hand, or the son of the blogger, Kay is claiming to be, with all my blogs, not posting Mountain time, but, Pacific time where Kay, used to live in Half Moon Bay, now, allegedly practicing law in Santa Barbara, between LA and Oakland? to facilitate those LA concert dances, each weekend in that area and the concert, in Oakland, not responsible? HUH?
Independent electronic dance music with a wide mix of stylish, artistic minded enthusiasts? Smacks of Chris's computer mixes, stolen, adding, dance to cover the music, but using the concert venues, off the radar so taxes, cops, and media or press do not cover! It even sounds like Kay and Brett wrote the damned article, their style, boring and trying to be elite and stylish! LOL! LOSERS! fucked up their own kids, so they wanted MINE! SORRY! I hope they charge you two for not getting permits, no insurance, and the fire, total profit, holding these cottage off the radar, dances, raves are two noisy and noticed! Ideas stolen from, Parallax, Maraloka, God's Revolver, Worst Friends, and now, the Ditch and the Delta! named after DIA or Delta Force Intelligence who took out, Elliot's mom, when, Isaac, Shelley and Allan, or Frank of Interpol, basically, moved in and took over my house, killed, the real Allan Rex Bess, replacing him with Frank or T-Rex the terrible, Shelley to take my place, but I ran, so they reported me as dead, then Shelley took my place! MURDERERS!
label, by Amanda and Britt Brown, aka, Kay Burningham Brown, and Brett Todd Stuart or Stewart Brown! allegedly gaining a reputation with Pocahaunted and Best Coast bands, Parallax was big on the west coast and did tours, from LA to Portland! Later, God's Revolver, did their nationwide tour, but the ATF, family members, fucked, up, three world wide music magazine interviews, for Elliot, probably because, Isaac and the cop kid band was already touring, and that would have blown their cover, so they, did what they did to me, and killed the REAL band, for the FAKE band, the real attorney for the FAKE attorneys! RICO baby, patterns of criminal activity, with the Mormon church, right I the middle of it, benefiting and the association, starting with the ward, to the county, to the state, of Mormon, to Washington, D.C., to the Department of Justice, FBI, and the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections! BINGO!
the pair, of liars, said they are not involved in any aspect of the party 100% Silk did not organize, host, promote, or have any involvement, in this tragic event, beyond releasing music by some of the artists involved. A discussion about venue safety is valid but, would be more meaningful conducted elsewhere . . . they sold the fucking tickets online! Kay the little attorney, is protecting the couple from liability, and if anyone should understand, tort, wrongful death, and negligence law, it is Kay, her specialty, but she is a shitty attorney, so?
check out the notes from the hackers, to STOP CORRECTING INTERPOL! LOL! GOTCHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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