Election Wisdom from the Boyz Club! LOL! Five Guys at CB's Bar, Missoula, Last Night at About 1:30 AM . . . America is Fucked, so I am Voting for Being the Least Fucked and Voting for Hillary! LOL!
Sorry guys, I could not help eavesdropping in on your conversation, and to my surprise, you were discussing the elections, not girls, football, or something like hiking--just curious what your age talks about, and what guys talk about when they are not with gals, and I was pleasantly surprised to hear you talking about the elections, debating, defending, challenging, some staying out of the fray, others, refusing to comment, maybe for lack of having a valid argument, or without, a good reason for their positions, if they had a position at all. There were two guys, who started to get into it, and I believe, one was either in law school, or already an attorney, but the one did defer to the man of letters, who promptly admitted that he didn't know the answers, and another guy, saying, don't get me in this debate! I think they all had a somewhat negative view of the future, America, and that may be a Millenial, Bernie Sanders, regret that their candidate didn't make the finals, or they were listening to the negative views from Trump, but putting their hope in Hillary, who they clearly said, was most qualified, had the abilities to be president, and, while they didn't trust her in some things, they did trust her to run the government, which, I thought was a very mature, more sophisticated, level of thinking, they left the bar, still caught up in the debate, or at least the two most engaged . . . you will get out of this election what you put into it! You brought me joy, vote your conscience, but have a god damned too reason, for why you are voting for a particular candidate, whether, national or local, your vote matters, so be educated and somewhat up to speed on the issues and the person's plans. I can be persuaded, but, I refuse to change my mind on any issue, if you do not have a solid, viable, and logical reason or argument!
I swear a lot, and you, reader, knows this to be true, mainly, because I didn't swear, until I reached the ripe old age of 28, and then it felt like having an orgasm, after years of pent up frustration! I am not offended by the language of these guys, nor by me, especially with a good excuse, that people who swear, release and can deal with 75% more stress than people who don't swear, and because I taught, high school, and these kids were hard core, for sure, had terrible home lives, were either raising themselves or being raised by a young sister or brother, without parents, and barely making it from day to day. At the beginning of the school year, I had a list of rules, and one was not to swear . . . one kids, said, then I can't talk! LOL! Swearing is much more acceptable, today, and the college age crowd, do it with ease and with comfort. I have always related to the university crowd, and got a kick out of the reasoning behind, voting for Hillary, but I will admit, that I watched an interview between, Rubin, of Rubin Reports, and Roseanne Barr, comedian, or so she used to be, now she is very serious, and very political, but she swore almost every other word, even while saying some really good stuff and promoting her new movie, where I believe she is president, or she is running, right positions on many things, but, seriously, too much swearing and I thought, do I sound like that? If so, I am sorry, and I will try to do better, there are just times, when, I am venting, sitting like I am at the Break Cafe', thinking, that nobody but me, knows what I am writing! LOL! Then all of the sudden, I realize that the world is reading this blog! Then I get a bit embarrassed by my language, realizing that youngsters could easily, be reading this blog and I hope they are, therefore, I will try to tone it down, after seeing Rosanne, giving me a mirror of myself! We do owe to our kids and young people to be an example of restraint, and decorum, so, I will try, and that is all I can promise!
Know Your Candidates! On Labor Day, CNN is Having a Special on Both Hillary and Donald, Giving You, Some Insights, Into their Lives That May Be the Reasoning Behind this or that Position! I Was Fascinated to Hear the Story of Hillary Clinton's Mother, Her Birthday Being on the Day, Women Gained the Right to Vote . . . And Now Her Daughter the First Female Nominee for a Major Political Party, Destiny! or Making the Connection Between Hill's Mother Being Raised by Loving Adults, After She was Orphaned by Her Own Parents, Inspiration for Hillary's book: It Takes A Village to Raise a Child!
One of the best things, I did, back in the 2008 elections, was to watch these CNN specials on the presidential candidates, going back to their early years, to childhood, to their school and college years, and what, elements, historical events, and sparked in a young person's mind, in order to drive them to put themselves, under a microscope to be dissected, and displayed, fileted if you will, for the public, in order to SERVE THEM? When all is said and done, whomever, wins, they can thank, all the bumps, bangs, cuts and scratches, along the road to the White House, for making them, better people, more in touch, with the lives of the people of this country, their dreams, fears, and then, thank the others, who through debate, challenge, and defense, had to crystalize their positions, to withstand the scrutiny of other hopefuls, going through the same thing. Even a billionaire, and a political queen, involved in politics, since she was 18, has had to learn, bend, grow, study, prepare and sharpen her debating skills, not unlike she had to do in Congress, but so much more exposed, criticized and publically, held to every word, she says, learning, evolving, as the Donald has had to do too . . . running a company, no matter how large and successful, is not like running for office, with competing special interests, dealing with the other branches of the government, who have control over your destiny as a leader, holding and controlling the budgets, the allocations and even the vote, that can either stop or promote your plans . . . unlike none other to prepare our president!
In Britain, I think, they said, that, from the start to finish of their election for prime minister, it took a mere 28 days, and a very limited amount of money, where in the last month, both candidates have raised, somewhere between $50 to $90 million for their campaigns, and one side of me, thought, why don't we take all that money and put it to better use, but then, as I thought about it, this long protracted, race for the top position in the land, puts the candidates, through the refiners fire, pushing them to the limits, and we all know that, diamonds, are just like coal or something like that, that are put under tremendous pressure, to create this precious gem, much like the pressure the people, the media, and the opponent, put on the one who wins, to make them a better leader all the way around, and then, I decided, no, the money could not be spent in any better way! We all benefit from, even the dark money, that comes into politics, because, we may sharpen our own skills, in fighting some lame ass position, some rich dude is funding. The process is amazing, and when it all comes out in the wash, we are cleansed, purified and refined by the two year, bloody, battering experience! I love it, but I am a fighter!
Hillary R. Clinton, CNN, Labor Day, Monday, 8 PM, ET or Eastern Time, I Believe
Donald J. Trump, CNN, Labor Day, Monday, 10 PM, ET or Eastern time, But Verify!
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