Mini Taste of Chicago, Right Here in River City, Missoula Montana!
In the suumer of 1992, I was doing an internship with Americans United for Life, living downtown Chicago, and around the 4th of July, that year, I flew my four children, to the Windy City, for a week. And one of the most fun experiences that they got, while roaming around the amazing architecture, museums, and art, was going to the annual Taste of Chicago. Much like the politics of that town, you have almost every nationality represented, vying for power, thus is the situation with their food also . . . you have Asian, Islanders, German, Italian, French, blah, blah, blah . . . with tons of flavors, smells, and tantilizing treats, from customs and chefs, trained from all over the world, coming to America, and cooking for us Hillbillies! LOL! What a delight, and something for every palete. My children, really loved the funnel cakes, along with the food I made them eat, giving them some nutritional value. So, yesterday, while riding a bus, that waited for a few working men, making me, who cuts times to the minutes, hating to wait, missed dinner at the Poverello, which is always good, healthy and nutritious, but as we rounded the corner, on Scotty's roundabout, I noticed an unusual gathering of people, with tables set up, lines formed, and even a brick oven, cooking pizza on the streets.
I asked some of the guys on the bus, if they had tried the food there . . . no, have you, are you going to? Hell, yeah, right now. So I jumped off the bus, and saw, people sitting near a funky teal colored trailer, the travelling vendor for Tia's Hot Tamales, with some strange looking monster, or bizarre face painted on the side, that had caught my eye before, but only when the place was closed. And as I rounded the corner, enquiring if this was a line for the food, they said, no this is the line waiting to get our food! I patiently walked to where the other vendors were, and noticed that people had pizza and these funny looking bun things, along with fresh squeezed lemonade, that I later found out and ordered, limemade . . . delicious! And perfect for the cuisine that was being offered. Having previously only seen the colorful trailer, and being a very loyal person, I decided that the sight that drew me to the eating bonanza, with a festival feel, would be where I would eat, but curious about what the other vendors had to offer, I walked over to check the rest of the delightful offerings out, and see what I would have next Tuesday, seeing these people are only serving on Tuesdays, in the neighborhood style eating fun . . . with kids, dogs, people sitting in the gutters, others, more civil, like me, sitting a card tables and folding chairs . . . just the type of laid back, fun, folksie atmosphere I like--it must be the professor in me!
I got some combo dinner from Tia's, pork tamale, salad, kind of like cold slaw, but with a Mexican slant to it, and some very yummy soup, with avocados, cucumbers, tomatoes, and kind of a tomato-ish base, all topped off with purple, pickled onions! So, very tasty! I chatted with the owner of Bao Chows, Hot Asian Buns, curious as to what these very nicely wrapped pastry things were, that reminded me of the tarts, they sell at the Utah Shakespearean Festival at the Green Show, with dance and song, prior to the nights plays . . . but, these are not sweet tarts, they are packed with veggies, meats, and other stuff. I didn't try them, but I can't wait, until next Tuesday to try their offerings. He referred me to his website, at and said, that these folks, as do the rest of them, cater, are at most of the local festivals, and street fairs, so, you can catch them there, if you can't find time to go up, or forget that they serve at Scotty's roundabout, on Tuesday night. The people eating and tasting his wares, seem so satisfied, that they didn't come up for air! LOL! And the drinks, were perfect for the hot summer nights, and blended well with the food from the other vendors, all working together, on that night, each week, the only lull in their schedules for the summer months.
I was shocked to see that Clove Pizza even had a portable brick oven to cook the authentic home spun pizza in . . . fun, on the streets. I only got to see the pizza through the plate of the other people at the mini-street festival, right there on the round about. I don't think the cops, knew just what to make of the scene, because they kept driving by, checking it out, to make sure that there was nothing obscene going on, or out of the ordinary . . . no, officer, just a group of very hungry people, all pretty funky themselves, with funky youngsters in tow, trying out the new phenomena, right there on the streets, fun style, family style, and family and dog friendly! I would imagine from the name of the pizza, and from the logo, that the couple use a lot of garlic in their cooking, which is totally good, wards off witches, and adds a ton of flavor to whatever it is you are cooking and eating, and I also read lately, that it is very healthy for you, as it seems all the vendors working together seem to be doing . . . fresh, good, healthy food offerings. But unlike most places, you can buy one slice of pizza, for $3.50, which is great, because usually, I have to buy the whole damned pizza, to get one or two slices, so I like that idea. I am not sure what the rest of the menu consists of, but, hey, Italians are known for their cooking . . . and the mob, might take them out, right there on the streets, if they trash the Italians! LOL! Good food, fun times, memories, even when eating all alone! Try it out, check them all out, and have a backyard shindig, and impress your friends, with something other than hot dogs and hamburgers, which are always good, but, hey, try a little taste of Missoula!
Guard Your Identity With Your Life . . . No Kidding, Impossible to Get It Back Once Stolen!
I have mentioned the fact that all forms of my I.D., have been stolen, since coming to Montana, with the Mormon Mafia, speaking about the mob, following me up to this fair state, after stealing my multi-million dollar cases, house, truck, law practice, and on and on. But, originally, I escaped with my normal I.D., in tact, like driver's license, Utah State Bar photo I.D. which I requested, after seeing that during my 8 year hiatus from life, when I was suppose to die, that sister Shelley, had a copy of my Social Security Card, along with my original and also had a my actual driver's license, in her possession, without me knowing about it . . . my father had been taking care of my financial affairs, and I can assure you, he took care of a lot more than that! But, I had two forms of photo I.D., my Social Security Card, after I got it back in my possession, from Shelley, in addition to my driver's license, and also had a copy of my Medicare Card, which I have never used a dime. So, the DMV from Great Falls, kept my driver's license, either by order or by me, leaving it there . . . but, they should have had it in lost and found, when I came back to retrieve it, realizing that I had left it, being distracted, choosing a license plate that was color coded with my vehicle . . . in Utah, you have about two choices, plus custom plates, but in Montana, I swear, you have 200 choices . . . symbolic of the colorful nature of the people up here, with the limited choices, very symbolic of a predominant religion, and a monotheistic people, all alike, all walking in lockstep with each other . . . or you are considered an outcast and heathen!
A few blogs ago, I wrote about going to the Fort Harrison Veteran's Hospital in Helena, for the 4th of July, two years ago, and it was during that trip, with Susan, that I left my purse at her house, sick of carrying it 24/7, and feeling safe for the first time since having my houses and vehicles taken, but failing to realize that I was leaving my purse with her new roommate, who had just told me that her husband had been arrested by the police, the night before, having asked for my help and advice, which I freely gave, like I always do; however, by the time I got back and noticed that my bar card, with my photo on it, that I had used, to catch planes and get through security at airports, and such, after my driver's license, was now missing, after having it in that same purse and pocket for years! I still believe in the presumption of innocent until proven guilty, so I didn't accuse her, even though, she was the only person in the house while we were gone, and she had motive, if the cops had contacted her, to take it out of my purse, seeing that I was still very able to catch transportation and prove identity, going back and forth between Montana and Utah, about 25 times in the first two years I was up here. Last summer, in August, while visiting my cousin, Edward in Las Vegas, at the same time as the Michael Brown, Ferguson protest over his death were heating up, I got my Social Security Card of what, 44 years, stolen, along with my Medicare Card . . . still being able to navigate the airlines, and other transportation that asked for official government documentation, to prove that you are, who you claim to be . . . that Medicare Card is not easy to get; therefore, it was more than sufficient, with my old Social Security Card.
Starting Life From Scratch, For the Fourth Time . . . Screeaaaammmm!
At least on the other three occasions, I had all forms of my I.D., but not this time . . . and it has been hell on wheels!
So, a year ago, I attempted to get my birth certificate . . . remember, "they" took, my houses, my cars, my truck, and fucking, every drop of what was mine, all that I had, and that was a shit load, all my family pictures, all identifying material, that would let people know who I am, and totally erased that, and later stole all my I.D. . . . how can your sisters, who have been claiming they are you, be you, and had been since, 2000, all of the sudden, be proven to not be you? Big time crime and it should be . . . but, not if the home care group includes all levels and flavors of cops, who were very glad to see you leave last time, when they thought the poisoning was permanent, and didn't want to deal with your ass again . . .so the fury, the venom, and the threat of exposing the first 10 years of I.D. theft, not of your average person, nor your average attorney, but one who had a resume to die for, kids to die for, and cases to die for this time, and all were against the government! The Patriot Act was in full bloom, and they had to take me down to keep that supremacy and power over the people, even special 10th Circuit Court bar certificates, that I spent $200 just to frame, were taken, everything, stripped. But it took them two years, realizing, they had, in fact, not stopped this determined, tough attorney, who was credible enough to squeak by on little to no, I.D. and still get to hearings, to clients, and across the country, without much more than a smile!
I tried to get a new Montana driver's license before my Utah license of 44 years expired . . . but every time I went to the DMV, you had to have an appointment, or they were magically, on the spur of the moment in training, or you had to have this or that . . . my hell, I have had this shit for 44 fucking years, can't you just call or get my record from Utah. Hell, no, you double has taken that over! We can send your record, but not your face! What the fuck good is I.D. for if not to be used to identify the person with, are you getting the picture here, they had stolen my record, and put another person's or many other people's faces on multiple driver's licenses, all as me! I called the courts, because the notary waiting to see my I.D. wanted photo I.D., the courts had the last two filings, or at least the ones I filed after, Shelley took over my e-filing account with the federal courts, making me drive to Salt Lake City, to file at the court, so I put my I.D. on, knowing full well, she had stole it before, and this gave her access to steal my cases, worth about $400 million dollars, with more at home and int other states! Nice little pay off. I knew that Kay Burningham, had used my driver's license back, in 2010, when I filed both the Brock securities case and the Cheek Iron County corruption case, because I looked up my record and someone in my repossessed Toyota Yaris, that didn't work even 24 hours after I got it . . .whoops, JoAnn is driving again, and has a car! But, someone with brown hair and brown eyes, using my name and my old car, got two parking tickets at the Office of the Administration of the Courts . . . where I had never been! I have a DUI on my driving record, from a cop telling me it was suspended . . . really for what, no tickets, not parking? Suspension is most likely, Rachel, driving under the influence, not only of alcohol, but the power of my license, and jumping back on her own, as Rachel Southwick Hickey-Moosman, or whatever now! I get all their shit on my record, and they get my pure record without shit ont it! Nice trade, don't you think!
Note: game playing starting . . . NSA, Shelley, Kay hackers not liking the TRUTH! The truth shall set you FREE! Why don't you try it government hooker, and sex slaves! Tragic!
The fuckers, are now controlling the center, bold, and margin, shit . . . anyway, so I can be an officer of the court, sworn officer of the court, commanding multi-million dollar lawsuits, and I have to get some fucking doctor, with a ink dried stamp and signature to prove that I am who I say I am? Really and that doesn't leave that fucking Dr. Mark Foote, whom I hate, with a passion, who gave my sister, Shelley all my medical records, without my permission, and in violation of physician/patient laws, privacy, HIPPA laws, confidentiality laws, and I am to go to him and get his stamp, when he has already proven a liar, and in on this bull shit with Shelley and the mob, or the government? Really . . . or go to the Butte Rescue Mission, where a doctor saw me for a cough, who might have actually given me poison? And get her stamp as a ink dried signature? With Shelley's fucking fat face all over this, with the cops, home care committee too, and staff personnel at the mission, being paid off, like the director, Rocky, who is perfect to use to fuck me over . . . she has assault charges for beating up her grand-daughter at Christmas . . . drop your charges to fuck Secrist!
When you sue the government . . . oh, they let me take bold off, finally, and they were not left me center the writing . . . but the government controls the vital statistics, and it is only by a year and half fluke, that I was lucky enough to get a birth certificate, authentic as it is, the clerk at Social Security would not take it, but they will take crooked, paid off doctors, hell I used to be over all the freaks in Utah, all 3,000 plus fucking doctors, and I need their signatures? They are not officers of the court, or anything! But, what good is a birth certificate, if you can't use it without a photo I.D. . . . it used to be, that was all you needed to get a driver's license, and now, you have to have a driver's license to get a birth certificate! What a crock of shit . . . I can see if I were Hispanic that didn't speak English or another nationality, but really, you can't access, government sites, like Utah Driver's licenses? When at the Butte Rescue Mission, they have a doctor come every Friday to see patients, and the gals in the office, had no problem, pulling up, not only my disability based on my Social Security Card, but they could plainly see, that I had never used a dime of Medicare insurance . . . now if some no, name nurse, in Butte, Montana, can pull up all that information on me, why in the hell can't, Social Security? Really . . . fowl play. This chick in Durango, black gal, got her stuff stolen, and she had it all within a hour! So? I could give them my amount of my disability check the times it posts even, the dates, of where my last address was, which was my son's, Elliot, last time I was at SS office, and the guy I talked to, who had taken the bar, but failed, we laughed and joked and I gave him ideas and hints on how to pass, was sitting right in the next booth, and the guy I was with lied, and said, no that is not him, well it looks like him, but I blew his shit show, and he knew it! That guy, saw and probably copied all my I.D., driver's license, Social Security Card, and all! So? You tell me? What the fuck is going on . . . paranoid, fuck NO!
This is a purposeful, control, conspiracy to keep my identity from me, keep all authenticating evidence of who I am and have been and there is no one that will do a fucking thing about it! FBI, CIA, all on the Mormon Church's side, if I were President Obama, I would fire all of them, those fuckers, who are doing the Mo Church's bidding . . . this case is too political to touch and we all know, full well after fucking over 535 blogs, that Shelley is not me, she is not sitting her ass in homeless shelters, she has my good name, my money and she needs to have her ass fired and go straight to fucking hell . . .RIGHT IS RIGHT, AND WRONG IS WRONG!
Yes, The Federal Agencies are Going to Look Like the Shits They Are, The President of the Mo Church Might Go Down, As The Head of the CIA, FBI, NSA, and all agencies, who are Allegedly Covered, Under the Fucking Patriot Act . . . there is ONLY GOVERNMENT IMMUNITY for following Well Established Laws, Like the Constitution . . . And You have Not Given ME DUE PROCESS, nor EQUAL PROTECTION, NOR COMPENSATION FOR STEALING MY GOOD NAME AND Giving IT to SHIT SISTERS OR EX-FRIENDS! There is NO IMMUNITY For BREAKING THE LAW! AND LAW ENFORCEMENT IS BREAKING THE LAW, BIG TIME . . . MAN UP, DICK HEADS, GET IT RIGHT!
Fucking guilty babies, NSA, Hackers with Permission, not allowing spell check, oh, poor babies . . . what a bunch of pansy ass, fuckers, without a moral bone in their fucking bodies . . . GOOD GOD, fuck these assholes!
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