Awaiting a Verdict in Ferguson, Missouri
I caught the CSKT Shuttle, or the Confederated Salish-Kootenai Transit, from Kalispell to Missoula, to start my Thanksgiving travel fun. The bus driver, brought up the fact, that the grand jury findings were or should be out, and he asked the passengers if we had heard anything, or if the officer, who shot, 18 year old, Michael Brown, had been found criminally liable or finding the facts, so that the prosecutor could charge him in the homicide, murder, manslaughter of the young man, who was holding his hands up, in a gesture of surrender, as he was shot, from 9 to 12 times, last I heard, with the white officer, Darren Wilson, unloading his gun into the kids, even as he fell to the ground, and the cops, leaving his dead body in the streets for hours, after he was gunned down. Generally, speaking, while not always applicable, but should be, when there is a dead body, someone is charged with something, and I don't think that law enforcement should be any different.
Let a jury of his or her peers, decide after the evidence, case, facts, witnesses and sides have presented their case, or their theory, story, allegations, and charges. Studies have found, and I remember seeing films or documentaries on jury deliberations, and it was presented, or the researches said, that, regardless of the reasoning, jurors, take their job very seriously, and they, over all do a pretty good job of meting out justice, and having reasons to back up their positions . . . some juries are hung, or can't reach a unanimous verdict, which is necessary, for a criminal trial, regardless of how long the jury is in deliberations. Grand juries function a bit different, with a panel, sitting for a certain amount of time, being called, at least in Utah, if I remember, to travel the state, and act when called upon, hearing preliminary evidence presented, to see if charges, should be filed.
I told the bus driver, who informed me, that the press and others were just waiting for their verdict or recommendations. I told him, I thought, they, for good reason, should wait, until morning, to minimize the conflict, on either side . . . the unified or police association, unfairly, I think, came out in the press stating that they were confident that Wilson would be acquitted or not found worthy of being charged. Michael Brown's father, President Obama, both recognizing citizens' rights to protest, encouraged peaceful demonstrations, eliminating the need for violent, looting, and fighting, and I am sure, that included the cops too! This is a highly charged and amped up situation, and justice needs to reign, no blacks against white police officers, in tanks, pointing machine guns at the grieving citizens. Cops are not paid by tax payers' money, to protect each other, they are paid to serve and protect the citizens in their communities, and want justice, whether it is one of their own on trial, or a defendant!
I heard in another city, either today, or yesterday, according to the shuttle driver, that another 12 black kid got shot, allegedly brandishing a fake gun, around a playground, with dispatch, failing to tell the officers it was a fake gun, and when they told him to put his hands in the air, he reached into or down around his pant pockets, and they shot him. We have, in America, had several police officers, law enforcement members, being gunned down, at a higher than normal rate . . . I think, in my humble opinion, that this is due to the large number of people being gunned down, or in my friend's case, tased, and killed. For every action, the laws of physics, say there is an equal reaction . . . ln Kalispell, back in the 1990's, I heard that the cops went on strike, and the militia was called in to cover their positions, while they were on strike, and there was not one crime committed! I would venture a guess, that, knowing the constitutionally minded members, that they most likely respected the citizens, and gave them their rights, according to those protections, and standards, found in the Bill of Rights, something the Patriot Act, has tried to eliminate! Not a wise move.
Patriot Act Policy Appears to Be: Shoot First, Ask Questions Later, Leave No Witnesses, and You Get Two Weeks Administrative Leave, While Internal Affairs Investigates!
As a former, assistant attorney general, with the Utah Prosecution Council, Criminal Enforcement Division, of the Utah Attorney Generals Office, turned civil rights, defense and constitutional law attorney, that this, apparent position, while I am sure, not in written policy, but as evidenced by actions, with regard to minor interactions, as in the Michael Brown case, leaving a young black, or in my case, white man, also, dead, after being confronted, on so little wrong, allegedly being committed or done, that death is so unjust, and should never have been considered, even if the person, becomes combatant, as was allegedly the case with my friend who ended up dead, September 1, 2014, that truth makes reason stare? Such violent reaction by cops, that it appears they are being trained to see their jobs, as cops vs. the public, they are sworn to protect! And when an officer is involved, as in the Ferguson case, all the cops, circle around him, as if to use their credibility, with the public, to say, that officers, either are above the law, or beyond mistake, not power hungry, and gun happy.
The shuttle driver told me of an officer, over in Billings, if I remember, from the newspaper article, he reminded me of, where a woman was just recently shot, by a cop, for, again, something so minor, that the wounding, I think, she survived, was so minor, that the reaction of this cop, who had gunned someone down, before, and killed them, as I recall, just shot her, rather than getting to the bottom or her issues, sending her to the hospital, rather than to jail, or whatever was merited and warranted for her small crime. A hair trigger, and pistol temper, is not the right mentality for a cop! They are not given a license to kill, when they put on a badge, that is not our system, nor should it be tolerated in law enforcement, and I am sure, they will try to harass me or kill me for merely stating my opinion! But it needs to be said, and by more than an attorney who could sue them; police chiefs, sheriffs, marshals, and federal cops, need to do what they take an oath to do, preserve, defend and protect the Constitution, affording people all the rights they know they get, and then serve and protect, them from the bad guys, or themselves at times, not protect other cops, who may or may not have been a pissed off, trigger happy, bully!
Grand Jury--DEAD BODY--Just Nothing For them To Indict On?
Michael Brown, and all black youth murdered by cops, have become the new rape case twists of olden days . . . the victim, in the minds of the grand jury, now the prosecutor, due to the lack of prosecutor action, and abdicating his job to the grand jury, who are to hold evidence to be truly secret, have made the victim the aggressor, siting self defense of Officer Wilson, being attacked by an unarmed teen, allegedly going after a man, whom he knows has a gun, who just copped an attitude ordering him off the streets, running him down with his police car, slamming the breaks on, and opening the door hitting Michael! In a normal reaction of anger at the treatment, Brown may have reached in the cops car, after Wilson, the aggressor, hitting him with the door, as I recall, watching the news all day, in August, when witnesses were fresh, and minds clearer, and the streets more calm, except for aggressive cops, protesters with a right to protest, peaceful for the most part, in hopes of getting justice for their fallen comrade, and the standard, the grand jury should have held was the reasonable cop reaction, and the reasonable person reaction to his act of authority.
They said their lack of indictment, rested on the fact that there was no probable cause that a crime had been committed . . . was it self defense in their minds? We have a kid hit 6 times, from what I heard. Are they arguing that he had a right, as we all do to use deadly force, to defend himself? He had a gun, Michael, was no match for a gun, and in traditional self defense, you are only able to use, and equal amount of force, in exchange for what the primary aggressor does! Officer Wilson, was the primary aggressor, not Brown! But it was Brown's actions, unarmed, that was the lynch pin of their decision, suggesting, that the grand jury, did, in fact, hold an armed Wilson, to be the victim! And Brown, without defense, equal to that of Wilson!
I would suggest, that the grand jury, violated their oath, and their verdicts, should be dismissed, and the case go to trial, they not only exceeded their powers, but reversed who was being considered for criminal acts! Michael was on trial, not Officer Wilson, favor to a cop! That is not allowed . . . nor disfavor on the other side, injustice was the outcome, for failure to abide by this charge and pledge!
2005 Missouri Revised Statutes - § 540.080. — Oath of grand jurors.
540.080. Grand jurors may be sworn in the following form:
Do you solemnly swear you will diligently inquire and true presentment make, according to your charge, of all offenses against the laws of the state committed or triable in this county of which you have or can obtain legal evidence; the counsel of your state, your fellows and your own, you shall truly keep secret? You further swear that you will present no one for any hatred, malice or ill will; neither will you leave unpresented any one for love, fear, favor or affection, or for any reward or the hope or promise thereof, but that you will present things truly as they come to your knowledge, to the best of your understanding, according to the laws of this state, so help you God.
(RSMo 1939 � 3905, A.L. 1989 S.B. 127, et al.)Prior revisions: 1929 � 3516; 1919 � 3861; 1909 � 5069
Great Cops, Know that the Law, is the Law, is the Law, Regardless Who Commits the Crime! Fellow Cops Included!
I am at the Butte Bus Terminal, and the owner, just told me that Officer Wilson, was not indicted on charges and there is looting, violence, and protesting going on in the streets of Ferguson, and for damn good reason, we are seeing the Anatomy of Injustice! The cops, from day one, withheld the name of the officer, released a tape of the alleged taking of cigars and roughing up the store clerk, with, back in August, Officer Wilson, didn't know a damned thing about the alleged shoplifting . . . and ask yourself, if you, or your son or daughter, is worthy of being literally gunned down, for taking the equivalent of a few candy bars? There could have been a dead clerk, and it is the cops' duty, to go after the suspect, question them, arrest them, and take them to jail, inform them of the charges, hold an arraignment, with the suspect, being the one to decide whether they proceed to trial, or plead guilty, working with a defense attorney, public defender, appointed by the court, if they can't pay, and then given their day in court . . . not gunned down in the streets! And they the cops, taking four months to doctor the case, the evidence, the orchestrated and timed release of information, like the alleged trip to the hospital, which could have been a video, created, in defense of the officer, with a cop, punching him out, and claiming that it is part of the events of the day, Michael Brown was murdered! Cops are not above reproach, and above the law, and other cops, are not required to protect their buddies in the department!
I just love, seeing what the YouTube gods, recommend that I watch in connection with my blogs; however, I don't think that I wrote about cops, so I wonder why, No Man's Land and Eye of the Killer, were recommended to me, other than to warn me, that I needed to be careful, as always, but the two cops, were good cops, and made the right decisions in both of these movies. But, a young rookie cop, who also has a hobby for fixing up old Porches, is contacted by a federal agent, FBI, because there is a chop shop involving stealing Porches, and a the partner of the FBI agent, was gunned down, during an investigation. The rookie, was your all American, good kid, the cool type of cop, you want, and the FBI agent, knowing he had been on the job, a mere three weeks, and not too cop like yet, and also familiar with the terminology and mechanics of the vehicles, could be a great asset, to get inside the operators of several chop shops, and uncover the dealings, the players, and the methods of the thefts and style of crime.
Sheen, a very young Sheen, is a rich kid, who loves Porches, and is involved at the very top, if not the owner, of one of the chop shops, but he has an in town rival, competing for the theft of Porches and the mix and match of parts, restorations, and cover-ups. The cop, gets a job in Sheens operation, and becomes a trusted friend, and also the lover, of Sheens, college going sister. So things get messy, sexy, and involved, complicating the investigation. The rookie, is having a great time, driving his own Porche, while Sheen brings him into the business, introduces him to friends and associates involved in the crimes, giving him gifts, clothes, perks, fun, excitement, etc. It is really, two young hot guys, having a great time, for a while! Sweeny, starts to get in over his head, his girlfriend is suspecting something is up, protective of her brother, not knowing what he is involved in . . . a dirty agent or cop, inside, tells Sheen that the rookie is an undercover cop, and the feds are all over this, he wants out.
Sheen follows the young cop, and tracks him to the FBI agent's house, and substantiates that he is, in deed, a cop, so he decided to set the rookie up, in the pay off, of the older agent, and he also wants him to kill the guy, while taking the pay off to the older cop. The set up, either back fires, with the dirty cop, taking down, or going to shoot, the rookie, as Sheen, drives his Porche into the older guy, knocking him away from his friend, and killing him in the process. The rookie is freaking out, tells other cops, that their buddy is dirty, and he is the one, who killed the other agent, and several other people. Then the cops, tell him that the FBI agent is now dead, his contact, and Sheen is the one who did it! The sister, is at the cops house, Christmas morning, and while he is gone, to get stuff to fix for breakfast, the cops uncle, comes to the undercover apartment, that his family didn't have the address to, and the uncle didn't know that it was a secret, and he drops off Christmas presents, tipping the girlfriend off that, her boyfriend, brother's friend is a cop.
This is all mixed up, but you get the picture. Christmas night, Sheen and the rookie had planned on going to the mall, and hijacking a Porche to take to the chop shop, but by this time, they are both suspicious of each other, not trusting the other, and both have guns. Sheen, wants them both to put their differences aside and just pretend nothing has happened. The rookie, rightly so, regardless of perks and girlfriend, tells Sheen, he has to arrest him and take him in on the murder of the FBI agent. Sheen thinks he knows the cop, and doesn't believe him, nor that he will shoot him, if he walks away. Sheen starts to walk, the rookie has his gun on Sheen, but, doesn't shoot him in the back, but waits . . . Sheen, decides or had all the way along to take the cop out. He turns the gun on his friend/cop, and pulls the trigger first, and the shots fly, both get shot, but Sheen gets fatally shot, dead, with a shocked look on his face . . . just the way it should be. The cop knew he had a cop killer on his hands, and he didn't just gun him down, he attempted to bring him in, through arresting him, and even as he walked away, he waited, until Sheen took the first shot, then gunned him down, taking several hits himself! Oh, yeah, honorable, all the way! Just doing his job, and doing it well!
This is a really cool serial killer show, with psychics, psychic-phenomena, ghosts of the dead people, Surtherland becomes a kind of medium, between the dead, the murdered and the killer. Slowly the thriller unwinds, first with several street people, a thug, and a prostitute, that Sutherland knows, through police work, are killed by the serial killer the cops were chasing, years earlier, but never caught, resurfacing 10 years later. The killer is called the Jabberwalkie, and Keiffer finds out that, as the mystery unfolds, and it goes from the eyes of the killer, to the eyes of the dead, looking through their eyes, he finds out that the alleged Jabberwalkie, is actually, his boss, who is fucking his ex-wife! But the murder mystery and believed serial killer, is the composite of several other people, or others who were involved in the first murder, that started the fame of the serial killer, taking credit for many murders along the way, unrelated, and using different methods of killing. Surprise, surprise . . . NSA turned off my spell check, so bear with me!
But the owners of a newspaper, were also involved, created the name and covered the original murder, of a girl, who the cop thought he killed, but she came to, as the newspaper owners, brother and sister, are dragging her body to be buried, and the sister, takes a rock and smashed the head of the woman, killing her this time, and then the cop, takes the brother who is now involved, but not a murderer like the other two, and he kills him and throws him over the bridge, making people think that the brother might have been the serial killer. The newspaper heiress, brought back the serial killer, to sell newspapers! Sutherland, learns of the identity of the murderers through psychic means, with mediums and psychics, used a lot more than people think, to solve crimes. There are actually people, who see dead people, 6th Sense, Bruce Willis, who actually have degrees in parapsychology, and have a gift for seeing the realms of the dead, gaining insight into the faces, motives, and killers, of the victims, through touching their clothing, items they have owned, and personal property, at the scene of the crimes . . . great movie!
But the thing I like best about Sutherland's part, as a cop, was his total, and unabashed, vigilance, he uses, in going after his boss, when he finds out that he is involved in the killings, if not the Jabberwalkie, himself, without hesitation, without fear of not being believed, without explaining how he discovered the killer, and the way he confronted, the guy, setting him up, in a way, leaving him to deal with the ghost of the girl he killed! He was all about doing his job, even after he was taken off the case, by the boss that was involved. Even after he finds and confronts the cop, he goes after the newspaper owner . . . no questions asked, no fear of the consequences, the thoughts of the mayor, other members of the police force, or any apology! Hell, yeah!
Kudos to the Thousands of Great Cops!
I hate to always be the one to criticize the cops, but few people dare, and few have the background to do any good, and I have been taunted, chased, intimidated, threatened, and had several attempted life threatening, if not hits, or attempts on my life. That is not the way to handle criticism, nor the way to improve your cop shop . . . take my words for what they are worth, and hopefully something, seeing I have the background to know a thing or two, don't punish me, don't gang up on me, don't drive me from the community, or communities I visit or decide to live in . . . I, as you can, can be your best friend, or your worst enemy! I have offered to teach, train, and instruct cops, that are willing to learn, listen, and hear from someone who has sued cops, for a shit load of money; however, through the battering systems, I was victimized, doing no good to you or myself . . . my clients set the fees, the amounts of the lawsuits, many being that big, due to putting them all over the Internet, accusing them, and making it appear that they are convicts, or guilty, long before trials, and what not, with cops and prosecutors, telling the press what they will and will not print, or whom they will report, and what side, of course, only the cops and prosecutors, if they win, and not me, if I win, which they made sure of, through witness and jury tampering, doctoring surveillance tapes, with judges, and bailiffs, covering visits to the jury room while they were in deliberation, with the county attorney, peeking in while trials he was ordered to stay away from, and making sure that the jury members where marked and knew, the threat was there against them if things didn't go the cops or prosecutors way . . . and when all was said and done, the judge, mopped up the details, making sure the jury didn't give the win to my clients . . . dirt, dirt, dirt.
The ACLU did a study, finding that state crime labs around the nation, were found to have destroyed or lost exculpatory evidence or evidence that would have helped a defendant's case, and covered evidence that could hurt the prosecutions case . . . the same year, we took a tape, catching three members of the Iron/Washington/Garfield County Drug Task Force, planting 51 pieces of felony evidence, in my clients house, with the FBI covering their asses, all the way up to the state crime lab, when they limited the audio evidence room, to the prosecutor, and not me, the attorney, but my private investigator, who had been a 20 year veteran of the LA police force, and whom I over heard, during one of my trials, he botched, and then failed to tell me, until the jury was seated, that the prosecutors had 30 photos, of the alleged cop and prosecutor's side of the crime scene, that lacked all self-authenticated documents, with the judge allowing them . . . but I over heard the cops, PI, state, as he talked up a storm with the cops, assuring them, they had nothing to worry about, as he failed to get me the evidence, pictures, etc., that I asked for, and he said, while slapping the cops in attendance, during the 1:00 a.m., jury deliberations, that once a cop, always a cop!
I Know Your Achilles Heels, Thus I Am Dangerous, Don't Need to Be
I wrote some of your manuals, cops and prosecutors, evidence gathering, and also policy and procedures, on various crimes and investigations. I know both sides, the prosecution and the defense, as well as the civil and constitutional rights of a defendant, and what rights you have to give them, not only on the arrest, but when they are held in jail, being dictated by statutes on the rights of a defendant, even while in jail! I know how long the cops, courts, and prosecutors have to arraign my clients, or the defendant, when they can serve warrants and when it is not permitted, how long before the courts have to let them go, if there is no trial, which is seldom followed, leaving defendants or inmates jailed for years without even a hearing, so the damned jails can remain full to capacity, to bring more budget money to the correctional facilities, etc. Knowledge is POWER . . . GET SOME!
I have met with police chiefs, and I know that a rookie, is generally a liability for about three years, of trial and error, before they can be considered an asset, I sympathize with the job, it is tough, just like the law is, you have to be trained, learn on your own, practice and try to do the job right, not just bully your way to being respected, and now days with the militarization, feared . . . I don't know if the power trip of this nature is worth it, since many cops have been gunned down lately, bringing about a sick, poetic justice, with all the cops killings, as of late. Cops can do it right, or they will be forced to do it right, by society, who will not stand for it any more. Frustrated citizens, are acting out, shooting cops, feeling helpless, or just wanting to make a statement, which leads to anarchy! We are a nation of laws, on both sides of the law, for the citizens and public, and also for the cops, through the Constitution, policies and procedures, state and federal laws!
Ticket to Governmental Immunity, Is Follow Well Established LAW!
I was not privy to the grand jury evidence, I think a trial would have been merited, and best, but, now that the jury is in, we know, that at least, Michael Brown's civil rights were violated, a wrongful death, or civil suit, might be more appropriate, and all cops across the nation, can learn from these law suits, sad as they are, but there are too many people being gunned down for asinine reasons, with little reason, and without justice . . .
We Can Do Better Than This America!
People can feel when justice is met. What would it have hurt, to have a trial, to get the facts all out, to tell the story, to bring the evidence, to hear the witnesses . . . I have found, that when someone gets their day in court, which should have been Officer Wilson's chance to tell his side of the story, Michael, was not on trial, nor anything other than a victim of police abuse of power! There was not need and no call to kill the BOY!
I do not agree with the violence, the looting, the burning . . . a cop is talking as I am writing, and he commented, that this violence tonight is far worse than it was in August, and just why do you think, there was a hope for justice to be met, and now that is gone. The cop is saying he is disappointed in the violence, and no officers lost lives, nor people, that violence is in reaction to the lack of justice, just bringing things out in the open, to let the people know what happened. I suspect, that this was an orchestrated outcome, siding with the cop, who gunned down an unarmed black kid, who will get no justice! A secret hearing behind closed doors, with the chicken shit prosecutor, who said he would do his job, and then abdicated this to the jury, behind closed doors, is inexcusable, to say the least, knowing full well, that is was abnormal to have the defendant come cry to the grand jury, without anyone, leave no witnesses . . . and now we are acting like the cops are these great guys, that are doing the best with a bad situation, all handling it so well, well, their boy, got his ass covered!
Do, I feel that justice was served, hell no . . . there should have been a trial, by a jury of his peers, finders of fact, and in some states law, with a fair and unbiased judge, overseeing the case, controlling the courtroom, and not the undue influence of cop associations weighing in, before the release of the indictment. I feel that the cops are standing down to justify, the militarization of the cops! It is always easy to stay calm when you are rooting for a cop, who shot an unarmed teenager, that he chased down and opened the car door, and hit Michael, the evidence, the stories, and the evidence had been changed . . . I watched the news 24/7, and the story has morphed, the officer didn't know about the cigars!
I do not agree with the violence, the looting, the burning . . . a cop is talking as I am writing, and he commented, that this violence tonight is far worse than it was in August, and just why do you think, there was a hope for justice to be met, and now that is gone. The cop is saying he is disappointed in the violence, and no officers lost lives, nor people, that violence is in reaction to the lack of justice, just bringing things out in the open, to let the people know what happened. I suspect, that this was an orchestrated outcome, siding with the cop, who gunned down an unarmed black kid, who will get no justice! A secret hearing behind closed doors, with the chicken shit prosecutor, who said he would do his job, and then abdicated this to the jury, behind closed doors, is inexcusable, to say the least, knowing full well, that is was abnormal to have the defendant come cry to the grand jury, without anyone, leave no witnesses . . . and now we are acting like the cops are these great guys, that are doing the best with a bad situation, all handling it so well, well, their boy, got his ass covered!
Do, I feel that justice was served, hell no . . . there should have been a trial, by a jury of his peers, finders of fact, and in some states law, with a fair and unbiased judge, overseeing the case, controlling the courtroom, and not the undue influence of cop associations weighing in, before the release of the indictment. I feel that the cops are standing down to justify, the militarization of the cops! It is always easy to stay calm when you are rooting for a cop, who shot an unarmed teenager, that he chased down and opened the car door, and hit Michael, the evidence, the stories, and the evidence had been changed . . . I watched the news 24/7, and the story has morphed, the officer didn't know about the cigars!
Had Justice Been Served, There Would Be No Riots, You Dumb Asses! . . . Poor Officer, Has A Gash, Got More Sympathy from the Cops, Than Michael Got . . . Well, and What Did Michael Brown Get, Fucking Nothing, Other Than Gunned Down!
When White Cops, Weep For Michael, And at Least Charge Officer Wilson . . . That Doesn't Mean He Will Be Found Guilty, but the Public Will Get To Know the Truth . . . Had that Happened, We Will Know, We Have Arrived!
Now, We are Worried About the Disappointed Police Officers That are Sad, That The Community Didn't Come Together . . . HOW COULD THEY? This is not about the Cops, It Should have Been About MICHAEL!
- prosecutor expected anger, do you think? You chicken shitted out, gave the grand jury more power than they have . . . so where is the right to appeal, to a new trial, to a rule 60(b) motion, or anything that defense attorneys can do, to get justice, or complain about the decision
- after 70 hours of testimony, the decision of the grand jury, boiled down to that one second, that there was a confrontation between Officer Wilson and Michael . . . I can guarantee, that any normal person, with a normal reaction, from being ordered by a cop, to get out of the street, and when I didn't do it, not on a busy road, but on a street in a neighborhood, that Michael had crossed the street tons of times, to see his grandmother, so an officer, pursuing him, slamming on the breaks in the car, and hitting Michael, with the car door . . . a normal, reaction to being treated like this, for such a small issue, would have turned on the cop, who then claimed that Michael, reached into the car, like you and I might, with Wilson shooting at that point, with Michael running, turning when he heard shots, and being gunned down in, cold blooded murder!
- this is like I said, in the ANATOMY OF INJUSTICE, the grand jury, held Michael responsible for the shooting, not a power, hungry pissed off cop, who abused his power, treated Michael and his friend like shit, and acted shocked, that he would actually dare defend himself! Black teens are where rape victims were years ago . . . she asked for it, she wore suggestive clothes, she went to his room, all girls really want it, she looked older than her age!
- the grand jury, who exceeded their powers, and were given more responsibility than they have by law, with the officer being allowed to testify, coming off like a poor boy scout, rather than a man suffering from small man and small dick syndrome! He is not guilty on all 5 counts! Are you shitting me!
- President Obama . . . yes, there are ways of channeling anger, and that time has passed, that was in the hands of the grand jury, and that was stolen from the community, injustice through violence and deception was the order from the start . . . it was entrapment! The cops used violence, then they through deception of the cops, covering up Wilson, even his name, til they got their story, released the tape, and held the alleged video, showing Wilson, in a t-shirt, not his uniform, like you would have done, had you been rushed to the hospital . . . I bet he hit his own nose, on the window or the car door! We need to check to see if a fellow officer didn't clock his nose, to make it look like Michael, rather than an officer, 4 fucking months after the event!
- a parent, who is driving, and gets into an accident, that may be their fault, but have a child injured, can be charged with negligent or vehicular manslaughter! A baby who drowns in the bath, while mom is on the phone, is or should have been charged with manslaughter, or negligent homicide . . .
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