The Lingering Fart and the Taxi Cab Analogy--TYT
One of the Young Turks, the Italian, dude, ironically, enough, given the mob connects to Trump, and remember, Al Capone and the boyz would have been nothing without dirty cops, kind of like, modern days when there is no distinction between the mob and the FIB, but, the guy got in the cab, and there was this stench, stink, lingering odor that he knew, was the gaseous smells of the taxi cab driver who had farted, but was not saying anything, like what could he say. But, the TYT compared that to Trump, when he thought Trump was losing for sure, but he said, how long, is the stink of Trump, going to stay around America, after his farts, deplorables, his anger, rants, tweets, linger, after Trump is gone? Sorry, we are not so lucky, the stinky driver of America, symbolic of Trump, is staying right in the cab, to stink it up any time his very little heart, feels like it! I hope someone finds some air freshener, some relief, some reprieve, from the old fart, the ugly, dirty side of America, Trump has introduced, or better reintroduced to us, with the operative word, being "again", that we have seen in the last year and a half, during this election. The divisive language, the "us" vs. "them" mentality, the line drawing, the race baiting, the racism, sexism, misogynism, bigotry, Islamaphobia, homophobia, and xenophobia, of Trump and his supporters, just like it was back in the Jim Crow era, before civil rights, women's rights, and the dreamers, with the same American dreams that our ancestors had, for coming to America, to partake in this experiment, this ideal, of a more perfect Union . . . no, Mr. Trump, has taken us back to the good old days of white male rule again!
The Desert, The River, The Quick Sand, The Green Slim, and the Duck Shit! That is How I Feel, Thinking of Trump's Version of Making America Great Again! YUCK!
Last night, as the fowl stench of a "rigged" election, against Hillary, started to roll in, I told my grandkids, that grandma was too angry and upset, to deal with them, that they had to go in their bedrooms, and watch the elections, that they were really into, in the bedroom, because, I was too pissed and wanted to kill someone! Their parents who feel the same way I do, might, not understand the amount of rage, outrage, and vitriol, reaction I was having, having gone through this type of "rigged" court system, election shit, back in 2012, when Mormon Mitt was running, myself having gone through, the same but different, stuff, and the gang rape of the last election, with all the forces of evil, in the Republican male legions of threatened, men, who just can't deal or stomach, women, like me and Hillary, did similar type shit, so it is up close and personal, and grandma doesn't know how she will react to this shit, a second time, like second hand smoke, it can kill you just as easy if not more than the smoker themselves! But, long before, the final, blow, the final, lie, the final, turn of events, 180 degrees, in this election with Trump having no pathway to the White House, being reversed, on this Wheel of Fortune, from Hillary, to against Hillary and for Trump, I took to the bed, and the comfort of sleep, hoping that, this was just a nightmare, that would be gone, much like the nightmare I have been living for the last 4 years, since, my cases, house, money, law practice, and almost my life got, attacked, relentlessly, and non-stopping since, four years ago, last night! But, the "rig" was set and final, and now the snow job, the cover-up, the lies, the blame, on everyone, but, the Republicans, the Mormons, the F.B.I., and the Trumpkins, who got him elected the old fashioned way, they stole the elections! with the help of voting machine owner, George Soros and his Spanish, vote tally personnel!
But, still being, not in the slightest, appeased, by the Trump acceptance talk, that appeared more like a funeral, nothing like the huge crowds at Grant Park, Chicago, back in 2008, when, blacks were loving on whites, and Asians, holding hands with the Latinos, this was white crony town, Trump style, with his boring, but mixed marriage white family. Nothing new, nothing changed, the same old shit, we had before President Obama, rocked the nation, in a Kennedyesque manner, of the new, the beautiful, the bold and black! There is only 34% of the electorate that is excited to make America, Trump's idea of great again. But, as I walked down, Riverside Drive this morning, I was reminded, of an incident that happened to me, several years ago, before, I started practicing law again, in 2009, when I still thought the death sentence, effective, that was placed on me, after I took out, 9 federal agents, and investigators, saving St. George area doctors, from fraud units and investigators, that cost me 8 years of my life, my clit, and gave the fucking feds, mafia, and men in black, a chance, to steal my life, and give it to their bitches, leaving me for dead, last time, I dared cross the Utah Republican stronghold of chicken shits, men and the women, sympathizers, who would sell their souls to be me . . . but, being reminded, that, a walk I took, years ago, really described, how I was feeling about the dirty elections.
I remembered this walk, on what I thought was a nature trail, taking me the pretty way, back from St. James Place, where my sister and brother-in-law were thinking of buying a house, and the danger, I found myself in, in the 117 degree heat, finding the trail, leading me anywhere, but where I thought it might go, missing, the fact that, there were two trails, not just one, and the one I was embarking on, was taking me into remote and dangerous, heat and desert territory! I started my early morning walk with a stop at the Maverick store on Riverside Drive, and walked, to St. James Place, with nothing better to do, what was a cool morning, walk, that turned, deadly. The trail, I thought, I was on, went right, adjacent to the River Road, and the one, I actually, got on, lead, back to the lower end of the cliffs, of houses, I had been on, two hours earlier when I was cool and rested. I was wearing, flip flops, had not water, no cell phone, and no sunscreen. Upon finding myself, in the brutal heat, of what was soon, hitting the hottest parts of the day, and going in the wrong direction, I decided that I would cut across the desert brush, go across the small stream, and cut, over to the buildings I could see in the distance. I slipped in the river, sinking knee deep in mud, with, my flip flops, buried, deep and dark, down under me, with mud getting all over me, having to reach down into the muck, to retrieve me poor excuse for shoes!
I found a more solid place to cross the river, but on the far side, there had been a bunch of geese and ducks, with bird shit all over the place, once I got to the other side, no to mention, some green slimmy, algae looking stuff, mixed with the desert brush and duck shit! By this time, the sand was burning hot, and as I got closer to the buildings, I noticed, these huge ass, jet black, lava rocks, that looked like they had been cleared away for the construction of this new development. Shit! These boulders were big and stacked on each other, making a formidable barrier, between me and the buildings insight, and getting nearer and nearer. I just took it on the knees, bare and cut, already, scratched and cut, by the quicksand, river, rocks, slim, and duck shit! My hands burned, knees, cut more, but, I finally, just did what it took to get over this Chinese wall, to the nearest building, to call someone to come get me! I dragged into the first business to use their phone and it was a beauty parlor! I had mud from head to foot, was out of breath, half cooked in the heat of the sun, and looking like duck shit myself! LOL! That is how, I feel about this whatever it was, we saw last night? I feel dirty, cheated, mislead, lied to--some biker, told me, to take that road, and I listened to him, but, I was exhausted, and in need of something clean, fresh, water, life, something life giving!
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