Saturday, June 20, 2015


The Best Thing a Father Can Do For His Children, Is To Love Their Mother . . . Married, Separated, Divorced!

Calling all angels; Zeke, I need your help on this one . . . you know my family!  The one thing I will say for me and the father of our/my children, is that both of us, early on, in our marriage, truly did what we thought best, doing what we felt was in the "best interest of our family", and basically followed, by nature or through scripture, the admonition found there in, and left our fathers and mothers, and cleaved unto each other, and therein lies both the difference, and some of the problem.  Mormon families, tend to be very close, but they have a tremendous amount of control, power, and social pressure and influence, especially, within the confines of the Mormon culture, whic is not unlike the Jewish, Italian, and other, very closely knit family structures, that literally to go against your family, was akin to death!  Remember in the God Father, when he is disgusted at one of his son's, and literally, takes the back of his fingers on his hands, and brushes the fingers, on the top, under his chin, and basically, with the hand and fingers, casts the child aside, and indicates, if not states, You are dead to me!  From that point on, that person, and there children, are, somehow banned, or cast aways, and that becomes the family position and standard . . . there is a freedom that comes with that, and a price. 

Now this for me and my family, was more of a process that took years to develop, but the direction was clear . . . give me liberty or give me death!  Together, we decided to stop using Zeke's mother's insurance man, that she had recommended and used for almost her entire married life--she didn't like that.  When we had 4 small children, we balked at joining the rest of the family, on Christmas Eve, and opted to stay, cook a special meal, and hold our own traditions, rather than drive to my parent's house for a Christmas Eve, dinner, program, and Santa, with our extended family.  We decided, given the fact that we, combined, had or were, in school, college, undergrad and master's degrees, for 14 years straight, and didn't fit in the same socio-economic strata, as some of the rest of the family, and we opted out for giving extended family members Christmas presents, and decided to take care of our own small children, rather than give watered down, cheaper presents, that had to spread to a growing number of extended family members. 

We moved out of state, for Zeke to obtain he master's degree in Urban Development, and somehow, that labeled us the black sheep in the family.  We bounced back and forth between the Republican and Democrats, ideologically, with both of us, leaning more toward the liberal side, but not far over the middle.  Basically we had freed ourselves and our children, from the overbearing, dominate nature of large Mormon families, with tons of expectations, rituals, and traditions.  And for that, I am very grateful!  We gained our freedom, but we also garnered our ostrasiation by the family, and very distinctly and separately grew into a family, with a wall of separation between us, being seen as intellectuals, somewhat educational snobs, and doing our own thing, with the mantra, that if we can join the family outing, we will; however, if that conflicts with our own interests and desires, or needs, we would sacrifice the larger family for the smaller one, we were responsible for!  With minumal contact and family functions and events, this rogue element of freedom, became more and more apparent, and the social mores and controls, took a back seat, to our goals of education, intellect, growth, and knowledge.  The gap between Southwick materialism and Secrist search for truth and knowledge, even if that meant questioning the faith of our fathers, so be it!

Easter Vacation, We Announce A Divorce and Law School

I noticed the extreme gossip, criticism, favoritism, materialism, and cliches, I would say . . . after the family gathered, the smaller family with money, extended the vacation, to include three families, and maybe grandma and pa, to Disneyland . . . between the 2 of us, it took us 14 years of our 15 year marriage to get two undergraduated degrees and one masters, acceptance to law school came during the 90 day waiting period, before the courts would divorce a couple . . . unless, you had strings and influence with the court, and Rachel, married Kay Moosman, in less that 4 hours, waiving the 90 day waiting period.  But, our focus in marriage and family, was education, careers, and church responsibilities, and I don't think, neither, I nor Zeke, really had much thought of money, prestige, or status; we did however, dig all kinds of intellectual stimulation, which was a very strong point in our marraige. 
During dinner, Zeke and I would discuss, his job, my school, politics, religion, and current events . . . our kids just picked it up by osmosis!  Generally, dinner was alway on by 5:15 P.M. sharp, and we would eat as a family, then Zeke and I would continue to talk for hours and sometimes, even gonig into the night . . . stopping or directing the kids to get ready for bed, by taking a bath, putting pajamas on, and then we would read them a story, have prayer, and bedtime, while Zeke and I would continue our conversatios as much as possible.  I raised my children to be adults, not forever children, becuase a person may spend as much as 80 years in their adult status and only a mere, 20 at best, as a child, and I wanted them to relish the idea of being an adult, and joining in the conversations, that adults have.  But, I was protective of critical eyes on my kids, and didn't want anyone to know our business as a family . . . therefore the inner workings of the Secrist family were, somewhat of a mystery to the rest of the extended family, who were excluded from our lives, drama, and separate world.
So, when, Zeke and I out of the blue, just up and announced we were getting a divorce, without consulting parents, telling brothers and sisters, and did what we felt was best, deciding what arrangement was in the best interest of our children, doing what was unheard of in those days, with me originally being the primary care giver, and Zeke being the weekend warrior, until I got accepted to law school, then after much thought, we decided that he should get the house, the kids, the dog and the bills . . . he made $80,000 per year in 1989, and I would have started out as a school teacher at $14,000 per year, having been a housewife/student.  The announcement of our divorce, went over like a lead balloon, with shock, denial, we were the perfect couple, and we intended to be the model divorced couple also!  Basically, we just said, we have decided, this is none of the families business, and we will do what we feel is the best and most responsible course of business, for our own children and family, given our natural talents, personalities, and the ages of the children.  Thanks but no thanks, on any advice . . . we have decided!

Divorce, Law School, Freedom, and Giving the Kids to Zeke Were Lethal!

These were acts of treason, sedition, seen as being a traitor, non-Mormon, and lacking maternal genes and tendencies.  Plus, my mother and father, were miserable in their marriage, and suffered through life together for the kids . . . we were the "ME" generation, into self fulfilment, with challenges and benefits, just the same!  We were going to maximize the benefits and do all in our power to minimize the challenges, and burden on our children, and we did, working together, all the time and both of us, fulfilling the responsibilities to further the whole, and accomplish our goals in the mean time.  This is one of the key conversations, that I can't believe, the family is still hanging onto, with the intent to punish with malice, making good on this prophetic statement . . . Jo, if you leave your children, you will never get to claim responsibility for being an influence in their lives, and can't take and responsibity for their success in life . . . sure fits, some 25 years later, with super stellar kids, which seems to piss them off even more!  LOL!
Both my father and Susan Schmidt, wanted to go to law school, but didn't.  And this seems to be problematic, at a subconscious level.  When I told the family, that I had a dream to go to law school, got up and went up to the law school, and got accepted in less that 2 hours, they first mocked me, stating that God would never encourage me to leave my children and go to law school.  Now, that my kids have turned out great, and I had a wonderful career, killer cases, and such, and seeing that the diamonds, Rolex watches, Mercedes, travel, big houses, seemed to pale in comparison to true happiness, not only in the divorce, but the career choices, and the freedom well used, by my children who were given much freedom to make their own way in life, marry whom they will, and either go to church or not!  Greta said, mom, none of us rebelled, because you didn't have any rules!  LOL!  I was always firm but fair, rode them hard while they were young--with Greta admitting just a few months ago, that all 4 kids were somewhat intimidated by me, when they were young, but I am kind of a push over now!  Yeah, what do I have to complain about?  Great kids . . . now the in-laws get the scrutiny, not really!  I always tell my friends, who wonder about a boyfriend or girlfriend, fiance and partner, that I stay out of it, because they, my children, can always get worse partners!  LOl! 

The Come Back Kid, Conquers a Terminal Illness, Reactivated Bar License--Daddy Went Ape Shit . . . Second Generation of Over Achievers on the Horizon!

One might think, that a father, with a daughter who was suppose to die, would be elated, to have her come back from the dead, and reactivate her law license.  My neighbor was stoked, and happy, by mother, was somewhat less happy, but expressed a genuine gratitude that I had lived and now got to get my life back.  However, my father's reaction, was totally unexpected, and shocking!  Henry S. Brock, had hired me to take his lawsuit for securities license issues, and the constitutional protections he never got.  I thought I would have to take the bar exam again, or would have to be in house counsel for Brock and Associates, so I called the Utah State Bar Association to see what I had to do to reactivate my license.  They told me, let us look at your record, make a decision and get right back to you.  Now, the last phone number the bar had was my father who had power of attorney for my financial affairs, so they called him, with the, alleged great news, that with my credentials, all I had to do was pay the $350 and I was good to go!  They could not believe that I was general counsel for the Utah Medical Association, that seemed to be the bigger on my resume . . . but to get back with me, they looked at my bar record and gave my dad a call, having had his number from my all but dying days.
What should have been a joyous occassion, made my father furious, sarcastic and mean.  First he was pissed off that the bar called him, and if I was so smart, how come I didn't know my own phone number!  I calmly explained, that his number was the last one they had, and I had given them, my new number when I called and they must have lost it and called him.  No big deal.  But, it seemed to be, and he yelled and screamed, and was generally, in a very, very bad  mood.  My first thoughts were, that I really did have a double, and Shelley was, the only one at the time, who I knew was using my name, social, credit, etc.  But, I had no idea, that he would act like this . . . unless, he knew the terminal illness was nothing but a planned sickness, that mirrored a disease, and now, we have to deal with JoAnn again . . . or were there more sinister things going on, like Shelley had stolen my  identity for years, my credit, and even my son's music!  Once I made a comment about a picture of Rachel's oldest daughter, who was still very young, how cute she was, etc., and my father, burst out, or blurted out . . . all you Southwick girls look the same!  WHAT?  No, dad, one of us has a fucking law degree, and the others DON'T!  That statement and attitude, lays at the bottom of this whole RICO or mob criminal activity . . . they stole my identity, long ago, now there were in it so deep, they couldnot get out, so they would just kill me! 
The cover-up is ALWAYS worse than the crime . . . and it appears to have spread to the next generation on that account also, corrupting the ethics, morals, character of the younger set of progeny!  VERY SAD . . . if you start connecting all the dots, together, filtering them through this foundational and conceptual mindset, plus the image, the materialism, the Gone Girl, for ten years, and the alleged look a likes in the family, with wigs, contacts, they have been me, longer in the last 15 years than I have, but Daddy's Little Girls, are in for a big surprise . . . this is just not fucking the way the world works, as seen in the Rachel Dolezal . . . a telling name, dulls all!

There is a Reason We Will Pay More For Brand Names . . . Better Quality, That Has Lasted the Test of Time, Value, Durability

People will pay top dollar for brand names, for Jordan Nikes, they will pay $150 for a pair of jeans, and parents go nuts, at Christmas, trying to get, just what the child wanted, and they and their child feel bad or let down, when they find out, they have to get the cheaper brand, the less known brand name, and to take the label off and put them on another pair of jeans, just doesn't do it, the child knows the difference!  There is a damned good reason, that 6 women want my name, my credentials, my resume, my experience, etc., because I have a brand name with value!  There reason the mob is fighting so hard, is becasue Shelley Southwick is not a name brand, nor is Kay Burningham, Susan Schmidt, Rachel Moosman, Tiffany Lynn Harris, etc.  They got accustomed to being me, using me, and starting where I would be, after 20 years of legal work, teaching, manual writing, trail work, etc., and to go back to being themselves, a no name brand, would be extremely painful, and near impossible.  I know what it feels like to walk in the room and have an audience almost bow, just being an assistant attorney general, let alone, someone who saved financial planners across the United States from the big bad state and federla SEC regulators!  Hot Shit!
The other day, at the shelter in Grand Junction, a new young chick, sharp, and totally attorney material, was saying, I want to read your blog.  Okay . . . she looked up at me, and said, you wrote "bad ass"?  That is you?  Your serious, you wrote "bad ass" . . . and I hear reference to it all the time!  She yelled out, Oh, I love "bad ass!"  She jumped right back into reading my blog!  I know how it feels, to be sitting with a friend up at Navajo Lake, up Cedar Canyon, and have an attorney from New York, interrupt, mine and Sherri's conversation, about the Brock case, and have him all amped up to discuss the case, and tell me, that those assholes from Utah, without jurisdiction, came to New York and video taped a raid on his clients account files.  It is fun to know that attorneys from LA, Florida, Chicago, Washington, and so many states, that Brock started to refuse to take my phone calls at the office.  I am well aware of what it is like to be the keynote speaker to 1500, or to be interviewed by the presss, and see your name quoted in the newspaper, or to have a waitress thank me for my work on domestic violence and sexual assault, or to on a fluke, while waiting to go to federal court, open a manual for the training going on at the hotel, you had lunch at, and find, your graphics, in the Department of Justice material on human body trafficking . . . I am well aware of what it feels like to be honored, esteemed, spoken well of, introduced as the one who did the Cheek or Brock cases, or wrote the blog; however, I can't imagine, taking credit, or letting someone mistake me for my sister, or someone of note, and saying that I did what they did . . . that is beyond my comprehension!  I have been denied, and the plain or average, not even attorneys, too lazy ass to go to law school, get the credit for my work!  NO!

JoAnn, I Figured Out How to Be an Attorney . . . Yeah, Shelley, Go to Law School!  No, I Can Practice Under the Third Year Law Student Rule . . . Shelley, You are Not a Third Year Law Student, Go to Law School, but I Can be a Paralegal . . . But You Are Not a Paralegal . . . Go to Law School!

MOB WIVES!  I Will Be an Attorney . . . And, JoAnn, You Will Not!

Newsflash, Shelley, you can say you are the Easter Bunny, and it doesn't mean you are.  There is a joke that circulates everytime a new group of attorneys, takes the bar.  What are you if you pass the bar exam by one point?  An attorney!  I was buying Shelley breakfast, at the Wagon Wheel Restaurant in St. George, when we had the conversation, and I could tell, she didn't like what she had heard . . . and I had no idea, that my enemies large and small would combine in forces against me, and deny me access to my cases, my e-filing accounts, my attorney's fees, the accolades from winning the case, even if in Utah, it was alleged we lost and the courts, double docketed, and in Nebraska, there were billboards, celebrating peace of mind, and a handsome, 40 something, with silver hair, in a blue dress shirt and Levi's, crosses his hands and arms behind his head, sliding down on the couch, smiling in calm satisfaction.  Bob, is the marketer, and promoter for Hank Brock . . . this was on 1-70, when I was going to the U,S. Supreme Court to be sworn in, and found it very interesting, that the person who won the case, wrote the case, researched the case, and fought like hell, against the attorney general's litigation division and two outside law firms, was being pushed out of the case, wase even locked in solitary confinement 23 hours a day, to keep me a secret, until Brock realised that I had written a brief and filed it on the way to the Supreme Court and there should be both my driver's license and bar picture, that I used for evidence, knowing something bad was happeneing on my cases . . . Amy is the bitch in the courts that helped Shelley and I think she fucked one of the IT guys in the Frank Moss Federal Court House!
I have left 100 Cinderella Glass Slippers of evidence . . . this should be a no-brainer!  The government agents, who might be looking into this case, can find my or rather my mother's laptop computer, she turned over to me, thrown in the Panguitch Lake reservior, along with two cell phones, that I tossed, March 28, 2012, the night, I got the termination letter, knowing full well, and having seen the billboard proof that I won, but Kay got to argue the case in Denver, Shelley got to work with Brock, Rachel was the pinup gal, to take the photo ops and I was in jail, in Moab!  Nice!  And I got cheated out of my 1/3rd as per contract deal, that diappeared when Washington County Constable and Sheriff, allegedly took all my furniture, to pay for the alleged $33,000 judgement Shelley and Rachel got against them, without telling their attorney sister about it, and without my name on it, yet it was all my paid for personal property that paid for it . . . . and Shelley made another telling statement at that time . . . I guess Jean Dickson thought, I was YOU!  Jean, if my gut shot it right, was formerly a cop, and knew of me, if not had seen me do a presenation on domestic violence, she looked familiar to me . . . never remember a name, but always remember a face.  We talked at the foyer, when she said, my whole house would fit in your foyer . . . yeah, you decided to be a cop and I decided to be an attorney, difference in earning power!  You don't forget gutting remarks like that!

Hated By Legions . . . Envied By All!

This Was Not Going to End Well!

Forgotten Successes, Or Buried Success!

This morning on TV, while watching the news, there was a young news reporter who looked quit a bit like Chris, my oldest son, and the caption under him, read, Ready to Run . . . and that combo has meaning, because I had a dream that Chris, was in the White House Press Room, 10 years from now, looking very handsome and distinguished, and someone leaned in my hear and whispered, "He will be president of the United States some day."  That would not shock me at all, he was voted most likely to be an attorney in school, and totally has the brains, the looks, the aptitude, the skill and confidentiality down pat, and is always coaching me, his attorney mother, on getting contracts, crossing all the t's and dotting all the i's!  While being blonde, with blue eyes, there is something very presidential about Chris, as there is with President Obama, a grace, elegance, charm, and stunning good looks, with a strong sense of control, professionalism, and charm, and he has a great voice, just like President Obama . . . many similarities, or reminders, one of the other.
But, I had Elliot and Chris with me, in Moab, Utah, scene of the crime years later, where I was falsely jailed, but I was driving a state of Utah van, with the Great seal of Utah on the sides, and Chris, said, I feel like I am the President!  I don't think he was more than 13 at the time, if that . . . but his statment kind of surprised me, but it doesn't now!  The experiences of our youth, can have a huge impact on us, and have lasting effects, that shape, drive and guide our lives choices, leading us, sometimes consciouly and subconsciously to our minds thoughts . . . as a man thinketh, so is he! 
Too many times, because we accomplished something, we think our kids know what we did, and they just simply don't, or forgot, or it didn't sink in at the time, that there mother was and is a big shot, at least in my own world!  LOL, but they have a mother do be proud of, not embarassed of, like the mob, family, and govenrment enemies both within and without would have my children believe.  So, I thought, even after giving my children all copies, cheap, but copies nonetheless of my U.S. Supreme Court Certificate . . . mine is in a clients, belongings, and will save that as the most damning piece of evidence, knowing full well, that a double was made of it, and Shelley probably got it through Alan Dulles/Frank's post office games, getting his mail in general mail, so he could steal the first copy and I would  have to order another one, or the fraud copy!

A Brief Skeleton Sketch For the Record . . . Not Exhaustive

  • member of the U.S. Supreme Court, 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, U.S. Federal District Court and Utah State Bars
  • listed as the #2 attorney in the United States, several years ago, for civil rights defense, after Gerry Spence, cowboy attorney, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, who's cases, defendants, and damages, are hundredths less, but he writes books, and I had only been a solo practitioner for a year, when this honor came and Gerry had been practicing for 40 years
  • I had the two largest civil rights cases in the nation, one on the civil side, dealing with regulatory agencies, and the other one dealing with the criminal side of things
  • Brock and Rice had been looking for an attorney to take the civil rights case for 10 years, and none would do it, for fear of getting punished, getting their character assassinated, and all property taken for defending a case of that nature agaisnt the government . . . right is right and wrong is wrong
  • the clerk of the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, told me that only .00001% of the attorneys in the United States will ever even reach the 10th Circuit or any federal curcuit court for that matter, let along the U.S. Supreme Court, who actually used my arguements, case law, and analogies, and got the ruling in U.S.A. v. Jones, on GPS tracking, 4th amendment rights and protections from unlawful searches and seizures . . . and their arguments, didn't fit the holding in the case, because, they didn't do the work, they copied my Brock case final briefs, where I said that computers are the modern day equivalant to papers, protected by the fourth amendment.  They protected vehicles, as "affects" protected under the Constitution . . . a bit more  of a stretch, but rightly so . . . I did my case, almost a year before, that case was read by Justice Scalia!  January 23, 2012, one of the highlights of MY LIFE . . . now Kays!  LOL . . . just like the Supreme Court Justices . . . read their arguments and reasoning, and it is lacking, because they took their label, and put it on my brand name case . . . right conclusion, bad arguments to back the conclusion or holding of the case up!
  • now that Donald Trump is running for office, I get bragging rights to going against Trumps lawyers, Cobly and Williams, also the attorneys for CNN and Fox News!  I sued or wrote a demand and cease and desist letter to the two attorneys, and got their attention, and we were just going to work on the settlement terms of the law suit against, the Las Vegas Review Journal, for allowing Thomas G. Vail, to be assused without due process, of selling "fake" CDs, financial certificates, securities.  I got the editor of 22 years, and the journalist who wrote the article, of 18 years, fired, with my one letter, not my intent, but the threat and damages were roughly $222 million, nothing to sneeze about, and they knew about my securities case, Brock/Rice . . . and they were willing to settle, until the CIA, took Tom to lunch and fucked up the deal, at least for this JoAnn S. Secrist, brand name, with Kay's ass, having a loser brand name, but with my label on it!  After one conversation with the legal counsel for the Insurance Commissioner, telling him that he was reading the statutes in Nevada wrong, taking my client's and other licenses, for the opposite reson the statute states, but he quite, the Insurance Commissioner, and now, the legal counsel, is the Governor's legal counsel.
  • I had cases, worth $700 million and cases lined up and waiting, some up to a year and a half to have your mother represent them . . . You can tell the content of the person's character, by the size of their enemies!  I had cases against, the Department of Justice, Homeland Security, National Guard, states of Utah, Nevada, ICE or Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Iron County, blah, blah, blah . . . how do you get rid of all these cases against the government, take out the smart attorney! and they did!
  • I did everything from small claims, to the U.S. Supreme Court, from civil to criminal, family, securities, patent, constitutional, administrative, property . . . blah, blah, blah.  It is no wonder, Brock and Rice, couldn't find an attorney to take the case (Kay . . . you were not on the list of considersations, until you put my label on your pancake ass!) but, there are not many attorneys, who knew, constitutional, administrative, regulatory, securities, criminal and civil law, to take a case, that was a complicated as the Brock case, and simultaneously, having cases in 5 states, and going up on appeal, on three more in Utah, plus a full criminal load, and lined up and waiting!  I beat the largest law frim in Salt Lake, just one year out of law school, on a very technical patent law, investion for sudio equipment, with Ray Quinny, doing a shitty job, on the patent, so the inventor got his invention for speakers stolen . . . Peter, can't remember his name, he sat in a corner, thinking he was gong to get disbarred for suing the law firm, I read the manual, wrote the brief and won!  Patent law is a technical law or specialty area of law, as is securities law.  I also wrote a 16 page brief, to help Jeremy Johnson, go up against the FTC, and teamed with him to get former, attorneys generals, Shurtleff and Swallow, but I bet the Boy Scouts and the Mormon Church are working out a deal, just this week, after Swallow waived his right to a preliminary trial or hearing, Shurtleff did too . . . I would never let my clients, waive their pre-lim, that is where the defense gets to sit back and we what the state has against your clients, and you don't get to or have to reveal your side of the case!  Something smells bad on this government corruption case, like dirty judges!  I was also, before I wrote about being featured on Leagle . . .Legal Eagle for the Cheek case, in my blog, which promptly took the case and buried it in the forgotten success stories!  LOl!  Those bribes, those houses in Las Vegas, etc.  I thought I saw Shane Clark, one of the plaintiffs in my $56.7 million case against Iron County, on the bus, coming from Grand Junction?  But, I was doing the work of a small, 5 man law firm, without a legal assistant or legal secretary.
  • you know the jobs I had, taught a colleges, manuals . . . got to go! 

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