If Your Not, Allan, Where is Allan?
Fucking CATS! Someone, NSA, or hackers, just made this page disappear, so, they stole this title and tried to stop this title in the body of the blog! TYPICAL! Cops protecting COPS! Shit, don't worry about the VICTIMS, shit heads, GOD! I man is murdered, in his own home, and you protect his killers, Shelley and Frank? FUCK! Okay, they ought to learn that it is always, worse, stealing my shit, because, then, I am pissed as hell! You would think, that I should be free, to write, to solve a fucking MURDER! I am continually, shocked, dismayed, saddened, and down right, sick, and what passes for law enforcement, now days! FUCK? About, two weeks into my marriage, and like I said, I didn't marry for sex, nor had I slept with the "real" Allan, Shelley did that, to put a bullet in his head, DNA on the mattress! I told, new police chief, whatever the fuck his name is? LAW ENFORCMENT! What, I told him and Iron County, Sheriffs, plus his Adult Probation and Parole? NOTHING? I can see that you would hate me, but, turning a blind fucking eye, to a murder, is beyond believable, like me or not! That is how this whole thing, happened, Frank, and Shelley, knew the cops, prosecutors and judges, all put their fucking personal feelings about me, due to the law suit, that so, DEARLY DESERVED, as if this case, doesn't prove exactly what I am talking about! So, within the first two weeks, I started to have suspicions, consciously, while, having them, immediately, upon seeing FRANK! But, I have never been around a cancer patient, so what did I know? I was in a state of total, chaos, and this was purposefully created, specifically, to fuck up my, at the time $357 million lawsuit, against the state of Utah, governor, attorney general, Department of Commerce, Division of Securities, and about, 3 attorneys, and 5 or 6 cop investigators!
As, my suspicions were mounting, paying attention to the details of what, this man, whom I was pretty sure, was NOT Allan, but, still, innocent, until proven guilty, but, I started noting, mentally, that one Allan, my client, was in I-Corp Marines, never seeing battle, but in intelligence, reading all the intelligence reports on the real body count, in Vietnam, fighting with his generals, feeling like each time he got an encrypted message, he was sending his fellow soldiers to their death, and he said he was not trained to be a killing machine, to sit behind a typewriter, and decode, messages. The other alleged, Allan, kept, saying, he was a platoon leader, and he took, 82 men, into battle, but only 53 came back, the ones who followed what he told them to do, so drastically, different, if true on this fraud's end of things. I bought, a CD on the Vietnam War, so that I could better understand what, Allan had been through, or the troops, had started to read his Marine training manual, and whatever, after listening, and trying to be, the good wife, for once! LOL! But, I noticed that the fake Allan, was watching that, CD over and over again, like he was trying to memorize, each line, or the facts of the reality of the war, to use it to impress me, or to try to convince me that he, really was a vet? Although, there were pictures of the young Allan Bess, one of him getting his stripes, by two generals, and him with a blank stare, like what the hell did I get myself into. Another one of him, in some drinking contest, taking each, can of beer, and stacking it nicely and orderly, much, like the Marine clean of the basement, before the imposters came in the ransack, rob, and steal the Bess family fortune! But, the other, Allan, or Frank, was a Marine too, or so it seemed, he gave me a picture, but, while both were handsome, the real Allan, was bigger, better built, and had, a wider, gap between his eyes, than Frank!
I always, loved the song, by Lady Antebellum, You'll Always Be 18 and Beautiful, and Dancing Away with My Heart! It is interesting, that the two pictures of the "real" Allan, I kept on the dashboard of my truck, and the picture of Frank, I never took to . . . probably, a gut feeling! They both liked cats, Allan, was most worried after getting out of jail, for the year, that I get his cat back, he never mentioned or wanted a dog. Allan had a dog, that got Porvo, or dog cancer, and Allan had been on probation for smoking weed or something, back I the 60's when he got home from Vietnam, so he got caught and sentenced, he requested to go to prison over jail, because they could smoke in prison, but not in jail, and he had to go for a year. But, on the last day of Allan's probation, his bad ass cousin, who always got him in trouble, had a reputation, so, just hanging with this dude was bad news, and probably the reason that cops thought that Allan was such a bad guy, is his cousin, a real bad ass, punched his fist through a cop car front window and pulled, the cop out by the throat! Yeah, that would probably do it! But, on the last day of Allan's probation, cousin, suggested he take his dog and go up in the hills and shoot the poor mutt and put him out of his misery. Allan, did, and some sheriff heard the gun shot, and got Allan, on the last day of his probation, for having a firearm in violation of his probation! I am guessing that cousin had some charges, and the cops set Allan up, and the cousin, got his charges dropped! Allan thought this particular cop, had a crush on his sister, very pretty, blonde hair, blue eyed, Lena, he cherished and loved . . . Allan was pesky brother who probably told her to ditch the cop! One hated cops, and the other called them, on me, every time, I said, I didn't love him! LOL! And they would come! LOL!
I had a client, who, was driving down, I-15, to Las Vegas, and he was side-swiped by a paint truck, and started to go into the meridian, with his anniversary, issued, Cadillac Eldorado, and as he tried to correct himself, his 13 year old son, awoke and grabbed the steering wheel, and over corrected, and rolled the car, sending, the boy, out the window, not wearing his seat belt, and being thrown, like a hundred yards, to his death. Brandon and his ex-wife, had, put a picture and cross up on the side of the road, between, Cedar City and St. George, so, when, I was driving down to court in St. George and had time to think, just coming to the realization that this was, not Allan, but still, wondering if he was in Cancun, or in Vegas, like Curits Baum, told me, he might go, to be able to freely be able to smoke pot. But, just at the second, I thought of where, Allan, might be, I turned my head to the side of the freeway, not really even sure where the accident marker of my other client, was, to look directly at the white cross, with the kid's picture on it! And, right then, the thought, came that he was dead! I still kind of didn't believe it, not putting all the puzzle pieces together yet, but, as if to confirm, my revelation and discovery, God Intel, style, a car, black, older, Lincoln, Continental, like movie star, Matthew McConneghey, drove in my favorite, all time, lawyer movie, Lincoln Lawyer, that I purchased at the time, I moved in the Bess home, and had been watching it, at that particular time, with Frank up at the cabin, drove by, with, license plate, that had, Allan's mother's name on it, EMMA, as if, the psychic powers of the universe were saying, yeah, my son's dead, I didn't think, murder, but use your law degree and license to avenge his death, or see that justice is served!
I know, I swear a lot, but, I am really, a very spiritual person, and there is a difference between, being spiritual and being religious, which, I am not . . . but, the sudden reality, that Allan was dead, hit me like a ton of bricks, and seeing this, license plate with his mother's name on it, blew me way, and I started to sob, crying, trying not to, get my make-up, running down my face, before court, but the crying was uncontrollable at this point, but, again, as if to give me a second witness, in this bizarre and strange, way of learning of the death, as I got out of the truck, this large, letter sized, manila envelope, fell out from under the front seat of the driver's side of my truck with the label, Rex Bess, like both mom and dad, were telling me from the grave that something was desperately WRONG! If the mother's name didn't put me down, the father's name coming out of nowhere, still to this day, don't know how that envelope got in my truck, and I can't remember, Allan giving it to me, I was a complete, basket case, by the time I hit court! Luckily, it was a small, fast matter, to be handled, nothing big, thank God, I was a wreck that that, sort of started, the mourning process, but, the completely horrible thing was, the mind games, so, knowing one man was dead, this other man was there, who, everyone bought off as Allan! Scream! so, while I would be mourning one, the other one would be standing in front of me, delaying the belief and mourning process, confusing, disconcerting, and deceiving me, so, this, process of, going, mentally from one, Allan to Frank, took, months to sink in!
As I was trying to process all this, in addition to employing half the jail, releases, to clean, paint and do yardwork at the Bess home, while I was doing law, all over the western United States, it was hard, to see, Frank, and try to see, someone else as Allan and visa versa, when my thoughts were with, Allan, I would be in shock, to see, Frank, and I am sure, that if the two were to stand, side by side, they would not look, anything alike, other than, hair color, and perhaps, a bit of a droopy, face, but, I don't even know about that . . . this double thing is harder than it seems, because you never see the two, next to each other! But, as I was, trying to think about, Allan's size, and guessing him, based on him standing next to me in court, as I defended him, or he got sentenced, I remembered him, as towering over me, even with jail flip flops, so with biker boots, he really stood tall! But, this Frank, that I still called, Allan, he was short, skinny, and appeared, somewhat sickly. I was writing by this time, to Chief, Kent Carpenter, about all the differences, I noticed, but I had not proof. I guess Allan to be, somewhere between, 230 and 260 lbs. All the sudden, LeAnn, Bob Beal's girlfriend, can't remember names, the couple that Allan has lent his trailer to, or given them his trailer, the one he was cleaning the day, I was first attracted to him, and that was probably one of the reasons, good guy!
But, Ms. Beal, came over, and brought me, a copy of something, that, she found, up in a cupboard in the trailer, after, like, 6 months, and I remember how, Marine clean that thing was when Allan gave it to them, so, for something to escape his notice, was rare and shocked her and me, but she found this letter, and I believe it was from the VA to Allan, but it had some of his vital statistics from his application and it put him, 6 feet tall, and weighing about, 230 or so, at that time, and he and complained about gaining weight while he was in jail, high carb food, so he could have been, about 20 pounds over that, when he first got out of jail? But, Frank, was small, and he would say, you need to not eat much, because, you needed to be light as a CAT, and I thought, CIA, that is how, I got the symbolic connection between cats, that sneak up on you, and what he said about being so, light, that you can sneak up stairs, without anyone hearing you, and take, whatever you need, or plant a bug, or check this or that out in a house . . . oh, by the way, since, I was in Parowan, my proof, of my ID card, being directly linked to, a current, Montana driver's license, is missing! I guess the CAT came in to protect his lady, Shelley! So, I had confirmation on that piece of evidence and it was as if God himself, or Allan, or his parents, were dropping evidence of his murder, as I was ready to process and deal with it!
I remember, early on, when Allan was first out of jail, he, asked me to read something, and I had forgotten my reading glasses, cheap, dollar reading glasses, so he offered me his, also, cheap, reading glasses! LOL! I must have read whatever and placed the glasses, on my shirt, as I do with my own, and forgot about them, until I got into the truck, and being either in a hurry, or just too lazy ass to take them back in the house, I put them, in the glove compartment, but, I didn't remember doing this, but, when, glasses came to be an issue, having been in that, glove compartment, tons of times, looking for this or that, I noticed, the reading glasses, that I think, were buried, but, for some reason, that particular time, unless someone planted them? were they going to frame me for his murder? But, once after being up at the cabin, early in the morning, I remember, Frank, still Allan to me, having lost his trifocals, and he was like one of the three blind mice, squinting and stumbling around, so pissed off and sick about his glasses! At that time, I don't think, I thought, of anything, until, I was trying to put it all together for the cops, but, suddenly, out of the blue, evidence, by piece of evidence, that reading glasses, magically appeared, or fell out, or, I had to find something and there were the glasses, I don't ever remember, consciously, taking with me, but glad that I had more evidence of the two different men, like it did me any good! It was funny asking people in town, if this was the Allan they remember? I was not 100% sure, but, getting there . . . Dee Richardson, one of Allan's cousins came over one night, and as Frank went upstairs, I asked him, if this was the Allan, he grew up with?
Like the dumb cluck he is, he was all engrossed in his phone camera, and showing me pictures of this or that, and not even looking at Allan or Frank, and he said, look, JoAnn, he is in Allan's home, and he is wearing Allan's clothes, so he is Allan! I was like what . . . wearing someone's clothes, or being in their home, doesn't make them YOU! I was pissed, and right then, Frank came down the stairs with, allegedly, Rex's, a big man, dentures! He had them in his mouth, making, stupid faces, as I was trying to see if these fit him, as proof of it being Allan or Frank, and, I noticed that the dentures were WAY big for Frank . . . but he said they were, Rex's, Allan's dad, a very big man, so? But that night, after, Frank put them on the counter, I gathered them into evidence for the cops! LOL! Frank was pissed, because, after talking to Tony, I learned that Allan had dentures, and Frank, didn't, that I could see, or remember, but, I was moving up the innocent scale to the GUILTY AS HELL, side of the proof, side of things, and being a murderer! accomplice with Shelley!
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P.S., when I caught, the hackers, putting, or blocking all, my title blogspot with the word, "ASS" in is, which means all of them, and wrote about it, now, the new strategy is to go into some of my bigger readerships, like BING, and, put lame ass messages, like this, the one above, that I cut and pasted. Now, bing gets, huge ass numbers for my blog, like 6 million, hits, as a snap shot, at ANYTIME of the day, and I have been swearing and writing smut, since day one, with bing being a huge ass site for me, and the other 7 or more versions, of the same thing, so to act, like, all the sudden, bing is all virtuous is just a flat out lie, or they would have no readers and hits! This is just one more, attempt, to do what they, the mob, the Mormons, the Republicans, the MIB, have done all the way along, have their way, with the shit load of money from this BILLION DOLLAR BLOG! Because if figured out a way around, their IBOSS SHIT . . . then write your own SHIT BITCH, now, I go into bing, where I noticed, as they must have too, the huge number of hits on that site, like, eni-meani-mini-mo . . . you get, Google, Shelley gets bing, Frank gets, Yahoo, and so and so forth, and JOANN, the blogger extraordinaire, gets jack shit NOTHING! They have been doing this from, 2 weeks after I started this blog! Like I said, all for them, NONE FOR THE WRITER, THE ATTORNEY, THE LOBBYIST, THE BLOGGER, THE MUSICIAN, and all for the MOB! GET YOUR FUCKING CLAWS AND FANGS OUT OF MY BLOG, MY SONS' MUSIC, AND MY DAUGHTERS' BOOKS! COPS HAVE KNOWN THIS SINCE TWO WEEKS INTO THIS BLOG AND HAVE DONE NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LAW ENFORCEMENT! AND YOU WONDER WHERE I GET SUCH A BAD ATTITUDE TOWARD THEM, AND WHY THEY WANT ANYONE BUT ME, TO BE ME, ALL UNDER THE UMBRELLA, NAME OR BRAND OF ME! THEN PRETENDING THAT I DON'T EXIST! FUCK YOU!
But, as I was going to the restroom, here at the Salt Lake City, Library, in downtown, Utah, the Capitol City, I was walking through the stacks of books, and I see, this adult, holding the hand of a child, a book on dementia, and when, I first, got Pick's Disease, that is one of the signs, like an early onset of dementia, or so they said, but, you are reading the blog, the largest, most read blog in the world, by hundreds of times, with a global presence, so this, poor little frontal lobe impaired sister, just won't work for daughters, son's, or sisters! LOL! Would to God you all be a smart as me! Gig and games, not going to work, then the next book I see, is with Glenn Close, putting her arms around, her sister, and the title of the book, is Two Sisters and Mental Illness! Who is truly ill? The sister who is who she is, attorney, blah, blah, blah or the sisters, who, pretend to be this sister? and the men, who pretend they are too?
Oh, I was going to make a comment on the Bess home, me as wife . . . doesn't matter, who has the marriage certificate that Frank, tried to give to Shelley and give me the CATWOMAN, which is probably closer to me, than, being with a fake ass fucker like that sack of shit! But, when I got to Salt Lake, my son, Elliot, said, Mom what are you going to do, since the house is not yours? It goes like this, son . . . If the courts follow the law, the house is mine! If they follow, "local rule" something southern Utah Jack Ass Judges, like to do, then, the house will be, Max Alger's, but I will sue him for the $60,000 in improvements I made to the house, plus taxes I paid! So, like Paul Harvey used to say . . . And for the rest of the story! LOL!
Oh, I was going to make a comment on the Bess home, me as wife . . . doesn't matter, who has the marriage certificate that Frank, tried to give to Shelley and give me the CATWOMAN, which is probably closer to me, than, being with a fake ass fucker like that sack of shit! But, when I got to Salt Lake, my son, Elliot, said, Mom what are you going to do, since the house is not yours? It goes like this, son . . . If the courts follow the law, the house is mine! If they follow, "local rule" something southern Utah Jack Ass Judges, like to do, then, the house will be, Max Alger's, but I will sue him for the $60,000 in improvements I made to the house, plus taxes I paid! So, like Paul Harvey used to say . . . And for the rest of the story! LOL!
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