Girl Fight Movie--Real Facts!
It is really a unique phenomena, hearing the facts of an incident, or the beating of this young woman, back almost 20 years ago, and then, sitting at your Chromebook acer, looking for something to keep you entertained for an hour or so, and seeing the title of a movie, from say back in the 90's, actually when I was busy going to law school, and too busy to watch TV, let alone breath . . . really that is an over exaggeration, with attorneys, wanting you to think that it was so terrible, that they deserve every dime you are charged for their time, having walked through the shadow of death, to go through the grueling three years, then the bar exam, and getting your feet off the ground, illusions of grandeur, anyone who is disciplined, can pull this stunt off . . . I used to go over across the street, the the student center at BYU, the Wilkinson Center, and watch the heady, international theater every week, digging the hell out of the art, the scenery, the stars, every bit as attractive as the American stars, and seeing the different styles of cinematography, film, and art, so what I am saying, is I was busy, probably didn't know what was playing at the local theater, but that was more due to convenience, and the movies at the student center, worked with my schedule, but I do remember hearing about this case, sometime during that part of my life, due to the horrific facts, and the shocking details, as the brazen nature of young teenage girls, who had such vengeance and hatred for this lone girl, that they would beat her almost to death . . . I didn't get it then, but I do now! It was a little too close to home for me!
Here are the bottom line facts, young junior girl, who has been kind of a nerd, with friends of the same nature, is ready to graduate a year before schedule, has a full ride scholarship, after being accepted to a prestigious college. It appeared from her parent's comments, that the girl had aspirations to be an attorney, and she comes on the radar screen of the alleged popular girls, is recognized as being very smart, by her senior peers, not out of respect, but for what they can use her for, basically to help them do their homework, or cheat, look on her test, during exam times, etc., when she challenges, I would guess a political science teacher, naming court cases, and outcomes that contradict or have different outcomes, than the holdings or decisions, or the law that the teacher is proposing.
So these seniors, put her to swift use, inculcating her into their little network of allegedly popular friends, with her dissing her closest friend since childhood, but a fellow nerd, taking her one time chance to hang with the popular girls, the pretty girls, the powerful girls, much to the dismay of her loyal friend, who is shocked at her appearance, within days, her attitudes to guys, and her changing relationship with her parents, who are not only shocked at the smart daughter, but alarmed by the total change in her feelings about school, her adherence to family rules, to traditions of birthday dinners, opting to run with the fast crowd . . . I was part of the fast crowd, the class officers, the cheerleaders, drill team, etc., but by my junior year, that no longer was a draw, and it was in college that my true nerdy self, started to rear its newly acquired head, preferring the heady, intellectual pursuits, and challenges, long used to the looks game, old school, this was a new game.
True Colors of the Brain, Elitist, Starts to Show, as She Integrates the Group of Girls, Who Vie for the Attention of One Girl, Alexa, Whom She is Fast Becoming a Best Friend to . . . Tells One Girl, She has No Class!
The cream always rises to the top, you can't hold a good woman or girl down, and the food chain of friends, starts to shift, and the smart girl, is favored more and more, by the leader of the gang of girls, and once in the inner circle, the smart chick, makes a sarcastic statement about one of the gang, to the shock and horror of the rest of the girls, who start to question this girls, motives, her place in their society, and her apparent take over a the top friend of the leader, who she consoles and talks out of a suicide attempt, and she is genuinely concerned and is there for the girl, who is living with her grandmother, with a tough background with her own hardcore and raunchy family. So, on girl, loyal to the gang of girls, checks into all the postings on social media, back when the smart girl, was not in the alleged "in" crowd, and finds a post that states, that this group of girls, are obnoxious . . . and they truly were, mean girls, and that was a fact!
After telling and showing the entire gang, the post and the comment, they are all out for blood, even the leader of the pack, Alexa (Shelley's daughter's name is Alexandera, or Alex, symbolic? I think so!) and that plot to get in a girl fight, with this newer and younger member, and they are going for the hits on YouTube, so they, all five of the girls, with Alexa, refusing to hit the girl, but very much part of the whole assault, invite her over, and when she comes in the door, they all accost her, accusing her, and she tells them that was months ago, before she was their friend . . . friends? Sisters? Really? Generally, what one dog, or girl, or person, will not do alone, they will, do with a gang, a pack, a crowd, and the fervor escalates, to a feverish pitch, and a brutal attack takes place, so hideous, so out of line, so over the top cruel, that it is shockingly, almost inhuman, beating the girl almost to death, after dragging her, kicking her, punching her, unconscious . . . to visually see the animalistic attack, brought tears to my eyes, while not physically attacked, every other form of mean girl, girl fight tactics, and whatever, are very much a part of what I have experienced . . . and it is brutal, with men helping, using high tech devices, infiltrators, family, friends, clients, contacts, courts, and local, state, and national battering systems, bloodying me much the same!
The Girls Post the Fight on YouTube, Love It
Caught up in their new celebrity, the girls bask in their, alleged, and short lived glory . . . school, arrests, jail, press interviews, and court. Eventually, the reality of how very ugly the attacks were, with many refusing to sit by them at school lunch, siding with the victim rather than the gang of mean girls, with jail, inmates, thinking they are the dumbest chicks in the block, for actually filming, recording and posting the fight on YouTube, thinking evidence, evidence, evidence, that their 15 minutes of fame is about the dumbest thing in the world, totally trashing them in the jails, when the girls finally, even shocked that everyone doesn't think they are the coolest . . . social standards of decency start to kick in, parents are alarmed, national press come to give the smart, beaten girls, a voice, and the table are totally turned against the girls, until they are looking at life sentences, and spending their lives in prison without parole, at the worst case scenario.
The victim's parents were rightly beside themselves with rage, hatred, and anger at what the girls had done to their beautiful daughter, that they wanted the maximum penalties, levied against the girls, and refuse to entertain the thoughts of leniency or a plea bargain, with the mother, actress Anne Heche, married to Ellen DeGeneres, and so great in the movie, a real champion fighter for her daughter, much closer to the way I would have reacted, I think, and going for the knockout punch against the girls, so pissed, dad was good too, but not as vitriol, almost forcing the daughter, who was reluctant to testify against the girl gang, afraid they would attack her at school, or on the streets, and one, Alexa, actually confronts her at a hearing, and backs her up against the bathroom stall, making the girl more determined, now, to possibly testify, just as a means of protection from the girl gang of meanies. Her nerdy friend, forces her to watch the video, that was still on the Internet, and she is upset, she is going to testify, but is concerned that everyone will remember her as the girl who got beat up. Her true friend assures her that will not happen . . . and it doesn't, people start standing with her, supporting her, and urging her to get them.
Mother Admits, In Court, After Heeding Her Daughter's Wishes, That Her Young Daughter is Wiser Than She, Herself Is . . . Wants Leniency
Minutes before court, or just before going to court, when they have all they need to send the crew of mean girls to prison for life, which, does bother the daughter, from the start, the smart girl, tells her mother, she doesn't want them to be punished that severely, and she most of all, doesn't want to be like them, she wants to go back to the girl she was before the beating, sweet, kind, obedient to her parents, and teachers, always trying to help, kind to her little sister, and very smart, wants nothing to do, with vengeance, retaliation, and making them pay for the rest of their lives, and asks her mother to please, go for the least sentence the court could possibly get. The mother is still convinced that the girls, need to pay, and they should get the maximum penalties, the court can give. She goes to court with that attitude, and the girl, is kind of upset that her mother will not listen to her, and she tells her mother than, it was herself that took the beating . . . and the mother reminded her daughter of what they had done to their family, on top of what they did to her, and refuses to budge a bit . . . the way I feel!
At all sentencing, the court, gives the family members of the victim, if not the victim, herself, and opportunity to voice their opinion as to what the court should recommend or rule as the terms of the punishment of the attackers, who by this time, are not the proud, haughty, arrogance group of girls, they had been, before, and they were just a bunch of very scared girls, waiting for their lives to come crashing down on them and end! Heche is the first in the family to get up on the podium or the witness stand, and tell what she things ought to happen, and she sees these girls for what they are, just a group of messed up girls, from hard family lives, and she softens, after telling them what she thinks of their acts of violence against her daughter, and then she speaks of her sweet daughter, who is waiting with baited breath as to what her mother will say, and then she asks the judge for the least sentence that the judge can possibly give, and still see that justice is done . . . the prosecutor, had tried them as adults, rather than in the juvenile system, with many of them nearing the age of 18 or adulthood, amping the sentences up a great amount.
After Mom expresses her feelings at what the girls had done, she softens and she takes the more mature, and loving approach of, what she calls her, wise daughter, and compliments a smart, young girl, who realizes that forgiveness, and moving on with her life, will help her more than seeing the girls punished . . . she is proud of her mother, and relieved that she did as she requested, even thought she really wanted blood! It was a great movie, so powerful, so moving, so disturbing, and a visual message of how ugly violence is, how petty teenagers, are, especially girls, and how one would about them being obnoxious, led, almost to this girl's death, and possible loss of her eye . . . the thoughts of bullying, school terrors, how grateful I was glad that my kids were out of high school, relatively unscathed, to be brutally attacked with their mother, after those vulnerable years, who would have thought, that an attorney, would be brutalized by her family, for being smart, raising great kids, excelling in her field of study, even saving her own father's buddies from the SEC, and going on to do many things for the citizens of the state and country and for that be attacked! It is shocking to the senses . . . and even more shocking that the intelligence communities, can't tell the difference between the smart, nice girl, and the gang of mean girls? Must have dicks!
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