Going Ape Shit at Breakfast!
I believe it was on Saturday, with me counting the hours, before the Sunday, 12:00 midnight, deadline, to let Patriot Act, NSA surveillance programs sunset into the night, and hopefully, never to be seen, in the light of day again, and some shit head, actually a really nice older guy, out of the blue, turned around and said, I guess you think Edward J. Snowdon is a hero. I was busy reading the newspapers, and just acknowledged his backhanded comments, and said, Yes, I do . . . All the sudden, he turned around to me with his face beat red, and said, I think we should just shoot him! My eyes saw RED, and that statement about me going from zero to bitch, faster than anyone else, and being able to negotiate with a terrorist, easier than negotiating with me, kicked in this JoAnnie Oakley's red hot rage against the maching, and with my brain and mouth, two handed six-shooters, I unloaded full barrels of arguments against the unsuspecting man, like encrypted messages, 4 fried computers, changing user names, like fuck you, we can do what we want with you, giving others access to your alleged, one account, controlled by one email, so?, and his comment coming after months of fighting 24/7 to just post my blogs, erasing titles, time after time, stealing my hits/results, marking mine, and limiting them at 220,000 ceiling, then making every other versions of bad and ass, and stealing all the hits, up to a total of a billion a day, if not three times that, and supporting, criminals, giving them access to my court cases, my e-filing accounts, hijacking my multi-million dollar cases, scanning blogs, stealing job applications, legislation, interfering and spying on everything I do, knowing first hand, where I am going, where I am applying for a job or an apartment, so they can fuck with everything . . . within minutes, several other men and women, were standing up and walking towards us . . . he wisely kept, putting his hands out, in a sign of peace, silence, and calm, like, sorry, I didn't know you felt that strongly! LOL . . . and that is an understatement!
Snowden Nominated as #2 For TIME Magazine's "Man of the Year", only Lost to the POPE! Not Too Shabby! FUCK YOU NSA!
I asked the man, if he knew that Edward J. Snowden, would have been TIME MAGAZINE's, "Man of the Year", if 1.2 billion Catholics and their ecclesiastical hierarchy, electing, Pope Francis? Of course, he didn't know that! The second news of Edward Snowden, now exiled in Russia, go figure, and we are the leaders of the free world . . . I am starting to wonder . . . with me complaining daily, that the NSA had been redirecting my emails, from way back in 2008 to 2011, rerouting my emails through Homeland Security and the Department of Justice! I just happened to have a case against the two government entities and many more, being the #2 civil rights attorney in the nation, from what one of my very savvy tech, client, from Vegas, who tried to get me up to speed and protected, so when I took his case against the government, they would not know all my constitution claims, charges and damages!
The guy who eventually told me, as 4 people had, that while the emails were mine and clearly my writing and thoughts, the contact information at the top, to, from and email addresses, were coming from a Sara Lily, the case worker for the two government agencies, was later murdered, in an alleged accident, on a ATV 4-Wheeler, a healthy 40 year old, Mormon dentist, going down the hill from his home and allegedly running into a telephone pole, allegedly drunk? About as likely as a bad ass bronc rodeo rider, rancher, cowboy cop, out supervising 12 mean ass prison inmates, out doing conservation work, with shovels, and one corrections/firefighter, miles from civilization, and without a gun, policy! He looked like he was hit in the face, with his sunglasses, impacted into his smash face, with the government telling his widow, my client, that he fell of a 40 foot cliff, which she never looked at the DVD she thought was of the autopsy of her husband, but is was the cover up government negligence and inmate attack! The DVD was missing days after I watched it, and hid it under an inch of paperwork on a clip board . . . in a huge ass house, big ass office, who in the hell, even with drawers, closets, shelves, and desk drawers, did the fucking feds, know, exactly where the DVD was stashed? NSA, bug in my office . . . a week or so later, the whole office, house, furniture, grand piano, art collection, blah, blah, blah . . . was taken . . . in violation of 5th amendment due process, can't take life, liberty or property without it, and compensation for a government TAKING!
Hitler's SS Men Live in Infamy in the Hall of Shame, Right Here in America!
Edward Snowden's revelation of NSA spying on Americans, was not news to me, but his announcement and production of evidence, was a personal vindication for me, there was evidence that, I was not the only one that was experiencing government spying on me, breaking into my files, my computers, my emails, my court documents, with double docketing, double access, etc., and the first thing my father said, was, JoAnn was right . . . I am right, 97% of the time and the other 3% of the time I don't care about! LOL! Was I paranoid, crazy, a constitutional nut job, a secret ACLU attorney? LOL! I am kind of my own little ACLU, in my own right! But, after even the time frame that Snowden mentioned, I had been a target, for the whole fucking time the Section 215 programs, lone wolf terrorist, cell phone ditching enemy combatant, spying provisions had been in existence! Forever grateful to the man, and you should be TOO! And you should be grateful to me too . . . believe me, I pay!
I am not sure what time of the year it was, but I think I had been in Montana for a while, but there was still snow on the ground, especially up at Panguitch Lake, where my cabin is . . . but the background, is I had sued Iron County, the county attorney, sheriff, 6 city cops, the Division of Child and Family Services, a judge, and three narcotics cops for $56.7 million, oh, I am sorry, I guess that would be sister, Shelley, I am suppose to be dead, and she gets credit for that one, with fucking judges, John Walton and Michael Westfall, both Mo's, lying, after battling me in court for a YEAR and a HALF? If these fuckers, can't tell the difference between someone that Walton went to BYU law school with, in her class, with both judges, having me in court, over and over, for almost a year and a half of the most hotly contested and fought cases, with a civil rights suit pending that the whole fucking Cedar City and surrounding areas were freaking out, fearing that a win would ruin their budgets for the next century, they should not be on the bench, because a wigged, compliant, lying bitch, who kisses their asses, and placates, their fragile egos, probably stroking their penises too, if I know Shelley, doing a foursome with that fag, Frank, aka, alleged, Allan Rex Bess, or rather the murderers, wicked attraction, tag murder team of Shelley and Frank, or is it Carl, the largest serial killer in New Mexico, Toy Box, Sex Box . . . looks exactly like the bastard who killed 30 woman, this little MO, FBI, CIA, can say anyone, especially a prison inmate, died of a heart attack and then use them for other purposes, like murder!
Anyway, I had my U.S. Supreme Court membership by then, what I wanted out of the case, more credibility, knowing full well that Kay got credit for that case, with the help of our, oh so helpful, criminals, the FBI and CIA, and was heading home, from somewhere, I was in D.C., then hijacked by Hope, the cop bitch killer, another wicked attraction, with Page, of Playmate of the Month, July 1996, Hope M. Carlton-Levin, to do several briefs that were turned over, when I caught the surprise FBI agent, invited to our all girl's Super Bowl party, February 6, 2012, and later, hijacked by David Morgan, my San Quentin inmate, on what should have been a billion civil rights case . . . I am not sure, probably, Shelley, born when both my parents were either working in Cedar City, or I think my father was a student, but sister was born the same day as former David Leavitt, of the Dixie Leavitt, 50 year legislator political machine . . . need to get rid of the freedom thinking constitutional law attorney, JoAnn, that daddy, family, faith, and bar association couldn't control! It feels great to tell Utah Bar to take my law license and shove it up their corn cobbed asses! The bar is an organization of fucking liars too, giving law license out like candy! Making law cheat! Oh, and then I forgot, the detour trip to the Grand County Jail . . . false incarceration, so this is the history behind this FBI plane story!
I Married the Mob, Mormon, Mobsters, MIB--This was a Life and Death Chase! That is Just the Way "They" Roll! Scary!
So, I return after being gone from January 18, 2012, remember, this is the year, of the presidential elections too, and I was for President Obama, but not on this shit . . . but I came in the house, knowing all this shit was going on, and this fucker, was an undercover, serial killer, with the help of the cops, the prosecutors and the judges, so not too safe in that community as it was, but, I walked in my house after being gone until about March, I think, but there was still snow of the ground, at least up the canyon and at the lake, but I didn't know that. So, I come in the every hostile atmosphere of me and my client's house, invaded by a government rat, if not the one in control of the character assassination, identity theft, on the heels of the total annihilation of what had been know, as JoAnn S. Secrist, of the last, 57 years!
Gravely Gruff Voice . . . Do You Love Me? Nope! He Ran for the Phone to Call the Sheriffs . . . I Said, See You Later Honey, Jumped in my Truck and Headed up the Mountain! They Wanted My Ass BAD!
By this time, I knew that this was not a game, and these fuckers, whom I had out run, our smarted, and evaded them, escaped their clutches on the way to Washington, D.C., back and forth, with fake ice storms on one side of the free way going into D.C., but not on the other side?, they had chances in Colorado, California, Nevada, and even locked me up, but people found me, and that fuck Brock/Rice, found out that on my way out of town, not on court e-filing, I had hand-delivered, my last brief, that reopened the 180 day dead case, or at least dormant case at the U.S. Federal District Court level, throwing off, both clients and government attorneys, who had already cut me out of deals, now needed me to finish the case! LOL!
Basically, I appeared for all intents and purposes to be bullet proof and unbroken! They were going to get my ass this time! LOL! And I could feel it, and Frank aka Allan, let me know, that if I would just love him, he could and would protect me, I just couldn't get my heart around a murderer! And one who had killed my real husband or the one I intended to marry, that just didn't sit well with me, for some unknown reason, and the kid he murdered to get the cops off my daily evidence of a double, on the church lawn, oh, hell, no, I am not Shelley, who loves serial killers and had book selves full of all the notorious ones, including this one! Hell, you got a chance at the legend, but you are going to get the bitch, just like you, I deserve a man like me! But I knew they, sheriffs were going for blood and they had my replacement, in another residence, in Parowan, and Frank had stolen my Walmart money card before I took off to Vegas, so, Shelley could claim my SSD too, Social Security that she had been trying to steal since, years before, quit the pair these two . . . like is attracted to like . . . I am boil light years from these two! LOL!
On the way up the canyon, I kept seeing billboards and advertisements for fabricated garages, that I believe were made, just down the street, or at least the first advertisement that caught my eye, was at the end of the street, in the parking lot of Napa Auto Parts in Parowan, and there were a few other ones as I left town, leaving me wondering, why I noticed them this time out of town, and never before, a God Intel thing? I think so! So that thought was on my mind and I charged up the canyon, wondering where I was going to hide, and where the sheriffs would look and where they might not look, with the county lines changing about half the way up the canyon, but I wasn't counting on that for safety . . . these fuckers don't operate constitutionally, neither does the Senate or Prez!
Gray Day, Clouds, Drizzle, Rain, Snow, Cover? Couldn't Get to Cabin
Even though, I considered, just going to the cabin and staying until things cooled down, which they haven't 3 years later! LOL. But, I could tell there were not many people up at the lake, and that was the first year that the General Country Store was closed, probably, just in case, I did decide to stay up for the winter, by some miracle, they would starve me out! But, the place was still covered in snow and pretty desolate, so it was going to be hard to find cover, and I was basically a sitting duck if I didn't get something soon, but I had the advantage of them not knowing where exactly I was going, or so I thought. I eventually, found a dead end, circle of newer cabins, still with a foot of snow, but a log fence around it . . . and suddenly, I found my cover . . . a deck that was, almost big enough to pull my Ford Ranger, King Cab, and bed of the truck under! Yahoo! I will be safe, and sneak out at dark, to avoid the deer, that are all over the place up there and I had hit two that year, so, I wanted to still be able to see, without them picking me up on aerial surveillance! Nice thought . . . so, here comes the FBI secret spy plane flying over where I was!
This is Not a Flight Pattern . . . I Didn't See A Plane All Year, So?
I remember thinking, there is no way, the cops would have booked a plane to come find me, hell no . . . or would they, they were pissed, I should have been jailed or dead a long time ago, so? Just the way they roll these days! Fuck the constitution, any due process, charges, hearings, rights, I had already been incarcerated this year, with no right, and in solitary confinement, 23 hour a day lock down, for 9 fucking days, not knowing what I had done, I had the right to appeal my clients, fucking case, constitutionally, but hey, these are Patriot Act rules, you have no fucking rights, it is JUST A PIECE OF PAPER! According to Bush, Obama and now the Senate, STAND WITH RAND! But, I sat there, and heard this damned plane, flying over and over again, passed where I was standing, and wondering if I dared move, or should stay put, and wondering if I was just actually, without reason, being paranoid? So, I sat tight for a little while . . . strangest ever God INTEL!
One the same page in this morning's newspaper, there is the article on the NSA and the FBI secret spy planes, in the Durango Herald, not many rival articles that would piss me off more! And over my orange juice! What the fuck, bringing back the memories of this day, up in the snow covered canyons wondering what the fuck, that was an FBI secret spy plane looking for me, holy shit, the eyes rewired! There are little low flying planes, and I would venture a guess that they were seized, without due process, through the alleged, drug interdiction lame ass, get new toys for the FBI, CIA, NSA and cops, who are going to be BY RAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These are low flying planes that have allegedly already busted, several fake companies, with a list of fake company names, I am sure to justify the new surveillance planes! Apparently, these plane can pick up your cell phones numbers and trace, who the person is through that, without you bouncing off cell phone towers, like the old systems. So, what was this a fake act by Congress to fool the American People, after Snowden ratted out these fucking government agencies, who are all about crimes themselves, and pretend to take out the Patriot Act, 215 provisions, only to shut them down for a night, and surprise us with more surveillance a revelations of secret planes now? Fuck these PRICKS this is IN YOUR FACE AMERICA!
Under the Cabin Deck that Is Covering Me . . . I Notice The Electricity Meter is Blinking at Me, In Irregular Blinks, or it Looked Like Eyes Blinking . . . Saying, THEY SEE YOU!!!!!!!! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!
God is about the only person, who I will actually listen to, because I have found that his intelligence information, if I read it right and sometimes when I don't, is always, spot right on! After not believing my eyes, kind of sticking with my original plan, I am still wondering if God can control this bizarre acting meter machine, seeming to tell me to get the hell out of dodge! Okay, okay, and I back out of the drive way, still a bit nervous about the plane that was flying above me, but seemed to have been gone for a while, because I hadn't heard it fly over me for about an hour at this point, or it seemed like an hour, sitting there bored in my truck, because I didn't dare use my phone . . . little did I know that I didn't need to use it for the plane to pick up exactly where I was! Just a piece of information I didn't have at the time, I thought they had to actually see, the small part of my light gold truck, sticking out of the deck, about a foot was all . . . so how did they find me, or I didn't know why God was telling me to get the hell out, but I followed his directions and left.
Holy shit, just as I came down the small road that was up the canyon, near Scoot's Creek . . . just typed, a typo, Scott's . . . symbolic of sister Rachel, one of the doubles, her cabin now? Really? Can you believes these lying, thieving assholes? Good God . . . burning in hell is the only justification I have to believe in, fuck them good!
So, I come to the lake, with a road all the way around it, and see, two big ass, black and whites, SUVs, speeding at break neck speed, coming right where I am . . . I hit the gas, and take off, in equal speeds, to counter their attack on me . . . SELF DEFENSE, and they are out of their jurisdiction, as if they care! Now there are deer everywhere, they always come out at night, around dusk, maybe they know people are going inside, when it gets dark, not sure about that one, but a scary drive, for sure, but, the cops are scarier, so I book it, peddle to the meddle, and gun it! This is so cool, so, these two cop vehicles are screaming after me, and I round a little cove in the lake, that has a polygamist lodge or where they used to hang out, in the summer, but before you get to the lodge, there is a small parking lot and boat launch as I recall, but there was also, this large bush, but without leaves on it, remember, winter! But it was some cover, and it was dusk, and I ditch behind it, just hoping that these fuckers in hot pursuit don't see me . . . they didn't, just before you turn the curve, to go to the lodge, the road, goes straight up the mountain to some more cabins! LOL! Both of the black and whites, go on up the hill, after me, sitting laughing, behind the bush . . . ironic a bush saved me! Bushies following me! LOL! Serves them right! I am still not safe, so I keep going, around the lake, but not as fast as I had been with those buzzards on my ass! LOL! Watch out for the deer!
Daisy Duke is Still Not Safe From Boss Hogs and Boys! One Waiting!
So, as I went through the winding roads around the cabins on the east side of the lake, and getting back around the entire circle of the lake, and start to hit the main road, there is a black and white, SUV, waiting for ME! I think I took him by surprise, and he was, jacking off or something, thinking the other guys would get me . . . wrong, here I am . . . I hit it as fast as I could, knowing I new the canyon better than these fucks out of there jurisdiction, back about 10 miles! I was in Garfield County by now, but that didn't seem to matter to the guys driving the Iron County Sheriffs SUVs, probably FBI, which makes the run and ditch even more rewarding, especially in light of the secret spy planes! LOL! ! When God is with you, nobody, not even the Mo, FBI, can get you! Panguitch was 18 miles away, and it was almost dark, but there were fucking deer everywhere, so God, do you job and don't let me hit one . . . I had hit one, just a month or two earlier, so a bit, timid, had there not been three fuckin' boss hogs after my bad con law ass! LOL!
I hit this one horse town, in break neck, self-defense speed, knowing this was no ordinary chase, and they a had used all their surveillance tools, even more than I knew at the time the plane, but I kind of suspected that, but not that they could find me, without me using my phone, or a cell tower, which was not up there at the time and no cell phone service generally. But, there was a high school basketball game going on and every vehicle in the town was there, and it was dark by this time, so I found an empty parking place, or one I could slide into, and sat for a few hours . . . watching the main streets fill with cops and buddies, looking for my gold Ranger with hot, jacked up black tires, and rims, that were the envy of every cop! I guess when the cops had fucked up my engine, transmission and oil filter a few months earlier, trying to stop all my three court of appeals cases, and my Supreme Court case, they didn't count on a fucking brand new engine, making my 2001, truck, like brand new truck! LOL! And baby, it rocked! LOL! Kicked the asses out of three, Boss HOGS! LOL! And were they pissed, took my truck several weeks or month later!
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