The Philosophies of Man
The natural man, is an enemy to God. Now, why is that the case? Because it is fucking true. If you take any of the scriptural thoughts from the title of this blog, man thinks the opposite of the way God thinks. By way of example, normally, a man wants to use 100% of his money for himself and his family, and it does not make sense, for him to give a tithe to his church, or make offerings, with a true tithe, representing about 10% of his earnings, profit, or surplus, depending on which religion you are looking at, or who is calling the shots, in the church, or the family, or your definition of tithes . . . in years gone by, you may have made an offering of a chicken, if you were a chicken farmer, or brought a tenth of the deer or elk, you just shot, and contributed it to the local food bank, or you make an offering, of your surplus change, and put it in the hand of someone needing another 50 cents, to catch the bus, or they will be late for work. Again, are you going to live by the letter of the law, or the spirit of the law. I believe the point that God is trying to make, and modern day thinkers on wealth or business growth is, there is a universal principle of truth, that when you give something away, there is a vacuum created, that allows for something new, and possibly better to fill the void. He also said that it is harder for a rich man to get through the gates of Heaven, that for a camel to get through the eye of a needle, or the gates of the city . . . pretty bad, when you look at it.
God also knew, that it is more blessed to give than to receive, and that the giver of alms, especially in secret, is blessed in his Kingdom or the Kingdom of Heaven, where moths and rust cannot corrupt. He who gives, and gives his alms before men, to be seen of men, has his reward. Is it not better to be blessed by God than man. There is a selfless act, in giving, that creates something more noble, grander, greater, makes better men and women of us, than we would have been without the giving. I believe that is the beauty of children, you are forced, if you are good parent to get over your selfish needs, and give or share with each new child that comes into the family, and there seems to be enough to go around; you may have to give up that new $5,000 computer, and settle for one that works as well, for what you need, but is less expensive, making you a wiser shopper, or give up that new sweater, or $150 pair of pants, that 6th coat in your closet. It has been proven that the average person, generally, only wears about 5 or 6 combinations of clothes in their closet, because they either fit the best, or they are always in style, regardless of trends, or they are just their favorite, and they tend to gravitate to them on a regular basis, yet people will literally have, from what I have seen, closets the size of bedrooms, some with electronic machines that you see in the dry cleaners, to bring their hundreds of clothes around, but they always look the same! Giving is a good thing, and helps the person giving as much as the person that receives . . . in fact, Christ said that they poor are here, to bring out the higher natures in us, for our benefit, to teach us to improve our own lives.
God's Ways Are Not Man's Ways
One thing that I really love about the law, is that it teaches you to think different than you did before, it shakes up the brain, and what was considered smart, or got you good grades in undergraduate school, will not have a carry over effect, and many valedictorians and Rhode Scholars, can't cut law school, and many who barely made it in to law school, actually end up doing great, may make top 10% of the law school, grade wise; therefore, there is a way an attorney thinks, or is trained to think that is different that the way most people think . . . that is true for many professions, I just happen to be trained in the law. There is a process, by which you learn to think like a lawyer, with some more adept to it than others, but you have to basically, destroy the way you think, and start over, with a different type of thinking. One time after, roughly 16 years of being a lawyer, my daughter, asked me to read a philosophy paper of hers, and I have read a lot of philosophy, and I had classes in college, but it had been a long time, but I had to go through this process, even to critique her paper, of decomposing my attorney brain, and thinking the total oppose, to think more like a philosopher, or the way you need to think to help a daughter, with her paper.
Well, I would say, that is kind of like reading the scriptures, you have to think different than you normally do, and break down the black and white thinking, that most of us learn as a child, for the scriptures, say, that when I was a child, I thought like a child, and now I put away childish things, or when I was a child I lived on milk, and now that I am an adult, I can handle meat, or higher levels of thinking. We have an election coming up, a childlike, or black and white thinker, will, as in most studies, just vote the way their parents did, either being raised a Democrat or a Republican, with little thought at all.
Or relying just on platitudes, that ring true with us, like more jobs, less government, or change . . . those make for a nice, excuse, to not flesh in the candidates true position, it is a lazy, but effective way of getting votes. People, at first glance, say, hey, I am for more jobs in this economy, and I really hate the government encroaching on my life, more and more all the time; therefore, I am going to vote for this person, that had the nice, but, evasive, vague, and lacking information about the candidate, masking, at times a life, a career, and a practice of doing exactly the opposite, like outsourcing jobs to China, or putting all our money oversees, or not paying a fair share of taxes, or taking government bail outs, and then crying fowl, when a single mother, the elderly, a vet, or a disabled person, gets a government check, or what is considered an entitlement, when the rich candidate, has taken enough money from the government, in corporate, farm, or whatever welfare, to cover thousands of checks, of a person in need . . . we need to study things out in our minds, then make a decision, a good decision . . . when the people elect, unrighteous leaders . . . by God's standards, not by man's, which is a different animal all together, the people will suffer . . . what is this candidate all about?
Ebola, The Nurse & The Judge--Common Sense & Rights Ruled the Day!
The judge also decried the "misconceptions, misinformation, bad science and bad information." circulating about the lethal disease in the U.S.
This quote is coming from an article in the Daily Inter Lake, called, Judge rejects Ebola quarantine for nurse, on Thursday, after Kaci Hickory, and nurse who had gone to Africa to help with the Ebola virus and treatment, with the great organization that is called, Doctors Without Borders, a group of docs, that are, doing what President Obama called, the work of God, and I would agree, with him, God or Christ, stating that there is no greater thing than for a man to lay down his life for a friend, and in other scriptures he even states, and here is one of those examples of different thinking, that a friend is the highest relationship, because love, comes and goes, partners, spouses, and it ebbs and wains, but a friendship is always there; therefore, it is a lucky man or woman who truly has a friend . . . so, going to Africa, with the risk of treating these infected people, and the possibility, of catching the deadly disease, yourself, is truly not only a selfless act, but shows a person of character, and a friend to the people of Africa, doing the work of God, I couldn't agree more.
So for this valiant act of courage and love, the state of Maine, and the governor, who is still pissed, wanted to quarantine for 21 days--state officials were willing to let her go out on her jog or bike ride, but wanted to bar her from crowded public places and require her to stay at least 3 feet from others. Ms. Hickox, balked at the idea, and the state decided the voluntary quarantine wouldn't work, so they went to court to force her, through voluntary means to stay away from people as if she was infected, or better, the fear mongers, without any evidence of a fever, or other symptoms, want people to stay in their homes, or a hospital while they are being observed.
Well, on Thursday, Hickox, not being at all sick, refused to say home and abide by this voluntary quarantine, and actually exercised her own will and rights, and went out and I think just went in her backyard, twice, as I recall, and good for her. The state, when ape shit, and the governor and AG, filed a law suit trying to force her back in her home, by order of the court. I loved the way Judge Charles C. LaVerdiere ruled, when he said, that Kaci, was Ok to go wherever she pleases, handing the state officials, a defeat Friday, in their bid to restrict her movements as a precaution against Ebola. Hickox said it was a good day, and her prayers had been answered, and Gov. Paul LePage said, he disagreed with the ruling, but will abide by it . . .
In his ruling, the judge thanked Hickox for her service in Africa and acknowledged the gravity of restricting some one's constitutional rights with out solid science to back it up, the quarantine, that is. And I love this part, The court is fully aware of the misconceptions, misinformation, bad science and band information being spread from shore to shore in our country with respect to Ebola, he wrote. The court is fully aware that people are acting out of fear and that this fear is not entirely rational. Chalk one up for reason, the Constitution, and science! Fucking awesome!
Montana's Election Official Dismisses GOP Complaint Over Mailers
There were two allegedly offensive mailers that came out to voters in Montana over the last week or so, one from two out of state colleges, and another group, called Montanans for Liberty & Justice, who were supporting a candidate for the Montana Supreme Court. Like any person, trained in the law, Election Commissioner, Jonathan Motl, ruled that one was in violation of election protocal, and the other one was okay. Due to the fact that Motl, had been a former trial attorney, and some of the money collected for this fund, came from trial lawyers, the opposition felt that Motl, could not be unbiased, because he had been a trial lawyer . . .
In response, Motl, said he has no conflict because he sold all of his financial interests in the law firm last year after becoming commissioner, and he was not consulted on any decisions about any contributions the firm planned to make. He went on to say, I realized that to do this job I had to server myself completely from my former law firm, and I did that, Motl said, I did that because it was required in order to put someone in here who efficiently and quickly makes decisions. It is always best, as a judge, or a commissioner, or any type of judicial officer, civil, criminal, and administrative, to disconnect, entirely, from your former ties, life, associations, to avoid the very appearance of evil!
Judge Should Have Conflicted Out of Case, Instead of Benefiting Friends & Former Clients
I had a judge in Utah, who presided over a case, dealing with Wells Fargo Bank, and come to find out, when he held secret hearings, without proper notice, was caught up in judges chambers, with the attorney, for one of the defendants in another law suit, and chumming with the judge, that Wells Fargo had actually been, his client, when he was working with a large law firm in Salt Lake City, Utah, and he was definitely doing everything in his power to benefit, either his former client, or his former law firm, who was still representing his client. He even came in a took a house, after a win, in the federal court on the same piece of property, involving the same players, giving them a second shot at winning, having lost, as the rules of procedure state, through default for failing to answer or respond to the complaint . . . you fucking loose if you fail to appear in court! Period, you don't get to file another lawsuit for the same thing, in the state court now, and then cheat, to win, using the judge, having been caught, in a sting operation I did to catch the judge, the clerks and the attorney, and when I did, they took the house! REALLY? And this guy still on the bench and is still an attorney? Good ole' boys network, at work!
Beatitude: Be Ye Therefore, Perfect, Greek, Latin, Hebrew Translation, Interpreted to Mean . . . Be Ye, Therefore, Mature!
Just like in the law, which really boils down to facts, application of the law, hair splitting, and definitions, the literal or interpretive meanings can make a whole, hell of a lot of difference. I think to most of us, being perfect, is completely overbearing, an unrealistic requirement, and totally out of most of our reaches . . . and this is what leads, many of the self-righteous, the GOP Tea Party, prosecutors, and judges, and others in our society to become judgmental, favoring the alleged, more perfect, in a case of good, better, best, or the good, the bad and the ugly, by man's standards, that may be in total conflict with God's judgment or in his eyes, that are covered with, or Rip With Love, I stole that mantra from McDs, who, to my delight, is making all their slogans, love related, helping remind people or inspire them to love, that it is forever, and a great thing of goodness. God, said, Judge not that ye be not judge! End of story!
The self-righteous, who feel on a scale of 1 to 100, that they are more perfect, than their neighbor, or the other party, or the defendant, or opposing counsel, or the other candidate, feel, it not only their right, but their duty, to bring down judgment on their fellow men, women and children, and doing so with all the fervor, righteousness, and judgment, that they feel this person, who is in their eyes, less perfect, less blessed, more cursed, with poverty, sickness, trials, challenges, and if they were as righteous, as the self-righteous, they would be more blessed, richer, healthier, have less challenges, and therefore, the more perfect have every damned right to judge! They hate entitlements, but they feel entitled to judge the world!
But, as for the definition, through whatever translation or interpretation, giving insight, to the actual meaning and intent of the proponent of the word, or the thought, or the Beatitudes, Christ, with a definition, that seems to be at least somewhat of an achievable goal, or at least worth striving for, and along with repentance, and the sacrifice of the one and only perfect man, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, making up the difference of our attempts at maturity or perfection, and combined with the demands of justice, and a perfect sacrifice, of the Lamb of God, laying on the alter of justice, so we could have mercy, and setting an example of what maturity means, like to the adulterous woman, simply, go and sin no more, we can possibly reach, maturity, relying on the teachings in the scriptures, or I believe, firmly, that the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution, while a secular document, with deists, and even atheists, among the original signers of the inspired document, to me, religious principles, are very much evidence, incorporated, and inculcated, within the meaning and intent of the founders, or a secular attempt to find the value in all men as children of God, through, the fact and belief, that all men are created equal, and there is justice for all . . . and so on!
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